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GOD’S FAVOR Our quarterly picks of

Wounded Scars

Roshawn Nicole had a near-death experience in 2012 that had her in the intensive care unit for 30 days. Her inability to cope with the pain of her trauma left her struggling with flashbacks, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and addiction. At the end of 2020, Nicole realized she was living in a vicious cycle and she desperately needed to seek professional help. She decided to go to treatment for two months, where she was inspired to write the song, “Wounded Scars”. It was the lyrics in this song that helped her find inner strength and encouraged her to become an advocate helping to break the stigma of mental illness. “Wounded Scars” perfectly captured the realness of her struggles, telling the story of healing and hope found in Jesus. “Wounded Scars” was released

on May 1st in honor of Mental

Health Awareness Month and is available on all digital platforms.

God's Favor

Our Favorites in Arts & Entertainment


Style and Stewardship

The Style and Stewardship podcast exists to encourage women who want to grow in their faith. James 1:17 says every good gift we have is from God. We know the redemption we have because of Jesus’ sacrifice for our salvation is the best gift. I encourage my listeners each week to remember, “Your life matters, what you do with it matters.” Stewardship is an act of faithfully, and responsibly managing all aspects of our lives for God. Our gifts, talents, time, abilities, finances, health, and lifestyles as a whole are taken into account. These are only some of the various ways that we can honor and glorify God. It’s lifestyle stewardship through a faith-filled lens. My prayer and purpose for this podcast is to inspire other women to be faithful and responsible stewards in all areas of life. So that we will all one day hear, “well done good and faithful servant.”

Marji Laine

A Giant Murder

When Celebrate Lit Publishing invited me to take part in their Christian fiction Ever After Mystery series, I thought it would be a lark, retelling a fairy tale as a historical mystery. I had no idea it would make such an impact on my life. A Giant Murder is based on “Jack and the Beanstalk.” I chose that story because adding romance to it seemed absurd. I was up for that challenge, but as I began to prepare, things changed. My story takes place in my hometown, Dallas, Texas. As I researched 1926 Dallas, finding buildings and neighborhoods that are still in use today, I could envision my characters on the grounds. They became so real to me, along with their contemporaries—my own grandparents, as teenagers, walking the downtown streets. I could see my family members in this book’s pages. A journey I never expected when I first considered this “lark.”

Damara Melissa


I’ve always struggled with insecurities and the fear of man. The racial upheaval in 2020 caused a lot of differing opinions to come to light in my community. To say that I was wrecked by opposing opinions is an understatement. It was in this wreckage, however, I realized that people were an idol. I derived my value and sense of security from their acceptance. Once I laid the idol down, it was like scales fell from my eyes. God had been speaking the parable of the talents from Matthew 25 to my heart for some time. Suddenly, everyone else’s thoughts and ideas about my life were irrelevant. I knew I had a command to follow, and a purpose to fulfill. I was no longer afraid. I wrote BRAVE in response to this supernatural work that God did in my life in 2020. I hope it inspires others to live fearlessly for Jesus.

Kevin Wilson

A Christian Podcast

Kevin Wilson is a Christian content creator in Charlotte, North Carolina. Growing up in a Christian household, he was introduced to God at a young age. In college, the spark to have a personal relationship with Jesus grew. From there, the goal was to glorify God in all content he made from YouTube videos, to short films, to podcasts. A Christian Podcast (ACP) with Kevin Wilson is a product of the daily Christ-centered conversations that Kevin has with those around him. Not a Bible study podcast, ACP is where ordinary people talk about an extraordinary God. From mind-boggling questions to foundational principles, APC shares the character of Jesus through normal conversations. Kevin desires for people to know God in a way they didn't think possible, through the tool of Spirit-led dialogue.

T.C. McKoy

God of the Wind

The winds of life can leave you wondering, “Does God really love me?” In God of the Wind: Reading Purpose Prayers, T.C. McKoy takes you on a 31day journey. If you have ever felt lost, heartbroken, been physically battered, or spiritually wounded, this is your opportunity to indulge in soul care and clear your path. Begin to entertain an ongoing, honest conversation with the Father. Ultimately, you will graduate from being a victim of the winds and become a victorious rider of them. When she answered a call to ministry at 18 years old, T.C. McKoy's views on life were immature and unbalanced. Not having the tools to navigate the inner and external, she turned to the only person she had ever known to be there for her; God. Transparent conversations with the Father led McKoy on a path of breakdowns and breakthroughs until she stepped back into ministry as a new woman. Now as an ordained prophet, mom, and entrepreneur, McKoy's desire is for all to walk in their purpose, embrace the process of their purpose, and align with the God of their purpose. McKoy resides in Durham, NC where she is proudly raising her beautiful daughter, Noa J. When she is not writing, she enjoys fellowshipping with family and friends, traveling, and outdoor relaxation.

F To connect with McKoy visit www. tcmckoythevoice.com or email connect @tcmckoythevoice.com.

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