Cabletime Mediastar Brochure

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seeing beyond the limits...

a unique and complete solution for Cat-5/UTP video and audio delivery a unique and complete solution for Cat-5/UTP audio and video delivery. Its flexibility, ease of installation and intuitive operation make it the ideal solution for a wide range of A/V and TV distribution applications. Connect a host of input devices

Program a combination of 32 potential Video Hub input ports to create a 16 channel TV/AV Cat-5 distribution system. Select from front panel differential inputs connected to remotely located Video and Audio devices, rear panel baseband video/stereo audio inputs from local A/V sources and connect the RF input to receive TV channels from an antenna or MATV system.

Link Compact Hubs

Link compact Video Hubs and form a larger 16 channel TV/AV system. Using a multi-hub connection kit all 16 A/V input and IR control buses can be linked to additional hubs.

Take Control

All Video Hub configuration and TV/AV ch implemented. Use IR. All system parameters remote control. Use IP. Connect each Video H compact IP interface. Hubs can be remotely m with a standard Internet browser. IP control c events and remote channel and volume cha accept control commands over an RS232/RS4 compatible external controlling device.

Drive External Devices

16 rear panel infrared blaster ports allow use such as DVDs, VCRs and cameras. Any user v MediaStar compact Receiver Unit can contro device’s own IR handset.

Connect Re

Up to 8 front panel inp of stereo A/V source can be located at up unique MediaStar co to both view and con

Infrared control of input sources

Hook Up an Antenna Connect an antenna or MATV feed and receive up to 8 TV channels.

RF Input

16 baseband video and stereo audio inputs

hannel access privileges are easily s can be set and stored with the IR Hub to your 10Base-T network via the monitored and completely configured commands facilitate dynamic timed anges. Use RS232/485. The unit will 485 link from a touch screen or other

ers to remotely control video sources viewing the output of the device at a ol each device by using the remote

8 Remote A/V inputs

Cat-5/UTP 8 Duplicate user outputs

Duplicate Outputs To show duplicate content at up to 8 user locations.

Main Outputs

Connect to line-powered MediaStar compact Rece at up to 400m (1300ft) di

emote A/V Inputs

puts are available for the Cat-5/UTP connection es such as cameras and DVD players. These p to 400m (1300ft) distance. Coupled with the ompact IR routing feature, viewers are able ntrol remotely located IR equipped devices.


Use IR Routing

Additional infrared capability is provided. When a channel is selected by a user an IR pathway is opened between that user and the A/V device being viewed. Using the device's own remote control the user can operate the remote A/V device.

d eiver Units istance.

Intuitive Use

Viewer control of the MediaStar compact Receiver Unit is with either an infrared handset or in conjunction with an RS232 to IR converter unit, a keypad, touch screen or PC workstation running the compact software application. Viewers can channel select and adjust volume, assisted by an On Screen Display capability showing channel name and volume status.

Output to any A/V Device

Output baseband video and stereo audio to plasma screens, projectors, TVs and PC workstations. The front panel RJ45 sockets allow interconnection with MediaStar compact Receiver Units at distances of up to 400m (1300ft) via an installed Cat-5/UTP four pair structured cabling system. Each 1U rack mountable hub will provide a full service 16-channel AV/TV service to 16 individual end point devices. A further 8 supplementary outputs display duplicated content for common content multi-screen applications.

MediaStar compact... a complete 16 channel A/V and TV distribution system in a single unit. For more technical information please visit

6778 UK v4 4.07

MediaStar compact ordering information Pt. No. 740

16 User outputs 8 Duplicate user outputs

8 Remote inputs

Pt. No. 743

16 User outputs Antenna or MATV input

16 IR Blaster Ports


Local RS232/RS485

NIC IP Interface

VBUS Ribbon Link to 2nd Hub

Universal Mains Power Supply

16 Baseband video and stereo audio inputs

MediaStar compact Hub Equipment Pt. No. 740

MediaStar compact Video Hub with IP browser / RS232 / RS485 control interfaces capable of routing 16 channels of video and stereo audio to 16 individual users and supporting IR routing.

Pt. No. 743

MediaStar compact Video Hub; as model 740 but with the addition of 8 duplicate outputs to support an additional 8 users with video and audio content controlled and selected by main users A or E and 8 front panel differential inputs to support remote video and stereo audio sources. The use of any number of front panels will supplant the equivalent number or rear panel inputs. Included in the scope of Hub delivery: AC mains lead, manual, 1 x IR blaster module c/w adjustment tools, rack mount hardware kit (4 x cage nut/washer/screw/self-adhesive desktop feet/1U rack mount brackets), CD with PC control application for use with Model 753, RS232 to IR converter, to allow PC control of 751/753 combination.

MediaStar compact Hub Options R (Suffix to Hub Pt. No.)

RF Input capability. Eight TV channels from an antenna or CATV/MATV RF feed. This option will support mono audio only.

MediaStar compact End Point Equipment Pt. No. 751

MediaStar compact Video Receiver Unit: For connection to an AV display device such as a Plasma, TV or PC Workstation. IR control, video and stereo audio. Supports IR porting.

Pt. No. 752

MediaStar compact Remote Video Transmitter: Allows connection of a remote video and stereo audio source to a MediaStar compact video hub at up to 400m (1300ft) distances.

Pt. No. 753

RS232 to IR Converter: Allows the receiver unit to be controlled by a PC or other RS232 equipped device. Video Hub supplied with a CD containing a PC control application.

Additional compact Products Pt. No. 747/2

MediaStar compact Two Hub Interconnection Kit: A cable kit that interconnects the rear panel video / audio / IR buses on two co-located MediaStar compact Video Hubs.

Pt. No. 747/4

MediaStar compact Four Hub Interconnection Kit: A cable kit that interconnects the rear panel video / audio / IR buses on multiple co-located MediaStar compact Video Hubs.

Pt. No. 911-4141

Remote IR sensor module: When connected to the MediaStar compact Video Receiver Unit the internal IR sensor is disabled and IR commands are received via the Remote IR sensor module which can be discretely mounted up to 2m (6ft) away from the unit.

