Qomo Document Camera

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Hi ghl i ght edFeat ur es •TheQD3 3 00 f r om QOMO Hi t eVi s i oni s t hemos tc os tef f ec t i ve,f ul ls i z eVi s ual i z er ont hemar ket !I t sCMOSc amer adel i ver s c r ys t alc l eari magesands har pt ext . •TheQD3 3 00us esahi ghs peedUSBc onnec t i onf ori magec apt ur i ngandvi deor ec or di ng.The uni que pl ug ‘ n pl ay USB s ys t em meansnodr i ver sar enec es s ar yand i twi l li nt er f ac ewi t hMac ’ s ,PC’ s ,aswel las 3 r dpar t ys of t war es ys t emsal l owi ngyout o bui l dc ur r i c ul um ands eaml es s l yi nt er f ac e wi t hanyi nt er ac t i vepr oduc t . •Thef ul ls i z es t age,l i tbyLED l i ght spr ovi desaver s at i l ewor ks ur f ac eal l owi ngyou t os howyourdoc ument sand3Di mens i onal obj ec t swi t heas e. •TheQD3 3 00 pr ovi desaf ul lA4bac kl i t s t ageal l owi ngyout os how yourt r ans par enc i esandXRays .Wi t ht hes pec i alnegat i vef eat ur e,youc anevens how yourphot ogr aphi cnegat i vesi npos i t i vef or m! • Pr es ent at i on f eat ur es s uc h as f r eez e, i mage r ot at i on,and t i t l ec apt ur e enr i c h yourpr es ent at i onexper i enc e. •Sys t emsus er swi l lappr ec i at et hes wi t c hi ng and RS23 2c ont r ol s bui l ti nt ot he QD3 3 00;al l owi ngt hec ont r olofmul t i pl e devi c esf r om onel oc at i on.


QomoQD3300DocumentCamer a Spec i f i c at i ons

Di mens i ons

Pr es ent at i onSy s t em

Desi gnandspeci f i cat i onssubj ectt ochangewi t houtnot i ce.

QomoHi t eVi si on,LLC Tol lFr ee:866990QOMO Emai l :i nf o@qomo. com Web:www. qomo. com Copyr i ght Š2009QomoHi t eVi si on,LLC.Al lr i ght sr eser ved.Thi sdocumentmaynotbecopi edi nanyf or m wi t houtt heper mssi onf r om QomoHi t eVi si on,LLC.I nf or mat i oni nt hi sdocumenti ssubj ectt o changewi t houtnot i ce.

Distinct Presentation Features Sensing Element

Capture the Magic! Optical Zoom The lens of the camera provides a 5X optical zoom and a 10X digital zoom. Unlike its CCD counterpart, CMOS technology offers exceptional clarity without having to zoom as close as before. The result is pure clarity in your images.

The 1.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor is the heart of this new visualizer providing high quality images.

Light Box

Full Size Platform QOMO’s unique full size platform offers a large work surface with a low profile design. This allows various presentation materials to be placed together along with providing easy handwriting access.

The full size A-4 backlit stage allows the use of large transparencies, X-rays, and photographic negatives without running out of room.

RS232 Control

Remote Control

RS232 controls are available to allow the users to conveniently control an external device such as a projector with the push of a button. Users can also perform most of the built-in visualizer functionalities via an RS232 cable. This offers unlimited possibilities for integration.

The QD 3600 comes with a remote control allowing you full access to the visualizer’s functionality. The Qomo remote is standard on all full size document cameras.

Highlighted Features Negative

Mirror When working with the built-in light box, the negative feature can turn negative films, X-rays, transparencies, and slides into positive images.


Mirror allows users to easily flip an object to create a mirror image with perfect symmetry. Math and Physics teachers love it!

Freeze Use the split function to create a side-by-side comparison. This precise way of comparison offers strong visual contrast for any differences between the images.


