


Savory protein swaps for Lent–Convenient yet delicious meatless meals Chamomile-InfusedJasmine Ricewith Salmon and CrunchyThai Peanut and QuinoaSalad. Page4



Savory protein swaps for Lent–Convenient yet delicious meatless meals Chamomile-InfusedJasmine Ricewith Salmon and CrunchyThai Peanut and QuinoaSalad. Page4
NORFOLK,Va. —The Elizabeth River Trailprovides10.5milesofexploration,fun, andrecreationwithsomethingforeveryone. Each year,the ElizabethRiver Trailhosts over100eventsthatarefreeandopentothe public includinghistorical tours,botanical tours,Trail Beautification Days,group paddles,communityevents,and more. The Foundation is excited to announce the expansion of its NatureFor All program which encompasses TrailBeautification DaysandBotanicalTours
The Naturefor All program has been an ongoing partnershipwith theNorfolk Master Gardeners wholeadthe events and provide education and support for volunteersandparticipants.Newthisyear,thanks tograntfunding,theERTispartneringwith Eco Gardens 757 to offer volunteer training opportunities to the ERTGreen Team as well as additional Trail Beautification Days wheretheywillprovide technicalexpertise onnativeplantsandsustainablelandscaping.
Meeting on the fourth Fridayofeach month,MarchthroughNovember,Norfolk Master Gardeners will lead TrailBeautificationDays at rotatinglocations along thetrail.Thisisinadditiontothe walking and biking Botanical Tours on the fourth Saturday of eachmonth, April-October Theworkdayswillfocusonremovinginvasiveplants and non-nativeplants,aswell as new plant installations.These workdays areopen to anyone who wishes to support thetrail through beautification.Noexperienceisneededandisanopportunitytolearn aboutnativeplantsandplantcarefromlocal experts More Naturefor All tours arebeing planned for late summer and early fall with new partnerships to be announced. These tours willexpandprogram topicsto include habitat,wildlife,carbon removal, andwetlandseducation
“Enhancing the green spaces along the trail is not justabout the environment. It’s about quality of life,the trail user experience,and creating inviting spaces that can
be asanctuaryfromour busylives.Asa smallstaff,volunteersupport,withthehelp of partners andexperts, provides muchneededsupport,connectspeopletothetrail, andhelpscreateasenseofownership.”
said Morgan Willett, assistant director of the Elizabeth River TrailFoundation. “Botanical and historical tours arean opportunitytoconnecttowhereweliveand developadeeperappreciationfortheworld aroundus.”
Nowinitsfourthyear,theAfricanAmericanHistoryTourcontinuestodrawlarge crowdsforthisengagingandhistoricaltour HoldingthetourinMarchandJune,Norfolk Tour Company’s owner and ChiefTour Guide,JoshWeinstein,sharesstoriesofthe Elizabeth River as ameans of self-emancipation.Aversionofthetourwillberevisited in June in honor of Juneteenth. In addition to thetwo AfricanAmerican History tours, four morehistoricaland educational tours arescheduledwithNorfolkTourCompany.
