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Artist Profile 藝術家簡歷
from Spun Dragon
by mill6chat
Taguchi Yukihiro
Born in 1980 in Osaka, Japan, Taguchi Yukihiro currently lives and works in Berlin. Taguchi graduated from the Oil Painting department of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Rooted in interventions that interweave his physical body with the surrounding landscape, the artist takes inspiration from unpredictable encounters with everyday objects and people on the streets, and documents this process through installations, events and stop-motion video works.
About Taguchi Yukihiro’s Residency at Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (CHAT)
Taguchi's artistic practices span street performances, community events, installations and stop-motion videos. His series of works Patch Pass (2016), created during a residency with the Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (CHAT) in Hong Kong, consists of weaves, patchworks, signage and documentary video works. A part of the series was presented during Ubiquitous Humanity, an edition of the Japan Media Arts Festival Exhibition co-presented by CHAT, NHK International Inc and City University of Hong Kong. Patch Pass reflects Taguchi’s objectives in Hong Kong: to communicate with local communities on the streets by involving them in his creative practice.
The artist redefined the purpose of found objects on the street, providing them with a new meaning through the acts of weaving and documentation. He invented weaving techniques using public furniture and structures as frameworks, and revived waste fabric collected from neighbourhoods to create woven mats with passersby on the street. In addition, a collaborative project with local designers explored upcycled product development.
Taguchi’s experimentation in the city created a micro-ecosystem through upcycling and revealed an alternative way of perceiving everyday consumption. Through animated narration in his stop-motion video works, he transformed ordinary cityscapes. The artist continues to extend the mission of CHAT to explore new meanings and experiences in textile arts by bringing weaving techniques developed in Hong Kong to other cities and communities.
有關六廠紡織文化藝術館(CHAT六廠)駐場藝術家 — 田口行弘
田口行弘的創作橫跨街頭行為、社區活動、裝置及定格錄像。他在 CHAT 六廠駐場期間 創作的作品系列《Patch Pass》(2016 年)包含了編織、拼湊、標示和紀錄片多種元素。 作品的其中一部份曾經在 CHAT 六廠、NHK International Inc. 和香港城市大學合辦的 日本媒體藝術祭特別展覽「Ubiquitous Humanity」中展出。 田口到訪香港的主要目的是與本地社群交流,促成他邀請鄰里參與《Patch Pass》的創 作過程。他在選定的地區,以編織和紀錄行為重新定義拾得物的用途。他借助公共場所 的設施和結構作為創造編織技術的框架,再與路人一同把社區收集回來的布料編織成 毯,賦予廢棄物全新生命。此外,他跟本地設計師合作,研發紡織產品的升級再造。 田口的城市實驗包含升級再造,並為「日常消耗」帶來另一種新認知,兩者共同塑造出 全新的微生態系統。另外,他透過創作定格錄像改變尋常都市的景觀。田口會把在香港 萌發的編織技術推展至其他大城市與群體,承載六廠探索紡織藝術意義和經歷的宗旨。
Taguchi Yukihiro
Born 1980, Osaka, Japan 2005 to Current Lives and works in Berlin, Germany
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, BA, Tokyo, Japan
CHAT GO! Let’s Build a Textile Village, Spun Dragon Project,
Centre for Heritage, Arts & Textile, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Mujin-to production, Tokyo, Japan 2017 PokePoke, Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand 2016 IN FORMATION, Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand Kettenreaktion, HB55, Berlin, Germany 2015 Inkarnation, Tangency 2015 Hasestr, Osnabrück, Germany TERASU, Kunstverein Arnsberg e.V., Arnsberg, Germany 2014 Wittekindsburg, Rulle / Osnabrück, Germany Funke, Göttingen, Germany 2013 Makeover, Mujin-to production, Tokyo, Japan 2012 Breathing Atolls, arthobler gallery, Zurich, Switzerland Skip, Loughborough University, Loungborough, England Made in Kenia, Kaimosi, Kenia, Africa (5 years work in progress) 2011 Sequenz, Sakamotocontemporary, Berlin, Germany Moment, das weisse haus, Wien, Austria MAM project 014, MoriArt