Pregnancy Guide How to boost your fertility quickly and naturally Solve infertility issues with a non invasive method and give birth to a healthy child. This guide will help you even if you are in your 30s or 40s; have lazy ovaries, low sperm count, low sperm mobility. Now you can avoid drugs, risky surgeries and treatments. Take a quick, natural route with alternate infertility medicine.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Contents What is Infertility? BMI Smoking Alcohol Vitamins
Page 3
Importance of the Menstrual Cycle
Page 7
The Holistic Approach
Page 8
Fertility Self Diagnosis
Page 9
Dietary Habits to Avoid
Page 11
Conceiving through Diet
Page 13
Traditional Chinese medicine
Page 15
Chinese dietary method
Page 17
Chinese Herbal method
Page 19
Other herbal treatments
Page 23
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Supplied by
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
What is Infertility? Over 5 million couples are affected by infertility. Usually, infertility is defined as difficulty conceiving after a year of copulation. These women sometimes suffer lazy ovaries, irregular menstrual cycles, aging or other problems which make it harder to conceive. However, perfectly healthy women also suffer from this problem. Some women may have avoided pregnancy in their earlier life: -
Concentrating on their career goals Aiming to be financially stable before having a family Too young to be a parent Fear or uncertainty becoming a parent Finding the right partner to have children with Life problems in the way Health problems
Most of the time, women will delay pregnancy by taking contraceptive pills, condoms or other contraceptive methods. Unfortunately when they reach the stage of their life that they want children, they will have reached their mid 30s or even later. The effects of contraceptive pills can cause irregular periods, increasing their infertility. However these effects can largely be reversed and you can overcome infertility within the year if you commit yourself to this goal. First we need to understand Infertility. At the age of 31, 70% will be able to get pregnant within a year. However, by the age of 41 this will drop to 40% or less. The rate of pregnancy deteriorates with age. Women can become pregnant during any time of the menstrual cycle, although this is highly unlikely. Pinpointing the best days for conception are 2 days before and after ovulation. The sperms average life span is 2-3 days depending on its health, vitality and the environment within the vagina. Females are born with a set number of eggs in their ovaries. One or two eggs are released each month. Some mature earlier than others and degenerate. Others wait in the fallopian tube to become fertilized by sperm. The number of eggs left remaining in ovaries often determines the woman’s menopause age. So what can you do to improve fertility, without resorting to risky surg eries? Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Make sure you and your spouse are healthy Check the best time of the month to copulate Ensure that your vagina is ‘sperm friendly’ to prolong the life of sperm Improve your dietary habits Try to regulate your menstrual cycle Keep up a positive attitude.
This guide will show you how to maximize your fertility so that you may become pregnant, no matter what problems you need to overcome.
Body Weight Infertility By using the BMI, body mass index, you can figure out whether you are overweight or underweight. Both can have a negative effect on your menstrual cycle, hormone release and ultimately, your fertility. Calculate your BMI using: BMI = 703 x (weight in pounds / height2 in inches) 19-25 BMI is considered normal or healthy. Anything below or above may not be healthy, depending on the individual. Women who are over 30 on the BMI are termed as obese, and 40+ suggests extreme obesity. Studies show that those who have a BMI of 30 or more are more unlikely to conceive, and have lower rates of fertilization. It is highly recommended for your overall health and chances of pregnancy to lose some weight. Even if you are a normal weight, you may still be unhealthy. Sometimes this is the most basic cause of infertility. By restoring weight and health, you are most likely restoring your fertility back to normality. Try this simple step before turning to a doctor for infertility treatments.
