Honors Convocation 2017

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Millikin University Students, Parents, Faculty, & Friends: If you seek to know the heart of what a university values, pay attention to whom that institution honors. The Honors Convocation and Distinguished Faculty Lecture constitute one very special moment in Millikin’s year, a time when the entire Millikin community lifts up and celebrates our distinguished achievements. In the faculty and students honored here tonight we see our best imagination of who we are as Millikin shining forth. The Honors Convocation and Distinguished Faculty Lecture form a great Millikin tradition, a time when we come together to celebrate earnest scholarship, dedicated inquiry, and performance learning brought to a height of excellence. Here we connect as a community to honor achievement and excellence in teaching and learning, which lie at the heart of Millikin’s mission. We also gather across time and space, for many of the awards and prizes bestowed this evening were established over the past 100 years in order to celebrate the achievements of students and colleagues and to take pride in who we are as Millikin. Many of these awards have been created to honor men and women in our past. As we now bestow these awards on our current students and faculty, we understand that we carry on our best vision of our past and our most hopeful view of Millikin’s future. Now and in the future, those we honor tonight shine in the Millikin sky, bright stars whose light and achievement will stand as models and guides for all of our efforts and good work. Together we carry on a great tradition, honor the achievement of the present, and look forward to even greater accomplishments in the years ahead.

Thank you for being a part of this celebration. Your presence increases the importance of the evening. On behalf of all who love Millikin, congratulations to all the honorees.

Patrick E. White President



Faculty Marshals Rachel Bicicchi, Associate Professor Travis Wilcoxen, Associate Professor Processional Dance (Michael Praetorius).......................Millikin Brass Quintet Presiding President Patrick E. White Address Who Am I?: Learning and the Art of Unknowing Dr. Stephen Frech, Professor of English Musical Interlude Es ist ein’ Rose’ entsprungen (Johannes Brahms/arr. Rosenthal) ...................................................................Millikin Brass Quintet Presentation of Honors & Awards College of Arts & Sciences College of Fine Arts College of Professional Studies Tabor School of Business University Awards Scovill Prizes & Faculty Honors

Randy M. Brooks, Dean Laura A. Ledford, Dean Deborah L. Slayton, Dean Najiba Benabess, Dean Raphaella M. Prange, Dean Jeffery P. Aper, Provost

Recessional La Bourree (Michael Praetorius)…………….Millikin Brass Quintet Millikin Student Quintet Hannah A. Barnes, Marah L. Kittelson, Riley T. McDorman, John P. Robinson, Trevor J. Stout



Behavioral Science Award

This award was established in 1980 by an anonymous former employee of Millikin University.

Behavioral Science Award For a graduating senior with a 3.60 grade point average and at least a 3.75 grade point average in the major.

Presented with honor to Lesa J. McMahon-Lowe


College of Arts & Sciences

Behavioral Sciences

Henry F. Gromoll

What we spend, is gone. What we keep, is lost. But what we give away Will be ours forever.

Henry F. Gromoll Service Award

Dr. Henry “Hank” F. Gromoll was a professor of psychology and chair of the Behavioral Sciences Department at Millikin University from 1961 to 1995. This award was established by Dr. Gromoll’s family, friends and colleagues to honor a man who had contributed substantially to Millikin’s reputation in the Behavioral Sciences, and who, through his teaching and private practice, lived his life according to the Estel Percy Andrus quote that concluded his 1991 Honors Convocation Distinguished Faculty Lecture:

Henry F. Gromoll Service Award For a junior or senior majoring in the behavioral sciences and active in service to others.

Presented with honor to Jonathan T. Rieck

College of Arts & Sciences

Behavioral Sciences


Biology Honors Award

This award was established by Mrs. Shirley Miller Billings (and friends), class of 1948.

Shirley Miller Billings

Biology Honors Award For outstanding biology major(s).

Presented with honor to Angela Boyd Alexander J. Cardascio


College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Neil Baird

Dr. Neil Baird Biology Lab Assistant Award

This endowed award was established in 2012 by family and friends in memory of Dr. Neil Baird, Associate Professor of Biology Emeritus, who taught at Millikin from 19702005. The recipient is chosen by the biology department faculty. A graduate of the Millikin class of 1965, Dr. Baird wanted this award to recognize the outstanding contributions to the laboratory experience made by those students who serve as lab assistants. Both Dr. Baird and his wife Karen were lab assistants when they were students in the Biology Department. This experience played a part in both of them choosing college biology teaching as their lifelong careers — Neil at Millikin and Karen at Richland Community College.

Dr. Neil Baird Biology Lab Assistant Award For outstanding biology major(s).

Presented with honor to Nicole M. Koch Eric D. Smull Paris M. Woods

College of Arts & Sciences



Clyde Dennis Award Dr. Clyde Dennis

This award was also established by Shirley Miller Billings ’48 to honor her biology professor and former Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Clyde Dennis. Mrs. Billings of Durham, N.C., was a biology major. Dr. Dennis served as a professor and chairman of the Biology Department from 1948-1950, and 1956-1962. In 1962, he became the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, serving until his retirement in 1965.

Clyde Dennis Award For contributions to the University and the Biology Department.

Presented with honor to Shelby L. Chesko


College of Arts & Sciences


George Glasscock

Each of Mary Glasscock’s four children graduated from Millikin University, where she herself was once employed. Her son, David ’72, is a physician in Denver, Colorado. David’s wife Paula Collins Glasscock is a 1971 Millikin graduate. Mary’s daughter Vicki Glasscock Ehrmann graduated from Millikin in 1977 and is a teacher in Brighton, Colorado.

George & Rick Glasscock Memorial Biology Award For an outstanding biology student, as determined by the Biology Department.

George & Rick Glasscock Memorial Biology Award

This award was established by Mary Glasscock in loving memory of her two sons, George and Rick. George graduated from Millikin in 1973. He was a practicing dentist in Wausau, Wisconsin until his death in March of 2003. His daughter Ali Oja-Haus graduated from Millikin in 1997 and lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. Rick Glasscock was a member of Millikin’s class of 1984. He lived in Windsor, Illinois and worked at ADM until he passed away in 2002. His wife Elaine Glasscock is a member of Millikin’s Class of 1985.

Presented with honor to Kathryn L. Stromsland

College of Arts & Sciences



John & Ula Leighty Research Award

Ula & John Leighty

One step into Millikin’s Leighty-Tabor Science Center and you’ve been exposed to the lasting impact of one of Millikin’s most notable science alums, Dr. John Leighty ’31. Always passionate about science research, Dr. Leighty was a member of the team that first developed penicillin for the Eli Lilly Company. He was a corecipient of the Alumni of the Year Award in 1971, an award shared with his wife, Ula, who was also a Millikin graduate and a member of the class of 1933. He received an honorary degree in 1964 and served as a member of the Board of Trustees from 1967-1970. With a $1 million gift, he established the John and Ula Leighty Research grant/scholarship program funding science study and summer science research. And during Millikin’s capital campaign, Advancing the Vision, he donated more than $4.5 million for the Leighty-Tabor Science Center and its endowment.

John & Ula Leighty Research Award For outstanding research in biology.

Presented with honor to Mackenzie R. Peck Sara S. Siegfried Skyler J. Taylor


College of Arts & Sciences


Alpha Epsilon Delta Award

Alpha Epsilon Delta is a pre-professional honorary fraternity founded in 1926 by 15 pre-medical students at the University of Alabama. Today, Alpha Epsilon Delta is the world’s largest body devoted to the education of students who aspire to careers in health care. AED’s membership exceeds 144,000 in 186 chapters.

Alpha Epsilon Delta Award For outstanding contributions to Alpha Epsilon Delta.

Presented with honor to Whitney A. Gray

College of Arts & Sciences



American Institute of Chemists Award

One of the significant activities of the American Institute of Chemists Foundation (AICF), administered by the American Institute of Chemists (AIC), is the annual student awards program to honor outstanding seniors, post-baccalaureate, and postdoctoral students majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering or biochemistry. Such awards are given in recognition of a demonstrated record of ability, leadership, and professional promise. Candidates are chosen and nominated by their faculty members.

American Institute of Chemists Award For an outstanding senior majoring in chemistry.

Presented with honor to Kate J. Gebultowicz


College of Arts & Sciences


Chemical Rubber Company Prize

Founded as the Chemical Rubber Company, CRC originally manufactured and distributed laboratory supplies for chemists. It first distributed its Handbook of Chemistry and Physics in 1913. The first edition of the “Rubber Handbook� had 116 pages. The electron had been known for only 17 years and the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom was still in press. Eighty-four editions later, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics remains the definitive reference for chemists, physicists, and engineers throughout the world. CRC Press is a preeminent publisher in life science, medicine, pharmaceutical science, food science, environmental science, forensic science, engineering, business, technology, mathematics, and statistics.

