6 minute read

Thank You to Our Major Sponsors

Sailing Inc.

Mount Gay Rum, Remy USA The Rum of Regattas


Frosty Bar

For the 99th running of the Mills Trophy Race, the Mills Race Committee is proud to announce the Frosty’s Finish Line and our Mills Partnership with the Frosty Bar leading up to the 100th Mills Trophy Race. Many of our Mills racers have a scheduled stop at Frosty’s as part of their Mills Race tradition and we look forward to expanding on that tradition for many years.

Located in the heart of downtown Put-in-Bay, Frosty’s has been an island tradition for 70 years. Cold beer served in the signature frosty beer mug, peanut shells crunching underfoot, tasty pizza baked fresh to order, and classic rock tunes from the jukebox are all part of what makes Frosty’s a favorite. Native islanders, boaters, day trippers, and racing sailors alike flock to Frosty’s for the Bloody Marys and the beautiful view of DeRivera Park and the Put-in-Bay harbor.

Part of what makes Frosty’s so special is the Stoiber family and the extended family of college-age employees that serve breakfast, pizza, and beer all summer. Stop in and see us at Frosty’s. We’re glad you’re here!

Sailing Inc. represents the industry’s best brands by providing high-quality products, services and support to the sailing community. We offer a single source for boat brokerage, new sails, accessories, apparel, marine service and support. Let us be your first point of contact for any of your sailing & marine related needs. Learn more at thesailinginc.com PLEASE

Since its origin, Mount Gay Rum has been intimately linked to the sailing world. From 17 th century navigation to present-day regattas, Mount Gay is the brand of rum for all those who love the sea. For them, the red cap has come to symbolize the passion, spirit and identity that unites this seafaring family. As evidence of its profound and privileged relationship with the sea, with sailors and with ships, every year Mount Gay Rum proudly sponsors over 120 regattas around the globe. Today the brand has become a major reference in the sailing world.

It is with great pleasure that we welcome back to the Mills Race, the Mount Gay Red Cap, symbol for racing sailors recognized around the world and thank Remy Cointreau USA, Inc. for their on-going support.

US Sailing

Our mission is to increase sailing participation and excellence through education, competition and equal opportunity, while upholding the principles of fair play, sportsmanship and safety.

Originally organized as the North American Yacht Racing Union (NAYRU) on October 30, 1897 to encourage and promote yacht racing, and to unify the racing and rating rules in the United States and Canada and throughout the yachting world. For racing sailors, US Sailing provides an equal level playing field by training and certifying race officials, judges, and umpires and by ensuring standardized rules and sailing instructions.

Safety on the water is an essential part of US Sailing’s training programs, including powerboat courses. Our Safety at Sea Courses are required by many offshore regatta organizers. US Sailing could not achieve its mission without the ongoing support of its members and volunteers. Our members have a shared passion for this lifelong sport.

Storm Trysail Club

The Storm Trysail Club is a private club dedicated to blue water sailing. Membership of about 1000 individuals is by invitation only to expert offshore sailors who have experienced storm conditions and are capable of commanding a sailing vessel in such conditions. Established in 1938, the club has a long history of sponsoring inshore, distance and offshore sailboat races, and supporting the interests and needs of sailors.

The purpose of the Club is to promote good fellowship among blue water sailors and ocean racing yachtsmen, and to encourage the sport of ocean racing and offshore cruising.

The club is headquartered in Larchmont, New York, and operates through local stations across the U.S. Each station serves as the organizing authority and host for a number of racing, social and junior events for its members and other sailors. The club has been in the vanguard of development of new events, handicap rating systems, yacht design, safety procedures, and new rum drinks, as well as ongoing support for the Invitational Mills Trophy Race since 1981.

C X G / Content Experience Group

ContentEXP Group was formed to help brands, people, and organizations connect. We are a marketing firm that specializes in film and digital content production. We provide platform-centric experiences that tell a client’s story and connect people to organizations and brands using the visual art of storytelling. C X G is an expert in cultivating, capturing, and curating content.

“A group designed to flex up to your needs.”