Smoking Infertility Smoking causes impotency. Studies by the British Medical Association has revealed that smoking can cause impotence in 120,000 men between the ages of 30 and 50. For women, your fertility can drop to 50% and reduces your chance to conceive. By stopping smoking habits, you can conceive earlier, quicker and have a healthier baby. Remember that quitting smoking, especially if you are addicted, can cause some stress, nervous symptoms and unbalanced hormones until your body gets used to the new regime. After this, Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
your body will begin ‘restoring’ your fertility, easing you back into higher chances of conceiving. If you are serious about becoming pregnant, you should consider quitting smoking altogether. Some smokers do achieve pregnancy, but at what price? -
Higher risk of miscarriage Unhealthy child weighing less that 7oz Baby has smaller organs Have poorer lung functions More likely to die from ‘cot death’
Alcohol Infertility Have a glass of wine every night to relax? Alcohol may be alright for the average adult. Perhaps sometimes you have a bottle or two a night with dinner, simply to relax from a hard day of work and stress. However, this is not going to help you when trying to conceive a child. You should consider cutting alcohol out of your diet whilst you try to conceive and during your pregnancy, as it can have adverse effects on fertility. Remember, whether you are a moderate, sensible drinker or a chronic alcoholic, both have a chance of severely impairing fertility. Aging already decreases infertility, so imagine how much a glass of red can do each night. Some effects of alcohol on fertility and pregnancy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Infertility Impaired foetal development Increased miscarriages Absence of ovulation entirely Absence of menstruation (amenhorrhea) Abnormal uterus lining
Vitamin Deficient Infertility Obtaining the right vitamins when trying to conceive can have a large impact on your fertility. Some vitamins are good for you whereas some can deter pregnancy and even cause miscarriages. Make sure you know all the facts before changing your diet to increase your fertility. Vitamin A Take with caution. You should not use vitamin A during pregnancy.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Vitamin C Vitamin C is beneficial for Sperm, protecting it from damage and dysfunction. It can also encouraging longer sperm life, better quality and faster sperm. Vitamin E This is crucial for hormonal regulation, particularly for FSH and LH hormones. It is also an antioxidant which will improve fertility. This can increase fertilization rates up to 10%. Folic Acid It has been reported that women who take folic acid supplements are more likely to conceive. Studies also show that they have a 40% lower risk of problems producing eggs.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Importance of the Menstrual Cycle The menstrual cycle is when your body prepares for a pregnancy. On average it takes 28 days to complete a menstrual cycle, and it is crucial to know how this works in order to enhance your fertility. 1. During the Follicular phase, your brain releases FSH hormones (Follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone). This travels within the blood to activate the ovaries. 2. Ovaries contain follicles that contain immature eggs. Every women is born with a set number of eggs to last throughout their life time. The FSH and LH stimulate the growth of the eggs. 3. One egg will mature whereas other follicles stop growing and die. 4. This egg breaks out of the follicle – this process is called ovulation. It rests in the fallopian tubes. 5. During this phase, the cervical mucus increases in volume and changes to a slick, stretchy substance. This mucus keeps the sperm alive and aids travelling towards the egg. 6. If the sperm reaches the egg, the fertilized egg will implant itself to the uterus and you will have become pregnant. 7. If not, the egg dries up and leaves the uterus, where the lining of the uterus breaks down to form the menstrual cycle discharge.
What can go wrong with Menstruation that causes infertility? More than you might know. -
Mucus may be sticky and un-stretchable, causing sperm to die quicker and decreasing their mobility to reach the egg in time. Irregular menstruation means you cannot determine when a mature egg is released, and the environment in the uterus may not be suitable for the fertilized egg to implant itself to the wall. Unhealthy diets or liver/kidney problems can cause LH and FSH hormones to decrease, meaning that even no egg may have been released during your cycle.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
The Holistic Approach Many couples, particularly females, are prone to setting targets or milestones when trying to become pregnant. For instance: By my next birthday I’ll be pregnant By next year we will have had a baby in summer I’ll have a baby before my sister However, much of the time people do not meet their own expectations or milestones; you should torture yourself over this as a ‘missed target’ as it isn’t your fault. These are only self imposed rules which you must learn to let go. You’ll only make yourself negative and pessimistic about the future. You should aim to feel good, and depression is something you don’t need whilst you’re trying to conceive. Remember, many couples have trouble at becoming pregnant and not everyone is fortunate to get pregnant straight away.