Chemical Rubber Company Prize For the highest grade point average in general chemistry.

Presented with honor to Logan J. Bader Andrea N. German

College of Arts & Sciences



Dr. & Mrs. William F. Henderson Prize

Dr. William Henderson

This essay contest and prize was established in 1937 by Dr. Henderson and his wife, both graduates of Millikin. Following his graduation from Millikin in 1914, Dr. Henderson served as an instructor in Millikin’s chemistry department for six years. He went on to receive graduate degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and The Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh. He later worked as a research chemist for Vis-king Corporation in Chicago where he was responsible for perfecting the cases on sizzling sausages.

Dr. & Mrs. William F. Henderson Prize For the best essays concerning applications in chemistry or other evidence of excellence in the field.

Presented with honor to Korinne L. Frankford Jacob R. Hamilton Brooke N. Smith


College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Carl & Lucile Weatherbee

Carl & Lucile Weatherbee Chemistry Award For chemistry majors who have done noteworthy research under the direction of a Millikin University faculty member and who have made the most outstanding contributions to the University in other areas.

Carl & Lucile Weatherbee Awards

Dr. Carl “Stormy” Weatherbee began his tenure at Millikin as a professor of chemistry in 1952. His research led to the development of several treatments for cancer. He served as chairman of Millikin’s Chemistry Department until his retirement in 1982. His portrait is on display in the Carl Weatherbee Laboratory in Leighty-Tabor Science Center. He is remembered by his students for his assistance in getting them into graduate school.

Presented with honor to Kate J. Gebultowicz Adam B. Peters

Carl & Lucile Weatherbee Graduate Studies Award For a graduating senior chemistry major who has done outstanding work and plans to attend graduate, medical, or dental school.

Presented with honor to Kate J. Gebultowicz

College of Arts & Sciences



Dr. Everett J. Brown Prize

Dr. Everett J. Brown

One of Millikin’s oldest awards, the Dr. Everett J. Brown Prize was established in 1906 by its namesake to showcase Millikin students’ public debate talents about historical or sociological subjects. Dr. Brown, a life-long Decatur resident, a renowned Illinois physician, and a strong supporter of the creation of what is now known as Decatur Memorial Hospital, was greatly interested in the annual debate which bore his name, and his desire to know that it would continue prompted him to secure funding for this award in perpetuity. The Brown debate stands as a memorial to one of Decatur’s finest citizens, who expressed in a material way his deepest interest in Millikin University.

Dr. Everett J. Brown Prize For excellence in creative contributions to communication; in recognition of commitment to forensics growth and promise in promoting the democratic expression of ideas in a free society.

Presented with honor to Rebecca L. Coutcher


College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. W. J. Darby

Dr. & Mrs. W. J. Darby Prize

Dr. W. J. Darby was Millikin’s first president of the board of managers, serving from 1902 until 1908. He continued to be a member of the board, serving once again as its president in 1914 until 1920. Before Millikin University was a reality, Dr. Darby took an active part in its planning and was recognized as one of the most forceful characters associated in the building of the university. After his sudden death in 1921, Dr. Darby was well remembered by the student body, “because of his kindly manner and his genuineness.” On his last visit to Millikin, he announced, to the surprise of President Holden, that he and his wife were making a $1,000 gift to Millikin. By 1925, the Darby Oratory Contest was established with prizes divided equally between winners of the men’s and the women’s division.

Dr. & Mrs. W. J. Darby Prize For outstanding senior communication majors.

Presented with honor to Paige C. Ehrat Trey S. Pogue

College of Arts & Sciences



Dr. Grace Patten Conant Awards

Dr. Grace Patten Conant

Born in 1874, Grace Conant was already quite accomplished before coming to Millikin. She graduated from Bates College in Maine in 1893, and received an A.M. degree from Cornell in 1897. She held positions as Fellow at Cornell and the University of Chicago, and was an instructor in a Vermont academy as well as at Goucher College in Baltimore. Conant left her position as Head of the English Department at Western College in Oxford, Ohio, to take on the same position at Millikin in the fall of 1906. Upon arrival at Millikin, she built the English department around two basic courses- World Literature and English Literature from the beginning to Keats. In 1920, she initiated Millikin’s first English Club. Conant was also a notable leader in the Decatur community and founded the Decatur branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) which went on to become the third largest branch of the AAUW in Illinois in the 1950s.

Dr. Grace Patten Conant Writing Award For literary creation.

Presented with honor to Emily N. Chudzik Dr. Grace Patten Conant Writing Award For literary interpretation

Presented with honor to Brittany R. Larsen


College of Arts & Sciences


For a senior with the highest cumulative grade point average who is planning graduate study.

Presented with honor to Matthew D. Gremo

Dr. Grace Patten Conant Society Achievement Award For outstanding English major(s).

Presented with honor to Matthew D. Gremo Emma P. Hoyer Brittany R. Larsen Logan P. McLaskey

College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. Grace Patten Conant Awards

Dr. Grace Patten Conant English Department Award


Outstanding Journalism Award

A group of former editors and writers established this award to recognize a student who has made excellent contributions to the Decaturian.

Outstanding Journalism Award For outstanding service to the Decaturian.

Presented with honor to Kathryn E. Swift


College of Arts & Sciences


Dr. J. Graham Provan

Dr. J. Graham Provan History Award

Dr. Graham Provan began his tenure at Millikin in 1968 as a professor of history. His reputation for dynamic lectures made his classes popular for community members as well as students and alumni. In addition to this award, several non-traditional students established a scholarship in his honor. Upon his retirement in 1997, Dr. Provan was named professor emeritus of history. He died in 2002. During Millikin’s Centennial Celebration, Dr. Provan was named a member of the Charter Class of the Millikin Medallion Society, a distinct society recognizing those who had the greatest impact on Millikin during its first 100 years.

Dr. J. Graham Provan History Award For outstanding junior or senior history major(s) selected by the History Department.

Presented with honor to Austin D. Jesse Alexander F. Lloyd Jacob Sagan Courtney M. Woelfel

College of Arts & Sciences



Albert T. Mills Prize

Dr. Albert Taylor Mills was the first professor of history and political science at Millikin, serving as chairman of the department until his retirement in 1943. He returned part-time in 1944 until 1946 to assist the influx of students following World War II. Mills Hall, built in 1960, is named in his honor.

Dr. Albert Taylor Mills

Albert T. Mills Prize For outstanding history student.

Presented with honor to Taylor R. Hagerdorn


College of Arts & Sciences


John E. Vrooman

John E. Vrooman History Prize

Mr. Vrooman was a 1960 history graduate with a career in real estate. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

John E. Vrooman History Prize For excellence in history.

Presented with honor to Matthew H. Nalefski

College of Arts & Sciences



Sigrid A. Stottrup History Award

This award was established by the friends and family of Sigrid A. Stottrup, a 1977 Millikin University history honors graduate.

Sigrid A. Stottrup

Sigrid A. Stottrup History Award For senior history major(s) who has demonstrated ability in historical research in a British or European topic.

Presented with honor to Ada V. Campbell


College of Arts & Sciences


Mathematics & Computer Science Award

Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc (PME) is the National Mathematics Honor Society. Founded on May 25, 1914 at Syracuse University, PME currently has over 300 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States. The purpose of the Society is to promote scholarly activity in mathematics among the students in academic institutions.

Mathematics & Computer Science Award For outstanding junior(s) or senior(s) majoring in either mathematics or computer science.

Presented with honor to Shawneka Q. Hawkins

College of Arts & Sciences



Linda Weatherbee Mathematics Award

This award was established by the family and friends of Linda Weatherbee, Class of 1977, in her memory. Linda was the daughter of Dr. Carl and Lucile Weatherbee. Dr. Weatherbee was the chairman of the chemistry department.

Linda Weatherbee

Linda Weatherbee Mathematics Award For outstanding junior mathematics major(s).

Presented with honor to Carrie E. Barrick Lauren E. Bartel Noah C. Klumpe


College of Arts & Sciences


Modern Languages Awards

These two awards were established by the Modern Languages faculty to recognize students who perform exceptional work in the study of their chosen language.

Modern Languages Linguistic Excellence Award For outstanding oral and written proficiency in a modern language.

Presented with honor to Korinne L. Frankford Modern Languages Literary Criticism Prize For outstanding work in literary analysis of a text or texts written in a modern language.