Users can leave a still image on the projector without having to worry about how fast and neatly they can make the transition to the next object. This is a perfect way to change presentation materials and to avoid disorientating the audience. This also provides a great A-B comparison coupled with the Split function.

Rotation ASTRONOMY 101

The Title function allows users the ability to freeze the top 1/8 of the screen as a title. The subsequent images will be more organized.

This feature digitally changes the orientation of the image without physically realigning the object

Using the USB connection from the QD3600 to your PC or Mac, you can capture your images as .JPG images and record your work as an .AVI movie! The Plug and Play connectivity allows you to use the QD3600 with any interactive products you may have already.

Affordable Integration! The QD3600 Visualizer is its own integrated system. It features 2 RGB inputs with audio, 2 video inputs with audio, and the ability to switch between these inputs through a single cable. This allows the presenter to focus on the business of presenting. The QD3600 also has RS232 connectivity allowing you to control this Visualizer as part of a system or allowing you to control your projector from the Visualizer itself!

Qomo QD3700 Document Camera Specifications Camera Image Sensor Output Resolution Optical Zoom Digital Zoom Motorized Camera Head Input/Output Video Input - S-Video Video Input - C-Video Video Input - VGA Video Output - S-Video Video Output - C-Video Video Output - VGA Video Scalar Audio Input Audio Output Imaging Features Image Storage Negative Freeze Split Title Mirror Rotation PC Connectivity Driver Frame Rate Connectivity OS Support Lighting Lighting Light Box Control RS232 Control Remote Control Input Switching Shooting Area Others Form factor Weight Power Consumtion Dimensions


Dimensions 2.0M CMOS 1024x768, 1280x1024 12X 10X Yes 1 RCA x 1 (can pass through to VGA output) 2 1 1 2 Yes 4 Mini Jack 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0, 90, 180, 270 Plug-n-Play 15 fps USB PC, MAC

Presentation System

2 x 1.5w LED Arm Lights 8x1/2" x 11" LED Light Yes Yes Yes (Switches all video and audio inputs to VGA Out) 320mmX240mm Full Size 12 lbs 20W "Setup: 20.1""x20.9x22.4""Folded: 20.1""x16.1""x4.7"

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

www.qomo. co m QOMO Hit eVisio n, LLC Toll Free: (866) 990-QOMO E mail : info@qomo.com CopyrightŠ2009 Qomo HiteVision, LLC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied in any form without the permssion from Qomo HiteVision, LLC. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Distinct Presentation Features Sensing Element

Capture the Magic! Optical Zoom The lens of the camera provides a 12X optical zoom and a 10X digital zoom. Unlike its CCD counterpart, CMOS technology offers exceptional clarity without having to zoom as close as before. The result is pure clarity in your images.

The 2.0 Megapixel CMOS sensor is the heart of this new visualizer providing an unsurpassed high quality image.

Motorized Text Scrolling

Light Box

The QD3700 continues using QOMO’s exclusive motorized camera head allowing viewers to stay focused on the presentation rather than becoming disoriented from trying to find the right spot on the page.

Full Size Platform

The full size A-4 backlit stage allows the use of large transparencies, X-rays, and photographic negatives without running out of room.

Affordable Integration! RS232 Control

Qomo’s unique full size platform offers a large work surface with a low profile design. This allows various presentation materials to be placed together along with providing easy handwriting access.

RS232 controls are available to allow the users to conveniently control an external device such as a projector with the push of a button. Users can also perform most of the built-in visualizer functionalities via an RS232 cable. This offers unlimited possibilities for integration.

Highlighted Features Negative

Mirror When working with the built-in light box, the negative feature can turn negative films, X-rays, transparencies, and slides into positive images.


Mirror allows users to easily flip an object to create a mirror image with perfect symmetry. Math and Physics teachers love it!

Freeze Use the split function to create a side-byside comparison. This precise way of comparison offers strong visual contrast for any differences between the images.


