Milligan Magazine

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Milligan fall 2009


Forward Ever n International Business Institute n Oxygen for the Swimmer

Fall 2009 | Volume 11, Number 3

Milligan President Donald R. Jeanes (’68) ViCe President FOr enrOLLMent  MAnAGeMent And MArketinG A. Lee Fierbaugh (’94) ViCe President FOr institutiOnAL AdVAnCeMent Bill Greer (’85) direCtOr OF ALuMni reLAtiOns EDITOR Theresa Garbe (’91) direCtOr OF PuBLiC reLAtiOns ASSISTANT EDITOR Chandrea Shell (’00)

Letter from the Editor

CreAtiVe serViCes COOrdinAtOr GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jessica M. Stout (’06) COVer PHOtO by Stephanie Wilson (’11) COntriButOrs OF PHOtOs: Photos on 4-5 © Stephanie Wilson & Mark Peacock Photos on 6 © Mark Peacock Photos on 7 © Jacob Albrecht & Mark Peacock Photo on 9 © Stephanie Wilson Photos on 10-11 © Jane-Anne Thomas Photo on 12 © Stephanie Wilson Photos on 14 & 16 © Jason Watts Photo on 16 © Rex Barber, Johnson City Press & Stephanie Wilson Photo on 17 © The Arizona Republic Photos on 19 © Rebekah Rollston Photos on 20-21 © Ryan Morris Photos on 22 © Jay Bernhardt & Danny Davis Photo on 23 © Danny Davis Photo on 27 © Mark Peacock Our MissiOn

As a Christian liberal arts college, Milligan College seeks to honor God by educating men and women to be servant-leaders.

Our VisiOn

As a premier Christian liberal arts college where Jesus Christ is exalted and excellence is the standard, Milligan will change lives and shape culture through a commitment to Christian leadership.

GenerAL inFOrMAtiOn

The Milligan Magazine is published regularly by the Milligan College Office of Institutional Advancement for alumni and friends of the College and is distributed free of charge. The Magazine highlights the college’s vision to change lives and shape culture through a commitment to servant-leadership. Copyright © 2009 Milligan College.

Over the past few months, several colleagues and I have had the pleasure of digging through Milligan’s archives and poring over old newspaper clippings, letters and yearbooks. While we were searching for facts and figures, what we found was so much more interesting! We found pictures and stories that revealed Milligan’s unwavering character. I am honored to be part of an institution whose commitment to a Christian liberal arts education has been its primary distinctive for nearly 150 years. Of course, it is the lives lived and the stories shared that truly bring this commitment to light. Our interactions with hundreds of alumni during Homecoming each year confirm the many ways the college prepares young people for service. Our students, our faculty and our graduates are impacting individual lives around the world in unique and wonderful ways. In this issue of Milligan Magazine, you will read about one professor’s research on a German pastor who stood firm in his faith amidst great persecution during World War II; about a student who spent part of her summer in Panama to work with children and one who spent three months studying overseas so that he could broaden his understanding of world economies; and about a recent graduate who is working with children orphaned by AIDS. Also in this issue you will read about Milligan’s new capital campaign, FOrWArD EvEr, announced during our Homecoming luncheon. Chancellor and past president Marshall Leggett was on hand to help us celebrate this new fundraising effort. The focus of the campaign includes projects that will enrich the student experience—all so that the college can attract, retain and equip students who will continue to live out Milligan’s mission. The college has been blessed for many years, something we do not take for granted. To our donors and our alumni, I extend a hearty thank you for the ways you have allowed God to use you to sustain and move Milligan’s mission—a godly mission—forward ever. regards,

800.447.5922 | POSTMASTeR: Send address corrections to Advancement, P.O. Box 9, Milligan College, Tennessee 37682.

2 | Fall 2009

Theresa (Brown ’91) Garbe Director of Alumni relations

Table of Contents










editor’s letter

Milligan announces $25 million capital campaign




faculty news

‘a doer of the Word’

17 alumni feature


Sabbatical sheds new light on little-known hero of the Holocaust

Small gesture, big impact


23 athletic news 24 Class notes 27 letter from the President

rebekah rollston spends eight days in Panama delivering shoe boxes

Unusual Places


Former Milligan golf athlete ryan Morris is actively pursuing servant leadership

Fall 2009 | 3

campus close-up

Forward EvEr: The Campaign for Milligan College seeking to honor its history and prepare for the future, Milligan College has launched fOrWard eVer: the Campaign for Milligan College. this $25 million capital campaign will allow Milligan to meet its expanding needs during a time of growth and unparalleled opportunity. President donald Jeanes announced the capital campaign to Milligan alumni and friends at the college’s annual Homecoming festivities on saturday, October 24. former president Marshall leggett was also present for the announcement. “today, our mission remains vital, and the world is calling out for Milligan to have an even greater impact,” Jeanes said. “in order to meet this need, it is imperative that we continue to grow.” 4 | Fall 2009

FOrWArd eVer: the Campaign for Milligan College

The Campaign for milligan College

$17 million raised as of Oct. 31, 2009!

Approaching her 150th anniversary, Milligan College has a time-honored history of rigorous academics and unwavering Christian commitment. The purpose of FOrward EvEr: The Campaign for Milligan College is to enrich the student experience at Milligan College by improving the quality and efficiency of campus facilities, providing essential scholarship support and increasing the endowment so that the college’s financial future will be even more secure. FOrward EvEr seeks to honor Milligan’s heritage by preparing for the future. Through the generosity of friends who have made early commitments and gifts to the campaign, we have secured over $17 million (as of October 31, 2009) toward our goal of $25 million. Accomplishing three important initiatives over the next two years will deeply enrich the Milligan student experience as the college celebrates its rich heritage and prepares to step confidently into its next century and a half.

Campaign Goal:

$25 million

The InITIaTIve for SCholarShIp

As part of its mission, Milligan seeks to provide students with opportunities for scholarly pursuit.

$16.5 million

Building on a record of solid academic achievement, this initiative seeks to meet the scholarship needs of both current and future students. Funding priorities include dramatic improvements to the P.H. welshimer Memorial Library, creating a more environmentally friendly space for study and fellowship. We must also continue to meet our annual Scholarship Fund goals, build endowment and provide funds for new academic programs and classroom facility improvements.

The InITIaTIve for CommunITy

As part of its mission, Milligan seeks to model responsible membership in a community.

