4 minute read

You Have Something To Give And We Need It Now More Than Ever

Five years ago I received a phone call from Brent Larsen, the outgoing past-president of the UDA. He asked me if I would run for a ADA delegate position. To be honest, I didn’t know what that was at the time, but since I knew and trusted Brent, I agreed to do it.

I met Brent Larsen years before in the Great Basin Study Club. My original mentor dentist, Paul Baugh, introduced me to the study club and I enjoyed it. I was surrounded by excellent dentists that knew the importance of learning together. I was honored to be around them. They opened my eyes to what was possible as a dentist. Each of the dentists that I met in the study club became mentors to me and helped me become a better dentist than I would have on my own.

My practice philosophies and treatment styles have been heavily influenced by those mentors. Ultimately, it was through their influence that I felt brave enough to change my practice life forever. I decided to go out of network with all but one dental insurance over 10 years ago. Because of that change, my life has continued to change for the better and I’m enjoying dentistry more than I could have imagined before going out of network. Brent Larsen saw this transition and reached out to me. He wanted me to share my experience with Utah dentists and hopefully help you more fully enjoy your dental journey.

Mentoring each other is vital to becoming the best dentists that we can become. Every one of us has something to offer. Every one of us would be a good mentor to someone else. We are more talented and successful than we give ourselves credit for. Look for ways to share your knowledge with others.

Study clubs are a great place to start. Becky at the UDA has been compiling a list of the different study clubs around the state. She can help find one for you close to home. If you are currently part of a study club and would like new members, please contact Becky with the information. The more of us that are involved in study clubs, the better.

Even if you work in a DSO or large group practice with other dentists, we invite you to share your knowledge with others who are not part of your group. There is always something that you could learn from others outside of your current circle.

We are all in this together. The dental health of all the residents of Utah is in our hands. We owe it to our patients to be the best version of ourselves as we care for their dental needs. Utah is lucky to have some of the best dentists in the country, and we can be better if we look for ways to grow together. Please share your talents and be a mentor.

I mentioned that through the invitation of a mentor, I am now serving on the UDA Board. This had been a very eye-opening experience. I never realized how much is going on behind the scenes when it comes to the UDA board working for Utah dentists. I am grateful for the hard work and dedication of all those that I have worked with on the Board. If you have ever questioned “what is the ADA or UDA doing to help dentistry?”, I promise that it is more than you realize. Even with all that we are doing, however, we could be better. We need to be better, but we need your help to do it. We need you to get involved in organized dentistry. We need you to serve in leadership positions in the state. We need you to run for the UDA Board.

In the past the UDA board positions included long-term positions for either an ADA Delegate option and a UDA Presidency pathway, however, going forward we are working on the possibility to shorten these service terms to allow for more of you to serve.

In the upcoming UDA House of Delegates there will be a proposal to allow for 1, 2 and 3 year options to be part of the board. We are still working on specifics, but we feel that these options will allow us to better serve our profession by encouraging more of you to run and serve these shorter terms. I invite any of you who are willing to help to run for office. Reach out to me or the UDA office with your questions and with your desires to serve and we will help you with the journey.

I invite you to look for ways to share your talents with others. However you feel you can best be a mentor to others please do that. Whether it is through a study club, dental board, local UDA district meetings or even just introducing yourself to the newer dentists nearby your office, please make your circle of influence larger. Reach out and share your unique vision with others. Only you can do you the way that you do you. Our fellow dentists will greatly benefit from what you have to share. Thank you for being part of the best profession.

Dr Rodney Thornell (801)652-1408 UDA Secretary

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