Pt. No. 911-4147

IR Blaster module: For connection to a MediaStar compact video hub or MediaStar compact Remote Video Transmitter.

Pt. No. 790/1X

IR Handset: Replacement MediaStar compact IR handset.

Pt. No. 746

RF Input board: PAL I / BG or NTSC versions. For VAR retrofit to existing MediaStar compact installations only.

Cabletime Limited 64 Greenham Road Newbury Berkshire RG14 7HX United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0) 1635 35111 Fax +44 (0) 1635 35913 Video No (6b) +44 (0) 1635 39111 e-mail:

MediaStar compact has been developed to meet the demand for versatile A/V delivery. Its flexibility and ease of use makes it the ideal solution for many different environments.

MediaStar compact main features... • Zero LAN impact • 16 channel capacity • Up to 24 outlets • All end points line powered • IP browser control • 8 remote AV inputs • IR routing capability • Link up to four hubs

Education Universities, colleges and schools use MediaStar compact connected to their structured cabling system to deliver lectures and educational material, live or from tape or server to any number of screens in different classrooms throughout the building. Leisure and Sports Complexes The MediaStar compact hub can deliver video and stereo audio from a variety of content sources. So a health club, gymnasium or sports bar could show live football from a satellite channel on some screens whilst at the same time displaying music TV or news on a different selection of screens. Control is entirely in the operator’s hands. Corporate Offices MediaStar compact can deliver a uniform corporate message and distribute breaking news and stock information to 24 screens or PC workstations simultaneously. Larger organisations can loop together hubs and expand the system for delivery to more users. There is no impact on the LAN.

Travel Terminals Locations such as airport lounges, train stations and ferry terminals are ideal for MediaStar compact. Passengers will have a more comfortable wait if they are kept informed and entertained. The System Manager can direct the delivery of content easily by using compact’s IP interface control. Home Networks Many new homes are now fitted with a twisted pair cable infrastructure. MediaStar compact is ideal for use in this application, allowing shared entertainment resources such as DVDs, VCRs and satellite TV channels to be delivered to every room. Hotels and Hospitality Computer presentations, product promotions or messages can be delivered to a wide variety of display devices using MediaStar compact. Hotels may want to welcome guests with messages on an eye-catching plasma screen in the foyer, for example, whilst the hospitality suite at a racecourse may prefer to combine live racing coverage on the TV screen with a promotional presentation.

MediaStar Compact – TV over Cat-5/UTP

Compact Overview Compact Application Story – Kuwait National Assembly 740 Compact Video Hub 743 Compact Video Hub 747 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit 751 Compact Receiver Unit 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter

MediaStar Compact

753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1x Compact IR Remote Control Unit Compact Price List and Warranty Terms and Conditions

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


TV over Cat-5/UTP

MediaStar Compact able to select one of the 16 channels, using MediaStar Compact Receiver units at distances of up to 400 meters (1,300ft) via a Category 5/6 four pair structured cabling system.

MediaStar Compact is a unique and complete solution for Cat-5/UTP audio and video delivery. Its flexibility, ease of installation and intuitive operation make it the ideal solution for a wide range of A/V and TV distribution applications. Hubs can be connected together to form a comprehensive 16-channel TV/AV system for at least 16 up to 64 users.

Compact Hub 743 includes an additional 8 front panel outlets that can output what outlet A is showing, or what outlet E is showing. These duplicate outlets can be split so that 4 outlets will duplicate what A is viewing and 4 outlets that duplicate what outlet E is viewing. Effectively creating one group of 9 screens, or two groups of 5 screens.

Each Hub has 16 video and stereo audio inputs on its rear panel for the connection of local video sources such as DVD players and satellite receivers. Up to 16 independent front panel outlets can be connected, each

era Camera

Aerial or ‘Clear’ CATV Feeds

Touch Panel such as Crestron with 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor

Optional RF input board

Typical Desktop Position

740/743 Compact Hub AV Input

Cat 5/6 Floor Parts

Up to 16 AV inputs

Patch Panel CAT 5/6 Patch Leads

Patch Leads

Satellite Decoder and DVD Player

751 Compact Receive Unit with 753 unit

751 Compact Receive Unit Including 911-4141 Remote IR Sensor

DVD Player RCU

Typical Display/TV position Compact RCU

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


MediaStar Compact

Satellite Dish

MediaStar Compact Application Story

Mediastar delivers TV to Kuwait National Assembly Members of parliament in Kuwait are using Cabletime’s MediaStar Compact multimedia distribution system, to keep in touch with proceedings, even when they are not sitting in the chamber.

Delivering TV signals The system, which was specified and installed by the Kuwait-based Marafie Engineering Group, feeds television signals to the Speakers office, various cabinet minister’s offices, to H.H the Amir’s & H.H the Crown Prince’s lounge and to the Member’s lounge.

MediaStar Compact

The MediaStar Compact system, can distribute a TV signal to up to 24 screens simultaneously, and it is so flexible that different screens can display different programmes at the same time. By looping hubs together, the system can be expanded for even greater delivery. In the Kuwaiti Parliament building, the system is primarily used to show chamber proceedings, but five satellite channels are available to viewers when parliament is not in session.

MediaStar delivers secure solution One of the key reasons for selecting MediaStar Compact over a standard SMATV system was because of the strict security requirements. Only those authorised to watch the chamber proceedings and use the decoder will receive the signal in their offices.

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


TV over Cat-5/UTP

740 Compact Video Hub for 16 Channel TV/AV Service ■ Video SNR (weighted): 50dB @0 dBmV.

54dB @17 dBmV. ■ 8 RF TV Carriers: Max Input 24dBmV ■ CATV Mode: Input level 25 dBmV - 40dBmV ■ Adjacent Carrier Levels: Max 2dB Between Adjacent

Carriers ■ Video SNR (weighted): 52dB @25dBmV.

56dB @40dBmV. IR remote control ■ 38kHz Modulated

Hub Communications ■ Proprietary Protocol

Local Control ■ RS232/RS485, 9 pin D type Male

IP Browser Control ■ 10 Base-T, RJ45

Included within the scope of delivery: MediaStar 740 Compact Hub, IEC Power lead, IR Blaster Module (Part No. 911-4147), Rack Mounting Kit, CD containing User Manual & Compact Viewer Application.

