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Mina Stoilcheva


e-mail: mina.stoilcheva@yahoo.com, tel.: +359 896 695 602


Date of birth Place of birth Nationality Education 2015-2016 2011-2015 2006-2011 Work experience 2013 Workshops 2014

Skills Software

06.10.1992 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Bulgarian

Faculty of Architecture and Planning - University of Liechtenstein - Erasmus exchange Faculty of Architecture - University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria High school ‘Geo Milev’ 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria

‘Cityscape ‘ architects 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria - internship

One Architecture Week - Visitor Center Design Workshop with ‘Lee Skolnik Architects’ 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/Indesign Autodesk Autocad Graphisoft Archicad Rhinoceros 3d SketchUp


English - C1 German - B1 Russian - A1


handcrafting, reading, traveling, hiking, dancing


Space, Jerusalem 2016 IIL |01| Collective Design Studio Schwarz, University of Liechtenstein

Gallery, Sofia 2015 BG |03| Art Public Buildings Department UAC

Buildings Department UACEG, Sofia |02| Residential Multistory Appartment Building, Sofia 2015 BG

B |04| Residential Summer Ho

CEG, Sofia

2015 BG |05| Firestation Architecture Technology Department UACEG, Sofia

Buildings Department UACEG, Sofia oliday House, Sozopol 2014 BG


Physical Models & Hand Drawings

Competition project Marketspace Reconstruction, Sofia 2015 BG

|01| Collective Space, Jerusalem 2016 Design Studio Schwarz, University of Liechtenstein

Figure 1. Current Plot Condition

Figure 2. Project Situation

Romema is an orthodox jewish neighbourhood, situated in Jerusalem, with a very closed community and high density of inhabitance. Most families lead very conservative way of life, having up to 8 children and the clear differentiation between the life roles of the men and the women. The men are the ones involved in the public and religious life of the community, as their main occupation is to study the holy jewish book - the Torah and other religious literature. The women, on the other side, lead a domestic life, are mostly unenployed, taking care during the daytime for the order at home

and the upbringing of the children. Therefore they are the ones mainly concerned of the state of the plot into question - an inner yard, closed by apartment blocks, at the heart of the neighbourhood. This place has all the potential to become the gathering point of mothers and a playground for the children at daytime. Nevertheless its present state is not welcoming, to put it mildly. It is a place with a questionmark, and many controversial possibilities of development, considering the big number of people, concerned with its faith.


Figure 3. South Elevation

Figure 4. West Elevation

Figure 5. Fragment

Figure 6. Physical Model states










The aim of the project is to deal with the two main problematics of the site - it solves the conflict between the community members and creates a space, that concetrates one of the biggest values of the community - the knowledge, making it available for the women at a way that it doesn’t interfere with their developed everyday life routine. The design accomodates the functions of a library - where the women can spend some time into the sacred world of the holy books, having their own space for this instead of being intruders into ones occupied by men and seminar rooms for lectures and additional couces. From urbanist point of view the building

closes the gap between the apartment blocks, making a statement of the required by the residents privacy of the inner space. In this way mothers can easily leave their children unattended to play in the open, but at the same time protected from the outside playgrounds, for a while, having the opportunity to use this time for activities of their own. In case they would like to spend a longer time inside the library the building also offers a daily childcare center, where mothers can leave their children under the supervision of other women from the community for the time, that they need.

Being a collective space for the women of the community, the building also communicates an idea deeply set into the orthodox jewish lifestyle - the one for sufficiency and living in synchrone with nature. In the underground part of the building a collective space for the rainwater of the area is created. Using the centuries old method for water collections - via a cystern - the traditional approach to life of the community is emphasized, at the same time giving the water the status of the treasure that it is. The only sign for its presense in the building from the outside is a fountain, in the middle of which is planted a tree - a symbol of the uninterupted cycle of life in its primordially simplicity.

|03| Multistory apartment building, Sofia 2014 Residential buildings department, UACEG

Figure 1. situation

Figure 2. visualisation, functions

defined internal yard space for the residential complex usable green spaces on the different levels of the rooftop

