Grade 5
English Language L
NY State Staandard
Common n Core Standard
Transsference to otherr grade topics and themes
Te est Connection
Mind Lab Meth hod/ Strategy/conce epts
Making Real Life Connectionss
ELA Standard 1 (Read) Distin nguish between faact and opinion;; Read the steps o of a procedure in n order to accomp plish a task; Recogn nize how new information is related to priorr knowledge o or experience (Listen) Listeen in order to follo ow instructions which provide information about a task (Speak) Speaak to share data, ffacts and ideas; assk probing questio ons; compare and d contrast informaation ELA Standard 2 (Read) Comp pare characters in literature to people in own livves; identify literary elements (Write) Resp pond to literature, connecting rresponse to personal experience; Maintain a writingg portfolio (Listen) Listeen in order to iden ntify character mo otivation; recognize use of literarry devices; identifyy cultural and historical influencces (Speak) Speaak in order to conn nect a personal response to literaturre to prior experieence; ask question ns and respond for clarification
Reading R 3. (Info ormation) Explain tthe relationships or interactionns between two or more individuals, events, id deas R 5. (Info ormation) Comparre and contrast the overall structuure of events, id deas, concepts or information in two or more texts. R 3. (Literrature) Compare aand contrast two or more charracters, settings o or events R 5. (Literrature) Explain hoow a series of chapters, scenes oor stanzas fiits together to proovide the overall sttructure of a particular story, draama, or poem. R 7. (Literrature) Analyze hoow visual elementss contribute to thee meaning,, tone or beauty oof a text Writing W 1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view w with reasons and information. (a, b, c, d) W 7. Con nduct short researrch projects tthat use several soources to build kno owledge
Acade emic examples sub bstitute game e pieces during gam me play discusssions R 3. (I, L); Detective Me ethod; Gathe ering and Verifyin ng Inform mation While e reading a classro oom text, breakk down story elements (plot, chara acterization, settin ng, etc. ) to consid der the relationships among differrent characters or ideas R 5. (I, L); Ladder Meth hod; Weighing Anchors While e reading a classro oom text, create e a diagram which h outlines the evvents of the story to demo onstrate how each h segment buildss on the previous tto bring us to the e main idea R 7. (L); Detective Method Use o observational skillss to take note o of visual (illustratiions) and structtural elements (pa age layout, rhyme e scheme, etc.) of f a text to recon nstruct purpose W 1., W 7., W 9.; Gathering and Verifyying Information; Clear Cut Answ wers; Weighing An nchors; Ladde er Method Collecct information from m multiple sources and check valid dity to suppo ort opinion; When writing, begin n with reputable in nformation as a ffoundation on whiich to build one’s argument or perrspective
ELLA Multiple choicce non‐ fiction exxcerpt questions Students use contexxt clues within a do ocument to arrive at the best an nswer while discarrding the ob bviously wrong answers‐ Deetective Method ; Clear Cut An nswers Students attempt seeveral techniques to gatheer information in a ttime efficient man nner before arrriving at the one tthat works best for them – Trial and d Error ; Process off Elimination ELLA vocabulary word questions Students use prior kknowledge of prrefixes, suffixes an nd root words to accquire new vocabu ulary‐ Detective Method; Ladder Me M ethod; Anchor Strategy ELLA document base ed questions ussing charts and diaagrams Students gather datta and co ompare/contrast in nformation beetween two or mo ore ch harts/diagrams to formulate an nswers to question ns‐ Gathering an nd Verifying Inform mation
Method Detective Method‐ Use your abiliity to ask efficient q questions and observe the env vironment to establish the faccts of the game; th his helps us break d down the puzzle (o or problem) into sm maller, more manageable tasks ; in the game o of Pet Squares, by focusing on each available space one at a time, we determine the m most logical option n. Trial and Error M Method‐ Place characters/piece es on the availablee spaces in the pu uzzle until arriving at a solution. Ladder Method‐ Build appropriatte steps using environmental and personal resources to achieve one’s goal; in the game, understand thatt with each available square e that is solved, wee move closer to ccompleting the puzzle. Strrategy Clear Cut Answe ers‐ Answers that have one clear a and unambiguous meaning
Have studen nts use the metaphor of the pet sq quares characters to identify with hin their own fam mily, neighborhoo od, or social settin ng For example:: During lunchtimee, Mike (who iss like the bull), Jane (who is like tthe cat) and Tom ((who is like the hap ppy dog), are each h looking for places to sit. How w would we position tthem based on theeir characteristiics? What does thiis tell us about how w we interact with h people based d on their attributes? Have studen nts consider the w way they see the emselves in correlation to specific pe et square charactters and puzzles For example:: In the game, eacch animal is rep presented by the fo ood he eats, his d demeanor (happy, sad, angry, etc.) a and his relationshiips with others. In your class, havee students con nsider the factors tthat make each of of them who they a are (religion, eth hnicity, gender, etcc.) Ask them to reflect on the wayys that these ch haracteristics influ uence their behavio or around differen nt groups of people (i.e. parents, friends, teach hers) and their sen nse of self‐worth (h how do I see mysellf?)
