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When pre-established thoughts, ideas, and systems are challenged; a new canal of creativity can be explored. Sifting through my own discrepancies in maintaining a sense of faith and spiritual being, my work functions as a tool to explore questions that are prompted by the roots of Roman Catholic ideology as well as looking at how the religion itself is practiced and talked about in the 21st century. I favor in harvesting pre-existing imagery and use it in combination with found objects, acrylic paint, and other experimental mediums With a Catholic upbringing, my sculptures, collages, and mixed media pieces are heavily influenced by inconsistencies that have emerged from my own observations of Roman Catholicism. Gluttony, indulgence, and richness are associated with the work. It is universally known that our own upbringing and experiences influence the development of our spirituality Most of the found images or objects I use as source material have their own meanings that are woven throughout Catholic ideology. Religious objects of devotion can be used to represent a connection with God, however, could they also be used to challenge it? Is it appropriate to do so? With my three-dimensional objects, I expose ulterior motives and meanings behind perceived decadence. Looking back at its histories, patronage, and overall development throughout the ages, a sense of uneasiness can emerge as well as an ultimate disconnect I believe it is up to the individual to sever the ties or to keep them attached, as I can only make work that allows one to ponder the question in contrast to being force fed all the answers on who to believe and what to believe