Using the USB connection from the QD3700 to your PC or Mac, you can capture your images as .JPG images and record your work as an .AVI movie! The Plug and Play connectivity allows you to use the QD3700 with any interactive products you may have already.

Users can leave a still image on the projector without having to worry about how fast and neatly they can make the transition to the next object. This is a perfect way to change presentation materials and to avoid disorientating the audience. This also provides a great A-B comparison coupled with the Split function.

Rotation ASTRONOMY 101

The Title function allows users the ability to freeze the top 1/8 of the screen as a title. The subsequent images will be more organized.

This feature digitally changes the orientation of the image without physically realigning the object

The QD3700 Visualizer is its own integrated system. It features 2 RGB inputs with audio, 2 video inputs with audio, and the ability to switch between these inputs through a single cable. This allows the presenter to focus on the business of presenting. The QD3700 also has RS232 connectivity allowing you to control this Visualizer as part of a system or allowing you to control your projector from the Visualizer itself!

Distinct Presentation Features

New Advanced Features! Touch Sensitive Controls

LCD Display The QD 8000 includes a built-in LCD display that shows what is being projected. This allows the presenter to easily know exactly what the audience is viewing without having to constantly turn around.

The beautifully lit touch controls on the QD8000 gives the presenter full access to all functions of this advanced visualizer.

Optical Zoom

Sensing Element

The lens of the camera provides a 12X optical zoom and a 10X digital zoom. Unlike its CCD counterpart, CMOS technology offers exceptional clarity without having to zoom as close as before. The result is pure clarity in your images.

The 2.0 Megapixel CMOS sensor is the heart of this new visualizer providing an unsurpassed high quality image.

Motorized Text Scrolling

Light Box

The QD8000 continues using QOMO’s exclusive motorized camera head allowing viewers to stay focused on the presentation rather than becoming disoriented from trying to find the right spot on the page.

Low-Profile Full Size Platform

The full size A-4 backlit stage allows the use of large transparencies, X-rays, and photographic negatives without running out of room.

RS232 Control

Qomo’s new low-profile platform offers the perfect combination of a full work area and slim design. This allows various presentation materials to be placed together along with providing easy handwriting access.

RS232 controls are available to allow the users to conveniently control an external device such as a projector with the push of a button. Users can also perform most of the built-in visualizer functionalities via an RS232 cable. This offers unlimited possibilities for integration.

The QD8000’s HDMI port allows it to be connected to virtually any High-Definition Display.

The new liquid crystal onboard monitor gives presenters a complete view of what their audience is seeing.

The QD8000 literally puts all the control at your fingertips with it’s new touch sensitive control panel.

Complete Integration The QD8000 Visualizer is its own integrated system. It features 2 RGB inputs with audio, 2 video inputs with audio, and the ability to switch between these inputs through a single cable. This allows the presenter to focus on the business of presenting. For the first time, the QD series includes an HDMI port for high resolution output. The QD8000 also has RS232 connectivity allowing you to control this Visualizer as part of a system or allowing you to control your projector from the Visualizer itself!

Back of QD8000

Highlighted Features Negative

Mirror When working with the built-in light box, the negative feature can turn negative films, X-rays, transparencies, and slides into positive images.


Mirror allows users to demonstrate objects that are mirrored or rotated along a vertical axis making an otherwise difficult task a breeze. Math and Physics teachers love it!

Freeze Use the split function to create a side-byside comparison. This precise way of comparison offers strong visual contrast for any differences between the images.


Users can leave a still image on the projector without having to worry about how fast and neatly they can make the transition to the next object. This is a perfect way to change presentation materials and to avoid disorientating the audience. This also provides a great A-B comparison coupled with the Split function.

Rotation ASTRONOMY 101


The Title function allows users the ability to freeze the top 1/8 of the screen as a title. The subsequent images will be more organized.

This feature digitally changes the orientation of the image without physically realigning the object

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