The project combines a diversity of possibilities for residence in an apartment building. The situation of the building is in a relatively dencely build up residential area in Sofia on the border between a neighbourhood mith residential buildings of around five storys high to a neighbourhood on the other side of the street where the appartment buildings are more than eight strorys high and the density of inhabitance is significantly bigger. The design of the five story building in the project aims to combine the dence model of inhabitance with the benefits


2 bedroom unit

of living in a low-rise buildinga as at the same time introduce other functions in its parter providing possibilities for trading and recreation for the residents. The bilding is also exploring the concept of the private inner yard, stretching it out to meet with the common public space in a discreet way. The transition between high and low-rise is implemented in the changing of heights that the building has in its different parts, that also providing opportunities for use of the rooftop spaces for recreational activities. and green areas.

3 bedroom unit

4 bedroom unit

Figure 3. plan +3.00

|03| Art Gallery, Sofia 2014 Public buildings department, UACEG

The gallery is situated in Sofia at strategical place, regarding the cultural life of the city. And as one, developing in a capital city it provides many opportunities for all different kinds of artists as well as at least such of diversity of audience. Furthermore the area is surrounded by many high education facilities and universities. More specifically the most prominent university that provides architecture education in the country is in the walking distance of only around ten minutes. This circumbstance provides an opportunity for creating a medium between the purely theoretical approach, implied in the university and the very practical one in the working space. The art gallery could provide a space for bringing students work to public attention in its very conceptual phase, which does not imply further realisation but still can envoke a reaction. In this manner the space can be an

Figure 1. Situation

experiment area for nouvel ideas of the students to be experienced and attitudes of the public to be explored. As well as it can go the other way around - the space to be used as a tool for provoking th e artistical side in students, part mentionably conservative education system, but working in an area that requires a lot of imagination for valuable results. In matter of urban connections it is an important communication point as well as one of the entrances to the biggest, central park of the city. Therefore the two main features that the building had to provide and were leading in the designing process were an easy access from all the dirrections, from which it could be aproached and an expressed connection between it and the natural surroundings that the plot provided.

Figure 2. Plans

First floor plan:

1. entrance hall

5. furniture storage 18 m 2

2. reception

3. exhibition hall

4. multifunctional hall 45m 2

6. premises for exhibitions preparation 26 m 2

7. manager office 20m 2

Basement floor plan: 5. ventilation 33 m 2

1. exhibition hall

2. heating system

6. laboratory 30 m 2

3. staff rooml

7. main electrical panel 14m 2

4. storage 30m 2 8. garage

8. general office 22m 2

Figure 3. Section

Figure 4. West facade

Figure 5. North facade

The goals for creating the connection between the artificiality of artistic creations and the primarily origin of nature are leading into the design concept of space forming of the art gallery. With its sloping skate which highest point is directed to the forrest - the building shows its aim to open itself and provide closeness to the natureal atmosphere of the park. A connection with the park is continued by the alley, that goes trough it - a continuation of the outside exhibition space of the gallery, a transitional space for exposing art between the one spe-

cifically designet for the purpose and the public spaces with more utilitarian functions. Inside of the building the exhibition space i s divided in two levels but simulataniously joined by a double height space in the middle, which creates different types of spaces, that could be needed for different types of exponates. The full glazing of the most open part of the gallery once more establishes the connection between art and nature

Figure 6. Visualisation, entrance space

Figure 7. Visualisation

|04| Summer House 2013 Residential buildings department, UACEG

The house is situated in Sozopol, Bulgaria in an area built-up mainly with vacation houses for seasonal residence. The plot, that is firly elongated, faces with its long side the direction, in which is the sea - that is a precondition for situating all the main dwellings in the house in a may, that they offer a view towards it. The separation of different functional zones of the house is realized not only in its horizontal but also in its vertical planning structure. The garage, as not presentable part of the house - only for private use, is ‘hidden’in the semi-underground part of the house. The spacious

Figure 1. section A-A

premises, combining a kitchen, a living room and a dining room - the most substential functions of the house - find their place on the ground level, providing direct connection to the yard and the swimming pool. These spaces shape the social zone of the house - appropriate for enterntainment with friends, relaxation, cozy dinners aroound the fireplace and parties around the swimming pool during the warm days. The most private zone of the house, where the bedrooms are, finds its place in the highest and most remote, regarding the street, of its levels. That provides the needed retreat for the residents of the house.