1 | P a g e
Grade 5
NY State Staandard
Common n Core Standard
ELA Standard 3 (Read) Identtify different perspectivess on an issue; Recognize ho ow one’s point of view contributes tto forming an opin nion; Evaluate info ormation, ideas, opinions, and themes (Write) Use ssupporting eviden nce from text to evaluate ideas, information or themes; Adoptt an organization nal format appropriate for critical an nalysis (Speak) Speaak in order to articculate a thesis stateement and support it with details, examples, and re easons ELA Standard 4 (Read) Recoggnize the types off language appropriate to social communicattion (Write) Deveelop a personal vo oice; Write person nal reactions to experiences,, events and observationss (Speak) Use audible voice and d pacing appro opriate to contentt and audience; Esstablish eye contacct; Use facial exxpressions and gesstures that enhancee communication;; Initiate comm munication with p peers, teachers and d others; Respond d respectfully
W 9. Draw w evidence from literary or informational texts to suppport analysis, reflection and ressearch. (a, b) W 10. Write routinely overr extended d time frames (tim me for research,, reflection and reevision) and shortter time frames (aa single sitting orr a day or two) Speakingg and listening S&L 1. En ngage effectively in a range of collabo orative discussionns (a, b, c, d) S&L 6. Ad dapt speech to a vvariety of contexts and tasks using foormal English w when appropriate to task and situaation.
English Language L
Game: PET SSQUARES G Transsference to otherr grade topics and themes W 10.; Trial and Error; Ladder Meth hod; Weighing Ancchors; Gathe ering and Verifyin ng Inform mation Use frrequent journaling g over a brief or exttended period of ttime to docum ment emerging op pinions; build upon previously docum mented ideas; reflecct on past journal eentries and use th hem as a guide in ffuture musin ngs S&L 1 1.; Ladder Method d; Weighing Ancho ors: Process of Eliimination; Detecctive Method; Gatthering and Verifyying Information After creating a springb board for discusssion in a group seetting, bouncce ideas off of onee another until a arriving at one ( seeveral) that hold vvalidity with all pa articipants; use re esources to build o on these ideas and work collabo oratively so that a all perspectives arre utilized to arrive e at an optimal con nclusion. S&L 6.; Detective Method; TTrial and Error Experriment with differeent speech and ja argon until establiishing which is mosst appropriate forr specific sociall situations or academic tasks. Consider your environm ment (locattion, individuals, g goal, etc.) to decide the most approp priate type of spe eech
Te est Connection ELLA document linke ed / co onstructed respon nse writing qu uestions Students utilize info ormation that they know with certtainty to respond to question ns that might ottherwise be unfam miliar or foreign‐ An nchor Strategy
Mind Lab Meth hod/ Strategy/conce epts
Making Real Life Connectionss
Weighing Ancho ors – Use the Detective Metho od to arrive at a clear cut answerr which provides u us with a starting p point of reference from which we ccan continue to gather more info ormation; in the game, start the game by placing the piece who’s positioning we arre absolutely certain of Process of Elimination‐ Only consider pieces that adhere to all rules of placeme ent when filling th he board Gathering and V Verifying Information‐ Acccumulate information and d check its validity by cross‐referen ncing with other sources. This pro ocess helps us avoid mistakes a about our information; after positioning a piece, refer to th he rules of placement and e ensure that those rules are followe ed on all sides
**Teacherrs should feel freee to elaborate e and /or change this information so that it is appliccable to the eir classroom** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
2 | P a g e
Grade 5
Math hematics
NY State Staandard
Common n Core Standard
Transsference to otherr grade topics and themes
Te est Connection
Mind Lab Meth hod/ Strategy/conce epts
Making Real Life Connectionss
Problem Solving Strand 1. Know the difference between relevant and d irrelevant inform mation 2. Understan nd that some ways of representingg a problem are m more efficient than others 3. Interpret information correctly, identifyy the problem, and generate possib ble strategies 5. Formulate proble ems and solutions from everyday situations 8. Select an appropriate representation of a problem 10. Work in ccollaboration with h others to sollve problems 12. Use trial and error and pro ocess of eliminatio on to solve problems 13. Model prroblems with pictures/ diagrams 14. Analyze problem ms by observing paatterns 17. Determ mine what information is needed to o solve a problem 21. Explain th he methods and d reasoning behin nd the problem solvving strategies use ed 23. Verify results of a problem m Reasoning and Proof Strand 7. Verify claims other students make, using examples and counterexam mples when appropriate 8. Support an argument th hrough examples/ counterexam mples and special cases Communicattion Strand 1. Provide an organized thougght process that is correct, comple ete, coherent and d clear 2. Explain a
