YOZMA Siyyum 2020

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Siyyum 2020: Virtual Exhibition. Real Action.

Hunger YOZMA Hunger aims to alleviate hunger in our community and beyond through fundraising, food drives, advocacy, and raising awareness.

Click here to learn about what we did this year and how you can do your part!

“The freedom of man, I contend, is the freedom to eat.� -

Eleanor Roosevelt

Our slide

Heart Action

“We should never undervalue the accomplishment of people just because of their age.”

https://docs.google.com/presenta tion/d/1h-KxIDLPIQwCZwVzdJ84 ihQ5k1If2tSWKPI5cwzdsDE/edit #slide=id.g751fd0bc05_0_469

Our video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_TltcpLpQBU

Israel This year, the goal of Yozma Israel was to educate students on Israeli affairs, history and our everlasting connection to Israel. We aimed to build a connection with Israel that will last even outside of Milken and in the future.

Yozma Israel was planning a fundraiser that was supposed to take place the day after school was cancelled; however, due to COVID-19, we could not hold the fundraiser. We were planning on selling Dippin’ Dots and donating the proceeds to Stand With Us, an Israel-advocacy organization. For Yom HaAtzmaut, we prepared stickers for students to write on, expressing their feelings about Israel, along with a poster board where students could write and post their stickers.

Jewish World Watch (JWW) This year, YOZMA JWW held multiple fundraisers. We raised money for JWW and educated our peers about mass atrocities in the world today. To culminate the year, we held an interactive Museum of Modern Genocide (see pictures) that educated hundreds of Milken students and faculty. We also participated in a virtual Walk to End Genocide. To learn more about what JWW does, please watch this video

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8TDTZvRhVc) and visit their website (https://www.jww.org/)

Healing Spirits ●

This year, the goal of Healing Spirits was to help those who are in need of healing (as the name suggests). The value of Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick) helps embody and express our ideals. However, this is not limited to those who suffer physically, it can be those who suffer emotionally or mentally.

We were given the opportunity to work with the Lilspace app to help fundraise for the organization Knock Knock Give a Sock. We came together as a community to help those who are in need by unplugging from our phones.

If you would like to learn more about Lilspace or Knock Knock Give a sock you can check out these links ○ http://www.getlilspace.com/ ○ http://knockknockgiveasock.org/

Children This year has been a very productive year for Children YOZMA! During our time together, we were able to develop a week-long holiday Toy Drive that yielded over 150 games/toys for organizations that help children in need, a series of bake/ice cream sales to raise awareness for underprivileged children in L.A., and a flyer campaign about children with autism.

We fulfilled our goals of pursuing positive action, raising awareness within our own community, and promoting the Jewish Values of Tzorchei Hatzibur (advocacy for a cause), Chesed (kindness), and V’Shinatam L’vanecha (working with children). We hope to continue to make an impact in the lives of children in our city, as they are the future and thus we must invest in them to help them fulfill their potential and reach their dreams.

Environment Ice caps melting, mass extinction, and rising temperatures... what do these all have in common? They're symptoms of climate change. Humans can help improve these conditions if we all work together. The average person produces 4.3lb of waste a day, with the US alone accounting for 220 million tons a year. Current estimates state that the planet is losing 80,000 acres of tropical forest per day. The impact that human activities have on the environment around us is undeniable and more studies are being conducted each year to show the extent of the issue. Climate change and the many factors that contribute to emissions could lead to catastrophic issues in the future. So you may be asking yourself, what can you do to help the environment? Here are a few things you can do to help the environment: using less single use plastic, try and eat less meat products, and opt for paper over plastic at your local grocery store. Making sure that you’re more mindful of where your trash is going is super important, as we often forget where its going after we dispose of it. Consider the bigger impact of your mundane consumer choices and activities. Vote if you can, do your part, and make a change. Better your home, and better the future. Who are we? We are we are YOZMA environmental and we want to lessen our carbon footprint and not only help our school but to also try and make the entire world a better place.

Animal Rights

To learn what our group does, visit our link!! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-_Ij0FLy_z-eL8be954C-oj16tmLstxYzarXC vNu2_I/edit?usp=sharing

YOZMA UNDP United Nations Development Program

Yozma Global Yozma Global is all about striving to spread awareness and advocate for global problems, whether that be disaster relief or critical issues that do not receive enough attention. We aim to spread the idea of Tikkun Olam around, because we cannot possibly repair the world without getting everyone involved and passionate. Yozma Global planned to do a fundraiser to help spread awareness for the Australian wildfires. We chose this because of the significant impact the wildfires had on the environment, wildlife, and the many lost lives. Unfortunately, this event was not able to take place due to the difficulties that COVID-19 has posed. Through the lens of Judaism, it is clear that one of our highest obligations is to preserve life. This is the idea of pikuach nefesh which goes with this type of advocacy.

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