Millikin University Students, Parents, Faculty & Friends: The Honors Convocation and Distinguished Faculty Lecture constitute a special moment in Millikin’s academic year, a time when we connect as a community to honor achievement and excellence in teaching and learning, and excellence in all aspects of Millikin life, inside and outside the classroom. This occasion celebrates the many exceptional achievements made at our University. We commemorate the inspiring work and scholarship that our students and faculty create. We seek to honor those individuals who have made an indelible mark on our campus. We also remember with glad hearts the women and men who established these awards and prizes over the past 100 years in order to celebrate the achievements of students and colleagues and to take pride in our mission. As we now bestow these awards on our current students and faculty, we connect with the past, honor the achievements of the present and look forward to even greater accomplishments in the years ahead. Thank you for being a part of this celebration. Families, we are grateful for your presence and offer our sincere thanks for the privilege of educating your children. Members of the faculty and staff, we are humbled by the care that you have for your work and for our University. Students, we are the benefactors of your collective love for Millikin. My congratulations to all the honorees!