Many times, you will have struggled through relatives or friends showing off their babies or pregnancies. It’s hard in these situations as you can come under pressure with questions such as ‘when will you get pregnant?’ and sometimes you won’t know the answer yourself! However think positively – remember your turn will come soon. Don’t become jealous or malicious to others who have babies easily, as it is also their happy moment to enjoy. If you do come under peer pressure, simply generate a quick, calm response. These are recommended: Yes, we hope to have a baby at some point We’ll start a family when we’re ready but we’re not sure when The person asking you questions may not even realize it is upsetting you, so if needed, tell your family in advance to avoid awkward situations if you are having a difficult time. Otherwise, being around other mothers and toddlers and babies can help boost your own maternal health.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
It has been said that holding babies improve fertility and hormones. Keep positive, as this has a big impact on your fertility!
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Fertility Self Diagnosis This chapter will outline how to detect the best time for conception. These are the basic procedures you should check before moving on. Although you may feel as if you are having regular and frequent sex, there is always a chance that you are missing out on the best opportunities for conception. The methods below will help guide you on detecting the best days for conception, where sperm invasion, ovulation and so forth may be calculated or predicted.
Using the Calendar method As one of the oldest methods in use for hundreds of years, this method is one of the most popular to check with first in today’s society. You can closely record the frequency of your menstruation over the length of several months, predicting your ovulation dates. Ovulation typically occurs between the 9th and 18th day after your menstruation. You can calculate the best days with the highest chance of conception by this method. This method works best for women with a regular menstrual cycle, with less variation and complications during their period. For instance, 36 days of regular, consistent menstruation would be considered as ‘regular’. An irregular menstruation cycle is when the period time varies widely from 3 short days to 10 long days, with different lengths of time in between.
Cervical Mucus method Typically, the cervical mucus is a sticky and unforgiving substance. In normal circumstances the mucus is hostile to sperm and penetration, as it’s main function is to protect the uterus from bacteria and virus. Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
The best time for sperm to enter the reproductive system is when this cervical mucus is at it’s most ‘dilute’ state, when it is watery, stretchable and friendly to conception. Cervical mucus can be checked daily through touch. When Mucus is clear, slippery and thick, then sperm invasion is more likely to be successful.
BBT method (Basal Body Temperature) Another common technique to predict ovulation and conception is the BBT method. This method includes measuring your basal body temperature. Typically, a low temperature indicates that the woman’s ovulation is about to occur, a day or two away. Basal body temperature is at it’s highest on the two days after ovulation, meaning there is a lower chance of conception. By measuring body temperature, you can detect the best time for getting pregnant. Often this works best with regular menstrual cycles, These methods are safe when carried out in the proper procedure. You should consider combining these three methods for an accurate prediction for ovulation and conception.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Dietary Habits to avoid Here is a guide on the foods and substances you should avoid consuming when trying to conceive, or even when pregnant.
Refined Starches / Simple Sugars Simple sugar and refined starches can cause a sharp rise or drop of blood sugar. For pregnancy, these substances can cause hormone imbalance and a weakened immune system. Insulin levels produced by the pancreas increase when blood sugar rises, causing hormonal imbalance. The cortisol hormone can be overproduced by the adrenal gland, which interferes with the production of sex hormones, sometimes leading to infertility. Studies also show that a teaspoon of simple sugar can weaken the immune system for up to four hours. This results in weakened protein functions within the body, interfering with conception Simple sugars cause overproduction of cortisol, leading to increased risk of nutrient deficiency. This results in vitamin and mineral depletion, including vitamin B and magnesium
Saturated Fat Saturated fat and trans-isomer fatty acids interfere with the liver. This leads to an over production of hormones in the prostaglandin family. Typically this causes menstrual cramps and pain. It may also lead to irregular menstrual cycles, which decrease fertility and chances of conception.
