Francesca Valadé * Communication design +39 329 3161153 - - I am a communication designer focused particularly on: corporate identity, event and exhibition design, editorial and web design. I would like to work in an international and stimulating environment, realizing innovative projects with a group of people where my competences can integrate with others. I have experience working both within a team managed by a creative director, and with complete personal autonomy dealing directly with clients and suppliers. I have worked for leading companies in Italy: Zona Tortona, Bologna Fiere, Epson, Domus Academy. I endeavour to updhold my skills, by undertaking regular training and seeking inspiration through exhibitions and design conferences. Most recently, I attended the Massimo Vignelli speech at the Scuola Politecnica in Milan, the conference cicle Più design Puo’ in Florence, Illustrative in Berlin.
Latest work esperience April 2008 > now: Communication designer at Domus Academy domus academy
School Corporate Identity
* Interaction Design Yearbook 2009 graphic design * Final year students exhibition: coordination of the suppliers and
timing, production of the graphic materials (banners, signage, catalogue, invitations, ..) * Web design * Design and production of the standard communication elements (student cards, brochures, flyers, master presentation schedules, ..) * Event communication materials * Competitions promotion * Intern management * Work within the Marketing and Communication liaison units * Digital presentations That’s design! 2009 (Design Week event)
* Developed event branding * Graphic design of the Press Book * Supervision of the exhibition set up, located in ExIndustria, Milan
darc - domus academy research centre
Kale Group Turkish company of tile production
* Research and analysis of the competitor, focusing on the green
* DARC projects archive organisation and cataloguing for the website
properties of a specific product, Kalesinterflex * Exhibition stand design for the tiles fair Cersaie 2009, Bologna * Management of the website development (by Alicom Swiss)
Regione Veneto
Book design of Responsabilità sociale di genere. Linee guida per la certificazione delle imprese; text edited by Elisabetta Maggi, CdIE.
Fondazione Cefass
Logo design and corporate identity
CdIE Centro di Iniziativa Europea
* Identity design of the project Angelo, Analisi di Genere Locale
* New product research for detergent market
* Website development for * Identity design for the Gender Equality Leccese (GEL) project
February 2007 > March 2008: Communication designer at DesignPartners Zona Tortona 2007 and 2008 editions
* Event visual branding * Street signage system * Informative material: map, catalogue, press kit * Promotional material: tshirt, bags, promocards, invitations * Press&Meeting Point identity project, at T35, via Tortona 35,
information point for the press * Management of Intern
Bologna Fiere
Identity of two pavillions “Progetti&Paesaggi” and “Costruire Verde”, in the fair Saispring 2008, Bologna: * logo design and branding * web design * advertising pages for the main architecture and design magazines (Abitare, Domus, Ottagono, Blueprint, ..)
Design italia
* Advertising pages and banners
* Web graphics
design library and design café
Graphic design to promote the events
December 2004 > January 2007: Junior designer at La Trait d’Union epson Italy
* Advertising pages and banners * TV spot project * Magazine design for Epson B2B, corporate magazine of the Epson
Club associates in Italy * Promotional materials * Corporate products (calendars, invitations, brochures, competition
logos, web graphics, ..) * Visual design and information architecture for the corporate cd-rom; texts by Piero Di Camillo e Helen Jeff from Epson UK. La Trait d’Union
* Logo restyling and new branding * Management of an intern
Advertising, promotional materials
studio interpreti
Web design and development of
Advertising, promotional materials
May 2004 > November 2004: Intern at H3G * market research for new mobile services * interface design * animations, banners
More work experience jolly-mec Fireplaces production
Jolly-Mec products catalogues development
comunitĂ del giambellino Social and education
Web restyling:
Alekoslab srl Social and education
Corporate identity, web design and logos system (Alekoslab, Ludobus, Ecobus)
inedit srl Web and communication
Graphic design of September special issue for the musical magazine OnStage
reuse Consulting
Logo and merchandising proposals
CAM Visual Productions
* Corporate logo
nudeoecrudoteatro Theatre company
Interactive cartoons projected during the theatre piece Stillicidio
teatro della cooperativa Theatre
Animation of Emanuele Luzzati drawings projected during the 3rd scene of the theatre piece La nave fantasma, by Giovanni Maria Bellu and Renato Sarti, with Renato Sarti and Bebo Storti
* Title design of the short film Lovedoll, from a R. Lansdale novel
Education politecnico di milano
* Degree in Industrial Design * Major in Visual Communication * Thesis project: Andrea Pazienza, una voce del suo tempo. Progetto per
un’applicazione multimediale tra fumetto e storia. Interactive application project Tempi da Paz! * Graduation mark: 96/100 institute of technology, sligo, ir
* Annual Erasmus, Design and Fine Arts Faculties * Courses followed: Printmaking Studio, 3D Studies, Drawing Studio,
Photography Darkroom, Computer Laboratories scuola r. bauer
Motion graphics course: title design, special effects history, After Effects basics
Three months Flash course, action script basics with the interaction designer Luigi De Aloisio
Drawing lessons with Riccardo Fabiani
Liceo c. beccaria
* Classical high school diploma * Graduation mark: 55/60
Technical skills * Adobe Creative suite (Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator) > excellent level * MS Office > medium level * Flash, Dreamweaver, After Effetcs > basic level
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