Mills Quarterly, Winter 2022

Page 7

The Transition Process Merging two institutions that carry more than a century of his-

The workstreams and strategy integration teams began meeting

tory apiece is no small task. At Mills, Vice President for Strategic

virtually this past fall. Most workstreams consist of 12 members,

Communications and Operations Renee Jadushlever is oversee-

with equitable representation from both schools and a variety

ing the project.

of departments and disciplines. Each is overseen by both Mills

Alongside her Northeastern counterpart, Senior Vice Provost

and Northeastern area leaders, with designees to assist the leads.

and Senior Vice Chancellor Mary Ludden, Jadushlever has assem-

Northeastern is also providing five project managers to keep the

bled teams into 10 distinct “workstreams” that will collaborate

work moving.

across campuses to tackle the many questions, large and small, that arise as Mills and Northeastern come together.

College,” Jadushlever says. “I encourage everyone to be curious

The workstreams cover:

and engaged, to think boldly, and to remain focused on the work

Read mor e: merger

ahead of us, including centering equity and antiracism.” There are more than 100 members of the Mills faculty and staff who are engaged with the transition, with expansion likely as the spring semester gets underway. GREER RI V ER A

• Teaching & Learning • Student Life • People • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion • Accreditation & Compliance • Enrollment Management • Campus Planning • Administrative • Information Technology • Marketing

“I consider this one of the most critical roles I have been tasked with during my time at Mills. This is a consequential time for the

In addition, there are three strategy integration teams that handle areas informing multiple workstreams. They are: • Research • Advancement • B2B (Corporate Engagement)

Northeastern pilots spring social justice program at Mills While the merger between Mills and Northeastern University

Since the September 14 announcement of the planned

won’t be complete until later this year, a new academic pro-

merger between the two institutions, Northeastern officials

gram at the College this spring will get the ball rolling.

have praised the College’s history of social justice activism and

Leading Social Change will commence on the Mills campus during the 2022 spring semester, bringing 20–25 current

advocacy, and in announcing the establishment of Leading Social Change, that legacy was brought to the fore.

Northeastern undergraduate students from Boston to Oakland

“Mills has a long history of programs that focus on social

to learn from Mills faculty members on advocacy surrounding

change, equity, and justice and we were excited to build a

any number of issues. The core of the program is a four-credit

program that will allow students to learn from leaders in the

course called Leadership for Change, with 15 additional courses

Mills community, and in the broader Oakland community

available that cover everything from sociology and business to

as well,” said Chris Gallagher, Northeastern’s vice chancellor

criminal justice and race and ethnic relations.

for global learning opportunities and an English professor, in

Participants will also have the opportunity to attend exist-

Northeastern’s announcement about the program.

ing justice-based events at Mills, including Tech Intersections:

“The Mills Leadership Scholars will enjoy robust engagement

Womxn of Color in Computing (scheduled for January 29;

and dialogue around racial, gender, and social justice topics

see page 10) and Unfinished: Actualizing an Intersectional

with the Mills community of learners and teachers within the

Antiracist Future (dates TBA), hosted by the Center for

classroom and campus,” added Pat Hardaway, the Mills interim

Transformative Action. The students who take part in the

provost and vice president of academic affairs.

program will be dubbed Mills Leadership Scholars, and Mills undergraduates will be able to take advantage of these courses and conferences as well. WINTER 2022


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