Specifications Video Standards ■ Supported PAL /NTSC

Rear Panel Video Inputs ■ Composite 1V pk-pk (75 )

Composite Video SNR (weighted) ■ >71dB

Rear Panel Audio Inputs ■ Stereo 2.2V pk-pk (10K ) PAL and NTSC

RF Input ■ 48-862 MHz Type F (75 ) ■ Antenna Mode: Input Level 0 to +17dBmV

Power: 3 pin IEC Male 100-264V AC, 1.5A Power Dissipation: 80W max Weight: 5Kg/11lb Dimensions: 45x437x350 mm Environmental: 0 - 40°C Approvals: CE, UL, FCC part 15 class A Chassis: 1U 19” rack Companion Models & Accessories: 743 Compact Hub 751 Compact Receiver Unit 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1X Compact IR Remote Control Unit 747 2 or 4 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


MediaStar Compact

Each 1U rack mountable MediaStar Compact Hub will provide a 16 Channel TV/AV service to 16 individual users/outlets. Up to four Hubs can be looped together to form a larger 64 user 16 channel TV/AV system using the MediaStar Compact Interconnection Kit (Part 747/x). There are 16 independent front panel outlets, labelled A to P, which allow selection of any of the 16 video and stereo audio rear panel inputs that connect to local sources such as DVD players and satellite receivers. The outlets are RJ45 sockets that allow interconnection with MediaStar Compact Receiver Units (Part 751) at distances of up to 400 meters (1,300ft) via Cat-5/UTP. MediaStar Compact Remote Control Units (Part 790/1x) provide infra red communication to the MediaStar Compact Receiver Units. All system parameters can be set and stored using the Remote Control or the Hubs can be remotely monitored and configured with a standard Internet Browser. The Compact Hub will also accept control commands over an IP/RS232/RS485 link from a touch screen, PC or other compatible external controlling device.

TV over Cat-5/UTP

743 Compact Video Hub for 16 Channel TV/AV Service

Included within the scope of delivery: MediaStar 743 Compact Hub, IEC Power lead, IR Blaster Module (Part No. 911-4147), Rack Mounting Kit, CD containing User Manual & Compact Viewer Application.

Specifications Video Standards ■ Supported PAL /NTSC

Rear Panel Video Inputs ■ Composite 1V pk-pk (75 )

Composite Video SNR (weighted) ■ >71dB

Rear Panel Audio Inputs ■ Stereo 2.2V pk-pk (10K ) PAL and NTSC

RF Input ■ 48-862 MHz Type F (75 ) ■ Antenna Mode: Input Level 0 to +17dBmV ■ Video SNR (weighted): 50dB @0 dBmV.

54dB @17 dBmV ■ 8 RF TV Carriers: Max Input 24dBmV ■ CATV Mode: Input level 25 dBmV - 40dBmV ■ Adjacent Carrier Levels: Max 2dB Between

Adjacent Carriers ■ Video SNR (weighted): 52dB @25dBmV.

56dB @40dBmV IR remote control ■ 38kHz Modulated

Hub Communications ■ Proprietary Protocol

Local Control ■ RS232/RS485, 9 pin D type Male

IP Browser Control ■ 10 Base-T, RJ45

Power: 3 pin IEC Male 100-264V AC, 1.5A Power Dissipation: 80W max Weight: 5Kg/11lb Dimensions: 45x437x350 mm Environmental: 0 - 40°C Approvals: CE, UL, FCC part 15 class A Chassis: 1U 19” rack Companion Models & Accessories: 740 Compact Hub 751 Compact Receiver Unit 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1X Compact IR Remote Control Unit 747 2 or 4 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


MediaStar Compact

Each 1U rack mountable MediaStar Compact Hub will provide a 16 Channel TV/AV service to 16 individual users/outlets. Up to four Hubs can be looped together to form a larger 64 user 16 channel TV/AV system using the MediaStar Compact Interconnection Kit (Part 747/x). There are 16 independent front panel outlets, labelled A to P, which allow selection of any of the 16 video and audio input channel channels. The outlets are RJ45 sockets that allow interconnection with MediaStar Compact Receiver Units (Part 751) at distances of up to 400 meters (1,300ft) via Cat-5/UTP. MediaStar Compact Remote Control Units (Part 790) provide infra-red communication to the MediaStar Compact Receiver Units. There are 8 additional front panel outlets, to duplicate what is being viewed by Outlets A & E. There are 16 video and stereo audio rear panel inputs that connect to local video sources such as DVD players and satellite receivers. An additional 8 differential video and audio front panel inputs are provided for the connection of line powered MediaStar Compact Remote Video Transmitters (Part 752) to facilitate the use of remotely located video sources such as security cameras. All system parameters can be set and stored using the Remote Control or the Hubs can be remotely monitored and configured with a standard Internet Browser. The Compact Hub will also accept control commands over an IP/RS232/RS485 link from a touch screen, PC or other compatible external controlling device.

TV over Cat-5/UTP

747 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit If multiple Compact Hubs (Part 740 or 743) are to be utilised to create a system with up to 64 users, these can be connected together using the Interconnect Cable Kit,(Part 747/x) provided.

Two Hub Interconnection Kit 747/2

MediaStar Compact

Four Hub Interconnection Kit 747/4

Companion Models & Accessories: 740 Compact Video Hub 743 Compact Video Hub 751 Compact Receiver Unit 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1X Compact IR Remote Control Unit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


TV over Cat-5/UTP

751 Compact Receiver Unit The 751 unit connects to the MediaStar Compact Video Hub, (Part 740/743), at distances of up to 400m (1300ft) via an installed Cat-5/UTP cabling system. The linepowered 751 unit outputs baseband video and stereo audio to plasma screens, projectors, TVs and PC workstations. Coupled with the MediaStar Compact IR routing feature, viewers are able control remotely located IR equipped devices such as DVDs and Satellite Decoders. Any user viewing a MediaStar Compact Receiver Unit can control the input device. When a channel is selected by a user an IR pathway is opened between that user and the AV device being viewed and by using the device’s own remote control the user can operate the remote AV device.