The trail season will kickoff with a free tour of Fort Norfolk Don’tmiss this
uniqueopportunity to getinside access to thishistoricFort on March22followedby thefirstTrailBeautificationDayof2025on March28wherea section of the Managed Meadowwillbeprepped fora revitalization project. April brings with it avariety of opportunitiestogetinvolvedonthetrail The Second annual Don’t Struggle in Silence 5K is followedbythe first Green Team Training of theyear wherenew and interested volunteerscan learnmoreabout trailmaintenancefromEcoGardens757.The fourthSaturdayinAprilisCelebrateTrails Day.Thisfreecommunityanddayofservice event will be hosted in Lambert’s Point and include activities, games,alitterclean up, tree planting with AKASorority, amobile bookstore, and more Group Paddles with Norfolk KayakRentals will continue this summerwithdatestobeannouncedsoon. “Weare delighted to be abletogrowour outreach, free programming, and partnershipsastrail usage continuestogrow,”said
NEWPORT NEWS,Va Thetankthat holdsthe iconicrevolvinggun turret from the ironcladwarshipUSSMonitorisdrainedforthe firsttimesince2019whileundergoingconservationatTheMariners’MuseumandPark.The tankwillremaindrainedthroughthefirstweek in MarchsothatMariners’ conservators can assess theprogressofits treatment. Theturret istypicallyunderwater,andthepublic’sabilityto seeitislimited.However,throughMarch8,visitorswillhavearareopportunitytogetanunobstructed,close-upviewofthehistoricalartifact. Monitor’sturrethasbeenanobjectofintrigue fordecades. The firstofits kind to be used in combat,the 115-ton revolvinggun turret representsamajortechnologicaladvancement that changedthe course of navalwarfare The turretspentnearly140yearsontheoceanfloor after theironcladtragicallysankin an 1862 stormoffCapeHatteras,NorthCarolina. Thewarship’s wreckage wasdiscoveredin 1973anddesignatedasthenation’sfirstNational Marine Sanctuaryin1975under themanagementoftheNationalOceanicandAtmospheric Administration (NOAA).In1987, TheMariners’MuseumandParkwasselectedbyNOAA tobetheprincipalrepositoryforrecoveredUSS Monitor-relatedmaterials,establishingwhat
TheturretwasraisedfromtheAtlanticOcean in August 2002, throughthe collective expertiseofdivers,archaeologists,engineers,theUS Navy,NOAA,Mariners’personnel,andcountlessothers. Once recovered, themassive artifactwastransferredtoTheMariners’viabarge launchingaconservation journeythatcontinuestoday.
Theprimary goal of the conservationtreatmentisto remove corrosion-inducing oceansalts before theartifactcanbedriedandputon display. To achieve this,the turretissubmergedin90,000 gallonsofanalkalinesolution.Periodically,thissolution needstobechanged; amulti-stepprocessthat results in theaddition of 7,500 pounds of sodium hydroxidetothetank.
Presently, whilethe turret tank is emptyof solution, TheMariners’ Conservation Team is visuallyinspectingthemassiveartifacttoevaluate itstreatment progress Thedrainingalso presentsanopportunitytoadvancetheplanning processforflippingtheturret,whichisexpected to take place in thefuture. Theturrethas been
upsidedownsinceitsdiscovery Mariners’DirectorofConservationWill Hoffmanisdeeplyaffectedbyhisinvolvement in theturret’sconservation: “Every time we drain thetank, theturretremains as impressive as the firsttimeI sawit! To be able to see itsscale andknowthe impact that it hadon worldhistory makesbeing part of itsconservationand preservationbothextremely rewardingandhumbling.”
Thebesttimetosee the drained turret tank will be duringTheMariners’annual Battle of HamptonRoads CommemorationDay on March8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thetankwillremain emptyduringtheevent,and theMuseumwillholdaWet LabOpenHouse forvisitorstoseetheturretupclose beforeitissubmergedagain
Thedrainingcoincides with the50thanniversaryoftheMonitorwreckagesite’sdesignation asaNationalMarineSanctuary TheMariners’ Museum andParkconnects people to theworld’s waters becausethrough thewater—throughoursharedmaritimeheritage —weare connectedtoone another. The
organizationisaneducational,private501(c)(3) nonprofitinstitution accredited by theAmerican Alliance of Museumsand preservesand interprets maritime historythrough an internationalcollectionofshipmodels,figureheads, paintings, andother maritime artifacts The Mariners’Museum®ishometotheUSSMonitor Center,andissurroundedbythe550-acreMariners’Park,thelargestprivatelyownedandmaintained park that is free andopentothe public in NorthAmerica TheMariners’ Museum Libraryisthe largest maritime libraryinthe Westernhemisphere.Because of theMuseum’s world-classcollectionand itsreputation forhigh-levelexhibits andprograms, in 1998, theU.S. Congress designated TheMariners’ Museum as oneofonlytwo maritime museumsthatcompriseAmerica’sNationalMaritime Museum.TheMuseumgalleriesareopentothe generalpublicwith$1admission,andtheMariners’teamwillcontinuetooffer FREE virtual programsforthosewhoprefertoengageonline withusorthroughoursocialmediaplatforms andblogposts.TheMariners’ParkandNoland Trailisopenfordailyuse.Foradditionalinformation,visit MarinersMuseum.org,call (757) 596-2222 or writeto TheMariners’ Museum, 100MuseumDrive,NewportNews,VA23606.
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
Kubic, selected as the newest recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award by the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA), has been named 2025 Fundraising Chair by ScoutingAmericaTidewaterCouncil.
