Demons in the Desert Todd Anderson Re-told and Illustrated Mimi Chung
Demons in the Desert Todd Anderson Re-told and Illustrated Mimi Chung
Once there was a caravan
of a merchant , three servants and
two bullocks who were travelling to a far off town to sell their goods.
On the way they came to a wilderness called the
Waterless Desert
which the local people said was haunted by
Demons .
The caravan reached the middle of the desert. They met a
large group coming fro m t he opposite direction.
The leader of this group, who were in human form, said to the merchant ,
w rt ‘In a short t ime you wi ll re ach th at o asis on the horizon with p lenty of ate o s drink an d d ates to e at. Your bu l locks a r e tired fr om p ul ling th o se he avy c ar t fille d with e xtra w ater - s o th row away t he water a nd be k in d to your overworked anim als.’
The merchant and his servants thought the strangers were trust worthy, so they emptied their water onto the ground.
Even though the local people had him, the
merchant did not realize that
these were not real people, but
Demons .
Without water, the merchants and the animals soon became
weak and exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.
Oh dear!!! came in their true
During the night the
f rightening form.....
ed .... and gobb l
up all the w e a k d e f e n c e l e s s b eings.
One must always
be wise enough not to be fooled by tricky talk and false appearances.