3 minute read

YOU Are Valuable To GOD

A Devotional by CHAE COLE, PH.D.

One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible is the story of creation. I love the creation story because it speaks to how valuable we are to God. Throughout creation, God spoke everything into existence in Genesis 1. He spoke the light, the grass, the waters, the animals, and yes, He did speak man into existence, too.

However, He didn’t stop there when it came to us, because in Genesis 2:7, it says that He formed man from the dust and breathed into his nostrils. You know what that tells me? He took His time on you and me! God didn’t think it robbery to put His hand in the dirt and begin to shape, form, and mold man. God said, "I’m not going to stop at speaking you into existence; I’m going to form you with my hand." And because that wouldn’t do justice to how valuable you are to me, I will also breathe the breath of life into your nostrils! That’s how valuable we are to God. Psalm 139 tells us that we are beautifully and wonderfully made. It also goes on to describe that we are skillfully crafted. Just think about some of the most valuable items in the world; many are handmade. For example, every Rolls Royce, one of the most luxurious car brands, handmakes every vehicle from the ground up. A significant portion of the value is in the process of creation. How much value do we carry being handmade by the Creator of the Universe in God? There is no price tag that we can put on ourselves. As sons and daughters of the living God, our value is literally out of this world. We are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. Understanding our value to God is important because it shapes how we navigate life. When we truly understand how valuable we are to God, there is no lie from the enemy that can keep us from walking confidently in who He has created us to be. When you know how valuable you are to God, you will refuse to settle for mediocrity. When you know how valuable you are to God, you walk confidently in the gifts and talents that He has given you. Choose today to no longer settle for the scraps of life and let your gifts lie dormant. Instead, know that you are a child of the Most High God and are valuable to Him!


God, thank you for taking the time to shape, form, mold, and breathe life into me. I pray that I never forget how valuable I am to you. Thank you for reminding me that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I choose to live as a royal priesthood with each and every breath that I take. In Jesus' name, amen.


1. What gifts and talents did God create me with?

2. Knowing how valuable I am to God, how can I be more confident in how God created me?

3. How can I use my unique design, gifts, and talents to help bring God glory?


• Genesis 1:26

• Genesis 2:7

• Psalm 139:13-15

• 1 Peter 2:9

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