2 minute read

• Ability to offer input into domestic legislation, regulations, and policy decisions that affect the global business sector
• Access to valuable sources of information and analysis of developments in the global business sector
• Attractive medical insurance plan available to all members in good financial standing
• Evidence of substantive involvement in the business community in Barbados Listing in the online BIBA members’ directory.
• Being kept informed of local and selected international fora on current topics of relevance to the global business sector
• Networking opportunities with local and global contacts
• Opportunities to attend local and selected international fora on current topics of relevance to the global business sector at preferential rates.
• Opportunity to vote and sit on the BIBA Board of Directors and working committees
Biba Charity
In 2010, BIBA established a registered Charity to create a mechanism by which members could pool their resources to collectively make a significant contribution in various areas of need for the benefit of the public of Barbados, especially the public healthcare system of Barbados. With the help of generous donors, the Charity has donated medical equipment and supplies to the public hospital and polyclinics facilities across Barbados with the most significant donations being a dental suite worth more than USD 100,000 to the Eunice Gibson Polyclinic; a walkin cooler for vaccine storage, with an installed cost of approximately USD 75,000 to the Winston Scott Polyclinic; more than USD 45,000 in medical equipment to the eight polyclinics across Barbados including fetal monitors and oxygen concentrators for every polyclinic; and more recently in response to the Government’s COVID-19 pandemic fight, 12 BiPap machines, and respiratory equipment to the Ministry of Health valued at over USD 25,000.
Concorde Bank Limited
The Corporate Centre, Bush Hill & Bay Street, St. Michael BB14038, Barbados

Tel: 246 430 5320 Fax: 246 429 7996
Email: concorde@concordebb.com

“Global Experience, Wealth Management, Custodian & Administration of Corporations”
Heather Tull - Attorney-at-Law
Suite 101, Lauriston Building, Lower Collymore Rock, St Michael, Barbados
Tel: (246) 427-3174
Fax: (246) 436-9541 daveking@caribsurf.com www.barbadoscorporatelaw.com

Colin Mitchell - President
Great Pacific Insurance Management Ltd.

4th Floor, Williams Tower
Warrens, St. Michael, BB22026
Barbados, W.I.
Tel: 1 (246) 417 3405
Fax: 1 (246) 425 1133
Email: CMitchell@GreatPacificGroup.com
A Jim Pattison Group Company
Colin Mitchell - President
Great Pacific Management Limited.
4th Floor, Williams Tower
Warrens, St. Michael, BB22026
Barbados, W.I.
Tel: 1 (246) 417 3405
Fax: 1 (246) 425 1133
Email: CMitchell@GreatPacificGroup.com
A Jim Pattison Group Company
Liza Harridyal-Sodha, LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M., TEP Attorney-at-Law

The Grove, 21 Pine Road
Belleville, St. Michael BB11113, Barbados
Tel 246.228.9888 • Fax 246.228.9382
Cell 246.231.9609
E-mail liza@lizalaw.com • www.lizalaw.com
We specialize in international financial services, establishment of companies (IBC, SRL, Banks, Insurance Companies), Estate Planning & Taxation, Conveyancing, Commercial/Corporate matters, Employment

Stephen L. Greaves, President Platinum International Business Solutions, Inc. Braemar Court, Suite 200 Deighton Road, St. Michael BB 14017

Barbados, W.I.
Tel: (246) 437 6092 • Fax: (246) 436-2120
E-mail: stepheng@platinumintl.business www.platinumintl.business
Value added expertise.… over 30 years of global directorship services incl. serving on board committees, business oversight and corporate governance