Operatio onal and Algebraicc Thinking Work witth in a framework k of rules and cond ditions Assign lettter values to objeects/ issues Work tow ward a clear cut single solution tto a given problem m or puzzle Use model grid to extend mathemaatical understandiings Use of reeference points Analyze p patterns and relattionships Extend geeometric and num meric patterns Measure ement and Data Collect sp pecific data Interprett data with respecct to problem Use data in appropriate appplication for problem solution Analyze aand identify approopriate data Geometrry Graph po oints on a grid
Problem Solving Strand d; Trial and Error Method; Processs of Elimin nation; Clear Cut Answers When n students solve prroblems dealin ng with exponentss, they will need to assess what the problem is actua ally asking them to o do and then a attempt several teechniques and n numbers to arrive a at the one correcct answer i.e. in the problem 2x=8 8 students must realize that the qu uestion is asking g them to figure o out how manyy times 2 must be m multiplied by itself to equal 8. In this case, x=3 Connections Strand; Repre esentations Strand; Problem Solvin ng Strand; Weighiing Anchors; Detecctive Method When n students solve im mproper fractions, they need to break the proble em down into its b base parts and sometimes use phyysical repressentations to illustrate what such a a problem looks likke in the real world d i.e. in the fraction 8/3, students first rrealize that 3 doess not go into 8 even nly, so the answerr will be comp prised of a whole n number as well a as a fraction. To reepresent this fraction, they might dra aw two pies (cut in n thirds) and realizze that this only m makes 6. The third d pie will
Mathematics Documents and grrid/map/question ns Students analyze grrids/ maps/ ch harts as well as lan nguage within the question to deteermine the most relevant information and establish wh hat type of solutio on the question is asking for‐ Gathering and Veerifying Informatio on; Mathematics vocab bulary Students use contexxt clues, as well ass prior knowledge of prefixes, su uffixes and root wo ords, to identify mathematically‐releevant vo ocabulary‐ Detectiive Method; La adder Method; Ancchor Strategy Multiple Choice questions Students attempt seeveral techniques to gatheer information in a ttime efficient man nner before arrriving at the one tthat works best for them – Trial and d Error; Process off Elimination Mathematics two‐sstep problem so olving Students establish tthe answer to the first part of a multi‐part prroblem and then u use this foundational inform mation to arrive att the ultimate solu ution‐Clear Cut An nswers; Weighing Anchors; Deetective Method
Method Detective Method‐ Use your abiliity to ask efficient q questions and observe the env vironment to establish the faccts of the game; th his helps us break d down the puzzle (o or problem) into sm maller, more manageable tasks ; in the game o of Pet Squares, by focusing on each available space one at a time, we determine the m most logical option n. Trial and Error M Method‐ Place characters/piece es on the availablee spaces in the pu uzzle until arriving at a solution. Ladder Method‐ Build appropriatte steps using environmental and personal resources to achieve one’s goal; in the game, understand thatt with each available square e that is solved, wee move closer to ccompleting the puzzle. Strrategy Clear Cut Answe ers‐ Answers that have one clear a and unambiguous meaning Weighing Ancho ors – Use the Detective Metho od to arrive at a clear cut answerr which provides u us with a starting p point of reference
Have studen nts use the metaphor of the pet sq quares characters to identify with hin their own fam mily, neighborhoo od, or social settin ng For example:: During lunchtimee, Mike (who iss like the bull), Jane (who is like tthe cat) and Tom ((who is like the hap ppy dog), are each h looking for places to sit. How w would we position tthem based on theeir characteristiics? What does thiis tell us about how w we interact with h people based d on their attributes? Have studen nts consider the w way they see the emselves in correlation to specific pe et square charactters and puzzles For example:: In the game, eacch animal is rep presented by the fo ood he eats, his d demeanor (happy, sad, angry, etc.) a and his relationshiips with others. In your class, havee students con nsider the factors tthat make each of of them who they a are (religion, eth hnicity, gender, etcc.) Ask them to reflect on the wayys that these ch haracteristics influ uence their behavio or around differen nt groups of people (i.e. parents, friends, teach hers) and their sen nse of self‐worth (h how do I see mysellf?)
