Dove Tresstimonials

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DmrN:nged hair


isn't all *qua$.

moisture seeker ldicole Greene, 29, Ldagazrne stafr i"lun":an fres*urcss

Loves: ciiily, vei'satrle, highlighied hair Hates: cr)(r!-ro. rj'l\rbic;l

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ard split snds Uses: birw dryer hnl rlllers, flai ircn, i ;1,'qnr.r\/ .-lr)l

Needs: llew



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Advarced Care Therai *'g;1,'tetiL '-,;rrllL)f :? lnC Doore

Says: usirg D*v* AdvanceC Care Therap ma.kes my hair silky anC manageable.

li locks n:cre heailhy, shiny and natural vrir+ihe, I r-, t\,e.1,:,:! :l tlr-riJl il or c,:.'ly.



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" Dove Therapy shampoo and condrtroner vs non.conditioning



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ffiffimilqmr Neta Rice, I8, Good Times magazine Str.rdent lniern

***s*w: big, crazy curls

ft4*i* : tangles, frizzies, flYawaYs L*s*s: anti-{rtzz product, gel, mousse $€+m'J*; New Dove Advanced Care Sheer Moisture Shampoo,

Conclitioner and Replenishing h,list

S*y*: With Dove Sheer Moisture, my hair is softer, super-manageable and less weighed down. Mornings are faster and easier

now that I know what to exPect from my hair!


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types of cane fon twCI types of coloured hain'


lightener Siobhann Snrith, 25, Good Trmes magaztne Sales Representat:ve

Loves: soft, lustrous hair Hates: brittle, bleached-out


Uses: hair colour to lighten and highlight Needs: New Dove AdvanceC Cok:ur Care for Lightenerl l--lair $hanrpoo and Condiiioner

Says: My hair tends to be dry and lightening doesn't help. Dovc Advanced Colour Care {or LiEhtened l-"latr makes my hair a lot softer, shrnier and snncother. . ,lt * never looked sc healthy.



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darkener Alison Kent, 37, Canadian Living magazine Chef


Recipe Developer

Loves: freshly-coloured, dark red hair Hates: hair when it's dry and dull-looking Uses: hair colour to deepen natural shade Needs: Dove Advanced Colour Care for Darkened Hair Shampoo, Conditioner and Treatment

Eays: Dove Advanced Colour Care for Darkened Hair made my hair look more it feels thick and luxurious


I n*at your hair right wlth *ove


free styler Jill Davidson, 50, Magazine staff National Sales h,4anager

Loves: thick, bouncy curls Hates: flyaways and sticky frizz Uses: blow-dryer, flal iron, gel, curlenhancer Needs: New Dove Styling lntense Frizz Control Cream and Curl & Sculpt Mousse


$ays: Dove Curl & Sculpt Mousse gives my tu-

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I love the natural look and feel.

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naturally curly hair better definition and shape. It controls my trizz but it s not stiff or crunchy,




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Keep the gnod stuff.


natu ral Fva Chau, 44, L4agazine staff

Ad Coordination,Applicalion |lanag*r Loves: full, glowing, thick hair Hates: dry dull hair Uses: shampoo, condili*ner, stylinE products

Needs: New Dove Shamnoos and C*nditioners

Says: My hair is softer and shinier with Dove Shampoc and Conditioner. I love thesc oroiuctsl Dove grves my hair a reaiiy nice feel that s nct Nice iragrance toc.



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