MediaStar Compact

Included within the scope of delivery: 751 unit, Quick Reference Guide, IR Remote Control (Part No. 790/1X), 2 x AAA bateries, IR sensor module (Part No.911-4141), Cat-5 Patch Lead 1m(3ft), SCART to 3 phono adapter.

Companion Models & Accessories: 740 Compact Video Hub 743 Compact Video Hub 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1X Compact IR Remote Control Unit 747 2 or 4 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


TV over Cat-5/UTP

752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter The 752 Remote Video Transmitter unit is connected through the Cat-5/UTP infrastructure, 400m (1300ft) distance, to remotely located video and audio devices such as DVD players and cameras and is used to deliver video and stereo audio sources to one of 8 front panel inputs on the MediaStar Video Hub, (Part 743). Coupled with the MediaStar Compact IR routing feature, viewers are able control remotely located IR equipped devices sources such as cameras and DVD players.

MediaStar Compact

Included within the scope of delivery: 752 unit, Quick Reference Guide, IR Blaster Module, (Part 911-4147), Cat-5 Patch lead 1m(3ft), SCART to 3 phono adapter, 3 phono-3 phono lead 1m(3ft).

Companion Models & Accessories: 740 Compact Video Hub 743 Compact Video Hub 751 Compact Receiver Unit 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1X Compact IR Remote Control Unit 747 2 or 4 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


TV over Cat-5/UTP

753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor The 753 unit is a RS232 to IR interface to the MediaStar Compact Receiver Unit, (Part 751), providing an interface for RS232 commands from keypads, touch screen or PC workstation running the compact software application. Viewers can channel select and adjust volume, assisted by an On Screen Display capability showing channel name and volume status to allow either RS232 or switch contact control. Included within the scope of delivery: 753 unit, Quick Reference Guide, RS232 cable 2M, stereo to 3.5mm Jack adapter.

MediaStar Compact

Companion Models & Accessories: 740 Compact Video Hub 743 Compact Video Hub 751 Compact Receiver Unit 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter 911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module 911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module 790/1X Compact IR Remote Control Unit 747 2 or 4 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


TV over Cat-5/UTP

911-4141 Compact IR Sensor Module The 911-4141 unit is an IR Sensor Module fitted with 3.5mm Jack for connection to MediaStar Compact Receiver Unit, (Part 751), to allow the small IR sensor to be located in a convenient location and the larger receiver unit housed discreetly behind a sceen.

911-4147 Compact IR Blaster Module

MediaStar Compact

The 911-4147 unit is an IR Blaster module for connection to MediaStar Compact Video Hub, (Part 740/743) or Remote Video Transmitter Unit, (Part 752). Coupled with the MediaStar Remote Video Transmitter, this IR routing feature allows viewers to easily control remotely located IR equipped source devices such as cameras and DVD players.

790/1x Compact IR Remote Control Unit

Viewer control of the MediaStar Compact Receiver Unit (Part 751) is with IR Remote Control Unit. Viewers can select channels and adjust volume, assisted by an On Screen Display capability showing channel name and volume status.

Companion Models & Accessories: 740 Compact Video Hub 743 Compact Video Hub 751 Compact Receiver Unit 752 Compact Remote Video Transmitter 753 Compact RS232 to IR Adaptor 747 2 or 4 Compact Interconnection Cable Kit

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK ■ email: ■ +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 ■ email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650 ■ email:


Conditions for the sale of Goods (including services)

4. Price of the Goods: 4.1 The price of the Goods shall be the Company's quoted price or, where no price has been quoted (or a quoted price is no longer valid), the price listed in the Company's price list current at the date of acknowledgement of the Buyer's order.

4.3 The price quoted for all Goods shall be in pounds sterling unless otherwise expressly stated in a quotation. The price is exclusive of any applicable value added tax and all other applicable taxes and duties, which The Buyer shall be additionally liable to pay to The Company.

5. Terms of Payment : 5.1 Payment of invoices shall unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company be made in full within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Time of payment shall be of the essence. The Company shall be entitled to suspend delivery of Goods if any amounts are overdue under any contract with the Buyer until all amounts and interest have been paid in full. 5.2 Any extension of credit allowed to The Buyer may be changed or withdrawn at any time. 5.3 Interest shall be payable on overdue accounts at the rate of 2 percent over Barclays Bank PLC base rate from time to time (whether before or after judgement) from the due date for payment until receipt by the Company of the full amount due. 5.4 If in the opinion of the Company the creditworthiness of the Buyer shall have deteriorated prior to delivery of the Goods or the Company shall otherwise consider the Buyer's credit-worthiness unsatisfactory, the Company may require full or partial payment of the price or the provision of acceptable security for payment by the Buyer prior to delivery. 5.5 The Company may appropriate any payment made

by the Buyer and apply it in total or partial satisfaction of any sum due from the Buyer to the Company. Where the amount paid by the Buyer is less than the amount due to the Company under the contract, the Company may appropriate the payment to any individual Goods supplied under the contract. 5.6 All payments made by the Buyer to the Company under these Conditions shall be made without any deduction or set off.

6. Delivery : 6.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing delivery of the Goods shall take place at the Company’s place of business seven days after The Company has notified The Buyer that the Goods are ready for collection. If the Company agrees to deliver the Goods otherwise than at the Company's premises, the Buyer shall pay in full all transportation and insurance costs incurred by the Company for delivery to the Buyer's nominated place of delivery. 6.2 If the Company has agreed to arrange transportation of the Goods, delivery shall be made by the Company loading the Goods onto the first vehicle to be used in transporting the Goods to the Buyer’s delivery address. 6.3 Any dates quoted for delivery of the Goods are estimates only and the Company shall not be liable for any loss (including loss of profits) costs, damages, charges or expenses caused directly or indirectly by any delay in delivery of the Goods even if caused by the Company’s negligence, nor will any delay entitle the Buyer to rescind the Contract unless such delay exceeds 180 days. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence of the Contract. 6.4 If for any reason the Buyer will not accept delivery of the Goods when they are ready for delivery, or the Company is unable to deliver the Goods on time because the Buyer has not provided appropriate instructions, documents, licences or authorisations: 6.4.1 risk in the Goods will pass to the Buyer (including for loss or damage caused by the Company’s negligence); 6.4.2 the Goods will be deemed to have been delivered; and 6.4.3 the Company may store the Goods until delivery whereupon the Buyer will be liable for all related costs and expenses including (without limitation) storage and insurance, and

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK email: +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 email: email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650

MediaStar Compact

4.2 The Company may give written notice to The Buyer at any time before delivery, to increase the price of the Goods to reflect any increase in costs to the Company arising from circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but without limitation, increase in the cost of labour, materials or manufacture, increase or imposition of any tax, duty or other levy, variation in exchange rates or any variation requested by the Buyer to it's order or any delay caused by the Buyer's instructions or lack of instructions or change of specification to comply with statutory requirements) .