$5 million

Recognizing the significance of the Milligan community to students, this initiative seeks to improve those facilities central to accommodating and encouraging community. Funding priorities include improvements to the McCormick dining Hall (completed Summer 2007), modernization of webb Hall, a redesigned campus entrance (completed Spring 2008) and ongoing campus infrastructure improvements.

The InITIaTIve for WellneSS

As part of its mission, Milligan seeks to encourage participation in the activities of a healthy lifestyle.

$3.5 million

Milligan has long recognized the importance of serving students in a holistic manner. Realizing that healthy students are better prepared for life and learning, the initiative for wellness seeks to provide facilities that encourage and enable students to pursue healthy activities and a lifelong commitment to wellness. Funding priorities include the construction of the Gilliam wellness Center, a LEED* Certified center for health and fitness, construction of a tennis clubhouse, upgrades to Steve Lacy Fieldhouse and continued improvements to athletic fields. * Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Fall 2009 | 5

campus close-up

left to right: Pleasant Hill Bluegrass Band; President Jeanes; campaign luncheon; campaign banners on Gregory Center

Milligan has already raised $17 million, or 68 percent of its goal, during the silent phase of the campaign, thanks to those who have taken the lead in providing for Milligan’s future. With these funds, several projects have already been completed or started, including major renovations to the McCormick Dining Center, an improved campus entrance, the formation of new scholarships and the Gilliam Wellness Center, which is currently under construction. Other improvements include updated lecture halls, the transformation of the Paxson Communications Center to digital technology and the newly completed Citizens Bank Athletic Training Center in Steve Lacy Fieldhouse.

Jane Weston Parker (’89) said, “It’s surreal. It’s wonderful to see that Milligan just keeps building and moving ahead with their programs, but it keeps the old traditions of the college intact at the same time. I’ve had a lot of touching moments with professors. A lot of them still recognize us. Its 20 years later, and they remember our names.” Dennis Helsabeck Sr., who served on Milligan’s faculty from 1963 to 1979, said, “I’m just so grateful to see all of the improvements that are being made. It’s just so wonderful to know that the school is doing what it is and the progress that is being made. And it’s reaching around the world, really, because I see students from all over the world here.” The campaign theme, FOrWArD EvEr, originates from the lyrics to Milligan’s alma mater.

“Milligan College now has

COnTinuiTy. It has momentum and

MOMEnTuM has to be fed … And it is for those of us who love Milligan, who believe in Milligan, who have been here at

MiLLiGan, who have

bEnEFiTEd from Milligan and feel some responsibility for Milligan to keep that momentum going

FOrward EvEr.”

– Marshall Leggett

The campaign was officially announced to a capacity crowd during a homecoming luncheon on October 24. While reflecting upon the difficulties faced by the college a number of years ago, Dr. Leggett emphasized that even during those days the college provided a quality education in a decidedly Christian environment. He credited the dedicated faculty and staff for making Milligan the special place that it has always been. “Milligan College now has continuity. It has momentum and momentum has to be fed … And it is for those of us who love Milligan, who believe in Milligan, who have been here at Milligan, who have benefited from Milligan and feel some responsibility for Milligan to keep that momentum going forward ever,” said Leggett, who served as Milligan’s president from 1982 to 1997. Many of those present also commented about Milligan’s progress and expressed their satisfaction that the college has remained true to its mission and core values. 6 | Fall 2009

“As the college prepares to celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2016, FOrWArD EvEr is a reminder of the college’s rich heritage and promising future,” said Bill Greer, vice president for institutional advancement. “When you look back at the span of Milligan history, you can always see God’s hand,” Greer said. “God has always brought the right people and the right resources to meet the needs of the college. So, it is fitting that we use this campaign as a time of reflection on our heritage, even as we continue to move the college forward.” n for more information about how to participate in fOrWard eVer: the Campaign for Milligan College, please contact the Office of institutional advancement at 800.447.5922 or visit

campus close-up

PrOFESSOrS remember our names and know where we live and ask about our LivES and that’s inCrEdibLE that 15 years later they rEMEMbEr that.” “I love that our

Jennifer Wood (’96, M.Ed. ’97)

H o m e c o m i n g

2 0 0 9 Fall 2009 | 7

faculTy news

Faculty News

Performing, Visual and Communicative arts Charlotte anderson, assistant professor of the practice of music, served as

Business Bob Mahan, associate professor of accounting, attended and presented a

paper titled “Hybrid Course Design: Faculty and Student Perceptions,” at the ASCUe (Association of Small Computer Users in education) conference in June 2009 (Myrtle Beach, SC). Also attending this conference were faculty Carolyn Carter, professor of computer information systems and business; teresa Carter, assistant professor of computer information systems; and Vikki sitter, associate professor of business administration.

Vikki sitter and Carolyn Carter attended the Association of Collegiate

Business Schools and Programs Region 3 fall conference in September 2009 (Nashville, TN).


president of the Kingsport (TN) Music Club for 2008-09. In June 2009, she presented three workshops on voice and the Alexander Technique at the American Society for the Alexander Technique National Convention (San Francisco, CA).

alice anthony, associate professor of art, was invited to join the Appalachian

Photographers Project, currently comprised of 18 photographers from various parts of Appalachia:

Bruce Montgomery preached at First Christian Church (Johnson City ,TN), Love Chapel Christian Church (erwin, TN) and served as the guest speaker for east River Park Christian Church’s (elizabethton, TN) Faith Promise Rally in September 2009. He has also taught leadership and conflict management workshops at Mt. Carmel Christian Church (Mt. Pleasant, VA) and Union Church of Christ (Jonesborough, TN). david runner, professor of music, was elected to the board of the Johnson

tausha Clay, assistant professor of education; Carolyn Carter; Milton Carter, assistant professor of the practice of geography; Bruce Montgomery, professor of communications and business; and Bob Mahan attended the CCCU Center for Research in Adult Learning inaugural conference in May 2009 (Greenwood, IN).

Billye Joyce fine, adjunct instructor of teacher education, served on the

Atlanta Christian College academic committee and the Johnson Bible College graduate research committee in 2009. Additionally, she served as keynote speaker for a Carter County (TN) women's retreat and as banquet speaker for First Christian Church (elizabethton, TN).

lyn Howell, associate professor of education, authored a chapter in the book Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges, published by IGI Global in 2009.

