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LOMA Forged Lightweight Wheels Catalogue 2021
There’s no straight line, strength in design, handling corners, braking, temperature changes. To develop new designs, we set a larger investment curve to compensate in risks management. Waste material, our destructive tests and mishaps are recycled to handle larger research and development investments. A wonderful idea fits never on everyone, specific market segments ask for different designs, colours while all rims need to be capable of handling extreme forces in corners and while braking, at the end they still look beautiful. When we one of the best in our line-up of designs, BLACKFORCE ONE was created and introduced in 2009 on a C6 Bi-Turbo Corvette including our LOMA tunings expertise with a groundbreaking 798 HP at the wheels was in 2009 years ahead of its time. We introduced on several international exhibitions a wide body racing panel with “Screwed Fenders” to the automotive tuning world where even the famous English car program “Top Gear” stated the following, “this is the best tuned Corvette ever”. Within a quick 4 years, we realized to have set a standard built for every tuning company all over the world. In these days at LOMA we have patented our designs to stay unique for those that want to go an extra step further to have their car better than yesterday.