Presented with honor to Estefany Rosiles

College of Arts & Sciences

Modern Languages


Margaret Burkhardt Johnson Modern Language Excellence Award


A retired teacher from Houston, TX, Mrs. Margaret Burkhardt Johnson, a 1941 graduate with a major in Latin, established this award. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega.

Margaret Burkhardt Johnson

Margaret Burkhardt Johnson Modern Language Excellence Award For outstanding senior(s) in modern languages.

Presented with honor to Lydia L. Burke

College of Arts & Sciences

Modern Languages

Thomas W. Adney

Thomas W. & Mary R. Adney Memorial Award

Thomas W. & Mary R. Adney Memorial Award

This award was established by 1972 graduate and attorney John Adney and his wife Sue. Originally from Wood River, IL, Mr. Adney established this award to honor the memory of his parents. Mr. Adney is a former Chairman of the Millikin Board of Trustees and a past recipient of Millikin’s highest alumni honor, Alumnus of the Year.

For an outstanding student(s) in pre-law.

Presented with honor to John T. Tasch Courtney M. Woelfel

College of Arts & Sciences

Political Science


Dr. Robert McIntire Political Science Award

Dr. Robert McIntire

Former chairman of the Political Science Department, Dr. Robert McIntire served with distinction as a Millikin faculty member from 1968 to 2002. He served as acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 1999 to 2000. This award was established by the family, friends, alumni and students of Dr. Robert McIntire on the occasion of his retirement. It promotes the late Dr. McIntire’s commitment to encouraging students to study internationally.

Dr. Robert McIntire Political Science Award For an outstanding sophomore or junior political science major, having maintained at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average, for travel and study abroad.

Presented with honor to Colten D. Watrous Taylor M. Woods


College of Arts & Sciences

Political Science

T. W. Samuels Award

Attorney Thomas W. Samuels served the Decatur community with distinction as a lead partner in the law firm of Samuels, Miller, Schroeder, Jackson, and Sly. This award was established by family and friends to honor Mr. Samuels who lived to age 103 and was instrumental in Decatur and Millikin receiving the Lincoln statute “At 21 I came to Illinois” that sits on the front lawn of the campus. Attorney Samuels’ sons William and Tom, Jr., class of 1945, established the endowment which provides for the annual T.W. Samuels lecture series held each spring.

Thomas W. Samuels

T. W. Samuels Award For an outstanding student in pre-law.

Presented with honor to Elaine M. Ortyl

College of Arts & Sciences

Political Science


Outstanding Political Science Major Award

This award was established by the Political Science Department faculty to honor a political science major who has excelled both in the classroom and in service to the department. The recipient must have demonstrated a high level of service through a variety of activities, including participation in one or more political science student groups, mentoring or tutoring of peers, consistent civic participation in and around Decatur, or other contributions that add substantively to the department and the community.

Outstanding Political Science Major Award For a graduating political science major with a minimum 3.5 grade point average in the major, and a 3.0 grade point average overall.

Presented with honor to Paisley R. Spence


College of Arts & Sciences

Political Science

Dr. Alice A. Lazerowitz

Alice Ambrose Lazerowitz Philosophy Award

Alice Ambrose Lazerowitz Philosophy Award

The Philosophy Department’s most famous alumna is certainly Dr. Alice Ambrose Lazerowitz. In 1928, she was the first student to graduate from Millikin with a straight “A” average. She received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin in 1932. That same year, she traveled to England to do postdoctoral research at Cambridge University where she studied under perhaps the most important philosopher of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein. She received a second doctoral degree from Cambridge, and in 1935, she left England and accepted a teaching position at the University of Michigan, which she held for two years. In 1937, she went to Smith College and spent the remainder of her career in the Smith Philosophy Department. After her death in 2001, she left Millikin funds that endow this award.

For a philosophy major who has demonstrated excellence in philosophy, with preference given to juniors and seniors.

Presented with honor to Elaine M. Ortyl

College of Arts & Sciences



Rev. Robert S. & Doris Stewart Prize in Religion

Rev. Robert S. & Doris Stewart

The award was established by friends of Reverend and Mrs. Stewart. Reverend Stewart served as pastor of Westminister Presbyterian Church for more than 17 years prior to his retirement in 1983. While pastor of Westminister, Reverend Stewart was a guest lecturer for Millikin religion classes and served as minister at numerous chapel services. He took a strong interest in Millikin students and helped arrange for meals to be served at Westminister during the construction of Richards Treat University Center. Reverend and Mrs. Stewart were members of the Millikin Associates.

Rev. Robert S. & Doris Stewart Prize in Religion For the best research paper in a religion class.

Presented with honor to Gabrielle E. Catlin Keegan P. Duesterhaus Elaine M. Ortyl John T. Tasch


College of Arts & Sciences


Sigma Pi Sigma

Outstanding Physics Award

This award was established by the Physics Department faculty to honor a physics major who has excelled both in the classroom and in service to the department. The recipient must have demonstrated a high level of service through a variety of activities, including tutoring or mentoring of other students, working as a lab assistant, serving as an officer in the Society of Physics Students, or other contributions that add substantively to the department.

Outstanding Physics Award For a physics major who has completed at least 21 hours in physics coursework with a minimum 3.0 grade point average both in physics courses and overall.

Presented with honor to Hunter D. Somers

College of Arts & Sciences




Pi Kappa Lambda Outstanding Senior Award

Pi Kappa Lambda Outstanding Senior Award

Pi Kappa Lambda is an American honor society for undergraduate students, graduate students, and professors of music. There are currently 205 active chapters and approximately 64,500 individual members. Pi Kappa Lambda was established on May 17, 1918 at the Northwestern University by Carl Milton Beecher, Louis Norton Dodge, and Walter Allen Stults.

For a senior with outstanding scholarship, musicianship, and contributions.

Presented with honor to Christina E. Cummins Tyler T. Henderson

College of Fine Arts



Presser Scholarship Theodore Presser

The Presser Foundation gives grants only to institutions with recognized quality music programs and operates under the will and Deeds of Trust created by its founder, Theodore Presser. It is one of the few foundations in the United States dedicated solely to the support of music and music education. The student is selected on the basis of merit and achievement. This award is an honor award and the student, in his/ her senior year, is to be known as a Presser Scholar.

Presser Scholarship For an outstanding music major at the end of their junior year based on excellence and merit

Presented with honor to Madeline A. Moylan


College of Fine Arts


Alice Herren

Alice Herren Ayars Award

Alice Herren Ayars was a member of the Millikin class of 1918 and was a piano major. This award was established by her husband, Haldon B. Ayars, also a member of the class of 1918, to honor his wife whom he met at Millikin. Their son Haldon “Buck� Ayars, of Moweaqua, IL, was a 1946 Millikin graduate. Both, father and son, served as President of Ayars State Bank in Moweaqua.

Alice Herren Ayars Award For outstanding piano student(s).

Presented with honor to Leah M. Wier

College of Fine Arts



Wilna Moffett Award

Margaret Burkhardt Johnson Modern Language Excellence Award


Wilna Moffett

Wilna Moffett was a graduate of the Millikin Academy, and received her B.S. in Music in 1929. She began teaching in the School of Music in 1918. In 1945, she became an assistant professor of piano and organ, serving until her retirement in 1962. She continued teaching in the Preparatory Department until 1971. This award was established by her sister, Helen Moffett Russell, class of 1929, at Wilna’s death in 1974. She was described as “having given piano lessons to hundreds of Decaturites. Highest personal and professional ideals have characterized her life and teaching. Her sincere and personal interest in each student has caused her to be remembered by them with lasting affection.”

Wilna Moffett Award For outstanding senior keyboard performer(s).

Presented with honor to Christina E. Cummins

College of Fine Arts


Mary B. Merris

Mary B. Merris Award

Mary Biehlen Merris was a noted contributor to Decatur’s cultural scene. Following her graduation from the Millikin Conservatory, she taught choral music at Roosevelt Junior High School, was soloist at several Decatur churches, and served as an early president of the Decatur Music Club. After marriage to Byron Merris, she enthusiastically continued to support and promote the musical, artistic, and historical endeavors at Millikin and the community at large. This award was established by Helen Moffett Russell, class of 1929, to honor Merris and was first awarded in 1985.

Mary B. Merris Award For outstanding voice student(s) on the basis of excellence and achievement.

