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to talk about witth your kids at dinner

Current Events


This can be a great way to encourage your children to stay informed and engaged with the world around them. You can discuss local, national, or international news and events, or even just interesting articles or stories that you've come across.

Hobbies And Interests

Dinner is a great time to talk about your children's passions and interests. Ask them about what they've been working on or learning about recently, and share your own hobbies and interests as well.

Goals And Aspirations

Dinner can be a good time to discuss your children's long-term goals and aspirations. You can ask them about what they hope to achieve in the future, and offer guidance and support as needed.

Family Values And Traditions

If this is a new activity you are trying to implement into your daily ritual at home, it can be slightly intimidating at first If this is something you already do, but just don't know what to say to your kids (hello, angry teenagers!), then this is a quick list of topics to encourage meaningful talk at the dinner table and engage your children

We hope this encourages good memories witth your children and lots of laughs!

Dinner can be a good opportunity to talk about your family's values and traditions. You can discuss what these values mean to you, and how you can all work together to live by them.

Personal Experiences

Encourage your children to share stories about their day or week. This can be a great way to foster open communication and build stronger relationships within your family.

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