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Understudy Program/ Professional Theatre Program for Emerging Artists
By meaningfully integrating understudies into the rehearsal process and guaranteeing each actor at least one performance, our family of artists widens and expands alongside each show. With each production, understudies bring newfound flexibility to each team: at least at SLAC, actors are no longer subjected to unreasonably strict rules and expectations, and have some room to breathe. Understudies are offered the opportunity for production photos, which contribute to their ongoing professional development.
candidate is this production’s PTP candidates are Camden Barrett (Actor Training Program BFA, University of Utah), Anna Blaes (Performing Arts Design BFA, University of Utah), and Briar Woodie (Design and Production BFA, Westminster College).
Through the Professional Theatre Program for Emerging Artists (PTP), SLAC provides opportunities for students and early-career theatre artists to gain meaningful, fully paid experience by integrating them into the production cycle. This production’s PTP
Briar Alix, Anna, Erik
Dennis Camden, Penny