C X G supports MKOS (more kids on sailboats)

MKOS aims to develop leaders through sailing. Leadership skills, problem solving skills, the ability to think critically, are best taught through team sports like sailing. Add in perseverance, determination, and some “grit” creates a leadership learning environment for today’s kids. Coed, multigenerational crews navigating boats fosters that leadership, camaraderie, and communication skills. MKOS is a new 501(c)(3) launching skill building programs for new and experienced sailors.

Incorporated October 10, 1919, the Inter-Lake Yachtsmen’s Fund has been supporting sailors and boaters throughout the Lake Erie region for over a century.

Thanks to past support, many grant recipients have gone on to become, coaches, crew, and boat owners throughout the USA and beyond – contributing to the boating community and the sport of sailing for many years to come.

Read more about The Yachtsmen’s Fund and donate: yachtsmensfund.org

2023 Schedule of Activities

Sunday, June 4 thru Wednesday, June 7

All Day

All entrants are invited to stage their boat prior to the race at Toledo Yacht Club. Please e-mail your approximate arrival time to mills@email.toast.net for a dock assignment.

Wednesday, June 7, TOLEDO YACHT CLUB

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

2022 Mills Race Winners’ Party

Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres for all winning skippers, crews and guests will be served.

7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

2022 Mills Trophy Presentation Dinner

Make reservations early “on-line at Yacht Scoring” or by calling TYC 419-726-3485 or email: mills@email.toast.net

8:30 pm to 10:00 pm

2022 Mills Trophy Presentation

Thursday, June 8, TOLEDO YACHT CLUB

12:00 noon to 8:00 pm

All yachts entering the harbor on Thursday will be announced, and receive a gun salute. Please dress your yacht for the evening festivities.

6:00 pm to 12 midnight

Toledo Yacht Club opens the race weekend with its famous Mills Party celebration. Entertainment will be provided.


Recuperation Day

A time to reflect on the age-old question: “Why did I do that?”

Toledo Yacht Club opens its doors to all race entrants at 8:00 am. Pre-race preparations throughout the day.

Saturday, June 10, PUT-IN-BAY YACHT CLUB

12:00 noon to 4:00 pm

Hospitality Party

The PIBYC party will be open serving beer and Mt. Gay Rum punch. Food and entertainment will be provided for your enjoyment. Race results will be posted as they become available.

Sunday, June 11, PUT-IN-BAY YACHT CLUB

7:30 am to 9:30 am - Full Breakfast PIBYC Style

9:30 am to 11:30 am - Award Flag Presentation

Mimosas courtesy of the Mills Trophy Race Committee.

2023 Mills Race Awards Banquet

Wednesday, June 5

2024 Mills Race Party at TYC

Thursday, June 6

2024 Invitational Mills Trophy Race

Friday, June 7

2024 Mills Weekend at Put-in-Bay

Saturday, June 8

Sunday, June 9

The Mills Trophy Race

Monroe Boat Club


Best Wishes to our MBC Sailors

Congratulates Skippers and Crew Competing in the 93rd Mills Trophy Race

MBC 2023 Regattas:

MBC 2016 Sail Races:

Race for the Sisters…………………July 16

Race for the Sisters...................................... Saturday, July 15

Ladies Race…………………………Aug 14

Solo Challenge/Doublehanded Race ............ Saturday, Aug. 12

MBC Solo Challenge……………….Aug 20

Ladies Race Sunday, Aug. 20

Summer Parties: Arrive by Car or Boat!

Tuesday Night Racing May 23-Aug. 29

June 25…………………. Shotz on the Docks

Summer Regatta 2023: Arrive by Car or Boat!

July 22-23………………… Summer Regatta

Dining Events:

July 21-22

Visit MBC all year long for Burger Thursdays!

Every Thursday……………….. Burger Night www.monroeboatclub.org

Every 4th Sunday……………….Boater’s Breakfast thru Sept

US Sailing Certified Safety at Sea Courses

Do you have an overboard prevention plan?

Are you prepared for heavy weather?

Does your crew have the most effective safety equipment?

Safety is paramount to us all. Attend a US Sailing Safety at Sea Course in your area to always be prepared.

The courses represented on this chart are merely linear and directional representations from mark to mark and by no means are they to be relied upon for navigational purposes. An important test of this race is the skill of a navigator and skipper. All skippers and navigators are to take notice of all hazards to navigation.

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