1 | P a g e
Grade 5
NY State Staandard
Common n Core Standard
rationale forr strategy selection n 5. Answer claarifying questionss from others 7. Raiise questions thatt elicit, extend d, or challenge oth hers’ thinking 10. Use appropriate vocabulary w when describing objects, relationships and rationale. Connectionss Strand 5. Model situ uations with objeccts and represen ntations and be ab ble to draw conclusions Representattion Strand 1. Use physiccal objects, drawin ngs, symbols as representations 5.. Use representations to explore problem situ uations 6. Investigate relationshipss between different representations and their imp pact on a given problem
Move dirrectionally within a set grid and space according to sett condition ns Use geom metric methods too make conclusio ons about points, lines, planes an nd space Mathematical Practices Make sen nse of problems aand perseverre in solving them m Isolate re elevant informatio on Break down a problem intoo its constitueent elements Formulatte hypothesis questionss/predictions Check an nd confirm hypothhesis against o outcomes Use multti‐step method to solve problemss
Math hematics
Game: PET SSQUARES G Transsference to otherr grade topics and themes have 2 of the 3 slices ussed. Hence, the so olution to this prob blem is 2 2/3. Reaso oning and Proof SStrand; Comm munity Strand; Pro oblem Solvin ng Strand; Ladderr Method; Gathe ering and Verifyin ng Inform mation In ord der to solve a math hematical word problem, studentts must follow w four steps which h include: 1) Readiing and understan nding the questtion 2) Making a p plan 3) Carrying out the plan a and 4) Checkking their work Comm munity Strand; Pro oblem Solvin ng; Reasoning and d Proof Strand; Ladder Method d; Detective Meth hod; Gathering and Verifying Inform mation In a sccientific lesson/ ra atio math lesson n, students work in n groups to determine the height off a tree by measuring predetermin ned distan nces on the ground. Students use da ata collected to seet up mathematical ratio pro oblems and calcullate the height of the tree (the solutiion)
Te est Connection Mathematics short and lengthy re esponse questionss Students analyze th he written prroblem to assess w what is being assked of them. Theyy then show deetailed work (step‐‐by‐step prrocesses) to isolatee the correct an nswer by working with the infformation that is g given ‐Detective Method; Clear Cut A M Answers; Weighing Anchors; W Gathering and Veerifying Informatio on Mathematics geom metry and sq quare specific content Students use a first coordinate as a focal point to determ mine degrees of an ngle, circumferencce, perimeter, ra adius, etc. that com mprise geeometric shapes ‐ Weighing An nchors; Ladder Meethod; Ga athering and Veriffying Infformation
Mind Lab Meth hod/ Strategy/conce epts
Making Real Life Connectionss
from which we ccan continue to gather more info ormation; in the game, start the game by placing the piece who’s positioning we arre absolutely certain of Process of Elimination‐ Only consider pieces that adhere to all rules of placeme ent when filling th he board Gathering and V Verifying Information‐ Acccumulate information and d check its validity by cross‐referen ncing with other sources. This pro ocess helps us avoid mistakes a about our information; after positioning a piece, refer to th he rules of placement and e ensure that those rules are followe ed on all sides
**Teacherrs should feel freee to elaborate e and /or change this information so that it is appliccable to the eir classroom** Please n note that Real Lifee Connection ns will also appear on other charts o ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
2 | P a g e