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# 1 P S Y C H O L O G Y M A G A Z I N E
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Letter from the editor Trump: The PISSED OFF Schizophrenic
"Magazine reading 42 appears to promote more reading." 44 - Stephen D. Krashen-
What disorders could Trump be
54 diagnosed with?
The Hall Of Dreams Why do you dream? How do you
66 dream?
The One is Next to You Our savoury shrimp hush puppies
68 will have you munching nonstop
How to get Anyone to do Anything The door-in-the-face technique will teach you how to make the world yours
What drives people to become a serial killer? Are serial killers born or raised?
Best universities to study psychology around the world
Min-Jung Sung Let me introduce myself. I am Min-Jung Sung, the editor of this Psychology magazine in chief. I have loved psychology since I realised it is what makes us become who we really are. Today, it is easy to find students who think psychology is not used in our real life, but only for psychologists.
"The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best." - Paul ValeryThe purpose of the magazine was to break this idea. The magazine was designed for anyone who is curious in how psychology can actually be found in our daily lives. While technology efficiently delivers news stories to our desktops, laptops and mobile devices, magazines are all about context—how ideas and images are presented in relation to one another and within a larger point of view. Magazines are about trust and partnership: We, the editors, will strive always to keep you engaged; you, the readers, are free to engage with us or to reject us. Min-Jung Sung, the editor-in-chief
Trump: The PISSED OFF Schizophrenic ARTICLE
The United States is a country that has a racially diverse population such as White American, Black or African American, Native American and Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander etc. However, Trump has a long and clear history of showing racism. Is it just his family background and white men focused business that led him to become a racist? According to psychologists, the answer is “NO.”
WHAT IS THE CHARLOTTESVILLE VIOLENCE? This took place in Charlottesville, a university town of 46,000 people, in the state of Virginia in the United States on August 12. A “Unite the Right” (far-right ally) was planned in order to protest against the removal of a statue of confederate icon, Robert E Lee. At 11:28am (15:35 GMT) a local state of emergency was declared by the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle. At 1:42pm (17:42 GMT) a speeding car rammed into anti-racist protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring at least 19 others. A police helicopter also crashed while en route to the rally on Saturday, killing two state troopers.
HOW DID TRUMP REACT? Obama’s response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet in history, garnering more than 2.9 million likes. “No
one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion...” On the other hand, Donald Trump has been severely denounced for not offering words of consolation and failing to condemn white supremacists in his initial response to the deadly violence in Charlottesville. He has criticized both sides when the civil rights activist Heather Heyer died because a white nationalist allegedly drove his car into a crowd in the Virginian city. This shocked everyone around the world and led people to question if there was a problem with Trump, perhaps a psychological disorder he was hiding such as narcissism since he is White which makes him believe he is better than everyone else. (Narcissism is a personality disorder, seeing oneself as the center of the universe.)
DSM In order to determine whether someone has a psychological disorder or not, psychologists use a book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder. This book contains all the symptoms of everything that is considered to be a psychological disorder. For example, DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features: ● Having an exaggerated sense of selfimportance. ● Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it. ● Exaggerating your achievements and talents. ● Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate. ● Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people. ● Requiring constant admiration. ● Having a sense of entitlement. ● Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations. ● Taking advantage of others to get what you want. ● Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others. ● Being envious of others and believing others envy you. ● Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner.
POSSIBLE DISORDERS Disorder 1. Narcissism Everyone acknowledges that Trump shows at least 5 features from the list above. Quotes of Trump shows it clearly. “My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.” “Rosie O’Donnell called me a snake oil salesman. And, you know, coming from Rosie, that’s pretty low because when you look at her and when you see the mind, the mind is weak. I don’t see it. I don’t get it. I never understood – how does she even get on television?” “When people see the beautiful marble in Trump Tower, they usually have no idea what I went through personally to achieve the end result. No one cares about the blood, sweat, and tears that art or beauty require.” “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” “Narcissism impairs his ability to see reality so you can't use logic to persuade someone like that,” clinical psychologist Dr. Julie Futrell said about Trump. He also mentioned that he won’t care for anything that doesn’t move him. If advisers point out a policy choice didn’t work or if he sees millions of women marching, he won’t care due to narcissism which makes him believe he is better than he is.
