Mills Quarterly, Winter 2022

Page 22

AAMC NEWS & NOTES Dear Alumnae Community, It was so wonderful to welcome you back to Mills for Reunion

At this time, to many it feels like a death of a different kind,

after not being together for more than a year. Convocation is

mourning the many things that will no longer be alive in the

always a special time, with alumnae joining students in the pro-

new merger. While it is a time to mourn and bid goodbye to

cessional while carrying their class year

Mills, it can also be a time to rejoice

banners. This year was extra special

and remember. To remember how we

given that it was the last Convocation

have been nurtured by our cherished

for Mills College students before the

fostering mother, and to celebrate our treasured time as students. To remem-

merger with Northeastern. This was my sixth time as president

ber and thank the faculty who taught

of the AAMC to address students and

us with dedication and commitment,

share my thoughts and congratula-

to appreciate the staff and administra-

tory message with them. My theme was

tors who made our time here meaning-

about facing unexpected challenges

ful and memorable. These things will

in our lives and how to work through

never die; they live on in each one of us.

them. I shared about my debilitating

These past few months have tested

accident during my first year at Mills,

our commitment to each other and to

which caused me to take all incompletes

the leadership at Mills. I take heart in

for that semester. While I lay incapaci-

this quote from the late General Colin

tated in bed, days turned into months,

Powell: “The ties that bind us are stron-

and fearful thoughts about my future

ger than the occasional stresses that

began to fill my mind. But with prayers

separate us.” The current stress of the

and support from my Mills and church

merger has separated us alumnae, but

communities, those days became more

I believe and hope that our bond will help us overcome this unprecedented

bearable and also taught me many life lessons. While some things in my life would be altered forever,

time of change in the history of our beloved alma mater and

there was the hope of new possibilities. My dreams did not

unify us.

come to an end: I graduated and went on to earn my doctorate and find a calling to a vocation I did not expect. The third chapter of Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament is instructive of life with its beginnings and endings: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. There have been many births and rebirths with Mills, beginning with the Young Ladies’ Seminary for Christian women in Benicia, to the secular Mills College for women—with men later being admitted to graduate programs—to Mills going on to welcome transgender students. Each of these changes must have felt drastic to make way for new plantings. Each change altered Mills and enriched it. Now that the Board of Trustees has voted to merge with

This winter, the Board of Governors and its committees are preparing to celebrate a holiday luncheon with students and to honor and celebrate our mid-year graduates at a special event on December 3. Future events for students at Mills will also change, but I am confident that we will find ways to support students and celebrate the accomplishments and milestones in their lives and the lives of those in our alumnae community. During this season of Thanksgiving, I want to express my gratitude to so many of you who have supported and worked alongside the AAMC these past several months. I want to leave you with this simple but profound quote from the Dalai Lama: “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” My hope is that even as Mills changes, we as alumnae can work towards ensuring that the mission and values we cherish will continue.

Northeastern, there is another change coming our way. The future seems uncertain to some, while to others it offers a way


to preserve the campus as a degree-granting institution, albeit

Viji Nakka-Cammauf, MA ’82

under the Northeastern umbrella.

AAMC President



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