Beverly schmalzried, professor of education, presented a workshop on state child care licensing regulations at the Army Child Development Conference in August 2009 (Minneapolis, MN).

donald schmalzried, professor of the practice of education, presented a

workshop on teacher observation for the Washington County (VA) schools. He also videotaped a presentation to be used to train eastman school volunteers for eastman Chemical Company.

Humane learning Charlene thomas, adjunct instructor of humanities, received certification in biblical counseling from NANC, the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors.

City Civic Chorale (TN) and will serve a 2-year term. He also serves as memberat-large for his local chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

social learning John-Paul abner, associate professor of psychology, presented a CeU

workshop titled “An Introduction to Parent Child Interaction Therapy” in August 2009 for Camelot Care Centers (Kingsport, TN). He has also been invited to serve on the National Parent Child Interaction Therapy Training Advisory Board.

lori Mills, professor of psychology, taught the SALT Sunday School class at

Grandview Christian Church (Johnson City, TN) for the month of August on the topic of psychology and faith and offered a workshop on the characteristics of stable, loving families at the Mountain Family Retreat held on Milligan’s campus in July 2009.

administrative faculty and staff Mark Matson, vice president for academic affairs and associate professor of

Bible, presented “Jesus and the Gospels” for the Milligan Family Ministry Retreat (Johnson City, TN) in summer 2009; “The Gospel of Luke: Teacher Workshop and Training” in fall 2009 for the Cole Mill Road Church of Christ (Durham, NC); and “The Lord’s Prayer” for Cherokee United Methodist Church (Johnson City, TN) in fall 2009. He is currently teaching a special online section of New Testament Survey for Boone’s Creek Christian Church (Johnson City, TN). This course is offered at Milligan.

Grant foster, admissions counselor for church relations and Youth in Ministry, is currently pursuing an M.Div. at emmanuel School of Religion. Phyllis fox, director of church relations and Youth in Ministry, now serves on the editorial board of the Christian Standard.

nursing teresa Heaton, assistant professor of nursing, is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in nursing at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

deborah Harbin, administrative assistant for academic affairs, premiered her

play Fertile Ground in Messiah College’s Miller Auditorium in October. Written for Messiah’s centennial celebration, the play combines historical vignettes and present-day reflections with a non-realistic and experimental design.

MilliGan aluMni PrOMinent at stOne-CaMPBell eVent Under the leadership of its current president and Milligan’s former Dean, Gary Weedman, Johnson Bible College hosted an academic conference in September in which several Milligan alumni were participants. The conference, “Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address, Past Present and Future,” was part of a celebration highlighting the bicentennial of Campbell’s “Declaration and Address,” which is seen by many as the genesis of the Stone-Campbell Movement. The event began with a chapel service in which alumnus and chancellor Marshall Leggett (’51) portrayed Thomas Campbell to a standing ovation from the Johnson student body. Plenary session speakers for the event included alumni Clinton J. Holloway (’95), presenting “essentially, Intentionally and Constitutionally One: A History of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address,” and Paul Blowers (’77), presenting “Striving after a Common Mind in Jesus Christ: Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address and the Historic Principle of Consensus Fidelium.” Parallel session speakers included alumni Mark Weedman (’90), presenting “Assessing the Declaration and Address: Hermeneutics vs. Unity in early Stone-Campbell Movement Theology,” and Clifford Dull (’68), presenting “Dueling Unities: The Story of Twentieth-Century Disciples of Christ.” Former Milligan faculty member G. Richard Phillips also presented a paper titled “Thomas Campbell: A Reappraisal Based on Backgrounds.” In addition to the wide range of speakers, a unique feature of the conference was a banquet honoring four longtime Tennessee professors of church history; among those feted were retired Milligan faculty Henry Webb and G. Richard Phillips.

campus news

Social networking seminar for churches


through Facebook

FOllOw us at #milligancollege

Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and the CHUrCH? Ministers and other interested parties learned how they all connect during the “Social Networking and the Church” seminar at Milligan College in September. The seminar focused on how churches can utilize social networking tools to reach congregations and communities. It featured social media expert Jose Castillo, a writer and consultant from Johnson City, Tennessee. He was joined by a panel of ministers from across the country. To download video excerpts from the seminar, visit n

Fall 2009

Great Communion at Milligan

record enrollment

Milligan College hosted a Great Communion service on Sunday, October 4, in Seeger Memorial Chapel. The service was part of a worldwide celebration to commemorate the bicentennial of Thomas Campbell’s “Declaration and Address” and to promote unity among the three streams of churches in the Stone-Campbell movement.

dr. Henry Webb and dr. r. david roberts

Dr. Gary Holloway of Lipscomb University presented the message. Several Milligan professors also participated in the service, including Drs. Lee and Pat Magness, who delivered the communion meditation, and Dr. Ted Thomas, who led worship. n

Conference helps teens explore ministry More than 60 teenagers from 10 states attended the “Big Picture,” a weeklong teen conference designed to help students think about their future vocations. The conference was hosted by Youth in Ministry (YiM). The conference featured ministry skill workshops in leadership, preaching, storytelling, youth ministry, children’s ministry, counseling, creative arts, interpersonal communication, missions and worship. Speakers included Tommy and John Thomas Oaks; David robinson, lead pastor at Community Christian Church in Baltimore, Maryland; and popular Christian speakers Heather Holland and ronda Paulson (’97). For information about next year’s conference, held July 25-31, 2010, visit n

Compassion International advocate visits Milligan John vermilya, a member of the Kingdom Building Ministries team and advocate for Compassion International, spoke at a convocation service in September.

VP for enrollment Management, lee fierbaugh (’94), and President Jeanes cutting the celebratory cake

Milligan College set a record fall enrollment for the third year in a row, with 1,100 students, a jump of 74 students over last year. This announcement came on the heels of Milligan being named a “Best Buy” and one of the Top 10 best baccalaureate colleges in the South by U.S. News & World Report. Milligan also was recognized among the top 15 percent of colleges in the U.S. as a “Military Friendly School” by G.I. Jobs magazine.