Caffeine Large doses of coffee, tea and other caffeinated products can have a negative impact on the reproductive system. Studies show that women who consume 300 mg + of caffeine take longer to conceive than women who do not drink coffee. Caffeine also causes hormonal imbalance and occasionally, blood sugar rise depending on how you drink your coffee or tea.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Drugs and Alcohol Common sense should tell you that drugs and alcohol will cause infertility or conception problems. They can have a large impact on reproductive hormones, and are sometimes linked directly to causes of infertility. Drugs increase the tension of the nervous system, and alcohol drinking causes liver damage, particularly when drunk in excess.
Fizzy drinks and carbonated beverages Carbonates can contain high amounts of sugar, caffeine and other chemicals all of which, as described above, can have a negative influence on ovulation and conception. These can stimulate the over production of the cortisol hormone, leaving you fatigued, stressed and anxious. It also interferes with the basic production of sex hormones.
Sperm-unfriendly lubricants Many couples do not realize that lubricants can often be toxic to sperm, decreasing its ability to move throughout the reproductive system for conception. In order for the egg to be fertilized successfully, it is recommended to use water-base lubricants or lubricants which at least claim to aid sperm mobility. Otherwise, lubricant is not a necessary factor in copulation. You may also want to consider avoiding douching, which can cause bacterial growth in the vaginal area which can decrease sperm mobility and penetration.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Conceiving through Diet Although the term diet may suggest refraining from food, this is not the case in trying to conceive. There are certain foods which can have quite a large impact on your chances of conception, thus if you are not already eating ‘properly’ you should consider doing so for your fertility and baby’s health.
Essential Fatty acid Essential fatty acid is critical in regulating the production of the prostaglandin hormones through liver metabolism. This increases the blood flow in the body, including the uterus and reproductive organs. This can also decrease the risk of hormonal imbalance. The best food to obtain this essential fatty acid is cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, for essential Omega 3 and 6 acids.
Dairy food Dairy products can be eaten, but in modest amounts as many products contain trans-isomer fats. If you do eat dairy products, ensure that it takes mild from manufacturers with organic growth. Consider eating less of this.
Meat / protein If you are vegetarian, you may want to consider reversing your dietary habits for a while in order to promote fertility. The best choice is lamb according to Chinese medicinal studies. Lamb meat also boosts fertility in men. When choosing meat, choose lean cuts and organically grown animals to avoid feeding contamination. Chickens in particular, are often injected with fatboosting chemicals to make them plumper.
Fruits, vegetables These contain loads of vitamins, bioflavonoid and antioxidants. These are great for overall bodily health and reproductive system health. If you are not a fan of these fruits and vegetables, you should really consider eating them to improve fertility health. This is sometimes the cause of difficulties conceiving, Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
and these individuals often resort to expensive, intrusive medical practises when a simple serving of vegetable can solve the problem.
Beans, nuts and seeds This is a great source of protein, essential in hormone production, digestion and bodily health. It also promotes prostaglandin hormones crucial for the fertility process. Beans and lentils are good for balancing levels of estrogens, thus decreasing the chance of infertility caused by estrogens imbalance. Good foods for balancing estrogens: Clover, lentils, peas, beans, lupines, carob, soy, peanuts.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Traditional Chinese Medicine Conventional, hospital treatments and procedures sometimes do not work for certain individuals. Science is unable to guarantee a sure-fire method for curing infertility, and thus this is where other treatments can often promote fertility. Unlike conventional treatments, Chinese medicine is considered as a natural, safer and non-invasive approach to conceiving. The Chinese philosophical belief is that each patient is a unique entity, and the tiniest microscopical change can disrupt the body’s health and mind-body complex. Thus, the treatment targets the underlying cause of diseases or infertility unlike hospital treatments which try to tackle the issue head on.