Presented with honor to Eric T. McCarter

College of Fine Arts



Winifred St. Clair Minturn Award

Winifred St. Clair

Winifred St. Clare Minturn came to Millikin in 1925 as Executive Secretary of the Conservatory of Music (School of Music) and became the director of the School in 1927, serving in that capacity for nearly 30 years until she retired in 1956. She oversaw Millikin’s first forays into radio broadcasting over local radio stations beginning in 1927; the accreditation of the school of music in the 1930s; and the start of a Graduate school of music in 1947.

Winifred St. Clair Minturn Award To the senior selected for excellence in performance to the musical life of the University.

Presented with honor to Kyle A. Johnson


College of Fine Arts


William Eichenauer

William Eichenauer Guitar Award

This award was established by William (Bill) T. Eichenauer to support guitar students. Bill was an enthusiastic and tireless volunteer and donor to Millikin University, having served on the Board of Trustees, as chairman for the Millikin Fund and the Centennial Celebration Committee, as well as in countless other positions. He was named Millikin’s Alumnus of the Year in 1996 and was inducted into the Centennial Medallion Society, honoring those who made the greatest impact on Millikin in its first 100 years.

William Eichenauer Guitar Award To recognize guitar student(s) of junior or senior status with a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher and who demonstrates self-motivation and leadership.

Presented with honor to Maxwell C. Drago

College of Fine Arts



Thomas A. Johnson Memorial Award

Thomas A. Johnson

This award was established by friends to memorialize Tom “T.J.” Johnson, a member of the class of 1973, who died of cancer at age 38. T.J. loved music. His trombone playing in Millikin’s jazz band and later in the Decatur Big Band was certainly a testimonial to that fact. He was very fond and supportive of Millikin, having served on the alumni board and pledge drives. This award was established as “the perfect way to remember him and to keep his name always associated with music and with Millikin.”

Thomas A. Johnson Memorial Award For an excellent trombone student.

Presented with honor to Ryan J. Wood


College of Fine Arts


Dr. Russell Tiede

Dr. Russell Tiede Honors Award

This award was established in honor of Dr. Russell Tiede who was a faculty member in the School of Music from 1968 to 1993. Dr. Tiede was the chair of music education and taught conducting, music education, tuba and French horn. He performed regularly with the Millikin-Decatur Symphony Orchestra and the Millikin Tuba Quartet. Most importantly, perhaps, was his coordination of the placement of music students in the public schools for student–teacher training. Upon his retirement, he estimated that he had taught 300 students in music education during his quarter-century career at Millikin.

Dr. Russell Tiede Honors Award For an outstanding senior instrumental music student.

Presented with honor to Rebecca D. Fonseca

College of Fine Arts



Dr. Maria Klott Memorial Award

Dr. Maria Klott

Dr. Maria Klott served as an assistant professor of music at Millikin University from 1991 to 1994 and was a great attribute to the School of Music and the Theatre Department. Her knowledge and understanding of the importance of building bridges not only between theatre and music, but instrumentalists and vocalists as well, were truly some of her greatest traits. Actively involved with many organizations on Millikin’s campus, in 1990, she was adopted as the chapter sweetheart of the Beta Theta chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, where she became a sister of music, and more importantly a dear friend to the fraternity.

Dr. Maria Klott Memorial Award For one or more persons who have shown advancement and/or achievement in both theatre and music or both instrumental and voice.

Presented with honor to Christina E. Cummins


College of Fine Arts


Dr. Cynthia Handler

Handler Award for Excellence

The award has been established by Dr. Cynthia Handler and members of the Class of 2014 IN400 Music BA Capstone course. This award recognizes outstanding students in the School of Music who have chosen to pursue the Bachelor of Arts degree in the School of Music. The award celebrates the choice that a BA, music student makes, combining their passion for music with studies in the liberal arts.

Handler Award for Excellence, Bachelor of Arts in Music For a senior level student or students pursing the Bachelor of Arts in Music program who is nominated by a School of Music faculty member and who demonstrates a minimum 3.6/4.0 cumulative GPA; evidence of excellence in music; a commitment to versatility, innovation and passion in music as well as in other academic areas of study

Presented with honor to Emily A. Wheeler

College of Fine Arts



Joan & Melvin Grabowski Memorial Award

Joan & Melvin Grabowski

The late Melvin Grabowski, class of 1947, established this award as a memorial to his wife Joan, class of 1969, upon her death in 1983. For many years Joan Grabowski was actively involved in set building and all the “behind-the-scenes” technical work for theatre productions performed by Decatur’s local community theatre group, Theatre 7. This award recognizes those all-important students who are never on stage but are vital to the success of any performance. When Melvin died in 1995, his name was added to the award. The Grabowskis’ son Tom is a 1978 graduate with a degree in theatre and physics.

Joan & Melvin Grabowski Memorial Award For excellence in theatrical design and technical achievement.

Presented with honor to Wyatt L. Burton Therese A. O’Shaughnessy


College of Fine Arts

Theatre & Dance

Dr. Leroy McNabb

Dr. L. C. McNabb Memorial Award

Dr. Leroy McNabb began his tenure at Millikin in 1931 as an assistant professor of English. He was later promoted to associate professor in 1935 and professor in 1940. He was chairman of the speech department at the time of his retirement in 1952. His wife, Edith McNabb, was the director of the tele-courses broadcast on local television stations in the 1950s and 1960s.

Dr. L. C. McNabb Memorial Award For outstanding contributions to the Theatre Arts.

Presented with honor to Jenna L. Mondry Grace B. Piper

College of Fine Arts

Theatre & Dance


Michelle Chartier Memorial Award

This award was created by the students in the Department of Theatre and Dance in memory of Michelle Chartier, Class of 1991, who was killed in a car accident while returning to Millikin from spring break in her senior year.

Michelle Chartier

Michelle Chartier Memorial Award For students active in the Department of Theatre & Dance with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5.

Presented with honor to Genevieve J. Breitbach Joel A. Kimling


College of Fine Arts

Theatre & Dance

Kathryn Paige Torp

Kathryn Paige Torp Memorial Award

This award was established in memory of Kathryn Paige Torp ‘04, who majored in theatre and art with a technical/design emphasis, by her parents, Cynthia Jones and Paul Torp.

Kathryn Paige Torp Memorial Award For junior or senior student(s) in technical theatre who demonstrate both passion and dedication to their art.

Presented with honor to Andrea L. Burns Danielle O. Ryan

College of Fine Arts

Theatre & Dance


Ron Smith Award in Musical Theatre

Ron Smith

This award was established in 1986 to memorialize Ron Smith, a member of the class of 1981, who graduated with a BFA degree in Musical Theatre – one of the earliest graduates of that program. While at Millikin, Smith was a prolific performer appearing in West Side Story, The Marriage of Figaro, Gianni Schicchi, The Boyfriend, Jacques Brel, The Love of Cole Porter, The Three Penny Opera, and The Shadow Box. After graduation, he appeared on the Kirkland stage in the national tour of The Pirates of Penzance. In 1985, Ron Smith died unexpectedly after several bouts of pneumonia.

Ron Smith Award in Musical Theatre For excellence in musical theatre.

Presented with honor to Heather A. Banks Lydia L. Burke


College of Fine Arts

Theatre & Dance

J. Ben Wand Prize

If you’ve ever watched WAND-TV in Decatur, then you’ve been exposed to J. Ben Wand for whom the television station and this award is named. Wand, a member of the Millikin class of 1911, was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon and very active in school affairs. He was president of the Philomathean Literary Society, Glee Club, Student Council, and editor and business manager of the Decaturian. He participated in the Lincoln Oratorical Contest, the Brown Debate and the Dramatic Club Contest, winning first prize. After graduating, Mr. Wand took an editorial job with the Decatur Review for three years, followed by the same sort of work on the Clinton Daily. He then went into trade journal work with the American Lumberman. In 1923, he bought the Southern Lumber Journal, and worked very hard to make it the success it is today. Wand’s daughter, Peggy Wand Campbell, is a member of the class of 1942.

J. Ben Wand

J. Ben Wand Prize For excellence in acting.

Presented with honor to David B. Rhodes Jerry K. Wagner

College of Fine Arts

Theatre & Dance


Marvin Klaven Art Award

Marvin “Marv” Klaven worked at Millikin from 1961 to 1996, retiring as an emeritus professor of art. This award was established by alumni and friends who donated items for display and sale. The proceeds funded a scholarship and this award. At his retirement, his students were quoted as saying:

Marvin Klaven

“More than anyone else, I think Marv manages to combine a sense of what it means to create with his audience.” “He has been my mentor, like a dad to me, one of the most important people in my life.” “He isn’t afraid to get into your life and understand you.” “He is perhaps the most incredible man I’ve ever met.”