“We continue to stay true to our mission and commitment to academic quality,” said President Don Jeanes. “Those things are valued now more than ever.” Jeanes said this year’s record enrollment is credited largely to a new student class of 319 traditional undergraduate students, the largest class since 1969 and a 29% increase over last year. Jeanes is also pleased that this year’s freshman class has an average high school GPA of 3.6 and an ACT score of 23, both well above national and state averages and consistent with recent entering classes. Milligan has seen steady enrollment growth in the past decade from new academic and athletic programs, stronger retention among upperclassmen and growth in graduate and adult degree completion programs. This, combined with more strategic recruitment and marketing initiatives, contributed to the recent growth, explained Jeanes. “As we look to the future, we see a growing need for graduates like those from Milligan. In order to meet that need, we must continue to allow for some expansion. So we have a target enrollment in mind of 1,200 to 1,500 students. This allows the college to maintain its personality and stay true to its mission as a Christian liberal arts college. We’re excited about this year and the future of Milligan,” said Jeanes, who has been president at Milligan since 1997.

vermilya represents Kingdom Building Ministries (KBM), a cross-denominational organization that partners with churches, universities, denominations and other ministry organizations to challenge, equip and mobilize Christians to become active laborers. n

Fall 2009 | 9

‘A doer of the word’’ By Melissa nipper (’96)

Sabbatical sheds new light on little-known hero of the Holocaust Photos (left to right): Dr. Ted Thomas and Frau Anita Baier remember the Night of Broken Glass at the site of a synagogue that burned on the outskirts of Heidelberg, November 9-10, 1938; Picture of Hermann Maas from family photo album; Dr. Joerg Thierfelder, widely-published church-state historian who has made Hermann Maas a specialty; The Holy Spirit Church where Hermann Maas pastored from 1915 to 1943 10 | Fall 2009

faculTy spotlight

Dr. Ted Thomas appreciates a good story. The associate professor of humanities, history and German spends his days in the classroom at Milligan College sharing narratives of people and events that have changed lives and shaped history. He’s a teacher and a storyteller with a passion for preserving history. So when it was time for his sabbatical last year, Thomas and his wife, Jane-Anne, embarked on a journey to uncover the story of a man who saved the lives of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. They traveled to Heidelberg, Germany, to study the life of Hermann Maas, a Christian Zionist pastor who began ministries of reconciliation between groups of people with a chasm of differences dividing them – the rich and the poor, the Jews and the Gentiles, and the Germans and the Israelis. “Hermann Maas was God’s man, who tried to bring things together for good,” Jane-Anne said. “We wanted to know more about him.” ‘COnsPiCuOus By His aBsenCe’ The couple’s interest in Maas’s story began with their love of Heidelberg, a place they already knew well. Ted attended Pepperdine University’s international studies program at the University of Heidelberg from 1967 to 1968. He returned to Heidelberg with Jane-Anne in 1971, where he preached at the Heidelberg Church of Christ for six years. The couple’s second son was born in Heidelberg, as was their lasting affection for the city and its people. Ted came across Maas’s name in the 1990s while researching his dissertation on Christian women who resisted Hitler’s control of the Protestant church in Germany. “As I tried to find out more about (Maas), he became conspicuous by his absence,” Ted said. There are no books written about Maas in English. In fact, there are just three short German books about him, and no definitive biography has ever been written. Though a bridge in the city bears his name, Hermann Mass is mostly forgotten even in Heidelberg, where he pastored the Holy Spirit Church from 1915 to 1943. “I was surprised when we went to Heidelberg and would sit next to people and talk with them, and most did not know the name Hermann Maas,” Ted said. “It’s interesting how quickly a person’s good story can disappear. His story needs to be told.” During their sabbatical, Ted wanted to collect enough information to write an academic article about Maas and to convince the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., to include Maas in its online Holocaust Encyclopedia. The Thomases came home with enough material to write a book. While in Heidelberg, Ted taught an international studies class of 35 Pepperdine University students. When Ted wasn’t teaching, he and JaneAnne surrounded themselves with resources to piece together the life of Maas. Their apartment was located just two miles from Holy Spirit Church of Heidelberg, and they spent hundreds of hours in the basement of what was once the church parsonage, poring over 20 years of church bulletins published by Maas. As international scholars at the University of Heidelberg, the Thomases had access to many helpful resources, including the Jewish Archives. They interviewed dozens of people, including Maas’s 97-yearold daughter and the handful of German scholars who have written about Maas. And they captured every step of their journey in photographs, taking more than 50,000 pictures of landmarks, documents and family photos.

The more the Thomases learned, the more convinced they became that Maas’s story was worth telling. “This was a man who had a social conscience for the poor and the Jewish people,” Ted said. “People who needed to get out of the country went to Maas and he was an advocate for them. If you talk about direct and indirect help and influence, Maas had his finger in 36 separate organizations through his ecumenical contacts.” a stOry takes sHaPe The Thomases have already had several opportunities to tell Maas’s story. In January, Ted was invited to speak at the first Hermann Maas Lecture in Heidelberg. “There were chairs for 100 people, and we were hoping 75 would show up,” Ted said. “About 200 people came, and these were people who never sit in the same room and talk to each other.” He presented an abridged version of his lecture at the Christian Scholars’ Conference at Lipscomb University in June, where he praised Maas for his Christian example during the dark days of the Holocaust. “Maas turned his theology of reconciliation into practice, and was, in James’s words, not just a hearer, not just a thinker, and not just a speaker, but ‘a doer of the Word,’” Ted concludes. A story worth telling is finally being told. tO learn MOre dr. ted thomas will present a lecture titled “Hermann Maas, an underreported Holocaust Hero” on tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gregory Center on the Milligan College campus. the event is free and open to the public. n

Ted leading a class to out places w ur through the streets here Maas of worked, live Heidelber g, pointin g d and visite d regularly

Fall 2009 | 11

campus news

Voice of the Martyrs rep speaks at Milligan David Brackemyre, a representative of The voice of the Martyrs, spoke about the persecuted church in a convocation service in October. The voice of the Martyrs (vOM) is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide. Brackemyre is the director of voice Ministries, a division of vOM. His passion is helping the persecuted church and speaking to groups about Christians who persevere in the face of pressure to deny their faith. n

Fall production marks elkins’ debut at Milligan the neWly renOVated Citizens Bank athletic training Center Milligan College and the LaPorte Family unveiled the new Citizens Bank Athletic Training Center Monday, October 12, at a dedication ceremony held at Milligan’s Steve Lacy Fieldhouse. The new athletic training center adds more than 1,000 square feet of treatment space for the 300 student-athletes at Milligan. The larger facility allows Milligan to better accommodate the training and treatment needs of its athletes. Joe LaPorte III, along with his family, donated funds through the LaPorte Family Foundation for the training center in memory of their father, Joe LaPorte, Jr., a visionary and banker who cultivated Citizens Bank into what it is today.

