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Quarterly Content Questions
Please respond to the following statements regarding your reading of the Quarterly.
know what’s happening on campus.
see alumnae/i who are like me.
see alumnae/i who are different from me.
proud to be a Mills alum.
How frequently do you read the following sections of each issue of the Quarterly?
How often have you used the Quarterly to find information about the following?
*(such as concerts, Mills College Art Museum exhibits, etc.)
What recent Quarterly stories (if any) did you particularly enjoy, and why?
What topics would you like to see covered in future issues of the Quarterly?
Who in the Mills community deserves recognition in the Quarterly, and why?
How interested would you be in regularly seeing the following kinds of content in the Quarterly?
write your own caption, guess the location)
*(e.g. how to make book art at home or negotiate a higher salary)
What other suggestions do you have for recurring features in the Quarterly?
Have you submitted a Class Note within the last five years? (Circle one)
Yes No I don’t recall
If no, why? (Select all that apply) m I don’t know how m It’s too difficult m I haven’t had any news to report m I’m already connected with the classmates with whom I wish to share news m I use Facebook or other social networking sites to keep up with my fellow alums m Other:
Have you logged into alumnae.mills.edu to view Class Notes? (Circle one)
Yes No I don’t recall
Have you visited the Quarterly website (quarterly.mills.edu)? (Circle one)
Yes No I don’t recall
What possible Quarterly website enhancements would you find useful? (Select all that apply) m Audio versions of stories m Online exclusive stories m Other: m More extensive archives m Email notifications when new issues are available
If you have any additional comments to share with the Quarterly editorial team, please do so here.
If you wish to provide the Quarterly with your contact information in case the team has additional questions or if you have interest in serving as part of a possible focus group, please do so here.
Name/grad year
Email address
Phone number
Thank you for participating!