“Chuck is the consummate Scouter and professional, having achieved great heights in both areas of his life,” said James Parnell, Scout Executive of Scouting America Tidewater Council. “He is a Scouting success story. We are pleased he will lead our 2025 fundraisingcampaign.
Kubic retired from the U.S. Navy as a Rear Admiral and Commander of the 1st Naval Construction(Seabee)Divisionafter32years of active service He has a strong record of combat leadership, commanding Navy SeabeesattheCompany,Detachment,Battalion, Regiment, Brigade and Division level, including during Operation Iraqi Freedom, as chronicled in his book Bridges to Baghdad.Hebecamepresidentofaninternational construction company in 2005 and founded hisconsultingfirm,KubicEngineerGroup,in VirginiaBeachin2012
Inhisroleas2025FundraisingChair,Kubic will lead a team to raise $515,000 to support TidewaterCouncil’slocalScoutingprograms Tidewater Council’s annual giving campaign, called Friends of Scouting, provides20%ofthecouncil’sannualbudget Generous gifts from Scouting families, alumni,andcommunitysupporterskeepthe overallcostofScoutingaffordablesoallfamiliescanparticipate
KindraGreene,executivedirectoroftheElizabethRiverTrailFoundation.“Dueinpartto grantfunding,butlargelyindividualcommunity member donations allow us to continue the programs that connect our communities withopenaccesstothewaterfront.We’reso gratefulthatourneighborsandtrailsidebusinessesseethevalueinthat. Tours, events, community programs, and beautification days continue through the summer into the fall. Cooler days bring with themotherpopulartrailprogramssuchasthe InternationalCoastalCleanup,Elizabeth RiverRun,HalloweenPuppyParade, and Glow Party all culminating with the festive SantaBikePartyinDecember
ERT 2025 Tour Schedule
March2:TourdeORFGroupBikeRide atSmartmouthBrewing
March22:HistoricFortNorfolkTourled byNorfolkTourCompany
April6:TourdeORFGroupBikeRideat SmartmouthBrewing
April26:BotanicalWalkingTourof Lambert’sPointledbytheNorfolkMaster Gardeners,followedbyCelebrateTrailsDay
May3:SpinclusionRideABILITYevent atHarbor’sEdge
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
“Ithasbeenarareprivilege,”saidKubic “to work alongside extraordinary Scout volunteers and professional Scouters while guidingthedevelopmentofournation’sverybest youth as they live the Scout Oath and follow the Scout Law each day on their way to becomingournation’sleadersoftomorrow.”
Kubic received the NESA Distinguished Eagle Scout Award at the Scouting America Tidewater Council Pathfinder Dinner on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at the Westin VirginiaBeachTownCenter Sinceitsinception in 1969 the prestigious award has been presented to only 0.07% of Eagle Scouts nationwide
About the NESA Distinguished Eagle Scout Award: The Distinguished Eagle Scout Award (DESA) is the National Eagle ScoutAssociation’s(NESA)highesthonorfor EagleScouts.NESAestablishedthisawardin 1969 to recognize Eagle Scouts who achieve extraordinary national-level recognition, fame, or eminence within their profession or service to the nation and have a strong record of voluntary service to their community. Since that time nearly 2,000 have been approvedoutof2.7millionEagleScoutranks The award is granted to Eagle Scouts who, after25years havedistinguishedthemselves intheirlifeworkandhavevoluntarilyshared theirtalentswiththeircommunities
About the National Eagle Scout Association: The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA)isanorganizationofindividualswho have earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the ScoutingAmericaprogram.
May17:LarchmontandEdgewater ResilienceTourledbyNorfolkTour Company
May24:BotanicalBikeTourledbythe NorfolkMasterGardeners
June21:AfricanAmericanHistoryTour ledbyNorfolkTourCompany
June28:BotanicalWalkingTourofthe HagueandChryslerMuseumledbythe NorfolkMasterGardeners
FreemasonledbytheNorfolkMaster Gardeners
August3:TourdeORFGroupBikeRide atSmartmouthBrewing
August20:ChesterfieldHeightsTourled byNorfolkTourCompany
August23:BotanicalWalkingTourof SignificantTreesatODUledbyODUPhD
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
NESA’s objective is “to serve Eagle Scouts and, through them, the entire movement of Scouting.” NESA administers several scholarships for Eagle Scouts, both academic and merit-based.