Museum, Tokyo, Japan Pan! Pan! Pan!, Mujin-to production, Tokyo, Japan Moment-TATAMI, remo, Osaka, Japan 2010 ABOUT, Pinebrooklyn, Osaka, Japan Complex Circuit, gallery M, Tokyo, Japan 2009 Latest stop-motion-video-editions, SAKAMOTOcontemporary, Berlin, Germany über-performative sketch, Mujin-to production, Tokyo, Japan 2008 über, SAKAMOTOcontemporary, Berlin, Germany A Window to the World, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima City, Japan Moment -Performatives Spazieren-, galerie air garten, Berlin, Germany Ordnung -performative installation-, GDK-Galerie der Künste-, Berlin, Germany 2007 Moment, galerie air garten, Berlin, Germany DIE TASSE, Tornado-am-Ostkreuz, Berlin, Germany 2006 Domino, Het Plafond, Rotterdam, Netherlands Pumpen, RS 21 Berlin, Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany chews -open studio-, gallery ZeKuSchEx, Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany
2018 [Popularity is being held.] 02, Tottori Prefectural Museum, Tottori, Japan Soft City, Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin, Germany Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2018, Tsunan, Echigo-Tsumari Region, Niigata, Japan 2017 Open Art Biennale 2017, Örebro, Sweden KooKoo, Jan. Mar. May. Jul. (one day event every 2 month) OHM gallery, Berlin, Germany 2016 Ubiquitous Humanity, The Annex, Hong Kong In your heart | In your city, Koges Museum, Denmark KooKoo, Jan. Mar. May. Jul. Sep. Nov. (every 2 Month) OHM, Berlin, Germany 2015 d'Avril en Mai. Quand les artistes chapardent le vegetal, ULB, Brussels, Belgium KooKoo, in Jan. Mar. May. Jul. Sep. Nov. (every 2 Month) OHM Gallery, Berlin, Germany STREET SPINS, Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, Athens, Greece 2014 Treffpunkte, HAU(Hebbel am Ufer), Berlin, Germany Japan Syndrom, HAU(Hebbel am Ufer), Berlin, Germany The Kennedy Bunker, REH-transformer, Berlin, Germany KooKoo, OHM Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2013 Arakawa Afrika 4, Collaboration with Chiara Ciccarello, OGU MAGU Gallery, Arakawa, Tokyo Japan SITE, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima, Japan Open Monument, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin, Germany 2012 PARADE, Japan Media Arts Festival, ArtisTree, TaiKoo, Hong Kong Junge Hunde Festival 2012, Aarhus, Denmark Video/Choreo, University of Hawai’i Art Gallery, Honolulu, USA Havana biennale, Havana, Cuba Humour, parodie et videos, Maison de la culture du Japon a Paris, Paris, France Breathing Atolls, National Gallery, Male, Maldives 2011 SubtleConstruction, Galeria Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon, Portugal SUSTAIN, Nature Morte Berlin, Berlin, Germany Durchgang, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, Germany Berliner Zimmer Genossen, funkhaus, Berlin, Germany Moment+Nomiso TATAMI, 10Watt gallery, Osaka, Japan
Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale, Hyogo, Japan Zwischen/Formen, Artitude, Berlin, Germany Repair-ars ekectronica 2010, Linz, Austria Black and Brunn, Brunnhofer Galerie/Black Box gallery, Linz, Austria 5+1: Jungtion Box, Tokyo, Japan Japan Media Arts Festival in Kobe Biennale, Hyogo, Japan Nishinomiya Funasaka Biennale, Hyogo, Japan A Blow to the Eeryday, Hong Kong Next Reality, Tokyo, Japan Performance Presente Futuro Vol. 2, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5th VentoSul Biennal, Curitiba, Brazil LIVE BY PLAY, Art Taipei 2009, Taipei, Taiwan Hakodate triennale 2009, hakodate, Japan The matter of things, ScalaMata Exhibition Space, Venice, Italy Hamburger Architektursommer 2009, White Trash contemporary, Hamburg, Germany Re:Membering Next of Japan, Loop, Seoul, South Korea Video Kunst im Spiegel, Spiegel, Munich, Germany Thomas Raschke and Yukihiro