The fall production of “A Shakespeare Double Bill: Titus ‘n 2 Gents” marked Dr. Dennis r. Elkins’ debut as artistic director of theatre at Milligan College. The theater department performed the play October 15, 16 and 17 in Milligan’s Gregory Center for the Liberal Arts. Elkins taught theater at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) from 2003 until he joined the Milligan faculty this year. He holds a bachelor of arts degree from Milligan College (’81), a master of arts in speech and theater from the University of Tennessee, and a Ph.D. in theater from the University of Colorado. He also completed graduate studies at the University of Birmingham (England) and is currently completing certification as a teacher of the Fitzmaurice voicework with Catherine Fitzmaurice. n

The FIne ArTS SuMMer ACAdeMy June 27-July 9

theatre track (two weeks)

June 27-July 3

storytelling track Multi-media track Music Camp (with tracks for Orchestra, Piano and Voice)

The Fine Arts Summer Academy will be held on the campus of Milligan College. The academy is for highschool students ages 14-19. Students are housed in college residence halls along with their counselors. Meals are included in the registration fee. The cost will be announced in December 2009. dual enrollment credit will be available. for more information, visit

12 | Fall 2009

Support Milligan and provide for your future

Milligan campus in the 1930s

in 1931 it only seemed natural that Walter lee Price would enroll in Milligan College. after all, both of Walter lee’s parents were Milligan graduates; in fact, practically all of his father’s relatives graduated from the college. Walter Lee worked for 58 years as an attorney in Johnson City, Tennessee. Additionally he served on the Tennessee Higher education Commission and taught the men’s class at First Christian Church in Johnson City for half a century. Several years ago, Walter Lee choose to celebrate his ties to Milligan with a charitable gift annuity. He notes that he was told about gift annuities from a banker friend. When he found out how much greater his income would be with a gift annuity over a bank CD, his choice was clear. In addition to helping Milligan, Walter Lee received a charitable income-tax deduction when he established the gift annuity and fixed payments for life. For more information on how a Charitable Gift Annuity might fit into your plans, please call Jack Simpson at 800.447.5922. Fall 2009 | 13

sTudenT spotlight

By Jason Watts (’10)

When I applied for admission to the International Business Institute, I had no idea that spending 10 weeks away from home would end up having such a dramatic impact upon my life and upon my view of the world. This past summer, I spent two and a half months in Europe studying international business with 41 other students from Christian colleges and universities across the U.S. It was truly an experience of a lifetime. An essential purpose of the program is to encourage and facilitate the integration of academic study with an international field experience. The academic work is conducted in a variety of settings from the usual classroom to corporate headquarters, manufacturing plants, governmental and international agencies. The program began in Lithuania, a country vastly different from the United States. Milligan’s Dr. Bill Greer taught our comparative economic systems class during this part of the trip. He really put into perspective what it was like when communism was the norm in many parts of the world. It was absolutely essential to the experience to be in a country like Lithuania, where communism heavily influenced the lives of every citizen. We traveled from Lithuania to russia, then on to several other countries, including the Czech republic, Austria, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, France, and England, to name a few. Each morning began with devotions. We had classes almost every day and corporate visits often. The corporate visits included sessions at places like Shell Oil, the European Central Bank, European Parliament, Black and Decker, Mars Candy and John Deere. These were so beneficial to the experience, because we were able to see glimpses of what day-to-day corporate life in an international setting is like. We were able to spend a lot of time with representatives of the various companies, including those in upper management and executive positions – people who understood the intricacies of their companies and could easily answer our questions. One session I remember vividly was at Shell Oil with global business vice president Jeremy Bentham. He first talked about the importance that energy, especially oil, plays in the future of our world. He then proceeded to a more personal testimony which really surprised us. He told us his story of success in business but his complete failure to lead a family. He said his family was falling apart when he began to pray to God, who was completely foreign to him at that time. He became a Christian, repaired his family life and is a changed man. What a story! He now leads the Shell Headquarters Employee Christian Fellowship. The group offers a voluntary opportunity for Shell employees to meet once a week for fellowship, devotions and prayer. While class and corporate visits were important, another aspect of the program that heightened the experience was spending time with the locals. I learned about other cultures, lifestyles and people. It challenged and strengthened my faith to talk with people who believed things completely

frOM tHe BeGinninG

by Bill Greer (’85), Vice President for institutional advancement and kegley Professor of Business and economics

in 1996, Henry kegley, a 1941 graduate of Milligan and a successful businessman, expressed his desire that Milligan expand its business curriculum to include an international component. kegley was familiar with the international Business institute, a cooperative program among a dozen or so Christian colleges and universities in which students from each school participate in a ten week program of study throughout eastern and Western europe. kegley donated the necessary funds so that i could travel to the institute as an observing professor to get a sense of what the program was about. i was so impressed with the program that i immediately began the process of securing Milligan’s status as an iBi affiliate school. i was invited to join the iBi faculty in 2005, teaching comparative economic systems. since then it has been my privilege to teach students from across the united states who are seeking their place in God’s world. as we travel together from one country to another, visiting businesses from russia to france and from the Czech republic to england, it is clear that the world has grown increasingly interdependent. We are indebted to Henry kegley, whose dream that Milligan’s curriculum include international business made it possible for our students and faculty to have a truly global experience, and to recognize that there is a place for Christian business people in our increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Fall 2009 | 15

sTudenT spotlight

contrary to what I believe. This made me realize how important it is for Christians to experience cultures outside of their own. How can our belief system and faith be challenged and strengthened if we are never faced with diverse beliefs? Often a few friends and I would go out to eat, especially during the three weeks we spent in Oisterwijk, Holland. We would meet locals and talk to them for hours. Little did I know that I would make friends with these people and grow to enjoy spending so much time with them. The most challenging part of the trip was being taken into an environment where I knew no one, did not know the language and wasn’t familiar with the culture. This was difficult but led to unbelievable personal growth. While in Europe I realized that I hadn’t really brought with me a true sense of my own identity. I had never really become who I wanted to become or, more specifically, who I was supposed to become. This trip allowed me to do this, and I am certain it did the same for the 41 other students on the trip. n

left to right: Watts with dr. Bill Greer and edwina Greer (’84) and Watts with classmates

A 4,000-pound

buffalo Buffaloes no longer roam the Great Plains in large numbers but one is standing on the campus of Milligan College. The life-size buffalo was dontated by six alumni.

