1 minute read
Three Mighty Men of Valor
By Regina with Beth Giacobassi
We’re three mighty men of valor, If you need anything just holler, We have each other’s back each and every day, Put God first to show the way.
Strength on the left, Respect on the right, We stick together with all our might. A family of integrity, Watching out for you and me.
Stand tall Romell. You’re a happy boy, Full of joy, Strong personality. Be giving, brave, Humble too, Always know your fam’ly loves you!
Attention Eamon. Big smile, bright eyes, Strong high fives, Lots of determination. Our sour patch kid with a basketball, Stomp and dance your independence!
Thank you Lord – Ahmajii. It’s a beautiful day You like to say, You’re clever and smart, so funny. Love to hug and kiss, Keep your great attitude. You love monster trucks and Cuk Cuk too!

Attention family! We’re a family of integrity Hand in hand we’ll always be!