Female Infertility Traditional Chinese medicine views female infertility in the form of 5 elements. This checks the function of the ‘kidney yin and yang’ as well as blood flow. Note that yin and yang can be compared to ‘balance’, and are not (as some people commonly believe) some mystical power or force. Deficient kidney yang: Women with irregular or abnormal menstrual cycles, lower back pain, and lack of sexual desire, slow pulse or no menstrual discharge are often diagnosed with deficient kidney yang. Blood deficiency or blood stagnation is caused by a weakened spleen organ, reducing the spleen’s function in blood formation. Less blood is distributed to the body, causing no menstrual discharge or blood. Late menstruation, pale or scanty blood, dizziness, and a pale tongue can indicate symptoms of blood deficiencies or problems. Blood stagnation is also a problem, typically caused by chi stagnation or deficiency. This can lead to abdominal pain with a clotted, dark period flow. Other symptoms include a purpled tongue, breast tenderness and tension.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Male Infertility Men can also have fertility problems diagnosed from a traditional Chinese method. For men, a kidney Yang deficiency can cause weak sexual desire, ejaculation and impotence. Other symptoms can include low sperm mobility or low sperm count. A kidney Yin deficiency can lead to slow sperm mobility, low sperm count or seminal emission. Liver chi stagnation may signal a blockage in the local genital area, interfering with testicular functions and causing impotence. Sufferers from this may also experience problems with ejaculation. Blood stagnation and Chi stagnation are also common in men. This is caused by a weakened liver with low metabolism, leading to nervous symptoms such as stress, worry and impotence. Men who over drink alcohol or consume drugs are more susceptible to heat disease – this can also be caused by spicy or fatty oily foods. Sperm can suffer shorter life spans, low mobility and sometimes even deformity, which can lead to an unhealthy baby.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Chinese dietary Methods According to traditional Chinese medicine, certain types of food can offer help to ‘rebalance’ your bodily system and help it to function better. This covers cold, cool, neutral, warm and hot foods. For instance, cooler foods will help combat ‘yang’ deficiency and hot foods will combat ‘yin’ deficiency. Remember that Yin and Yang are not mystical, magical energies. The terms largely refer to certain imbalances in the system which has been scientifically proved within the last century.
Cold foods Cold foods in Chinese medicine stimulate ‘cooling’ effects in the body to counteract against Yang, thus balancing the body. These foods should be carefully balanced with other warm foods to help restore a normal function to the reproductive system, increasing fertility in both men and women. Women should, if trying to conceive, aim to avoid cold foods altogether unless eaten in balance with hot foods. Bamboo, banana, watermelon, honeydew melon, seaweed, shell fish, citrus fruits
Cool foods Cool foods are similar to cold foods, but are not as strong or extreme. This will work against Yang in moderation, thus this will avoid yang deficiency. Women should eat moderate amounts for the nutrients, but not in excess. Apple, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, asparagus, pears, tomatoes and vegetables with lower water content and more ‘green’ nutrients
Neutral foods Most neutral foods have little or no effect in the body. However certain neutral foods, when eaten in excess, can interfere with insulin production of the spleen and dampen the chance of fertility. Apricot, dried fruits, red meat, rice, bread, celery
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Warm Foods Warm foods produce a warming effect upon the bodily system. This is one of the best groups to eat in when trying to conceive, as it protects against miscarriages. They increase your body temperature and yang, which increases fertility in turn for both women and men. Tea, cherry, chives, chicken, leek, berries
Hot foods Hotter foods are good for improving immune systems, combating virus and bacteria. This helps increase the blood flow within the body, improving the reproductive organ. You should not over indulge in these foods as it could cause a yin deficiency – however they are useful for boosting the fertility process. Garlic, spices, green onion, cinnamon, pepper, ginger Although this is not a full, definitive guide, it should give you a starting jump into Chinese medicine. You can consult a herbalist who will help arrange your diet accordingly. As a final note, bitter, sour and salty tastes are typically classified as yin. Yang is more akin to sweet and heavy foods.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbal medicine has a long history of success, so there is no surprise that more and more people are turning to it for an alternative solution. Herbs provide a natural, non invasive answer to boosting fertility, particularly for those who are older or classed with infertility problems. Caution should be taken: you should always consult a herbalist, especially one who is trained in Chinese herbal medicine. Some herbs should not be used together, and different doses are required for different infertility problems. Also take care when purchasing these herbs, by checking the viability and trust of the company. Some herbs also require a special ‘process’ before being eaten.