Heritage Display

Part of looking forward is knowing where you’ve come from.

as Milligan prepared for the public launch of its FOrWarD EvEr capital campaign, the institutional advancement staff thought it important to look back at the college’s history—to give this campaign context. What resulted was a heritage display: seven 7’ panels that highlight some of the people, places and events that have shaped the college and brought it to where it is today, nearly 150 years after its founding. This project would not have been possible without the assistance of Milligan archivist Meredith Sommers and Milligan historians Cynthia Cornwell McCachern (’85 ) and Clinton J. Holloway (’95). 16 | Fall 2009

Good stewards, alumnus and wife earn title as

“Arizona’s Thriftiest Family”

alumni feature

By kara G. Morrison, The Arizona Republic reprinted with permission


Pay cash. The Gulletts put grocery money in one envelope, and “when it’s gone, it’s gone,” Lauren said.


Check receipts. Lauren makes sure prices ring up correctly.


Ban impulse buying. Lauren window-shops when she just needs to get out of the house, but she limits shopping to planned purchases and necessities.


Haggle. Lauren doesn’t hesitate to ask for better prices.


Buy quality. “Being frugal doesn’t always mean being cheap,” Jared said.


Reuse. rather than buy a new washing machine, Lauren fixed her leaking one thanks to instructions she found online.

10. Use cloth diapers. Lauren saves about $75 per month using cloth diapers since her initial investment. 11. Nab a “smokin’ deal.” Lauren occasionally finds a “smokin’ deal” she won’t pass up. 12. Go online. The Gulletts work as a team to find deals.

In many ways, lauren and Jared Gullett of Gilbert, arizona, were trained from birth to be thrifty. Lauren’s mom clipped coupons, reused anything plastic, mended her children’s clothes and sewed her daughters’ prom dresses. Jared’s mom once haggled for children’s shoes in front of her young sons, who were instructed to look meek. So the Gullets, who won The Arizona republic’s Thriftiest Family contest this spring, are quick to say they aren’t visionaries. Nor do they claim to have mastered frugality. But they realize some things they do are not exactly mainstream. For example: no credit cards. That means they never spend more than they have on hand — ever. “It’s a way of life,” said Lauren, a 33-year-old stay-at-home mom who put her career as a pastor on hold to raise their three young children. Jared, 30, a sleep-lab technologist, covers the bills for the family that includes 4year-old Julian, 2-year-old Emmie and 1-year-old Gabrielle. “We have to be frugal,” Lauren explained. “When I quit my job, it wasn’t really planned out. There were several months we were living out of our savings account.” The Gulletts’ tidy and comfortable home is neither spare nor elaborate. They do have a flat-panel Tv (a well-researched gift from the grandparents, Lauren said) and all the necessities. She admits they’re not immune to the pull of consumerism. They sold her “dream car” (a Toyota 4runner) for a more practical minivan, and she reluctantly abandoned thoughts of a shiny new washing machine to fix the old one herself. But she’s also not one to crave expensive splurges. “I physically get sick spending a lot of money,” she said. visionary or no, the Gulletts are extremely disciplined. Here are 20 of their best thrifty tips: 1.

Budget. You can’t save until you know where your money goes.


Track prices. Lauren studies prices so she can stock up on groceries to home goods when she spots a great deal.


Cut up the credit cards. Lauren is a big fan of Christian financial guru Dave ramsey, who’s adamant that debt is trouble.

13. Freeze it. When the smokin’ deal is a grocery item, the Gullets stock up and freeze it — even bread, milk and cheese. 14. Use coupons. Lauren subscribes to, which alerts subscribers to use their coupons with current sales. 15. Get an allowance. Jared and Lauren give themselves a monthly allowance of $40 each for discretionary purchases. 16. Teach. The couple plan to start teaching their kids about financial responsibility very early, paying them a small amount to do chores. 17. Accept help. “We can’t do it alone,” Gullett said, explaining that other peoples’ generosity has saved them thousands of dollars over the years. 18. Prioritize. It’s not easy, but Lauren said she and her family really try not to attach value to material things. 19. Give up extras. By shaving various services such as Internet (slower), Tv (fewer channels) and phone (fewer services), Lauren saves $40 per month on the communications bill. 20. Plan shopping routes. Lauren typically plans her shopping around other errands so she’s not wasting gas money. n

Jared graduated from Milligan in 2001 with a B.s. in sociology.

Fall 2009 | 17

big impact Small gesture,

by Chelsea farnam (’10)

“operation Christmas Child reaches needy children and tangibly shows them the love of christ.”

18 | Fall 2009

sTudenT spotlight

rebekah rollston (’11)

The delivery teams also share a gospel message with the children before The best gifts come in small packages, and for Milligan College distributing the boxes by hand. junior rebekah rollston, they come in a shoebox. “We used a book called ‘El Mejor regalo,’ which means ‘the greatest After spending eight days on the rural San Blas islands of Panama gift,’” said rollston. “The book shared the message of Christ.” delivering 1,500 gift-filled shoeboxes to indigent children, rollston has seen The San Blas islands, also called the Kuna Yala islands, are inhabited by the impact of a small gesture of kindness. the Kuna people, who migrated to the islands during the Spanish invasion of rollston traveled with 16 Americans ages 16-20 as part of a team with th Central America in the 16 century. They speak both the native language, Samaritan’s Purse, an Christian organization that works worldwide providing Dulegaya, and Spanish. Missionaries from multiple Christian denominations emergency relief, community development, education and medical missions. have brought a message to the area, and churches exist on most islands. The program, called Operation Christmas Distribution took place at these Child, delivers shoeboxes filled with toys, churches, and the team traveled by candy, hygiene products and school supplies motorized canoes to a different island each to some eight million children a year living day, returning at night to one of the few in developing countries. hotels on the island of Nargana. “Operation Christmas Child reaches “It was the most amazing trip I’ve ever needy children and tangibly shows them the been on,” said rollston, who has also done love of Christ,” said rollston, a biology missions work in Mexico. “There’s poverty all major who plans to pursue a graduate over the world, but I’ve never been in a place degree and work as a physician’s assistant. where people lived in bamboo huts.” “Through my experiences at Milligan, I The plane that took the team from have developed an even deeper passion for Panama City to the islands was too small for serving God by serving those around me.” rollston to stand up in and only had 25 seats. The boxes are assembled by rollston said the plane landed on a dirt individuals and churches around the globe, runway. delivered to one of six distribution centers Despite the primitive conditions, in the U.S., and personally delivered by rollston said she would love to do a trip like groups such as rollston’s. rollston first learned about Operation Christmas this again. Child through Boones Creek Christian Church in Gray, Tennessee, where rollston, who has studied Spanish at Milligan, said she tried her best to she is a member. The church packs shoeboxes for the program each year. communicate with the children, both with and without the help of Despite the program’s name, distribution occurs throughout the year. translators. “It’s a way for us to tell them about Jesus’ birth,” said rollston, who “We had a communication barrier, but it didn’t block us from having was able to deliver her own box to a 9-year-old girl named Betsy on the fun,” she said. “You can communicate in so many ways other than island of East Le Tigre. speech.” n of these gifts, or any other gift, might benefit you, “I really felt like God was calling me to give it to her,” said “I how either torollston. find out contact Jack simpson at 800.447.5922, or visit us online at included a picture, and she really loved that!” Fall 2009 | 19