Other Disorders: Paranoid and Delusional Schizophrenia Mental health experts have also claimed that Trump was “paranoid, delusional and narcissistic”, and said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Trump’s psychological state poses to the citizens. A delusion is a false belief that has no basis in reality. Delusions are often the symptoms of schizophrenia, one of the most severe and debilitating of the psychological disorders. There are 2 common types of delusions: ‘Delusions of persecution’ (the belief that people are out to get you) and ‘Delusions of grandeur’ (the belief that you enjoy greater power and influence than you really do.) It seems that Trump has delusions of grandeur. Trump asserts that his New York office was bugged by President Obama and that his inauguration had the biggest crowd size in history. It is impossible to find out if Trump actually believes what he is saying. The cause of schizophrenia and delusions aren’t revealed perfectly. A popular hypothesis is Dopamine hypothesis, which says that high levels of dopamine seem to be associated with schizophrenia. However, schizophrenia tends to strike people when they enter young adulthood and some symptoms may get worse after using antipsychotic drugs to lower the dopamine level. This means that it is almost impossible to entirely cure it.
WHY IS HE NOT GOING TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL? WW3, LEGIT? It is being questioned if diagnosing someone whom they have not interviewed personally is legitimate or not. This is why we cannot say he definitely has narcissism or schizophrenia even if he shows clear symptoms of the disorders. It is still a hot issue if mental health professionals should be allowed to publicly declare mental health opinions about political figures. Still, more psychologists are raising their voices about Trump’s mental issues and more people are caring and worrying what will happen next.
Even though psychologists can predict the behavior of Trump based on what he did in the past and what he could be diagnosed with, they don’t know the definite answer. However, Trump does seem to show more extreme choices and words due to the disorders he may be diagnosed with. It is important for Trump to remember he is the president of one of the most influential countries in the world and try to maintain peace instead of triggering World War 3.
DREAMS The dream is one of the most mysterious experiences in our lives that we cannot control. Many famous people have been inspired by their own dreams and made great inventions or findings such as the sewing machine by Elias Howe, the movie ‘Inception’ by Christopher Nolan and etc. Then what is actually a dream and how do we reach that stage?
SLEEPING ALWAYS LEADS TO DREAMING? Let’s talk about sleep first. As a student, sleep would be a dear to your heart. Sleeping is necessary to understand in order to find out what dreams are. During a 24-hour day, our metabolic and thought processes follow a certain pattern. This is called the ‘circadian rhythm’ and the sleep cycle is a part of this. We tend to believe that we are unconscious when we sleep but actually, we are conscious and go through different stages of sleep until we dream. Dreams can happen in any of these 5 stages, but our most vivid and detailed dreams will occur in the last stage. The 5 stages of our sleep are the following: Stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, and stage 5, also known as REM sleep. Stage 5- REM Sleep This stage is when most of our dreams occur. It is also called the paradoxical sleep because our brain is active as when we are awake. This stage is thought to be crucial since if it is deprived, there will be a rebound effectexperiencing longer periods of stage 5. If you experienced taking a short nap and had a vivid dream it is most likely because you were stressed or was lacking sleep.
WHY do we DREAM? Dreams are the series of storylike images we experience as we sleep. Some people remember dreams frequently, sometimes more than one per night, while others are not aware of whether they dream or not. There are even some people that say they have lucid dreams which are the dream you can control. Because it varies among everyone, dreams are a difficult research area for psychologists since they heavily rely on self-report and electroencephalography (EEG). Therefore, due to limited access, the exact purpose of the dream is unknown which made a lot of theories.
