2012.13 Kinderkonzert Season

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2012 .13 Seas on NON-profit

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Music + fun for everyone!

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unded in ying gro la p te ra st T “Fir sical Music…” ein ca-Wollh PROJEC las C Da Fonse eet Journal io Tr tr Corinna

Enter the world of musical adventure and storytelling with the MSO’s Kinderkonzerts series! Music lovers of all ages are sure to enjoy these engaging performances that will delight the senses and trigger the imaginations of children young and old. MSO Kinderkonzerts are the perfect way to introduce the children in your life to the joy of classical music — for a price that won’t break the bank. Join us for a season of fun and excitement with this threeconcert series specially designed for children ages 3 –10 and their families. 1:00 PM Pre-concert activities by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra League

Come early for family fun!

2:00 PM Performance

pre-concert activities. Write music at the new composer

Kinderkonzerts begin at 1:00 PM with an hour of interactive

stations, visit the instrument petting zoo, meet special guests, and make crafts with our wonderful community partners! Pre-concert activities are presented by the MSO League.

ihlein Hall ber 4, 2012 | U m e v o N | ay d n Su

rab and C e th d n a e rs o h ea S e h T olf W e th d n a er et P ’s o ri T PROJECT

e face-toPeter and his friends com What happens when Milwaukee the Wolf? Find out when face with the big, bad T Trio portray JEC PRO tic and the energe Symphony Orchestra a fresh retelling of h his animal friends in Peter’s adventures wit sical tale. Prokofiev’s beloved mu

t artists PROJECT TRIO, gues ong, conductor Francesco Lecce-Ch

S u n d ay | a p r i l 1 4 , 2 0 1 3 | Pa b s t T h e at e r

Lemony Snicket’s The Composer is Dead

Construct-a-duck! Kids, with the help of someone older, cut out the duck and its legs using the dashed lines as a guide. Put the duck’s legs behind its body, one on top of the other. Then, take a paper fastener and push it through all three layers of paper on the “X”.

Francesco Lecce-Chong, conductor

There’s dreadful news from the concert hall — the composer is dead! In this perplexing musical murder mystery, everyone seem s to have a motive, everyone has an alibi, and nearly everyone is a musical instrument. The Milwauke e Symphony Orchestra invites you to join the inspector as he interrogates the entire sympho nic arrangement regarding their whe reabouts at the time of the crim e. Starting with the strings and wor king his way to the percussion, the inspector finds sound alibis and dead ends down every soni c avenue. But one thing’s for sure — nobody is leaving the concert hall until this mystery is solved.

| Pa b s t T h e at e r S u n d ay | M ay 1 9 , 2 0 1 3

Buttons and Buttercup Francesco Lecce-Chong, conductor

Yes! MSO’s Kinderkonzerts series is just what I’ve been looking for. Please send me:



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ercup to Buttons. And so “You no longer love me,” laments Butt 20th-century version of a — s circu the at begins a tale of love this story, Buttercup the clown Mozart’s Bastien and Bastienne. In w clown, Buttons. Buttons, pines for the lost affection of a fello er, discovers his true heart walk distracted by a fancy tightrope can they be together again? belongs to Buttercup. Oh, but how er! Only the magician knows the answ

x $25


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