UK Version 14

Conditions for the sale of Goods (including services)

UK Version 14

6.4.4 following notice to the Buyer, the Company may sell the Goods at the best price readily obtainable and (after deducting all storage and selling expenses) and the Buyer shall be liable for any shortfall between the proceeds received, less deductions, and the full price under the contract.

of insurance to the Company

7. Non Delivery

8.4 The Buyer may resell the Goods before ownership has passed to it solely on the following conditions:

7.1 The quantity of any consignment of Goods as recorded by the Company upon despatch from the Company’s place of business shall be conclusive evidence of the quantity received by the Buyer on delivery unless the Buyer can provide conclusive evidence proving the contrary

7.3 Any liability of the Company for non delivery of the Goods shall be limited to replacing the Goods within a reasonable time or issuing a credit note at the pro rata Contract rate against any invoice raised for such Goods

8. Risk/Title: 8.1 The Goods are at the risk of the Buyer from the time of delivery 8.2 Ownership of the Goods shall not pass to the Buyer until the Company has received in full (in cash or cleared funds) all sums due to it in respect of:8.2.1 the Goods; and 8.2.2 all other sums which are or which become due to the Company from the Buyer on any account 8.3 Until ownership of the Goods has passed to the Buyer, the Buyer must 8.3.1 hold the Goods on a fiduciary basis as the Company’s bailee 8.3.2 store the Goods (at no cost to the Company) separately from all other goods of the Buyer or any third party in such a way that they remain readily identifiable as the Company’s property 8.3.3 not destroy deface or obscure any identifying mark or packaging on or relating to the Goods 8.3.4 maintain the Goods in satisfactory condition insured on the Company’s behalf for their full price against all risks to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company. On request the Buyer shall produce the policy

8.4.1 any sale shall be effected in the ordinary course of the Buyers business at full market value; and 8.4.2 any such sale shall be a sale of the Company’s property on the Buyer’s own behalf and the Buyer shall deal as principal when making such sale 8.5 The Buyers right to possession of the Goods shall terminate immediately if: 8.5.1 the Buyer has a bankruptcy order made against him or makes an arrangement with his creditors, or otherwise takes the benefit of any Act for the time being in force for the relief of insolvent debtors, or being a body corporate convenes a meeting of creditors whether formal or informal or enters into liquidation except a solvent voluntary liquidation for the purpose only of reconstruction or amalgamation, or has a receiver and/or manager, administrator or administrative receiver appointed of its undertaking or any part thereof or a resolution is passed or a petition presented to any court for the winding up of the Buyer or for the granting of an administration order in respect of the Buyer or any proceedings are commenced relating to the insolvency or possible insolvency of the Buyer; or 8.5.2 the Buyer suffers or allows any execution whether legal or equitable to be levied on his/its property or obtained against them or fails to observe/perform any of its obligations under the Contract or any other contract between the Company and the Buyer or is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 Insolvency Act 1986 or the Buyer ceases to trade; or 8.5.3 the Buyer encumbers or in any way charges any of the Goods. 8.6 The Company shall be entitled to recover payment for the Goods notwithstanding that ownership of any of the Goods has not passed from the Company 8.7 The Buyer grants the Company its agents and employees an irrevocable licence at any time to enter any premises where the Goods are or may be stored to inspect them, or where the Buyers right to possession has terminated, to recover them.

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK email: +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 email: email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650

MediaStar Compact

7.2 The Company shall not be liable for non delivery of Goods (even if caused by the Company’s negligence) unless written notice is given within 7 days of the date when the Goods would in the ordinary course of events have been received.

8.3.5 hold the proceeds of the insurance referred to in Condition 8.3.4 on trust for the Company and not mix them with any other money, nor pay the proceeds into an overdrawn bank account

Conditions for the sale of Goods (including services)

9. Performance: 9.1 Subject to the conditions set out below and the other provisions of the contract the Company warrants that the Goods will at the time of delivery be free from defects in material and workmanship. 9.2 The above warranty is given by the Company subject to the following conditions and the Company shall be under no liability under the warranty:9.2.1 unless the total price for the Goods has been received. 9.2.2 if the Buyer or any third party have or have attempted to alter or tamper with the Goods.

9.2.4 if any serial number labels or other marks on the Goods have been tampered with or removed. 9.3 Any claim by the Buyer based on any defect in material or workmanship of the Goods shall be notified to the Company in writing and the Goods shall be returned to the Company within ninety days from the date of the Company’s Advice Note and if the Buyer fails to notify the Company within that period, the Buyer shall not be entitled to reject the Goods and the Company shall have no liability for such defect. 9.5 The Company shall be entitled to (at its option) repair or replace the defective Goods or any part free of charge or refund the price of Goods at the pro rata Contract rate and the Company shall have no further liability to the Buyer.