Marvin Klaven Art Award In recognition of deserving art student(s) who have maintained a level of excellence in the use of his/her chosen medium.

Presented with honor to Taryn N. Pepping Sarah H. Suits


College of Fine Arts


David S. Monroe

David S. Monroe Art Award

This award was established by Miss Virginia May in memory of David Monroe, a member of the Millikin University class of 1978, who graduated with a degree in art and mathematics. Monroe died shortly before his 33rd birthday. His grandfather, Ralph J. Monroe, was a prominent Decatur attorney for many years. Miss May was attorney Monroe’s secretary for 50 years.

David S. Monroe Art Award For outstanding achievement in art, recognizing students for their major, excellence in their work and exhibiting a professional attitude.

Presented with honor to Kayla C. Alpers Brittiny J. Brubeck Sam S. Geggie Annissa C. Hintt Carrie A. Thompson College of Fine Arts



Dorothy Sellers Art Award

This award was established by Dorothy Sellers, a member of the class of 1935, as a memorial to her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Sellers, Sr. She participated in Millikin’s “Alumni Audit” program which permits alumni and friends to attend regular University classes. Her special interests were art classes.

Dorothy Sellers

Dorothy Sellers Art Award For outstanding achievement and potential and setting a standard of excellence for the art department and their peers.

Presented with honor to Brooke A. Brasile Madison J. Ciaccio Sydney L. Doherty Francisco J. Gama Danna M. Herbach Michael K. Holmberg Michelle D. Holsapple Natalie T. Zelman


College of Fine Arts



The Barbara & Robert Byrkit Award

The award was established in 2013 by alumnus, Robert Byrkit, Class of 1963, in honor of his late wife, Barbara, Class of 1964, to represent their commitment to education in the Decatur/Macon County community.

Barbara & Robert Byrkit

The Barbara & Robert Byrkit Award For a sophomore or junior at Millikin University with a major in early childhood or elementary education who is a degreeseeking traditional student, has been admitted to the School of Education and to student teaching, demonstrates a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, and has shown perseverance, exceptional growth, and achievement.

Presented with honor to Teresa M. Brase Jordan K. Brewer


College of Professional Studies


Dr. Jerald Hunt

Dr. Hoffman served the University with distinction for thirty-two years (1977-2009), including ten years as Chair of the Education Department.

Dr. Darlene Hoffman

Dr. Jerald Hunt & Dr. Darlene Hoffman Award

This award was created by Dr. Jerald Hunt and Dr. Darlene Hoffman, emeriti faculty and administrators of Millikin University. Dr. Hunt served the University with excellence for thirty-two years (1969-2001), most of those years as Director of Teacher Education.

Dr. Jerald Hunt & Dr. Darlene Hoffman Award This award recognizes an outstanding senior-level teacher candidate who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and learning, consistent with the mission of the School of Education.

Presented with honor to Alyssa R. Becker

College of Professional Studies



The Smith/Orlandini Award

Father Nicholas W. Smith

This award was established in 2007 by Father Nicholas W. Smith, a member of the Millikin class of 1983 in recognition of the families of his father and mother. While a student at Millikin, “Father Nick,” as he’s known, observed how hard student-athletes had to work in order to achieve success both in the classroom and on the playing field. The Smith/ Orlandini Award is a way for Father Nick to honor that hard work on the part of studentathletes at his alma mater. Father Nick is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

The Smith/Orlandini Award For students within the Department of Exercise Science and Sport, who have accumulated between 54 and 88 hours of academic credit and possess a minimum 3.0 grade point average.

Presented with honor to Torie L. Crocks Jeffrey K. Fear


College of Professional Studies

Exercise Science & Sport

Walter Witt Award

Walter “Walt” Witt served as superintendent of the Millikin mail room for more than twenty years. Known as “a great favorite of students, faculty and administrators,” he was a passionate supporter of the Big Blue athletic teams. The idea for this award to honor this long-time University supporter was established by two alumni, Frank Van Dorn, ’56, and James McCarthy, ’56. The first Walter Witt award was presented in 1978.

Walter Witt

Walter Witt Award For outstanding junior(s) in the Department of Exercise Science and Sport who have accumulated between 54 and 90 hours of academic credit.

Devin S. Curry Dominique S. Lowe Connor E. Sacks Emily M. Schultz College of Professional Studies

Exercise Science & Sport


Alpha Tau Delta Honorarium Award

Alpha Tau Delta (ATD) is a national nursing fraternity founded on February 15, 1921 on the Berkeley campus. ATD is committed to the promotion of personal and intellectual growth of professional nurses and nursing students. The Millikin University chapter of Alpha Tau Delta was chartered in 1989 and seeks to provide a professional nursing environment on campus “that fosters excellence of individual performance, advancement of education, character enrichment, and leadership.” Each year Millikin University’s ATD Alpha Iota chapter makes the provision for a financial award to an outstanding Alpha Tau Delta member who is selected by the faculty and who demonstrates excellence in performance, education, character, and leadership.

Alpha Tau Delta Honorarium Award Outstanding Alpha Tau Delta member as selected by the faculty.

Presented with honor to Joy L. Fergerson


College of Professional Studies

Exercise Science and Sport Nursing

R. Helen Cleland

Decatur Memorial Hospital R. H. Cleland R.N. Award For an academically outstanding senior nursing major, as selected by the Director of the School of Nursing.

Decatur Memorial Hospital R. H. Cleland R.N. Award

The Decatur Memorial Hospital R.H. Cleland R.N. Award is given annually to the academically outstanding senior nursing major, distinguished by academic excellence, leadership potential, and dedication to nursing (as selected by the Director of the School of Nursing). R. Helen Cleland was DMH’s first superintendent of nursing, a position she accepted in 1915 after receiving a letter of invitation from Dr. William Barnes. In order to assume the superintendent’s position at Decatur Memorial Hospital, Cleland left Massachusetts General Hospital where she had been a “gifted nurse.” Miss Cleland delighted in the fact that she had been “trained” by a woman who was a pupil of Florence Nightingale and that all of her nurses were “descended” from the famous Miss Nightingale. R.H. Cleland would be proud to know that the endowment funds given in her honor support nursing students in their scholarship endeavors.

Presented with honor to Hannah J. Mahr

College of Professional Studies



James Millikin Theory & Practice of Nursing Award

James Millikin

The James Millikin Theory and Practice of Nursing Award was created by the School of Nursing faculty to recognize the junior or senior nursing major who best embodies James Millikin’s philosophy of integrating theory and practice. The student receiving this award must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and demonstrate an exceptional translation and application of nursing theory to the practice and care of individual patients in a variety of clinical settings. In selecting the award recipient, the faculty of the School of Nursing meets annually to discuss the professional attributes demonstrated by eligible candidates which are exemplary of the School of Nursing’s very best graduates and then, subsequently, select the most deserving individual to receive this award.

James Millikin Theory & Practice of Nursing Award For junior or senior nursing major(s) with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above.

Presented with honor to Mollee A. Decesaro


College of Professional Studies


Dorotha F. Dean Nursing Award

The Dorotha F. Dean Nursing Award was established by the family, friends, and colleagues of the late Dorotha F. Dean, an alumna of Millikin class of ‘51 and a long-time nurse in the Decatur Public Schools. Realizing the importance of having outstanding nurses working in areas where primary and secondary prevention is paramount to the success of the youth in this community, Dean’s award legacy recognizes a School of Nursing student interested in public health or school nursing. The ideal candidate is a wellrounded student who demonstrates overall merit in the program and the potential to make a positive impact in the fields of school nursing and public health.

Dorotha F. Dean Nursing Award For an outstanding nursing school student interested in public health or school nursing.

Presented with honor to Hannah G. Detwiler

College of Professional Studies



The Dr. Mary D. Shanks & Dr. Linda K. Niedringhaus Excellence in Nursing Leadership Award

Dr. Mary D. Shanks

Dr. Linda K. Niedringhaus

The Dr. Mary D. Shanks & Dr. Linda K. Niedringhaus Excellence in Nursing Leadership Award recognizes the academic excellence, professional commitment, and leadership potential of a graduate student as selected annually by the School of Nursing faculty members. This award was established in honor of the first two deans of the Millikin University School of Nursing whose excellence in leadership from 1978 through 1997 provided the foundation for the graduate program. Dr. Mary D. Shanks and Dr. Linda K. Niedringhaus served as the first two deans of the Millikin University School of Nursing and their legacy of excellence in nursing leadership in the baccalaureate nursing program spanned 29 years, providing a strong foundation for the graduate program which began in 2006. The ideal recipient will have a steller academic record and clearly evident leadership characteristics. The graduate student must also demonstrate the professional values, core knowledge, and skills desirable in a nursing professional.