DREAMS Sigmund Freud The unconscious Mind. Freud (the founder of psychoanalysis) believed that we act out our unconscious desires in our dreams. He emphasized 2 levels of dream content: the ‘Manifest Content’ (the literal concept of our dreams) and the ‘Latent Content’ (the unconscious meaning of manifest content). For example, if you had a dream about someone chasing you, Freud would say you are highly stressed or worried about something. This type of dream analysis is common anywhere. However, remember that this does not mean it is valid. Activation-synthesis theory This theory which is the opposite of what Freud suggested, looks at dreams as a necessary biological phenomenon. Brain scans prove that our brain is very active during REM sleep. The activationsynthesis theory proposes that dreams are nothing more than the brain’s interpretations of what is happening during REM sleep.
Information-processing theory This theory falls somewhere in between the Freudian and activation-synthesis theory mentioned above. This theory points out that stress during the day will increase the number and intensity of dreams during the night. Also, most people report their dream content relates somehow to daily concerns.
"Dreams are road signs along the nighttime highway of sleep." 10 Fun facts about dreams 1) The average person only remembers 10% of your dreams. Each dream lasts about 5~20 minutes. 2) Not everyone dreams in color. 3) People only see faces we know in our dreams. 4) Anxiety is the most common emotion in dreams. 5) Blind people dream as well. 6) Animals dream just like humans. 7) People don’t always dream in our mother tongue language. 8) At least 70% of the population experience déjà vu. 9) It is possible to be in charge of the dream in lucid dreaming. 10) Human beings spend about 6 years of their lives dreaming.
5 Sleeping Tips 1) Try to go to bed at the same time everyday. 2) Don't drink anything with caffeine. 3) Exercise during the day. 4) Avoid big meals before bedtime. 5) Have a bedtime routine.
"Being loveWOMEN with each “MENinAND other doesn't CANNOT BE mean REALyou have to be Lovers. FRIENDS.” Sometimes you just have to be friends. " -Mandy HaleBy Min-Jung SUNG
A survey of more than 1,450 members of the Match.com dating site revealed the following shocking result: When they were asked if they have ever had a platonic friendship that crossed the line and became sexual, 62% said yes, 38% saying no or they were not sure. If it is true that men and women cannot be true buddies, what are the 5 psychological factors that contribute to cross the line of a friend?
The 5 Factors of Attraction 1. The Halo Effect (Physical Attractiveness) If your friend says that they NEVER look at a person’s appearance when dating someone, DUMP THAT FRIEND. There isn’t a single person on earth who can say that with confidence since it was proved that psychologically physical attractiveness is one of the factors of liking someone. Not only getting a wonderful partner, but research has demonstrated that good-looking people are perceived as having all sorts of positive attributes including better personalities and greater job compliance. This is called the Halo effect. It would mean that even if you have a friend you never thought him as your partner, if their appearance is appealing to you or if their first impression was good, you have a chance of getting attracted to that person later on.
2. The Mere Exposure Effect (Proximity) You may not have realized this but the more you see something, the more you like it. It is also called ‘The Mere-Exposure Effect’ in psychology. This isn’t an exception in the relationship of people and their partner. The more you get familiar with that person, they will seem more pleasing and likable. If you have a close friend which makes you think the familiarity will stop you from ever liking that person, well you’re wrong. Studies have shown that the more two people interact in a face-to-face setting, the more attracted they feel to one another. Cases where a person who found themselves interested in their best friend (or their best friend’s sibling, for that matter) proves this. It also means the one next to you might have a crush on you due to the mere exposure effect which builds ‘compassionate love’, which is a type of love that develops in long-term, building deep commitment to one another.
3. Similarity You might have experienced meeting a new friend and felt you were meant to be friends like destiny because they had so many things in common with you. This is because we feel more attracted to those who are similar to ourselves in characteristics such as age, personality, intelligence, age and etc. Think about the ones who are closest to you right now. You might have never imagined developing a further relationship than being friends, but they are the ones who know you the best and share your life as well as similarities that make you who you really are.