“at Milligan you’re taught to

SEE THE wOrLd THrOuGH a CHriSTian PErSPECTivE, and that is something that is invaluable.”

20 | Fall 2009

aThleTic feature

By Chelsea farnam (’10)

former Milligan golf athlete ryan Morris is actively pursuing servant leadership. Those who follow God often find themselves going unusual places. ryan Morris, a 2007 Milligan graduate, discovered this phenomenon this year while working in Kenya with a Christian non-profit organization called Partners for Care. Morris went to Kenya on a short-term mission trip in April with a group from his home church, First Christian Church of Carrollton, Georgia, where his father is the pastor. Morris then decided to return to Kenya for three months beginning in September to continue the work being done there. “The reason I am here is that I want to begin to build a foundation in my life that is solely based on my relationship with God,” Morris said. “You really don't have to go to Africa to build that foundation, but I have a calling and passion to work with missions. I find it exciting and challenging at the same time.” Morris was a business administration major at Milligan and also a key player on the golf team. In 2007,, Morris helped lead the team to the NAIA National Championship for the first time. In his four years at Milligan, Morris won three AAC titles. After graduation he joined Bridgestone Golf in Atlanta and worked in their marketing department for two years. He traveled to country clubs and PGA Tour events promoting Bridgestone products. In September, Morris quit Bridgestone to work with Partners for Care in Kenya, where he works for AIDS awareness and assists in the process of building new orphanages. Partners for Care oversees a wide range of relief and education efforts, primarily a community center in the second largest slum in Africa — Mathre Slum in Nairobi. They also manage multiple orphanages, an AIDS awareness program and a school in the rural Turkana region. One of the orphanages, called “Beat the Drum,” houses children orphaned by AIDS who have tested positive themselves. Morris values highly the opportunity to bring care and education to AIDS victims and the larger African population. He acknowledged the reluctance of Christian churches in the past to confront the AIDS issue due to its stigma. However, Morris says the church is taking action now, recognizing the need to bring hope to the hopeless.

“I enjoy doing this work because… behavior change is one of the keys to the solution,” Morris said. “That solution is living a life that God calls.” As time passes, Morris is gradually becoming acclimated to the cultural differences in Kenya. He wrote in a blog that his insistence on using bottled water and hand sanitizer has subsided, and he is beginning to appreciate a diet of goat meat and lentils. “It’s weird how your body adjusts over time,” Morris said. “When I first came there were several things that did not taste good, but then I got hungrier and hungrier and the food tasted better and better!” While the experience has been positive for Morris, he observes daily the trials of those around him living in poverty. Scenes of exotic beauty contrast starkly with moments of desperation and starvation. Morris wrote, “Africa can best be described as one big contradiction. An organized disaster. A horrific beauty. You see it everywhere. Sights of great beauty like the Great rift valley, the plains of Africa, Lake victoria are lumped into a jumbled mess with sights of starvation, HIv/AIDS, poverty.” Through it all, Morris said his time at Milligan has played a significant role in his choices and actions. “After my parents, the Milligan world and the people in it have been the second most influential thing in my life,” Morris said, citing relationships with coach Tony Wallingford and professor Mark Peacock. “In short, I think it helped plant the seed for some of my passions that propel me forward today. You are taught to see the world through a Christian perspective, and that is something that is invaluable.“ Morris said Milligan’s concept of servant leadership has also played a role in his life. “That is something I strive for, to be a servant leader,” he said. Beyond simply wanting to be a servant leader, Morris is actively pursuing it, sacrificing time and comfort in order to seek God and have communion with his people. From the greens of the golf course to the plains of Kenya, Morris is following wherever God leads him. n

Fall 2009 | 21

Ox ygen

for the Swimmer By Jay Bernhardt (’09)

Most 16-year-olds dream of getting their first car, going to the prom or making “big plays” in sports. But some teenagers are already doing extraordinary things. When Milligan freshman Aly Mangas was a student at Covenant Christian High School in Greenwood, Indiana, she embarked on a project that would one day shape lives and inspire others. Mangas, now a member of Milligan’s swim team, has always been passionate about swimming and often searched for inspirational books about her sport. “I always saw devotional books for other sports, but I could never find one on swimming,” said Mangas. “One day my mom told me that I should just write one, so I just sort of began working on it.” Mangas began contacting swim coaches from around the region and asking if they had stories they would like to share. After receiving about 200 entries, Mangas sorted through the submitted works and chose the stories that would go in the book. That process resulted in her book, Oxygen for the Swimmer. Although the idea for the book came from her mother, the title came from a family friend. “I was talking with one of my mom’s friends and asked her about possible titles,” said Mangas. “She said ‘oxygen,’ and I thought it was great. ‘Oxygen’ really touches on both sides of the spectrum that I wanted to cover, from a spiritual standpoint and swimming standpoint.” Oxygen for the Swimmer was based on the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul books, but instead of just including quotes, Mangas wanted Bible verses to tie swimming with the spiritual realm. The book, which is available in bookstores nationwide and in some foreign countries, is published by Xulon Press. Oxygen for the Swimmer offers stories from Olympians to high school athletes. Through the stories she chose, Mangas paints a picture that inspires her readers and gives them encouragement not just in the pool, but throughout life. 22 | Fall 2009