10. Limitation of Liability 10.1 Subject to clause 9 the following provisions set out the entire financial liability of the Company (including any liability for the acts or omissions of it employees agents and subcontractors to the Buyer in respect of: 10.1.1 any breach of these Conditions 10.1.2 any representation statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Contract 10.1.3 any infringement of the intellectual property rights of any third party 10.2 All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law (save for the conditions implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979)

are to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract 10.3 Nothing in these Conditions excludes or limits the liability of the Company for death or personal injury caused by the Company’s negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation. THE BUYERS ATTENTION IS PARTICULARLY DRAWN TO THE PROVISIONS OF CLAUSE 10.4 10.4 Subject to Clause 10.2 and 10.3 10.4.1 The Company’s total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) misrepresentation or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of this Contract shall be limited to the Contract price for the Goods 10.4.2 The Company shall not be liable to the Buyer for any indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss of business, depletion of goodwill or otherwise) costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in connection with the Contract

11. Intellectual Property: 11.1 All intellectual property and proprietary rights including without limitation, copyright, registered and unregistered design rights, patents and know-how, data specifications, manufacturing processes, testing procedures and all other technical business and similar information relating to the Goods, together with all designs, records, reports, documents, papers and other materials whatsoever conceived, originated, or made by the Company during the course of this contract shall vest solely in and remain with the Company. 11.2 The Buyer agrees to assist the Company and to do all such acts and things as the Company’s legal advisers may advise as are necessary or desirable in order to give the Company the full benefit of the provisions of this clause. 11.3 The Buyer hereby assigns to the Company by way of future assignment the design right as conferred by Part III of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and the copyright as conferred by Part I of that Act or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof in any work to be created in pursuance of this Contract by the Company for the full term of design right therein to the intent that the design right therein shall forthwith upon the completion of the work vest in the Company.

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK email: +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 email: email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650

MediaStar Compact

9.2.3 If in the reasonable opinion of the Company (whose decision shall be binding and final) the reported defect has arisen from accident or misuse by the Buyer or a third party;

UK Version 14

Conditions for the sale of Goods (including services)

12. Licences and Consents: If any licence or consent of any government or other authority shall be required for the acquisition, carriage or use of the Goods by the Buyer, the Buyer shall obtain the same at it’s own expense and if requested produce evidence of the same to the Company on demand. Failure to obtain any licence or consent shall not entitle the Buyer to withhold or delay payment of the price. Any additional expenses or charges incurred by the Company resulting from such failure shall be for the Buyer’s account.

14. Confidentiality:

16. General: 16.1 Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these conditions shall be in writing, addressed to that other party at it’s registered office or principal place of business or such other address as may at the relevant time have been notified pursuant to this provision to the party giving the notice. 16.2 Any notice shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally or sent by prepaid first class post (airmail if to an address outside the United Kingdom) or by facsimile transmission to the party concerned at the address referred to in clause 16.1 In the absence of evidence of earlier receipt, any such notice shall be deemed to have been given:-

these conditions may be assigned or transferred in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Company. 16.5 The Buyer agrees to comply with any information supplied by the Company and relating to the use for which the Goods are designed or have been tested or concerning conditions necessary to ensure that they will be safe and without risk to health at all times when they are being installed, used, stored or transported. The Buyer undertakes to take such steps as may be specified by information supplied by the Company to ensure that as far as reasonably possible the Goods will be safe and without risk to health at all times as described above. 16.6 If any provision of these conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of all other provisions of these conditions and the remainder of the provisions in question shall not be affected and shall remain in force. 16.7 If for any reason these conditions are translated into any language other than English then this shall be done for the benefit of the Buyer and the Buyer agrees that for the purpose of legal interpretation the English language version shall in all cases prevail.

17. Governing Law: The contract shall in all cases be deemed to have been made in England and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

16.2.1 if left personally, when left at the address referred to in clause 16.1; 16.2.2 if sent by pre-paid first class post, two days after posting; 16.2.3 if sent by airmail, six days after posting; 16.2.4 if sent by facsimile transmission, when transmitted. 16.3 No waiver by the Company of any breach of the contract by the Buyer shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. 16.4 None of the rights or obligations of the Buyer under

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX, UK email: +44 (0)1635 35111 Cabletime USA 973 288 8010 email: email: Cabletime Asia +852 3101 2650

MediaStar Compact

The Buyer agrees that all drawings, specifications, computer programmes and all other product details are supplied to the Buyer by the Company on the condition that they are not given, sold, shown or in any other way communicated to any third party without the Buyer first obtaining the express written permission of the Company.

UK Version 14

Quick Start Guide Getting Started With MediaStar Compact 740 & 743 The MediaStar Compact Hub (Part 740 & 743) provides a 16 channel TV/AV service to 16 individual users. Each Hub has 16 video and stereo audio inputs on its rear panel for the connection of local video sources such as DVD players and satellite receivers. Up to 16 independent front panel outlets can be connected, each able to select one of the 16 channels. The outlets are RJ45 sockets which are labelled A to P that allow interconnection with MediaStar Compact Receive Units at distances of up to 400 meters (1,300ft) via a Category 5/6 four pair structured cabling system. Compact Hub 743 includes an additional 8 front panel outlets that can output what outlet A is showing, or what outlet E is showing. These duplicate outlets can be split so that 4 outlets will duplicate what A is viewing and 4 outlets that duplicate what outlet E is viewing. Also on Compact Hub 743, an additional 8 differential video and audio inputs are provided on the front panel for the connection of line powered MediaStar Compact Remote Video Transmitters. These facilitate the use of remotely located video sources such as security cameras. On both Hubs 740 and 743, an optional RF Input board will allow for 8 channels. However, only 16 total inputs must be active at any one time. Installation configuration of the MediaStar Compact Hub is achieved with an infra red remote control and on screen menus. Up to four 1U rack mountable MediaStar Compact Hubs can be looped together to form a larger 64 user 16 channel TV/AV system.

WHAT’S IN THE BOX • • • • •

MediaStar Compact Hub (Part 740 or 743) IEC Power Lead IR blaster module Rack Mounting Kit Installation & Viewer CD


Read these instructions.


Keep these instructions.


Heed all warnings.


Follow all instructions.


Do not use this apparatus near water.


Clean only with a dry cloth.


Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.


Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarised or grounding-type plug. A polarised plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.

10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the apparatus. 11. Only use attachments or accessories specified by manufacturer. 12. Use only with the cart, stand tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over. 13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. 14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.

