1 minute read

Being Frank

It has been more than 500 years since Black people hit the shores of what is now called the USA. During these years black people have been exploited, humiliated and killed. All of this adversity has been placed upon the necks of black people. Lo and behold, in 2023 black people are still surviving in the USA. The question is, “How are black people still surviving in the USA?”

The modern day African American is an derivative of black people. The persecution African Americans have faced from whites is unheard of in the annals of history. Yet, to the chagrin of many non-melanated people, African Americans are still living and breathing. How can this be with the different forms of genocide white society has implemented over the years? More importantly, why are African Americans still living after such persecution? The latter question is one that African Americans need to figure out.


I won’t go back to the days

How are you still here?

By: Frank James Special to


load of poppy? Where would this black person process the poppy into opium and eventually heroin? Keep in mind this is the USA. During this time frame black people couldn’t ride in the front of a bus in the South. The North was just as racist, except differing tactics were used. It is clear the heroin that flooded areas of African American communities was shipped in by tools of the white system.

African Americans still survived the heroin blitz. Why?

a few tons of cocaine? African Americans took the Mike Tyson uppercut thrown by white society. A few decades later and African Americans are still living in the USA.

of slavery as an example of the extreme measures white people have taken to exploit and humiliate African Americans. Let’s start in the 20th century. Let’s talk about the influx of drugs in the African American community. We’ll start off with the deadliest drug of all, heroin.

If you watch, The Godfather, there is a scene where

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