1 minute read
About the Play
What would happen if the women in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman were prioritized, and actually met each other? In this play, an unnamed 1950s housewife travels to confront one of her husband’s mistresses from his time on the road as a traveling salesman. Through this meeting, the women discover things about themselves, their dreams, their roles in both society and the life of the man they share, and who they might be to each other and to the world if circumstances and the times were different.

The Mistress The Wife
A woman who is living her life on her own terms, or the terms she’s allowed by the times in which she lives. A working woman who prides herself on her appearance and uses her physicality and personality to find what she needs in this world that would discount her value. The stereotypical put-upon American housewife of days gone by. She has given up any dreams for herself in service of her family and husband. Is sick of being cast aside for other women and other priorities by her salesman husband.