Bupleurum Definition: Bupleurum is commonly known as Bei Chai Hu, a genus of plants which belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is popularly used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, commonly used for treating feverish or liver problems. Bupleurum effects female fertility by improving the liver Chi. The herb claims to have a liver tonic effect, releasing liver stagnancy which may have formed from accumulating toxins. The liver regulates the spleens function in insulin production, resulting in hormone imbalance. Thus, Bupleurum helps reduce sluggish liver metabolism and return the balance of the hormones and menstruation period. Blupleurum also improves the kidney’s ability of urinary extraction. It restores it by regulating steroid growth hormone, which can decrease irregular menstrual cycles. It also helps reduce levels of cholesterol and therefore increase blood flow to reproductive organs, increasing fertility. Side effects include slight nausea, reflux and bowel movements. Take caution as overdose can lead to unpleasant side effects.
White Peony This is the root bark of Paeonia suffruticosa, commonly used in Chinese medicine to treat liver Cirrhosis. This effects fertility by treating liver chi with yin deficiency. It lessens hormonal imbalances and boosts metabolism of the liver. Kidneys are also show improved functions with white peony, also increasing sexual desire and reducing water retention within the body.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
The uterus benefits from white peony by regulating the production of certain hormones, reducing cramps and abdominal pain and sometimes dark blood clotting of the menstrual cycle. There are little to no side effects related to the peony as so far investigated.
Angelica Root Angelica is a biennial plant, also belonging to the apieacaea family. The root is commonly used as a tonic medicine combined with herbs to treat blood loss exhaustion. This root can help boost the reproductive organs function. It promotes menstrual health, and restores deficiencies caused by hormonal imbalances. As a blood tonic, this root helps increase the production of blood to ease the stress and pain of a heavy menstruation. Thus, fertility is enhanced by increasing blood flow to these organs. It is also said that this root contains natural chemicals which strengthen the immune system, combating infection, inflammation and bacteria. It decreases the chance of a yeast infection which often occurs during menstruation. The angelica root is associated with side effects such as: skin inflammation and rashes or uterus contractions. If you are pregnant, it is advised not to take this root. You should also take it in small doses for precaution.
Cinnamon As noted before, the cinnamon is a ‘hot food’ meaning it helps yang deficient problems, particularly with the kidney. As a hot herb, it increases the kidney yang and enhances sexual desire and fertility. It’s chemical properties also help to soothe the reproductive organs during heavy or painful menstruation periods caused by chi. Blood stagnation is stimulated to increase blood flow. This hot herb also helps regulate the production of insulin, reducing extreme spikes and irregularities. This reduces diabetic like symptoms of infertility. An overdose of cinnamon will lead to a yin deficiency as it is a hot, yang herb. Some people are also allergic to cinnamon, so caution should be taken when eating this herb.
Evening primrose Oil This has been popularized and sold as oil tablets, which help sooth menstrual pain and breast pain. It has become a popular method with much success with the majority of women who take it. Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Primrose oil contains linoleic acid which helps regulate prostaglandin hormones, reducing menstrual cramps and pain. It also increases blood flow to the reproductive organs. For men, primrose oil can influence sperm production and healthier sperm. The gamolenic acid in primrose oil can also help fertility. It combats the symptoms of uterus contraction and reduces pain, increasing the chance of conception. Cervical mucus is encouraged to become more sperm friendly, turning soft, stretchy and slimy. This promotes swift egg fertilization. There are little side effects associated, although one should take care not to overdose.
