2 minute read
Words from the Editor
Normally, the arrival of summer would mean that soon enough, suitcases would be cumbersomely yanked down from the loft and long-abandoned swimwear would be eyed with unease. Afterwards, we’d be boarding planes, perusing cocktail menus and savouring the idea of respite from what we’d previously dubbed “everyday life”.
This time around, air travel is still largely a pipe dream, while the onset of warmer temperatures is less about downing tools as it is the beginning of a period of immense productivity and regrowth.
After months of pacing living rooms and pining for what we once took for granted, hospitality and retail sections are lurching back to life and in what has made for heartening scenes in our towns and villages, their patrons have too.
From pubs and punters to cafés and their loyal customers, it’s become apparent that for all that we can be insular beings at times, we need those incidental run-ins with strangers which bring colour to our days and that shared energy you can only find when out and about.
Moving as a collective rather than individuals as we spend local and repopulate those tills that had lain dormant, it is in this spirit of common goals and experiences that we return to the world with our latest issue.
Across features, interviews, review and more, this issue highlights the full spectrum of what this wonderful place has to offer and while the local residents and homegrown talents that are profiled within may be wildly different in some ways, each one of them, like us, wants to leave Renfrewshire in a better position than they found it.
With that, please dig in and we’ll see you out there.
All the best, Robert Blair
This issue is dedicated to the life and memory of our friend Jamie Shuttleworth. Love from all the team.
Editor: Robert Blair Design & Sales: Paul Dickson Beauty Editor: Susie Cormack Bruce Interiors Editor: Kike Pavlik Men’s Fashion Editor: Josef McFadden Sub Editor: Alistair Forrest Contributors: Karen Bohme, Boston Miles, Keira Brown, Ali Burden-Blake, David Cameron, Emma Case, Johnathan Cranstoun, Alan K. Gray, David Hamilton, Maddie Howard, Oksana Karuniene, Szymon Kubiak, Thomas Love, Scott Mairs, Paulina Markiewicz, John Masson, Lucy McConnell, Megan McGuigan, Gordon McGuire, Rachel McMinn, Colin Orr, Natalia Padlo, Naomi Patterson, Ciro Potenza, James Power, Renfrewshire Foodies, Robert Tabor, Gail Thompson, David Weir
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