8% 34.70 34.45




5 x16/30




Figure 2. plan 0.00 / +1.20

Figure 3. south-east facade

Figure 6. visualisation I

Figure 7. visualisation II

|05| Firestation, Pernik 2013 Architecture technology department, UACEG

Figure 1. plan level 0.00

Figure 3. east facade

The Architecture technology department in UACEG is occupied with the task to bring spatial and functional design closer to matereality by exploring different methods of construction technologies. The building in the project is a firestation, as the main goal during the design process was to understand and represent the specific typology and functionality of this type of buildings, since their requirements are very specific. The chosen structure for the admiinistrative part of the building, where are also the sleeping and changing rooms for the firemen is constructed from concrete columns and beams, supporting slabs from the same material. The axial distance is 360sm. as this creates the grid, in which the inner spaces are developed.

Figure 2. drainage plan

The garage for the fire trucks, due to its specific dimentions is with a different construction build up out of precast concrete elements - T panels, which step on columns, with an axial distance between them of 560sm. Added to the two main volumes are the ones of the fire tower, which is the higher volume in the whole building as well as the observation room, which is in a immediate closeness to the fire truck garage and with provided visibility to both it and the maneuvre space outside of it. This precondition is a necessity for a strict and flawless control of traffic of the fire station. This provides for trucks going out on alert are able to leave the garage without intersecting their trajectories with those of the fire trucks coming back to the garage


Figure 4. Section A-A





Figure 6. detail A

hydro insulation 2 layers slope from concrete 5-15 sm. insulation 10 sm. steam insulation 1 layer concrete slab 15sm. external plaster





1.internal plaster 2.concrete slab 3.insulation 10sm. 4.steam insulation 5.slope concrete 5-15 sm. 6. cyment mortar 2 sm. 7.hydro insulation 2 layers 8.wooden block 9.parapet finishing 10. concrete parapet 11.glue 0.5sm. 12. insulation 8sm. 13.insulation fastening element 14.glass-textile net 15.plaster 16. fine plaster 17.PVC window protector 18.PVC window

granite 1.5sm. glue 0.5sm. leveling mortar 3sm. concrete slab 15sm. internal plaster 1sm.

Figure 7. Detail B

granite 1.5sm. glue 0.5sm. leveling mortar 3sm. concrete slab 15sm. hydro insulation 2 layers insulation 10sm. rammed gravel 20sm.

1.internal plaster 2.montage foam 3.column 4.re-inforced cement glue 0.51.5sm. 5.stone tile 2sm. 6.PVC window 7.plaster 8.fine plaster 9.fiber-glass net 10. insulation 8sm. 11.glue 0.5sm. 12.aerated concrete blocks

Figure 5. Fragment

|06| Market place reconstruction 2015 Competition project

An old market finds its place in the centre of Sofia, just across its university for architecture. The function is really old - since decade and the structure even though not so old is in need of revitalisation. in previous decades in the time when Bulgaria was part of the Soviet block the market was a lively sociail point of the urban fabric. Recently however it has begun to lose this function both because of utilitarian and functional aspects not managing to answer current aesthetical and practical requirements. Primarily the market is simply not attractive enough, especially compared to the big market chains that surround it in the area, since they offer both bigger diversity of goods and more plesant shopping atmosphere. At the same time the market has undeveloped poten-

Figure 1. the market in the 70’s

Figure 3. sections & cross-section

tials as a strategical position in the urban fabric and also from a cultural point of view, since it is build around a cultural monument - a centuries old wall, which was previously with a religious functions and now stands as a symbol of the market, reffered to by people as ‘The wall’. The created structure gives and expressive appearance to the market, provides the needed comfort for people as well as adding up to its current area with a second level. The wall is the central part, where the structure is interrupted and a small square and meeting poind being shaped.

Figure 2. the market presently

Figure 4 . structure-formation schemes

Figure 5 . space-formation schemes

Figure 6. visualisation

Physical models & Hand drawings

Fragment of space - ‘St. George monastery’, Jericho 2015

Russian church, Sofia 2015

@ 2016

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