About Tidewater Council Scouting America:TidewaterCouncilisthefifth-oldest Scouting America council in the United States,establishedin1911.Today,thecouncil serves approximately 4,100 youth and 1,900 adultvolunteersintheVirginiacitiesofChesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach and the North Carolina counties of Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank,andPerquimans MoreinformationaboutTidewaterCouncilisavailablebyvisitingTidewaterBSA.com, emailingjames.parnell@scouting.org,orcalling757-497-2688
About Scouting America: ScoutingAmerica provides the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-basedleadershiptraining,whichhelps youngpeoplebe“Prepared ForLife.®”
Scouting America welcomes all of America’s youth into its programs Scouting aims to give them fantastic experiences in the outdoors and elsewhere where they can grow in a safe environment. More than 130 millionAmericanshaveparticipatedinScouting’s programs since its founding Today, more than one million youth are served by 477,000 dedicated adult volunteers in local councilsnationwide
To learn more about Scouting America’s mission,visitScouting.org
September7:TourdeORFGroupBike RideatSmartmouthBrewing
September21:ElizabethRiverRun10K andKid’sMile
September27:BotanicalWalkingTour ofChelseaandManagedMeadowledbythe NorfolkMasterGardeners
October25:BotanicalWalkingTourof Wetlands
If you would like to host an event on the trail, partner with the Elizabeth River Trail Foundation, or sponsor an ERT program, pleaseemailhello@elizabethrivertrail.org.
The Elizabeth River Trail Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides the planning, programming, and advocacy for the Elizabeth River Trail connecting Naval Station Norfolk to the Virginia Beach Trail. The Elizabeth River Trail runs 10.5 miles through businesses, and historic attractions and is within a 5-minute walk of 28 neighborhoods Themulti-usetrailisdesignedfor walking, running, and biking It comprises 11 sections from Norfolk State University, through Downtown Norfolk and Old Dominion University to NIT Terminals along the Elizabeth River The Foundation has completed multiple new unique and award-winning amenities, including kayak launches, play sculpture, and a double turbo challenge course in Plum Point Park, The Glowline, and most recently, the installationofthefirstERThydrationstation.Major sponsorsincludeCHKD,DowntownNorfolk Council,PRAGroup,andtheCityofNorfolk.
Center for the Performing Arts announces the return of Jimmy Masters’ fan-favorite jazz series, hosted cabaret-style in the intimate Miller Studio Theatre The TowneBank Jazz Series will feature a line-up of six new shows, showcasing both local jazz performers and guest entertainers like vocalists Lena Seikaly, Sachal Vasandani, andLauraAnnSingh.
The TowneBank Jazz Series will take place one Thursday a month from April through September, kicking off with “The ArtoftheTrio,”onThursday,April17at7:30
PM. Tickets will go on sale Friday, February 28 at 10 PM and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.comorbyvisitingtheSandler Center box office located at 201 Market Street,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Ticketsare general admission and priced at $32 plus applicable fees VIP full-season tables and sponsorshipopportunitiesareavailablenow call Todd McKeating at (757) 385-2528 or email tmckeating@sandlercenter.org to secureyourseat.
Thursday April 17 at 7:30pm TheArtoftheTrioisanintimatelookatthe pianotrio—largelyunrehearsedanddrawing on the experience of many years of playing together Theprogramwillfeaturejazzstandards from the Great American Songbook and Tin Pan Alley, with composers such as Irving Berlin, Alec Wilder, Cole Porter, and evenAntonioCarlosJobim,aswellassome tunes from the rock genre. Justin Kauflin is featured on piano, Jimmy Masters on bass andBillyWilliamsondrums JustinandBilly gobacktotheirteenageyearsatTheGovernor’sMagnetSchoolfortheArts.