4. Reciprocal Liking If you had to choose someone to date between someone you love or someone who loves you, who would you choose? The answer is you will feel more attracted to someone who loves you. People love the feeling of being loved and so when we find people like us, we like them more than before. This is called ‘reciprocal liking’. It may not seem that strong.
However, it is such a powerful phenomenon that
I realized then that someone was putting the
it can make the absence of the other factors of
chocolate on purpose for me to eat. I couldn’t
liking someone mentioned above (physical
find out who put it there but they knew Godiva
attractiveness, proximity, similarity). In a study
chocolate was my favorite food in the world.
conducted at the University of Austin by Ted
Then a year later when I was hanging out with a
Huston, men who did not know for sure that an
close classmate and went back to the library,
attractive woman would say “yes” to a date with
there wasn’t any Godiva chocolate on the desk.
him were less willing to risk asking her out
Surprised, I looked around the desk then the
compared with men who were assured
friend I was with came to me handing the
acceptance. Reciprocal liking can be the bridge of
chocolate. He said, “Are you looking for this?
being a friend you know to initiating any
How come you didn’t realize it was me giving the
romantic gesture if some evidence can be found.
chocolate? I was studying next to you whenever
As Dr. Elliot Aronson, an American cognitive
you were eating it.” This is the story of how my
psychologist said, “the most important
aunt got married to her closest friend whom she
determinant factor of how much we like a person
knew for 20 years. It is also a real-life example
is the extent to which we believe they like us.”
of how liking through association can be successful in attracting someone. In this factor
5. Liking through association
of attraction, classical conditioning plays a role.
“Everyday when I went to the library, there was a
This means that if you are in a negative mood or
Godiva chocolate on my seat. At first, I thought
hear a music you don’t like while dating
someone left it by mistake, but that consisted for
someone, you may be less attracted to them. If
more than a year.
you are secretly liking your friend, why don’t you try showing up on a sunny day she likes or showing up whenever she feels happy or eating something she likes?
LOVE QUIZ Now is there someone that comes to mind you’ve never thought of and confused if that person is whom you really love or would want to get love? Just for fun, try answering these questions in your heart.
1) Do I trust him/her? 2) Does that person make me happy? 3) Do I feel less lonely around that person? 4) Why do I worry about him/her so much? 5) Why is that when I am in trouble seeing that person makes feel more relaxed? 6) Why is that I want to show my best side to this person so much? 7) Why is that seeing that person being happy with someone of the opposite sex makes me feel lonely (i.e. jealousy)? 8) Why am I so curious about that person? 9) Why do I enjoy spending time with this person so much? 10) Why do I like to help that person and make him/her happy?
0~2: You are really thinking that person as just a friend. Keep the good friendship! 3~5: You are confused if you are thinking that person as a friend or as your partner because you have very positive feelings toward them. Don’t worry. You will figure it out soon. 5~7: You are starting to like that person. You are definitely not only thinking them as a friend. 7~10: You are secretly loving that person! Now it’s your turn to make the one next to you into YOUR ONE.
The Door-in-the-face technique The Door-in-the-face technique uses the contrast principle, making something look smaller compared with the larger request. This technique, also known as the ‘rejection-then-retreat’ technique discovered by Cialdini in 1975. The Door-in-the-face technique says that getting someone to refuse an extreme request will lead to complying with a following smaller request. This is because refusing to help someone makes them feel guilty and may develop fear rejection later on. Saying “Yes” to
Rita Mae Brown, an American writer, and activist once said, “The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself.”
the following smaller request, therefore, will assuage the weight of guilt they have in their minds. The door-in-theface technique can be used by anyone easily. An example of this is what we can easily experience in our daily lives as a student.