Goji Berry Herbalists around the world have used this berry to promote bodily health. It is used as a heat tonic, reducing high blood pressures and promoting blood flow. It also relieves the body of stress, nervous tension and dizziness. Type II diabetes is also treated with the goji berry, by regulating the liver and spleen in producing insulin. This lessens menstrual symptoms caused by insulin fluctuation and increases fertility. Kidney function is also improved to increase the quality and quantity of sperm. There are no side effects recorded from the goji berry.
Cordyceps Sinensis Otherwise known as Dong Cong Cao in traditional Chinese medicine, this herb helps treat cirrhosis of the liver. Liver disease can be restored and cured by fighting against inflammation, sometimes caused by hepatitis B. This herb also increases kidney function by reducing water retention. The quality of eggs are also promoted, by regulating certain hormone productions. It is also fair to say that this helps produce sexual desire, by increasing the production of testosterone. This can be toxic if taken in high doses, thus caution should be used.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
...Other Herbal treatments Black Cohosh Should be avoided for pregnant women, as this causes miscarriages. However it helps balance estrogens which leads to regular ovulation and increases fertility.
Chaste Tree Berry Many European herbalists prize this herb as it helps balance female hormone production. It also leads to regular menstrual cycles, increasing levels of LH and thus increasing chance of ovulation.
Red Clover Although traditionally used to treat coughs or skin rash, the phytoestrogen contained within Red Clover can help hormone imbalance. Menstrual cycles can be restored or regularized, improving ovulation and fertility.
Ginseng Ginseng is normally used as a tonic or energizer. However the progesterone and synthesis estrogens can be used to reduce hormone imbalance. This restores the natural process of hormonal production and menstrual cycles, thus improving conception.
White Willow This herb is commonly associated with fertility enhancement. It can be converted into an aspirin-like acid, leading to increased blood flow to reproductive organs. It supports the uterus lining for fertilized egg implantation.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Quick Tips for Copulation Predict Ovulation You can check your cervical mucus by simply inserting a finger into the vagina and testing the ‘stickiness’ or ‘wetness’ of the mucus. When you are ovulating, the mucus becomes more slippery and slick. This is ideal for the sperm as it will travel easier and live longer in this mucus. Wearing Boxers Men should wear boxers instead of panties or briefs. The science is that the testicles become less overheated – sperm need cooler conditions to remain healthy and vital, which is why they protrude from the body. The testicles act as radiators to release heat, cooling down the sperm. It is also proven that testicles which are free to move and not kept in briefs encourage sperm mobility and health. Use the best position Although you may be copulating with your partner at the ‘right times’, the right position will also have an impact. You should let the female be on the bottom, due to g ravitational effects. The missionary position is considered best for conceiving as the sperm is more likely to reach the egg. Importance of female orgasm Female orgasm is critical as the muscles channel fluid and sperm in towards the uterus, speeding up sperm to reach the egg. The semen is drawn into the cervix resulting in a higher chance of fertilization. Elevating hips after Sex The semen is more likely to flow into the cervix when elevating the hips. It is recommended to rest for 20-30 minutes with the hips elevated, perhaps using a pillow under the buttocks. Exercise more regularly Healthy partners mean a higher chance of conceiving. You should maintain a healthy weight which should in turn, keep your menstrual cycles regular and normal. If you notice irregularities, you may be exercising too much or too little.
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from
Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for information and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. This EBook should not be resold or distributed without the permission of purelyfitness. Images taken from
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Written by Jamie Floyd @ All rights reserved. This EBook is purely for informa tion and education; consult with a doctor or herbalist before pursuing a method as described. Images taken from