Thursday, May 15 at 7:30pm
Ella & Ellington will feature renowned vocalist Lena Seikaly who performed for the Virginia Arts Festival on the Attucks Jazz Series several years back and was one of eleven semi-finalists for the prestigious 2015 Thelonious Monk Institute InternationalJazzVocalsCompetitioninL.A This concertwillcelebratetwoofthejazzworld’s most significant artists—vocalist Ella Fitzgerald and composer/bandleader Duke Ellington Lena Seikaly has performed this program at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. and draws from the songbooks of each of these prolific jazz icons. Joining LenawillbeJohnToomeyonpiano,Jimmy Mastersonbass,andFrankRussoondrums
Thursday, June 19 at 7:30pm Cole Porter and Nat King Cole This show features award-winning vocalist Sachal
Vasandani,whohasperformedtoenthusiastic audiences at major festivals, theaters, and clubs around the world. He has come to be regarded as one of the eminent vocal improvisers of his generation. This program will feature compositions by the legendarysongwriterColePorterandsongs performedbyNatKingCole JeffSmithwill join on alto saxophone John Toomey on piano Jimmy Masters on bass and Frank Russo on drums
Thursday, July 24 at 7:30pm One of the most prolific and iconic songwritersofourgeneration Featuringvocalist Laura Ann Singh, a multilingual American singer recordingartist,andcomposer Laura Ann was recently featured on the Doug Richards Orchestra’s recording Through A Sonic Prism: The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim. In this setting, she is joined by Richmond-based pianist Daniel Clarke (who toured and recorded with Grammy Award-winning singer KD Lang for many years),andJimmyMastersonbass Thetrio will take an intimate look at a selection of
songs from the vast library created by Paul Simon.
Thursday, August 21 at 7:30pm
A fun, interactive discussion with the audience In this unique program, the band will engage the audience in a lively discussion abouttheinnerworkingsofthejazzquartet. They’llexplorethehowsandwhysofputting the music together, the respective roles of each instrument, and take questions from the audience. The band will feature Eddie Williams on saxophones, John Toomey on piano,JimmyMastersonbass,andHoward Curtisondrums
TheMusicofRogers&Hartand Hammerstein
Thursday September 18 at 7:30pm
Richard Rogers had two main writing partners throughout his career, Lorenz Hart and Oscar Hammerstein. When Hart died in 1943, Rogers turned to Hammerstein for the partnership All together, these songwriting partners wrote music for some of the most well-known theater productions
and films of their time; South Pacific, The King and I, The Sound of Music, Pal Joey, A Connecticut Yankee, Oklahoma, Carousel, and songs like My Funny Valentine, My Romance, You are Too Beautiful, Where or When, Some Enchanted Evening. Playing for this program will be Taylor Barnett on trumpet, John Toomey on piano Jimmy Mastersonbass andFrankRussoondrums
Formoreinformationontheseupcoming shows,pleasevisitsandlercenter.org/jazz. About The Sandler Center For The Performing Arts: The Sandler Center openedonNovember3,2007andismanaged by Oak View Group. With 1,308 seats and a soaring glass façade the building is located intheheartofVirginiaBeach’sTownCenter ahubforculturalentertainment.Withlocal andinternationaltalentvisitingtheSandler Center, performances are perfect for audiences of all ages Patrons will experience an intimate environment when visiting the SandlerCenter,asnoseatisfurtherthan100 ft. from the stage Learn more at SandlerCenter.organdFacebook,X,andInstagram.
Source: Success Rice
Abstaining from eating meat during Lent is common practice for many, but it doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourselfandlovedonesfromdeliciousmeals Whetheryou observeLentoraresimplylookingfornewwaystoreplace traditional proteins for a meal or two each week there are countlessmouthwateringrecipesyoucanturnto
ConsiderChamomile-InfusedJasmineRicewithSalmon, for example, with floral jasmine notes pairing nicely with earthychamomileforaneasyyetelegantfeastthat’sreadyin justhalfanhour Withitsmildflavor,salmonoffersapleasing starting point for those easing their way into incorporating moreseafoodintotheirdiets
Although originally cultivated for the Kingdom of Thailand,youdon’tneedtoberoyaltytoenjoypremiumBoil-inBagJasmineRicefromSuccessRice Injust10minutes you can enjoy this sweetly aromatic solution that cooks up soft and fluffy every time for a unique flavor that complements seafoodandmore.It’salsonaturallyglutenfree,Non-GMO ProjectVerifiedandfreeofMSGandpreservatives.
Another option for swapping out traditional protein is withplant-poweredmeals Evenpickyeaterscanfindplenty toloveinthissavoryCrunchyThaiPeanutandQuinoaSalad Quicktoprep it’saperfectanswerforbusyweeknightsthat callsonthepowerofpeanutsandquinoatoreplaceprotein fromyourusualfavorites
Thisconvenient,crunchydishcallsforlight,nuttySuccess Tri-Color Boil-in-Bag Quinoa that’s packed with protein, all nine essential amino acids and fiber, making it perfect for Lenten meals from salads and bowls to veggie-forward casserolesandevenmuffins
FindmoreLentrecipeinspirationandmeatlessmealideas byvisitingSuccessRice.com.
