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19th hired NCDOC civilian retires


Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command


SUFFOLK, Va A Sailor A contractor And finally, a civilian. That’s Tammy Fletcher, who has dedicated 26 years of service to Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC). During a sit-down interviewwithNCDOC’sPublicAffairsOfficer, AlexisSmith, Fletchersaid,“Ioweit all to teamwork! This has been an awesome commandtoworkfor alwaysgrowingand forward leaning with a bunch of amazing teammates.”

Fletcher stands as the only NCDOC employee to be recognized as both Sailor of the Year (2001) and Civilian of the Year (2012).

Born in Orange County, Calif., Fletcher enlisted in the Navy as a Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (CTM) and reported forbootcampatRecruitTrainingCenterin Orlando,Fla.,inMay1986

In1997,CTMFirstClassFletcherreported toNavyComputerIncidentResponseTeam (NAVCIRT), which was part of the Fleet Information Warfare Command (FIWC), as a Defensive Information Warfare Technician.Sheestablishedherselfasthesubject matterexpertinintrusiondetection,vulnerabilityanalysis andcomputernetworkincidentresponse,andprovidedcriticaltraining andsupportforFleetRedTeamexercises Fletcher shared a few vivid memorable work-related stories “In 2000 I took the very first NAVCIRT Sea Duty orders and deployed with Commander Cruiser Destroyer Group Twelve on USS Enterprise I deployed with the FIWC Information Warfare (IW) Team and, along with my Computer Network Defense (CND) deployerduties,IalsostoodtheIWwatch, Fletcher said, “I was on watch during 9/11 and again when the U.S. launched missiles intoAfghanistan.”

During her time at sea, she earned both surfacewarfareandairwarfarequalification pins “We also stood up the CND Deployer department, which has now grown and matured to Defensive Cyberspace Operations (DCO) Afloat I also stood the watch as CND Watch Officer for many years now known as BWC, or Battle Watch Captain. Our watch team photo is hanging up in several places in the command,” Fletcher said. “I was also one of the key participants who established the CTN rating in 2004,” sheadded

Since 2004, Ms. Fletcher led the command for six Cybersecurity Service Provider (CSSP) certification and accreditation inspections In that time NAVCIRT has earned the highest accreditation in the DoDmultipletimes TheFIRSTeverthreetimeLevel3exemplaryCSSP!

OnJan.10,2006,NAVCIRTwascommissioned as a command and renamed as NCDOC and Ms. Fletcher was recognized asaPlankOwner

WhenMs.FletcherretiredfromtheNavy asaCTMC(AW/SW)in2006,shereturned to NCDOC as a contractor for CACI and helped stand up the N5 Plans Policy and Programsdepartment.

It wasn’t until 2011 when she made the move from contractor to General Schedule orGScivilianemployee

Her personal decorations during her active-duty service in the Navy include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal(twoawards) JointServiceAchievement Medal (five awards), Good Conduct Medal (five awards), the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (two awards) as well asvariousunitserviceawards

On June 2, 2023, during the monthly All Hands ceremony at NCDOC, Capt Christina Hicks, NCDOC’s commanding officer, presented Fletcher with the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, where she was also recognized with a standing ovation from Sailors, contractors and civilians in attendance

The following is advice Ms. Fletcher would share with someone who is just beginning their military career “Lean in.

Lean forward Get engaged. Stay Curious

Ask questions I asked lots and lots of questions! Remember that you don’t have toknoweverything,butyoudoneedtohave agreatworkingrelationshipwiththosewho do,”Fletchersaid.“Askquestions.Peopleare interesting You’ll never know someone’s storyifyoudon’ttakethetimetogettoknow them Askquestions Andlastly,ifyoudon’t askforsomethingthatyouneedorwant,the answerwillalwaysbeno.”

IaskedFletcherwhatshefeltaboutretirement.Shereplied,“Retirementisbothhappy and bittersweet. I love working at NCDOC and the people who make this place tick so well. I will miss both the command and the comradery.”

Ms.Fletcheralreadyhasabusyagendaof events she’s looking forward to after retirement.Shewillspendmoretimewithfamily and friends, travel a bit, knocking things off herbucketlist.Sheplansonhiking,goingto the beach, bike riding just a bunch of fun stuff!Oh,andhomeimprovementprojects.

NCDOChasgrowntomorethan900military, government civilian, and contractor personnel Ms. Fletcher, the 19th employee hiredatNCDOC,retiredonJune30

NCDOC’s mission is to coordinate, monitor, and oversee the defense of Navy computer networks and systems. Provide Cyber Security Service Provider (CSSP) servicesandexecuteDefensiveCyberspace Operations (DCO) in order to enable global powerprojection.

For more information on NCDOC, visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavyCyberWarriorsor thepublicwebpageathttps://www.navifor usff.navy.mil/ncdoc/ distribution@pilotonline.com

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