Taguchi, Weltraum, Munich, Germany 12th Japan Media Arts Festival, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan 2008 Asia Digital Art Award Exhibition, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan Tape Modern Number 07, Tape club, Berlin, Germany PIECE, Kulturpalast Wedding International, Berlin, Germany Tape Modern at the 05. Berliner Kunstsalon, Humboldt-Umspannwerk, Berlin, Germany FABRIC/K, Program, Berlin, Germany ARMUT MACHT GEIL, NO Budget Festival - Berlin edition, Temporary Art Centre, Eindhoven, Netherlands ONE+TWO, SAKAMOTOcontemporary, Berlin, Germany UFERHALLEN, Uferhallen-Wedding, Berlin, Germany Hunt for This Century's Leonardo da Vinci! International Art Exhibition, Osaka, Japan Tape Modern Number 03, Tape club, Berlin, Germany Tape Modern Number 02, Tape club, Berlin, Germany Between Fiction and Fact, Strictly Berlin 2008” GDK-Galerie der Künste-, Berlin, Germany
2005 2004 2003
Hunt for This Century's Leonardo da Vinci! International Art Triennale 2007, (Grand prize) Osaka, Japan CET07/ STREET NIGHT GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan transfer, gallery K:ITA, Berlin, Germany In Neuem Kontext, Asia-Pacific weeks 2007 at St. Johannes-Evangelist-Kirche, Berlin, Germany Japan now, Asia-Pacific weeks 2007, Theaterhaus, Berlin, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic SICE 2007, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina Double Cast, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan switch on the light before sleeping, GDK-Galerie der Künste-, Berlin, Germany Speed Up Your Life, feld für kunst, Hamburg, Germany 1:een / punten en komma's, PICTURA, Dordrecht, Netherlands SICE ~Transition Compound Berlin~, gallery Nord, Berlin, Germany SICE 2005, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina SICE 2004, Sarajevo International Culture Exchange 2004, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina Junction, Gallery Space, Tokyo, Japan Tension, Tokyo, Japan Aruita Ten, Gallery Space, Tokyo, Japan Habit, Tokyo, Japan Mapping, Tokyo, Japan DANKE, Gallery Space, Osaka, Japan Kume Show, Gallery Space, Tokyo, Japan Sosaku 2000, Gallery Space, Tokyo, Japan Drawing 2000, Gallery Space, Tokyo, Japan
2018 Jichiku AIR, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan 2016 Patch Pass, Mill 6 Foundation, Hong Kong
Excellence Prize, 2008 Asia Digital Art Award, Fukuoka, Japan Excellence Prize, 2008(12th) Japan Media Art Festival, Tokyo, Japan Grand prize,Hunt for This Century's Leonardo da Vinci! International Art Triennale 2007, Osaka, Japan
Acknowledgement 鳴謝
Founding Donor
Main Donor
Grant From
Chung Sing Benevolent Society Mrs Aw Boon Haw Secondary School 鐘聲慈善社胡陳金枝中學 HKFYG Jockey Club Kwai Fong Youth S.P.O.T. 香港青年協會香港賽馬會葵芳青年空間 PLK F.S.F.T. Children and Youth Development Centre 保良局方樹福堂兒童及青少年發展中心 PLK Lee Shing Pik Secondary School 保良局李城璧中學 Profits Fund Fashion Manufacturing Limited 利達豐時裝製衣有限公司 Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School 天主教聖母聖心小學 S.K.H. Li Ping Secondary School 聖公會李炳中學 Si Yuen School of the Precious Blood 寶血會思源學校 St. James' Settlement Jockey Club Upcycling Centre 聖雅各福群會賽馬會升級再造中心 Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School 荃灣官立中學劉洆言夆 林晨 林敏儀 Lau Shing Fung Sean Mimi Lam Mandy Lam 劉洆 林晨 林敏儀
Catalogue Production Team 製作團隊
Him Lo Sylvia Feng Lam Men
English Copy Editor
Richard Lord
Translation and Copy Editor
Wendy Wo
PLAY Production
Dennis Man Kitmin Lee
盧樂謙 馮昱瑄 萬天琳
Richard Lord
PLAY Production
攝影 文永亮 李傑明
Published by Mill 6 Foundation Limited 六廠基金會有限公司出版 Published and Printed in Hong Kong 香港出版及印製 Printed by Colham Printing Co., Ltd 高行印刷有限公司印製 All rights reserved Copyright © 2018 the artists, authors and Mill 6 Foundation Limited 版權所有 翻印必究 版權屬於藝術家、作者及六廠基金會有限公司 ISBN: 978-988-14818-8-7