COMMON SCENARIO You: “Mom, I want to go to Disneyland with my friends on the weekend to relieve stress. Could you give me HKD 5000? I want to buy a lot of souvenirs and nice meals since I am planning to stay until 9 pm so that I can relieve my stress.” Mom: “Maybe you should ask your father who just went to the bank. I don’t have HKD 5000 in cash right now and I cannot lend you my credit card.” You:“But dad isn’t at home right now… He said he will be coming late today. This is desperate. Could you then give me HKD 3000? I will try to not buy a lot of things other than food.” Mom: “How can I trust you? Last time when you went to Ocean Park, you bought a lot of dolls that are now in the trash bin. I cannot give you HKD 3000.” You: “What? Okay… Could you please then give me HKD 1000? I won’t buy anything. I just need at least this much money since the ticket itself is over HKD 500, I don’t have any money in my octopus card and I know the food is really expensive there. No… Actually just give me 550 HKD. I will ask my friends to eat something cheap for our meals. Mom: (Opens the purse and finds HKD 1000. She decides to give it to her daughter.) Here, take this. This is HKD 1000. I hope you relieve all of your stress on the weekend.
2 Factors responsible for success The Door-in-the-face technique works best in social settings such as asking people for help or learning something new. There are 2 important factors that will determine if this technique is going to work or not which is the following: All the requests from beginning to end have to be made by the same person and the later smaller requests have to be made immediately after the first request. This is because it is important for them to not forget the guilt and moderations in their mind which is the key factor of conforming.Â
How was it discovered? The door-in-the-face technique was discovered in a study conducted by Robert Cialdini and his colleagues in 1975. Cialdini divided his participants for the experiment into 3 groups. The first group was first asked to volunteer as counselors for a group of juvenile delinquents for 2 hours a week, for 2 years. After being rejected, the first group was asked another following request, taking the group to a zoo for one day. This time, over 50% of people in group 1 said yes. In order to compare if they said yes due to the door-in-the-face technique, the second group was only told to take the group to the zoo. This time, only 17% agreed. The final third group was told about the 2-year counseling idea but was only asked to take them to the zoo. 25% complied to the request. This experiment clearly illustrated that the door-in-theface technique is effective and brings better results than asking for a request in isolation. Next time when you are desperate and need your teacher to delay the due date of the test, why don’t you ask for a one month delay, then 2 weeks, then a week. Maybe they might delay one day for you!
WHAT DRIVES PEOPLE TO BECOME A SERIAL KILLER? THE CASE OF JOHN WAYNE GACY As soon as the movie ‘It’ (2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Andy Muschietti, based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Stephen King) was released on the 5th of September, the film set numerous box office records grossing over $385 million worldwide. The movie received positive reviews with praises on the cast, acting, direction and etc. However, what people were more shocked about this was that this terrifying story was inspired by a true serial killer, ‘John Wayne Gacy’, who dressed up in a clown and killed at least 33 people.
The clown that killed 33 men John Wayne Gacy was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois. As a vulnerable child, he was harassed regularly by his alcoholic father and watched see his mother get raped which left an indelible scar in his soul. Gacy was also prevented from getting along with friends and with his studies due to an inborn heart condition. These factors, one by one, led him to hide his unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger he developed from his disastrous childhood and led him to pretend he was always tough. In the 1960s, Gacy was able to grasp fame in both money and love.
He became successful as a fast food chain manager, a building contractor and a Democratic precinct captain. He got married twice, had 2 loving children and his life seemed to go on well. He was deeply admired by in his community and volunteered as a clown at children’s parties as well as organizing cultural gatherings. Yet, Gacy was hiding the face of a bloody devil. He had lured his innocent victims promising he would offer them a job in his company. Unlike his promise, he locked them up, assaulted them sexually and ended up killing them with a rope. He would often dress as a clown when he strangled them with a rope. The last step was burying the dead bodies in his garage which he later confessed as 33.