INSTALLATION 8 duplicate Cat-5/UTP Outlets

8 independent Cat-5/UTP Inputs

16 independent Cat-5/UTP Outlets 6 IR blaster ports

Local RS232 control

Optional RF input board for 8 channels

NIC IP Interface

PAL/NTSC switch

Link up to 4 hubs

Power Socket

16 independent AV inputs

Begin by installing the 19” rack mountings on either side of the Hub using the Rack Mount Kit provided. Once the rack mountings are fitted, mount the Hub into the cabinet or closet using the screws supplied with the Rack Mount Kit. Once the Hub is mounted in the cabinet, connect it to an AC power supply using the IEC Power Lead supplied. Once the lead is connected, the Hub will power on automatically and the Blue LED located on the fascia of the Hub will be lit.

RF INPUT BOARD CONNECTION (OPTIONAL) An RF Input module will allow reception of up to 8 RF TV channels, UHF/VHF, PAL I, B/G. If an RF Input board is used it should be connected to the RF feed to the ‘RF IN’ connector located at the rear of the Hub. Ensure that the correct RF level is set. If an RF Input board is installed, the ‘RF Input Channels’ indicator will also be lit to indicate which inputs are allocated to this unit. An orange LED indicates channels 1-8 are being used, and a green LED indicates channels 9-16.

VIDEO FORMAT SETTING Set the Hub to the correct video format required, PAL or NTSC, depending on your video sources. The switch can be found at the rear of the Hub, located next to the 64 V-Bus connector.

CONNECTING A/V SOURCES Connect local A/V sources into the rear inputs labeled 1 to 16 noting that the inputs represent the channels displayed, i.e. Input 1 = Channel 1 and Input 16 = Channel 16. Note that use of remote feeds with a Compact Hub and the optional Compact RF Input board will affect which rear inputs can be utilised. For more details consult the Installation Guide on the Installation CD provided.

If A/V source devices are to be controlled by their own remote control at the display end, such as in the case of a DVD player, an IR Blaster Lead (Part 911-4147) will need to be connected to the correct IR Blaster connector (1 to 16).

INTERCONNECTING HUBS If multiple Compact Hubs are to be utilised, these can be connected together using the Interconnect Cable Kit (Part 747/x) provided. Ensure that both V-BUS and Hub links are connected securely. Only one Hub needs to be connected to the AV sources.

MEDIASTAR COMPACT RECEIVER UNITS MediaStar Compact Receiver Units (Part 751) enable Composite A/V content to be displayed. They are deployed near the relevant A/V display devices and provide a video and stereo audio output for connection to the TV, Plasma screen, LCD, or PC. Receive Units are DC line powered by the remote MediaStar Compact Hub. Further extension of the Receiver’s IR lead can be accomplished using the accompanying IR sensor. Viewer control of the MediaStar Compact is with either an IR Remote Control Unit (RCU) (Part 790/1X) or, in conjunction with an RS232 to IR Converter Unit (Part 753), a touch screen or PC workstation. Viewers can select channels and adjust volume, assisted by an On Screen Display capability showing channel name and volume status. Additional Infra Red capability is provided for external video sources such as DVDs and VCRs. An IR signal is passed through the device’s own RCUs via the MediaStar Compact Receive Unit. This function is supported with both local and remote inputs.


Quit: Quit current selection Mute Volume: Use to temporarily silence volume. ‘Mute’ is shown on the TV display Volume Control: Use the +/- keys to alter the volume TV Picture: Returns to the TV picture from within menus Channel Selection: Use up and down arrow keys to cycle through the 16 channels

Information: Displays the current channel number and name Clear: Cancel edits, clears characters or takes you back one menu depending on context

OK: Accepts selected menu; save the entered value Menu: Access the configuration menus

Channel Selection: Press the appropriate number for the required channel. To access channels numbers greater than 9, press a 1 followed by 0-6 within two seconds. In menu mode, pressing the numerical keys multiple times achieve the alphabetical characters displayed above the keys.

CONNECTING MEDIASTAR VIDEO RECEIVER UNITS Front panel RJ45 sockets allow interconnection with MediaStar Compact Receiver Units at distances of up to 400 meters via Cat-5 cabling.

Connect the Compact Receive Units (Part 751) using the front panel Compact Hub outlets A to P with Cat-5 structured cabling or other appropriate cabling. The unit is powered from the hub. A red LED will be visible on the front of the unit when connected. Ensure that batteries have been inserted into the Remote Control Unit (RCU) type 24G RO3 AAA 1.5V. The orientation for the batteries is shown in the compartment casing. An integrated infra red receiver is located at the front of the Receiver Unit, so when the unit receives an IR command, the LED on the unit will flash. The RCU will operate up to 6-8m away from the user terminal. If the LED flashes without an RCU key press, the IR receiver is seeing IR signals from another source. Reposition the Receiver Unit where it will not see other IR signals. If the Receiver Unit needs to be positioned out of sight, the accompanying remote IR sensor can be used. Plug the sensor into the Remote IR Receiver Socket in the back of the Receiver Unit and position it where it can see commands from the RCU. Two slotted locating holes are positioned on the underside of the unit to assist fixing the MediaStar Compact Receiver Unit on walls or ceilings. Care must be taken in the use of any fixing screws. Set the Video Adjustment control on the Receiver Unit to achieve optimum video picture quality. This can be done by viewing the picture or using video test equipment as required. If you wish to change channels or access other system features from your desktop PC, an RS232 to IR Converter Unit (Part 753) can be used. Replacement IR sensor modules can be ordered from Cabletime (Part 911-4141). There are no user serviceable parts within the Mediastar Compact Receiver Unit.