The Dr. Mary D. Shanks & Dr. Linda K. Niedringhaus Excellence in Nursing Leadership Award For a graduating Graduate student in Nursing who demonstrates excellence in leadership and a commitment to the profession of nursing.

Presented with honor to Francis A. Oke


College of Professional Studies



Glen R. Smith Award & Smith/Quigle Family Award

Dr. Glen R. Smith

Dr. Glen Smith was a significant Millikin figure for nearly 30 years. He began his tenure at Millikin as an assistant professor of Business Administration in 1946. Making Millikin history, he was the first dean of the School of Business and Industrial Management. He retired in 1974. A much beloved business professor, graduates of this era give great credit to Smith for the foundation that launched their successful business careers. Room 313 in ADM-Scovill Hall is named in his honor. Smith’s daughter, Nancy Smith Quigle, is a 1959 Millikin graduate.

Glen R. Smith Award For an outstanding senior from the Tabor School of Business.

Presented with honor to Haley A. Hogenkamp Smith/Quigle Family Award For an outstanding junior from the Tabor School of Business. This award is named in honor of Glen R. Smith and his wife, Christine L. Smith and Nancy Quigle ’59 and her husband, Rodger.

Presented with honor to Hannah A. Haak


Tabor School of Business

John H. Crocker

John H. Crocker Memorial Award

This award was established in 1974 by the friends and banking colleagues of the late John Crocker and by the Citizens National Bank were he served as president and chairman for seventeen years. A member of the Millikin University class of 1920, Crocker was also a graduate of Northwestern University and an Ensign in the Navy during World War I. His forty-seven year banking career included serving as the first down-state Illinois banker to be elected to the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for three terms as well as service to the Executive Council of the American Bankers Association. Crocker was honored by Millikin in 1969 with the Alumni Merit-Loyalty Award for outstanding achievement in his career and for service to the University.

John H. Crocker Memorial Award For an outstanding degree candidate in the Tabor School of Business.

Presented with honor to Estefano Martinez

Tabor School of Business


Margaret Sparks Award

This award was established in 1987 by friends and former students to honor the memory of Margaret R. Sparks, former chair of the Secretarial Science Department and a member of the Millikin faculty from 1946 to 1964.

Margaret Sparks

Margaret Sparks Award For an outstanding female junior business major.

Presented with honor to Kelsey M. Washburn


Tabor School of Business

Linda Weatherbee

Linda Weatherbee Human Resource Management Award For the junior human resource management major with the highest overall grade point average.

Presented with honor to David R. Shroyer

Tabor School of Business

Linda Weatherbee Human Resource Management Award

This award was established by family and friends in memory of Linda Weatherbee, a member of the Millikin class of 1977. Linda was the daughter of Dr. Carl and Lucile Weatherbee. Dr. Weatherbee was the chairman of the chemistry department.


Paul R. Winn Memorial Achievement Award

Paul R. Winn

This award was established in 1979 by family and friends to honor the memory of Dr. Paul R. Winn, whose great passion was teaching and his students were all the recipients of his passion. Dr. Winn was a professor of marketing at Millikin University until his untimely death at the age of 35. Prior to Millikin he taught at Illinois State University. He received a bachelor of science, master of science and PhD from the University of Illinois. He was the coauthor of two text books, numerous articles and received numerous awards for his outstanding accomplishments.

Paul R. Winn Memorial Achievement Award For outstanding senior marketing major(s) who display(s) a passion for the marketing field.

Presented with honor to Jocelyn S. Hernandez Valina Hoang Frank C. Jones


Tabor School of Business


Maria Leonard Senior Book Award

Alpha Lambda Delta was founded in 1924 by Maria Leonard, the Dean of Women at the University of Illinois, to recognize academic excellence among freshmen. Alpha Lambda Delta is an honor society for students who have maintained a 3.5 or higher grade point average and are in the top 20 percent of their class during their first year or term of higher education.

Maria Leonard Senior Book Award To the graduating senior with the highest grade point average who is a member of the freshman/sophomore scholastic honorary.

Presented with honor to Timothee B. McElroy


University Awards

JoAnne Trow

The JoAnne Trow Award

The JoAnne J. Trow Award was started in 1988 to honor Trow as past National President of Alpha Lambda Delta. Former Vice President for Student Services at Oregon State University, Trow served Alpha Lambda Delta as District VIII Advisor from 1974 to 1979, Secretary from 1979 to 1983, President-elect from 1984-1985, and as National President from 1985 to 1988. During her term as President, the National Council was restructured to provide a more streamlined operation.

The JoAnne Trow Award For outstanding sophomore member(s) of Alpha Lambda Delta.

Presented with honor to Matthew H. Nalefski

University Awards


The Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Illinois Delta Chapter Award of Excellence


Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) is a North American Greek-letter social college fraternity founded at the University of Alabama on March 9, 1856. Of all existing national social fraternities today, Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the only one founded in the Antebellum South. Its national headquarters, the Levere Memorial Temple, was established on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 1929.

The Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Illinois Delta Chapter Award of Excellence In recognition of a deserving sophomore or junior active member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, in good standing, who is a full-time student and possesses at least a 3.0 or higher grade point average. The award is granted, for the purchase of required textbooks and academic materials, from the annual income generated by an endowment fund established in 2002 by alumni of the Illinois Delta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Presented with honor to Alexander A. Bravos Jakob P. Cihak Christopher J. Cunningham Francisco J. Gama Jack A. Mahoney Vance L. Martinez Benjamin M. Woodard Benjamin K. Woodcock University Awards

Presented with honor to

The Millikin University Greek Five Star Chapter Award

The Millikin University Greek Five Star Chapter Award For outstanding fraternity or sorority chapters who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, philanthropy, campus involvement, public relations, educational and social programming.

To be announced during the program

University Awards


C. W. Barnes Memorial Award

Coral Windsor Barnes (1900-1995), a descendant of Central Illinois pioneers, was a member of the Millikin class of 1927 and a star “quartermiler� while at Millikin. This award was established by his family and friends.

Coral Windsor Barnes

C. W. Barnes Memorial Award For outstanding student(s) who have a solid grade point average.

Presented with honor to Kayla H. Lojas


University Awards

Parent & Family Association Achievement Awards For outstanding service to the University while exemplifying balance between curricular and co-curricular programs.

Presented with honor to Trey S. Pogue Alexis M. Leggs

Parent & Family Association Achievement Awards

The goal of the Parent & Family Association is to provide all Millikin families with meaningful opportunities to share in their student’s college experience. Each semester the Parent & Family Association conducts a Survival Kit fundraiser to encourage students during finals week. The fundraiser profits, along with membership fees, fund Parent & Family Association Achievement Awards granted to sophomore, junior and senior students each year at the Annual Spring Honors Convocation.

For commitment to academic studies during the first semesters in attendance at Millikin.

Presented with honor to Jordan Schultz Sarah A. Smolinski

University Awards


Major Thomas G. Storey Citizenship Award

Major Thomas G. Storey

Major Thomas Storey was an instructor in the industrial engineering program at Millikin from 1958 until 1962. After being called to active duty, he left Millikin and was assigned to McKill Air Force Base in Florida and then to Vietnam. In 1967, his photo reconnaissance plane was shot down and he was captured in North Vietnam where he was held as a prisoner of war for six and a half years. He returned to the United States in 1973. That same year, Major Storey was Millikin’s commencement speaker. The honorarium he received for speaking was used to establish this award.

Major Thomas G. Storey Citizenship Award For senior(s) who have demonstrated outstanding campus and community leadership.

Presented with honor to Ketyra M. Taylor


University Awards

Dr. Jere Mickel

Dr. Jere C. Mickel Human Relations Award

Dr. Jere Mickel was a faculty member in the theatre program at Millikin from 1953 until 1970. He also provided leadership for a Millikin/Decatur community theatre program called The Town and Gown. The Mickel family legacy lives on today at Millikin as Dr. Mickel’s daughter, Dr. Cynthia Handler, a member of the Millikin class of 1965, has guided hundreds of Millikin students since she joined the Millikin faculty in 1997 and began leading Millikin’s pre-professional programs in health sciences.

Dr. Jere C. Mickel Human Relations Award For student(s) who have contributed the most during the year to furthering human relations at Millikin University.