Chamomile-Infused Jasmine Rice with Salmon
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4
4tablespoonsbutter divided
Preheatbroiler Preparericeaccordingtopackagedirections,addingthreeteabagstosimmeringwaterwithriceto infusewithteaflavor. Transfer rice to large bowl. Tear remaining tea bag; mix half with 2 tablespoons butter and melt in microwave to infusebutter
Mix infused butter, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon chives, ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper; fold intoriceandsetaside
Arrangesalmonandasparagusonfoil-linedbakingsheet. Drizzleremainingbutteroversalmonandasparagus Season with remaining salt and pepper Broil 9-11 minutes or until salmonbeginstoflakeandasparagusistender.
Serve salmon and asparagus with rice Drizzle salmon with remaining lemon juice and garnish with remaining chives
Crunchy Thai Peanut and Quinoa Salad
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4
2tablespoonsfreshmint roughlychopped
½cupEnglishcucumber thinlysliced
½cupcarrots shredded
Source: Culinary.net
Make mealtime a cinch with this no-fuss, minor-mess solution from “Cookin’ Savvy.” Whether you’re inviting neighborsforaweekendgatheringorimpressingyoursignificant other this Valentine’s Day, it’s an easy way to look like a pro in the kitchen. Find more recipe inspiration at Culinary.net.
Champagne Chicken
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin Savvy”
Servings: 2-4
½cupheavycream Chicken: 2chickenbreasts
Tomakemushroomsauce:Inblender,blendmushrooms andchickenbroth;setaside
Inskilletovermediumheat,meltbutterandmixinflour Slowly add mushroom broth while stirring It should start tothicken;ifitdoesn’t,add1tablespoonflourandstirwell.
FALLS CHURCH, Va Did you know thatyoucannowsavemoneywithaHealth CareFlexibleSpendingAccount?AnHCFSA is a new benefit for service members It’s a financial tool that allows you to set aside pre-taxearningstopayforeligiblemedical, dental,andvisionhealthexpenses
If you’re an eligible service member you can sign up for an HCFSA for the first time between March 3 and March 31 at www fsafeds.gov. You can contribute anywhere between$100and$3,300toyourHCFSA.
TRICARE officials explained that an HCFSA is NOT part of the TRICARE program, and it’s not an insurance product EnrollmentinTRICAREdoesn’tmeanthat you’reautomaticallyenrolledinanHCFSA Eligibility
Those eligible to enroll in an HCFSA include:
Members of the regular (active) component, Members of the reserve components performing Active Guard Reserve (AGR) duty
MembersoftheNationalGuardperformingAGRduty, MembersoftheU.S.CoastGuardReserve, including Reserve Component Managers, whenperformingactivedutyformorethan 180days
Common covered expenses
Here are some common expenses that yourHCFSAcancover:
Medical: copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles
Dental: exams, cleanings, X-rays, and braces
Vision: exams, contact lenses and supplies eyeglasses andlasereyesurgery
Wellness services: massage therapy chiropractor andacupuncture
Prescription medications and prescribedover-the-countermedications
Over-the-counter healthcare items:
bandages, pregnancy tests, and blood pressuremonitors
The IRS determines what expenses are consideredeligible Youcanfindacomplete list of eligible and ineligible expenses on www.fsafeds.gov.
How to enroll
1. Select “Qualifying Life Event” from the Enrolldropdownmenu.
2. SelecttheQLEtitled“SpecialEnrollment Period for Members of the Uniformed ServicesMarch3-31.”
The Special Enrollment Period is from March 3 to March 31. To enroll during this time, go to www.fsafeds.gov, and follow
3. Enter the date you’re enrolling as your QLEeventdate 4. Followtheremaininginstructions After March 31, eligible service members mayonlyenrollinanHCFSAduringFederal Benefits Open Season through FSAFEDS However,therearesomelifecircumstances, called QLEs, that allow you to change your electionthroughoutthecalendaryear To learn more about QLEs and how to enrollinanHCFSA,visitwww.fsafeds.gov.