In the book, Olympic gold-medalist Sheila Taormina shares some of the greatest lessons she has learned through swimming and offers encouragement to those who aspire to be the best they can be. Current University of Georgia swimmer and former eight-time Indiana state champion, Michelle McKeehan, shares her story of how she broke the national record in the 200 individual medley. After the book was published, McKeehan contacted Mangas and thanked her for her work. “Michelle thanked me for writing the book and told me how inspirational it was,” said Mangas. “She also told me that the swim team at Georgia was using it for a Bible study that they were having, which was really neat to hear.” The book has touched people across the world, including Olympic gold-medalist Michael Phelps. “I waited in line at the championships and handed Michael Phelps a copy of the book and he said he had never heard of it before,” Mangas said. “I said ‘it’s because I wrote it.’ Phelps was astonished and began to show my book to others around him.” Mangas asked for Phelps’ autograph, and he asked for hers in return. It was Mangas’s proudest moment since she received the first copy of the book. Now majoring in communications at Milligan, Mangas brings her positive energy to the swim team. “Aly always has a great attitude,” said rachel Auel, Milligan’s assistant swim coach. “She is one of the most uplifting people to have on our team.” Although her passion lies in swimming, Mangas hopes all her readers will take something from her book. “I hope this book will encourage the swimmer and the non-swimmer and will bless them,” Mangas said. n

atHletiC neWs Golf (men’s and women’s) The Milligan College men’s golf team had a successful fall campaign as they shattered the school scoring record with their total of 285 at the 2009 Tornado Invitational. Individually, freshman Whit Brown (Murfreesboro, TN) tied the 18-hole scoring record set a year ago by 2009 graduate Jay Bernhardt. Brown’s two-under par 69 made him just the second golfer in the program’s history to fire a round in the 60s. Additionally, the Buffs finished the fall ranked 25th in the NAIA in stroke average with a 296.38 per 18-holes. Mountain Biking (men’s and women’s) In the first year of the sport at Milligan, the Biking Buffs had several top 5 finishes. The program’s first signee, Jared Abel (Charlotte, NC), led the group of bikers with many top-5 finishes en-route to earning Milligan many points in the races. Sophomore Micah Redden (Portsmouth, OH) progressed very well as the season went along, while sophomore Jeffery Twaddell (Atlanta, GA) showed some good strides of improvement. For the first year of competition these young men set-in-stone the potential that Milligan biking has to offer. Men’s soccer The Milligan Buffs men’s soccer team had a tremendous regular season as they were crowned the regular season AAC champions. In taking home the title, the Buffs ended the regular season with a mark of 10-4-1 overall and 6-1 in the league. Leading the Buffs were senior Philip Wilson (Middlesbrough, england), who ranked first on the team and second in the AAC in goals scored (12), and senior goalkeeper Bryan Newbold (Sylva, NC), who tallied 79 saves on the year. Sophomore Sandre Wilson (Mandeville, Jamaica) made a big impact in his first season with the Buffs as he led the team in shots on goal with 26 and pitched in eight goals during the regular season. The Milligan men had four notched to the AAC’s Player of the Week list in S. Wilson (selected twice), P. Wilson, Newbold and Nahom Tekle (Louisville, KY). Women’s soccer The Lady Buffs soccer team had a successful season as they found themselves near the top of the AAC rankings. Leading the offensive charge for the Lady Buffs, was newcomer Kelsey Kind (Johnson City, TN) who led the squad in goals. On the defensive side, Canadian newcomer Heather Crumplen (Courtice, Canada) held her ground well for the Lady Buffs as goalkeeper in recording nearly 100 saves. Kind was a one time winner of the AACs Player of the Week award, while Crumplen received this honor three times over the course of the season. Volleyball Recent Milligan College Hall of Fame inductee Doneva Bays (’97) is in her second year at the helm of the Lady Buffs volleyball squad. Led by twotime AAC Setter of the Week, Chelsea Spivey, the Lady Buffs have shown much improvement from last season. Spivey has tallied nearly a dozen double-doubles on the year and looks to be a great asset for the Lady Buffs in the future. Sophomore libero Morgan Rutledge (Kingsport, TN) led the squad in digs this past season, as well as adding her name to the AAC Libero of the Week list. Offensively, the hard hitting Bianca Burnett (Cookeville, TN) led the team in kills and was Milligan’s only AAC Hitter of the Week.

Fall 2009 | 23

From the President dear friends,

We continue to daily rely on God’s provision as we strive to fulfill our mission.

the headline of the Johnson City Press front page story about this year’s Milligan homecoming said “you Can Go Home again.” What a fitting way to describe the feelings of Milligan alumni who were able to be here for this year’s festivities. The campus was full of alumni of all ages, along with a large number of young, future Buffaloes. We were also happy to have Milligan’s chancellor and past president, Dr. Marshall Leggett, and his wife Jean with us during homecoming this year. Dr. Leggett was here to help us kick-off FOrWArD EvEr: The Campaign for Milligan College. This year’s homecoming was extra special as we took the time to reflect on the progress God has allowed us to enjoy as a college. With the launch of FOrWArD EvEr, we celebrate our rich heritage while we plan for an even brighter future. “Forward Ever, Be our Watchword” are recognizable words from our alma mater. They capture the essence of our long history and anticipate a future in which Milligan plays a continuing and important role in providing the world with Christian leaders. With our recent building and campus improvement projects, the addition of numerous academic and athletic programs and with more growth on the horizon, Milligan has never looked more beautiful or served her students better. As all alumni know, however, the heart of Milligan isn’t found in her buildings, her campus, or even in her programs. rather, the heart of Milligan is in the relationships that are formed and in the lives that are changed here. Milligan has always, first and foremost, been about the people who make up this Christian community. Even during those days when Milligan faced lower enrollments and struggled financially, the hand of God was clearly at work. That’s what has always made Milligan such a special place, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The positive impact our alumni have upon the world makes Milligan College worthy of our continued efforts to ensure that the work of the college continues for many generations to come. Several of the stories in this edition of the Milligan Magazine reflect just how connected we are to the world. Thank you for partnering in our ministry and for making this impact possible. Because of your financial and prayerful support, Milligan does indeed continue to move forward ever. Sincerely,

Donald r. Jeanes President

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