Presented with honor to Maya A. VanLysebettens

University Awards


Daniel J. & Elinor Gage Student Activities Award

Dr. Daniel J. Gage

Dr. Daniel J. Gage joined the Millikin faculty as a professor of history and political science in 1943, serving until his retirement in 1962. Elinor Gage joined the Millikin faculty as a professor of English in 1946, served as chairman of the fine arts program, and was the first director of the Kirkland Fine Arts Center, retiring in 1970. Dr. Gage is well remembered for his inspiring lectures, student-centered teaching and devotion to Millikin. Dr. Gage is one of the most beloved professors of the graduates of his era. Daughters Mary Gage Gray, class of 1961, and Beth Gage, class of 1964, are also graduates.

Elinor Gage

Daniel J. & Elinor Gage Student Activities Award For senior(s) with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 who have made meaningful contributions to campus activities.

Presented with honor to Brittany A. Walsh


University Awards

Helen Moffett Russell

Helen Moffett Russell Community Service Award For deserving senior(s) who have demonstrated outstanding service leadership to the Decatur community during their attendance at Millikin University.

Helen Moffett Russell Community Service Award

Helen Moffett Russell was a member of the Millikin class of 1929 who contributed greatly to Millikin and Decatur and valued community service in others. First awarded in 1996, this award was established by Russell to recognize such service in our students. Her family’s legacy included a brother and two sisters who also attended Millikin, including Wilma Moffett, a renowned piano and organ teacher in the School of Music.

Presented with honor to Haley A. Hogenkamp

University Awards


Eshelman Family Award

Dolores Eshelman

This endowed award was established by the Estate of Dolores E. Graves. Dolores was a member of the class of 1930, and she was known as Dolores Eshelman at that time. She established this award to honor the graduating senior male and female who have maintained the highest scholastic achievement for four years and who have, in the opinion of the University faculty, exhibited high moral values and the ideals of American citizenship. Dolores E. Graves was also a member of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority.

Eshelman Family Award To a graduating senior male and female who have maintained the highest scholastic achievement for four years and who have, in the opinion of the University faculty, exhibited high moral values and the ideals of American citizenship.

Presented with honor to Christina E. Cummins Timothee B. McElroy


University Awards

The Lobenhofers attribute their “firm belief in the educational benefits of higher learning, but also the importance of working to improve campus life and enhancing the lives of our fellow students” to their experience with Dr. Devore. They noted: “She embodies the philosophy of fostering and developing every student so that all are enabled to achieve their fullest potential. Through her, we quickly learned that some of the most important education at college occurs outside the classroom.”

Dr. Jan Devore

This award is a tribute to her immeasurable influence on a countless number of Millikin students’ lives.

Dr. Jan Devore Award for Excellence in Contributions to Campus Life For the student who is judged to have had the most significant impact on facilitating the intellectual and/or character development of their classmates and thereby enhancing the quality of student life.

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program University Awards

Dr. Jan Devore Award for Excellence in Contributions to Campus Life

This award was established in 2008 by Ed ’95 and Jennifer (Stubblefield) ’93 Lobenhofer to honor their Millikin mentor and friend, Alumni Director and former Dean of Students, Dr. Jan Devore. Dr. Devore joined the Millikin University staff in 1978 as Hall Director and has served both the Student Life and Alumni and Development areas.


Dr. J. Roger Miller Leadership Award

Dr. J. Roger Miller

Dr. Miller began his tenure at Millikin in 1959 as marching band director and was soon named Dean of the School of Music. He was later promoted to Vice President of Academic Affairs in 1968. Following the death of Millikin President Paul McKay, Dr. Miller was named his successor, serving from 1971 until he retired in 1991, serving longer than any previous president in Millikin history. During his tenure, Staley Library, Richards Treat University Center, and the New Halls were built, Shilling Hall was renovated, and the School of Nursing was established. Today, Millikin features the Dr. and Mrs. J. Roger Miller Centennial Quad in the center of campus.

Dr. J. Roger Miller Leadership Award For senior(s) who exemplifies superior qualities of academic excellence and leadership.

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program


University Awards

Alpha Lambda Delta Outstanding Teaching Award In recognition of an outstanding contributor to freshman learning, based on teaching ability and concern shown in and out of classroom.

Alpha Lambda Delta Outstanding Teaching Award

Each spring, Alpha Lambda Delta, the Freshman-Sophomore Scholastic Honorary, names a faculty member as an outstanding contributor to freshman learning. The faculty member is chosen on the basis of the ability to teach, knowledge of subject area, ability to present material in a clear and understandable fashion, ability to motivate students to self-discovering in learning, and for the care and concern shown to students in and out of the classroom. The focus is on teachers who teach several classes at the freshman level.

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program

University Awards


The Dr. Ralph A. Czerwinski Teaching Excellence & Campus Leadership Award

Dr. Ralph A. Czerwinski

The Dr. Ralph A. Czerwinski Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership Award is given annually at Honors Convocation to an outstanding faculty member who has made a distinctive difference on campus through teaching excellence and campus leadership. The endowment was funded in honor of Dr. Ralph A. Czerwinski, Dean and Professor Emeritus. Dr. Czerwinski served Millikin University for 30 years as faculty, then as Chair of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, and finally as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Dr. Ralph A. Czerwinski Teaching Excellence & Campus Leadership Award In recognition of an outstanding faculty member who has made a distinctive difference on campus through teaching excellence and campus leadership.

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program


University Awards

The faculty research and artistic achievement award recognizes faculty members who have a record of outstanding scholarship or outstanding artistic achievement completed as part of their work at Millikin. Nominations are solicited from across the university and submissions are reviewed by the Committee on Scholarship and Faculty Development to identify worthy recipients who have excelled in research or artistic achievement – tangible evidence of the quality and productivity of the faculty.

Teaching Excellence Award & Research and Artistic Achievement Award

The Teaching Excellence Award Program is aimed at celebrating the role of teaching at Millikin by recognizing and rewarding teaching excellence and innovation. Nominations are solicited from across the university and submissions are reviewed by a committee composed of previous winners of this important recognition for achievement in the core function of the university – extraordinary teaching.

Teaching Excellence Award

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program Research & Artistic Achievement Award

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program University Awards


Scovill Prizes

The Scovill Prize is named in honor of and funded by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Scovill. Mr. Scovill was a Decatur businessman who together with his wife Rose left an indelible mark on this city with Scovill Park, Scovill Zoo, Scovill Golf courses, and, at Millikin, ADM-Scovill Hall, originally named Scovill Hall, Millikin’s first freestanding science building. Guy & Rose Scovill

Scovill Prizes The most coveted student award for overall excellence at Millikin University. Scovill prizes are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and service, and scholarship.

Presented with honor to To be announced during the program


University Awards

Alpha Lambda Delta Senior Certificates Audrey L. Allen, Hunter F. Allen, Emily M. Altic, Allison L. Atkenson, Alyssa R. Becker, Sydney D. Brangenberg, Genevieve J. Breitbach, Alexander J. Cardascio, Shelby L. Chesko, Emily N. Chudzik, Karoline A. Ciezczak, Miranda A. Colin, Rebecca L. Coutcher, Olivia J. Cuff, Blake B. Davis, Paige C. Ehrat, Catherine J. Forthofer, Kate J. Gebultowicz, Emilee A. Gerk, Bryce D. Gilbert, Eve M. Greenwell, Abigail L. Greider, Matthew D. Gremo, Taylor R. Hagerdorn, Rachel L. Head, Danna M. Herbach, Jocelyn S. Hernandez, Haley A. Hogenkamp, Emma P. Hoyer, Kyle A. Johnson, Tetyana-Khrystyna Konareva, Joel A. Kimling, Nicole M. Koch, Megan E. Kushner, Hannah M. Lieb, Hannah J. Mahr, Kyle J. McArdell, Timothee B. McElroy, Ashton L. McGregor, Emily A. Mihalkanin, Ryan N. Morgan, Joseph C. Moulton, Erin C. O’Brien, Megan N. Peterson, Trey S. Pogue, Savannah J. Riestenberg, Mary K. Rossi, Emily R. Sanders, McKenzie C. Sauer, Trista J. Smith, Cole W. Sondgeroth, Paisley R. Spence, Kathryn L. Stromsland, Sarah H. Suits, Kathryn E. Swift, Skyler J. Taylor, Anastasia J. Tomanek, Nichole A. Tuttle, Brittany A. Walsh, Gabby N. Werren, Alexandria P. Wilson, Benjamin M. Woodard, Natalie T. Zelman


Certificates awarded to members of the society who have maintained a 3.5 grade point average for four years.