“MURDER IS AN ACTION WITH NO MEANING.” Cases like John Wayne Gacy is not common in our society. So after he was executed, many psychologists and psychiatrists preserved his brain in order to conduct a case study and answer the question, “what makes a serial killer a serial killer?”. There were records of interviews with Gacy and his brain was available to study, so experts thought this would be a great chance to answer the most controversial question in psychology: nature vs nurture
She predicted that Gacy would have a problem in his orbital cortex or developed tumors or a brain disease from an early age. She took his brain in a glass jar and asked a pathologist to test the brain and the result was shocking. “Gacy’s brain was normal”. It didn’t have anything special such as tumors, disease, or strokes. His cortex and the hemispheres were functioning properly just like a normal person including his orbital cortex.
Was Gacy’s brain abnormal? Dr. Helen Morrison who had interviewed Gacy for 14 years participated in the process of Gacy’s autopsy. More than a hundred psychopaths and serial killers she studied and interviewed had something in common: their orbital cortex, which is responsible for ethical behavior, impulse control, and decision making was inactive.
Did alcohol drive Gacy to go insane? Robert Fitzegarld, who was the guard of Gacy when he was in prison, said that Gacy never drank alcohol when he killed his victims. To find out if Gacy didn’t commit crime due to the influence of alcohol, he was given six shots of J&B scotch (alcoholic beverage) in a 15 minute period 4 times.
Psychologists hoped to find a unique pattern in the EEG wave that made him different with others. However, the result was that his EEG(brain waves) were normal, alcohol didn’t drive Gacy to go crazy. Gacy’s normal sisters If Gacy’s childhood or the parenting style he received was the main issue that made him become a serial killer, Gacy’s sisters, Karen Gacy and Joanne Gacy could have committed similar acts. However, both of them were normal. They had normal lives, had a job, didn’t have any problems with people and didn’t know anything about the evil parts of their brother. To them, Gacy was just a brother whom they cared and loved. This made it more confusing since Gacy and his sisters share at least 50% of DNA from their parents and grew up in the same environment, but became such different people.
He had Antisocial Personality Disorder, not Multiple Personality Disorder People with antisocial personality disorder have little regard for other people’s feelings. They view the world as a hostile place where people need to look out for themselves. Not surprisingly, criminals seem to manifest a high incidence of antisocial personality disorder and Gacy was one of them. This was discovered on September 3rd, 1994 when he was ordered to take a psychiatric evaluation test. He received treatments for this, but his personality of not feeling guilty for what he did didn’t get better. Instead, Gacy tried to hide that he had an Antisocial personality disorder and his lawyers tried to convince the psychologists that he was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder in order to save him from going to prison. BE CAREFUL!!! There might be a serial killer living next door to you. Cold hearted people with disorders can actually become successful with jobs that require coolheaded judgments such as lawyers and C.E.Os. Even Gacy was the “Man of the Year” when he was a businessman. It isn’t hard for people with antisocial personality disorder to blend in the society effectively. This case proves how much we don’t know yet about the thoughts and mind of a serial killer and how far we are with the development of psychology. Another opposite conclusion that was made can be correct.
As Dr. Helen Morrison said, “Murder is just an action without any reason or motive.” WHO KNOWS? THERE MIGHT BE ONE LIVING NEXT TO YOU! SO BE CAREFUL. Never ending story On the 3rd of October of 2017, Stephen Paddock, 64, killed at least 59 people and injured a further 527 when he fired on concert-goers from the vantage point of a 32nd-floor hotel room in Las Vegas. This is the deadliest mass shooting in the United States in history. However, people who knew Stephen Paddock says that he was a quiet, kind and a wealthy man. Just like Gacy, nothing was found in this monster’s brain such as tumors or diseases which makes it more mysterious and serious. The existence of myriads of serial killers such as Willie Pickton, Harold Shipman, Luis Garavito, Javed Iqbal, Anatoly Onopriyenko, Dean Corll, Carl Panzramserial proves that science and psychology have developed a lot over the last few decades, but not far enough to save innocent people from dying in one moment.