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Your comfort zone is the area of your life where you know how to operate. You have experience in dealing with the things that happen in here. You are knowledgeable of all of the controls. It's warm and cozy in here. You feel fully confident within your comfort zone. This is the good news. The bad news is that NOTHING NEW ever happens here. Think of driving your car. You know how to operate all of the controls. You know how to maneuver the car in different kinds of weather. You set the temperature. You're totally comfortable. But what if you have a desire to spend the day at the beach, swimming and getting sand between your toes? Your car can get you right up to the edge. But you can't enjoy the sand and the water unless you get out of the car! If you want to get the full experience of the Grand Canyon, you have to get out of your car! If you want to go to a live rock concert, you have to get out of your car! Your comfort zone is an anchor. Anchors are good if you want to stay right where you are, doing just what you are doing. But if your dream is to be somewhere different, an anchor keeps you from moving where you want to go. Your comfort zone does the same thing. Most of the things that you want that you don't already have are outside of your comfort zone. You have to step outside to reach them. For a lot of folks, moving from the area of confidence and comfort into an area where they are not so sure can be scary. Some people avoid this area as if it were a vast wasteland populated only by savage beasts and poisonous plants. Venturing out of their safe zone can only lead to degradation, death and destruction. These people downplay the value or importance of things that they don't know how to get rather than admit that they are too afraid, too proud or too lazy to do the work that it would take. Think back. At one time, you did not know how to ride a bike. You did not know how to swim or do algebra or do the work that you are doing now. And remember that car that you are so comfortable driving; there was a time when you didn't know how to drive that either. With the possible exception of algebra, you learned how to do these things...and you lived to tell about it. All of the wondrous and helpful things, skills and experiences that you don't currently have in your life lie in the area beyond your comfort zone. This is the area where you grow and develop. You get there by stepping outside of your protective bubble. If you want something different in your life or your work, you need to have the courage to try something different. Get out into the LEARNING ZONE. This is what exists outside of your bubble. When you learn new skills or gain new experiences, you are pulling the boundaries of your comfort zone out to include this new area. You are the one who made it happen! You'll be proud of yourself!
Expanding the walls of your comfort zone can be a bit challenging. It can be uncomfortable, especially if you are focused on comfort. However, once you set your learning goal, keep your eye on the prize. The progress you make, and the confidence you gain will easily outweigh any discomfort. You will be tempted to stop because learning situations can feel a little unsettling. Remember that parents think nothing of pushing their children out of their comfort zones for the first 18-22 years of their lives. As a child you spent years in the learning zone. As an adult, you can certainly do what the ordinary 10-year-old does every day. So stop holding yourself back! Find something you want, that you don't already have. It could be the skills to be a more effective leader. It could be the skills to get your next job. It could be the knowledge to improve your gardening. It could be a better ability to communicate in your relationships. The only requirement is that it needs to be a challenge for you. Then take the steps to move toward it. Each step you take is one step closer to being competent in a bigger comfort zone. Family members, a friend, a mentor or a coach can guide and support you as you move forward. It is easier to rise to a new challenge when you have people helping you and cheering you along e way!
Bob Maitland applies his experience as a consultant, coach and author to help companies used untapped energy and resources to improve their competitive advantage. He assists leaders and developing leaders to gain higher levels of commitment from their people; align all parts of the company to work together to achieve the goals; and ensures the work is done efficiently and effectively freeing up resources. When you add your industry knowledge, you are on your way to becoming an Elite Company. When its time to rise to the top! Web Site: http://www.eliteleadershipsolutions.com Blog: http://bobmaitland.wordpress.com
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