Alpha Lambda Delta A national freshman-sophomore honor society that honors students who earned a 3.5 or better cumulative grade point average during the first or second semesters in college.

Kailee N. Ash-Ray, Logan J. Bader, Madeline D. Batek, Morgan R. Bettner, Allen D. Brown, Matthew T. Brown, Taylor N. Campbell, Abigail M. Cardascio, Megan D. Carey, Erica M. Caruso, Lane S. Caspar, Lucas J. Chatterton, Ashley A. Christensen, Kathryn A. Coffey, Nicole B. Curatti, Stephen J. DeMartini, Kalli B. Farmer, Korbin A. Farmer, Megan E. Foltz, Matthew A. Frank, Jayson A. Geanopoulos, Annissa C. Hintt, Rebecca E. Husar, Rebekah M. Icenesse, Taylor A. Isaia, Jillian N. Jones, Diana E. Juarez, Elizabeth A. King, Naomi A. Klingbeil, Bailee B. Kralman, Mikayla M. Krieger, Morgan E. Kuntz, McKayla A. Larsen, Adrianna M. Laskowski, YoungWon Lee, Alyx M. Lorenzen, Emily J. Long, Adam M. Marion, Mackenzie N. Martin, Benjamin R. Maynard, Brittany S. McClelland, Rebecca A. Mendenhall, Autumn L. Meyer, Thomas E. O’Brien, Hayley G. Paladines, Teague J. Phillips, Kailey R. Powers, Morgan N. Powers, Emily R. Ratchford, Rubi C. Rodriguez Bobadilla, McKenzy L. Sayles, John M. Sauer, Delaney A. Schmidt, Rose A. Syversen, Zach R. Thompson, Olivia R. Thomson, Blaine A. Traylor, Makenzie A. Vinson, Mikaela K. Wattleworth, Jordan S.M. Williams, Melanie A. Wilson, Nicole M. Wiltjer

Current Millikin University Presidential Scholars

Logan J. Bader, Olivia G. Barnec, Matthew T. Brown, Trey A. DeLuna, Kalli B. Farmer, Korbin A. Farmer, Jacob R. Hamilton, Isaac L. Hopper, Alissa N. Kanturek, Masha Kostic, Jenesi I. Moore, Madeline A. Moylan, Elizabeth A. Nisly-Nagele, Taylor M. Stuenkel, Nicole M. Wiltjer

Current Millikin University Provost Scholars

Maya R. Dougherty, Alexander T. Erickson, Madison P. Phillips, Rubi C. Rodriguez Bobadilla, Nicco B. Stepina

Current Service Learning Scholars

Hannah G. Detwiler, Haley A. Hogenkamp, Kevin Harris, Eriksen J. Schurtz



Current James Millikin Scholars

Emily M. Altic, Olivia G. Barnec, Lauren E. Bartel, Alyssa R. Becker, Alexandria L. Bieber, Bridget E. Biundo, Sydney D. Brangenberg, Benjamin N. Brawner, Genevieve J. Breitbach, Alexander J. Cardascio, Shelby L. Chesko, Emily N. Chudzik, Madison J. Ciaccio, Spencer D. Clark, Molly M. Compton, Rebecca L. Coutcher, Olivia J. Cuff, Christina E. Cummins, Shay P. Davis, Justin A. DeBo, Alexis B. Dockins, Sydney L. Doherty, Erica J. Forbes, Emilee A. Gerk, Isabelle A. Glimco, Whitney A. Gray, Eve M. Greenwell, Abigail L. Greider, Cori R. Grzenia, Hannah A. Haak, Taylor R. Hagerdorn, Danna M. Herbach, Jocelyn S. Hernandez, Rachel L. Humphrey, Brandon S. Januska, Mason J. Jett, Marah L. Kittelson, Noah C. Klumpe, Nicole M. Koch, Kendall M. Kott, Austyn E. Krueger, Brittany R. Larsen, Taylor B. Lindemann, Rachel A. Mason, Rachel M. McCrea, Taylor J. McWilliams-Woods, Ryan N. Morgan, Madeline A. Moylan, Hannah E. Neuhauser, Elizabeth Nisly-Nagele, Erin C. O’Brien, Patrick M. O’Keefe, Therese A. O’Shaughnessy, Elaine M. Ortyl, Mackenzie R. Peck, Taryn N. Pepping, Grace B. Piper, Jonathan T. Rieck, Savannah J. Riestenberg, Francesca M. Rios, Miranda R. Ryan, Nicholas W. Sanders, Nicholas A. Scarpinato, Logan E. Schildknecht, Claire J. Schmidt, Elyse M. Schnabel, Jacob R. Shaffer, Stephanie M. Simon, Brooke N. Smith, Natalie A. Smith, Trista J. Smith, Hunter D. Somers, Matt Sorensen, Kathryn L. Stromsland, Taylor M. Stuenkel, Sarah H. Suits, Grey S. Taxon, Skyler J. Taylor, Tyler T. Trzcinski, Katherine E. Viviano, Hannah C. Williams, Alexandra P. Wilson, Natalie T. Zelman

Current Leighty Science Scholars

Logan J. Bader, Madeline D. Batek, Jessica L. Best, Olivia J. Brewer, Anthony J. Bryan, Alexander J. Cardascio, Jordan B. Comish, Stephen J. DeMartini, Erica J. Forbes, Matthew Frank, Whitney A. Gray, Sophie M. Green, Jacob W. Hanes, Alex A. Herrera, Tyler E. Huber, Allyson N. Isenhower, Mason J. Jett, Jillian N. Jones, Nicole M. Koch, Dalton L. Long, Mackenzie N. Martin, Jacob Morgan, Mackenzie R. Peck, Owen R. Pulver, Alec J. Reyes, Francesca M. Rios, Rubi C. Rodriguez Bobadilla, Brooke N. Smith, Hunter D. Somers, Kathryn L. Stromsland, Blaine A. Traylor, Matthew T. Vangunten

Current Long-Vanderburg Scholars

Jalen Armstrong, Taylor C. Bailey, Kaia D. Ball, Heather A. Banks, Joshua Q. Bateman, Madison S. Boeglin, Alicia B. Cunningham, Brian R. David, Alphonso Echols, Rebecca D. Fonseca, Brittney D. Freeman, Kiara I. Fultz, Philip J. Ganley, Courtney A. Ginigeme, Shawneka Q. Hawkins, Summer L. Hemphill, Alan Hernandez, Jocelyn S. Hernandez, Alex A. Herrera, Haley A. Hogenkamp, Catera S. Hubert, Diana E. Juarez, Michael R. Lambton, Alexis M. Leggs, Timothee B. McElroy, Joshua X. Miller, Ryan N. Morgan, Mikala L. Powell, Mehrangez Rahmatova, Alec J. Reyes, Cody C. Rodas, Rubi C. Rodriguez Bobadilla, Johnathen O. Sumler, Ketyra M. Taylor, Kimberly S. Tejada, Anastasia J. Tomanek, Shelby N. Ulrich, Maya A. Van Lysebettens, Noah D. Villarreal, Bayleigh R. Williams, JaLiyah G. Windham



Previous Distinguished Faculty Lecturers 1983 Dr. J. Graham Provan 1984 David H. Marshall Dr. Arvid W. Adell 1985 1986 Dr. Ronald M. Shelton Dr. William G. Bodamer 1987 1988 Dr. Robert C. McIntire 1989 Dr. Daniel L. Guillory 1990 Dr. Gordon B. Forbes 1991 Dr. Henry F. Gromoll 1992 Dr. Mildred M. Boaz 1993 Dr. Richard E. Ferry 1994 Dr. Richard A. Pacholski Dr. Darlene H. Hoffman 1995 Dr. Homer Smith, Jr. 1996 Dr. Edward A. Yonan 1997 Dr. Brian L. Mihm 1998 Dr. James V. Rauff 1999 2000 Dr. Shelley L. Cordulack 2001 Dr. Lawrence A. Troy 2002 Dr. Deborah L. Slayton 2003 Dr. Jo Ellen Jacobs 2004 Denise M. Myers 2005 Dr. Clarence M. Josefson 2006 Jon “Rick” Bibb 2007 Dr. Ralph A. Czerwinski 2008 Dr. Ray F. Boehmer 2009 Dr. Robert E. Money 2010 Dr. Judith A. Parrish James Schietinger 2011 2012 Ngozi Onuora 2013 Dr. Mary Jane Linton 2014 Dr. David H. Burdick 2015 Dr. W. Thomas Duncanson 2016 Dr. Michael Luxner

Dr. Stephen Frech Professor of English



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