Among the country’s most hotly tipped singer/songwriters, get acquainted with Glenburn’s own John Rush.
Have you noticed the momentum building over recent months or has it been a gradual process? I’ve been playing for what seems like an absolute age, there’s definitely been moments where I’ve thought, ‘gee it a by, you’re never gonna be Liam Gallagher’. After the album’s release in April 2019, it’s kinda snowballed. Playing on the same bill as The Byson Family and being accepted as a peer made the slog worthwhile. Getting the opportunity to come along and play The Spree was unbelievable too. I’m just enjoying it until the wheels fall off. You’re signed to Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5’s 23 Music. Was it important to join a roster that prioritises artistic freedom? Colonel Mustard’s David Blair has been instrumental. It’s all about enjoying the process and making folk happy. That sort of vibe can only rub off on you in a positive way. Your new single Gold and Green is a stirring piece of balladry with a similarly touching video. Is that a taster of things to come? The track has been a long time coming. Initially written in Led Zeppelin 74 MILL
Photo by David Cameron, @defiantpose
Hailing from Glenburn, have you always had aspirations of being a songwriter? My Mum was into Marc Bolan and my Dad loved Elvis so I grew up with music, but I think it would be hard not to be inspired by Paisley’s musical heritage. Gerry Rafferty is at the back of any buddies’ mind, but I always think of John Byrne. Knowing that a guy from Ferguslie who’d worked in the same factory as my dad did artwork for the Beatles and Billy Connolly definitely inspired me to do something creative. I’ve even copied his beard and love of a good tweed jacket!
Q&A SONG YOU WISH YOU’D WRITTEN? Paolo Nutini − Iron Sky FAVOURITE LOCAL BAND? The Vegan Leather, they should and will be huge in the next few years FAVOURITE PUB IN PAISLEY? The Bungalow has many memories for me, I’d love to get on that stage again
style around 15 years ago, I always loved the imagery. When I started playing acoustically, it was a natural fit. It’s one of my favourites to play and the Spotify numbers suggest I’m not alone. The job Neil [McKenzie] did on the video is exceptional. Once we heard that we could access the Barrowlands, it felt like the stars aligned. Special shout out to Patricia Payne and her dance partner Peter Leach for performing. For the uninitiated, what can they expect from your biggest headline show to date at the illustrious St Luke’s? Well, I do have a few things happening. The 23 extended family are coming to play and augment the songs a little. There’ll also be a few exclusives. I’m particularly excited by a track called The Older the Grape, The Sweeter the Wine. Getting older doesn’t always mean you’re for the bin bag! John plays St Luke’s and The Winged Ox on Thursday 7th May.