INSTALLING THE MEDIASTAR COMPACT REMOTE VIDEO TRANSMITTER MediaStar Compact Remote Video Transmitters (Part 752) send Composite A/V content from remote sources such as DVDs to the Compact Hub so that it can be viewed from a display device. The Transmitter is used only with the MediaStar Compact Hub with duplicate output capability (Part 743) and will include an IR Blaster module, Cat-5 patch cable, SCART adapter (PAL units only) and 3-way phono-to-phono cable. Use the Cat-5 patch cable to connect the Remote Video Transmitter to the MediaStar Compact Video Hub via the Cat-5 structured wiring system. The transmitter is powered from the hub and the LED will show orange when it is connected. Connect the video source to the transmitter using the 3-way phono-to-phono cable (and SCART connector if required). When a video input signal is present, the Remote Video Transmitter LED will show green. If the video source unit can be controlled with a 38KHz modulated IR Remote Control, connect the IR blaster to the 2 pin polarised IR blaster connector on the Remote Video Transmitter. The IR blaster head must be carefully fitted over the video source unit’s own IR receiver, taking care that the adhesive pad does not damage the surface of the unit. If the video source unit responds to IR commands intermittently, or does not respond at all, the power of the IR emitted by the blaster may need to be adjusted. Adjust the power by turning the small screw on the outward facing side of the IR blaster head. The picture quality from the remote video source will need to be adjusted to overcome the effects of the Cat-5 cable run. To do this, connect a video receiver unit and TV within a few metres of the Hub and view the picture provided by the remote video source. Turn the video adjustment screw on the Remote Video Transmitter to give the best picture quality as viewed at the hub. Replacement IR blaster modules can be ordered from Cabletime (Part 911-4147). There are no user serviceable parts within the Mediastar Compact Remote Video Transmitter.

CONNECTING THE MEDIASTAR RS232 TO IR CONVERTER The RS232 to IR Converter (Part 753) allows for control from a third party device such as a touch screen, PC or other external controlling device. It includes an RS232 Cable (to PC) and stereo audio phono to 3.5mm jack plug adapter. Connect the RS232 to IR Converter to the MediaStar Compact Video Receiver Unit by inserting the jack plug into the Remote IR Receiver socket. The converter is powered from the Receiver Unit and the LED will show green when powered on. Connect the RS232 to IR Converter to the PC using the RS232 cable supplied. Plug the 9-way D RS232 connector into the PC serial communication port (eg COM1). When RS232 data from the PC is received, the LED on the converter unit flashes. There are no user serviceable parts within the Mediastar Compact RS232 to IR Converter.

MEDIASTAR COMPACT RS232 TO IR CONVERTER WITH SWITCH CLOSURE INPUTS The RS232 to IR Converter unit (Part 753) has four switch contact inputs to support external channel up/down and volume up/down keypads. The switch inputs are on 4 pins of the Converter’s 9-way D connector (see table below). When a switch contact closure is made, the appropriate input pin should be shorted to pin 5 (ground) of the 9-way D connector. Switches must be of the ‘normally open’ type. If a switch (button) is held closed (pressed), the button press will auto-repeat after a short pause. Only one button should be pressed at a time. If more than one button is pressed, all buttons will be ignored.

If a suitable 9-way D lead is produced, the unit can accept serial commands from a control system and switch closure inputs at the same time. If these switch inputs are not required, the unit can be connected to a computer using the supplied 9-way cable as usual. RS232 to IR Converter 9-way D connector pinout: Function.......................... pin Channel Up (U).............. 8 Channel Down (D).......... 1 Volume Up (+)................9 Volume down (-).............6 Signal ground................ 5 Serial TX......................... 2 Serial RX.........................3

INSTALLING THE MEDIASTAR VIEWER APPLICATION To install the MediaStar Viewer application on a MediaStar Compact System, place the MediaStar Viewer CD supplied in the PC. The installation program will normally run automatically. If it does not, from Explorer, double-click on ‘setup.exe’ in the CD drive ‘Viewer\Disk 1’ directory. When the application is first run, a profile must be created. Do this by selecting Start\Programs\ MediaStar\Viewer\Create a new profile. Select the relevant COM port, name of profile, unit type and display settings as appropriate. Enter the channels that are to be displayed in the channel list. For further information, see the online help (available by pressing F1). Once a profile has been set up, run the viewer by selecting Start\Programs\MediaStar\ Viewer\<profile name>. The viewer will enable you to control the Video Receiver Unit/Micro Settop as if you are using a MediaStar Remote Control Unit. Refer to the MediaStar Compact Guide for details of all the features of the MediaStar Compact System.

Technical Specifications Video Standards Supported


Rear Panel Video Inputs

Composite 1V pk-pk (75Ω)

Composite Video SNR (weighted)


Rear Panel Audio Inputs

Stereo 2.2V pk-pk (10KΩ)

RF Input

48-862 MHz Type F (75Ω)

Antenna Mode

Input Level 0 to +17dBmV

Video SNR (weighted)

50dB @0 dBmV. 54dB @17 dBmV.

8 RF TV Carriers

Max Input 24dBmV

CAT V Mode

Input level 25 dBmV - 40dBmV

Adjacent Carrier Levels

Max 2dB Between Adjacent Carriers

Video SNR (weighted)

52dB @25dBmV. 56dB @40dBmV.

IR remote control (*see note)

38kHz Modulated

Hub Communications

Proprietary Protocol

Local Control

RS232/RS485, 9 pin D type Male

IP Browser Control

10 Base-T, RJ45

Physical Specification Dimensions HxWxD

45x437x350 mm



Mounting 19” Rack


Power Requirement

3 pin IEC Male 100-264V AC, 1.5A

Power Dissipation

80W max


CE, UL, FCC part 15 class A

Operating Temperature


*Additional notes on Infra Red control function The MediaStar compact Receivers and Hubs provide an IR porting function that enables compact users to send IR control signals from an infra red RCU to remotely located third party equipment. Please note that this function is compatible with third party equipment that utilises the common 38khz modulated IR standards. Other frequencies or proprietary IR codes may not be supported.

REGULATORY REQUIREMENT NOTICES EUROPE Cabletime Limited declare that the products described in this manual conform to the requirements of the following Directives: •



Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC


Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of information technology equipment


Electromagnetic compatibility - generic immunity standard


Specification for safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment


Audio Video and similar electronic apparatus safety requirements

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Cabletime Limited declare this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. •

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Operation is subject to the following conditions: •

This device may not cause harmful interference, and

This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this publication, the publishers and authors cannot accept responsibility for any errors and omissions. Cabletime Limited reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content from time to time without notice. Copyright © Cabletime 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of Cabletime Ltd.

Cabletime Limited, 64 Greenham Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7HX England Email:

E&OE 200-2200 Version 1

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