Im Myth

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Im Myth


Here's Your Chance To Zap Your Online Business From The Ordinary To the Extraordinary! "Here's Your Chance To Legally Steal The Closely-Guarded Secrets Of My Mentor As He Provided The 'Color By Numbers' Blueprint For How He Personally Made Over $100,000,000 In Only 23 Months!' Here's your chance to get the "inside scoop" on how to integrate offline marketing tactics that'll multiply your profits BEYOND what's possible online. Skeptical? Read on to discover how one man thumbed his nose at the internet and STILL made more than $100 million dollars in 23 months! Best Part: I won't even ask you to give up the deed to your house! Dear Internet Marketer: I urge you to carefully read every word of this message, because I'm going to tell you about a really sweet deal. Its a deal where youll want to act quickly, since quantities are limited (more on that in a second). Here's what it's all about: I would like to give you INSTANT ACCESS to a 60 minute exclusive interview with one of the top direct response marketers in the world. This person asked to remain anonymous to protect his identity but his story is

amazing. On the audio ebook he describes how he took a simple idea and made over $100 Million Dollars (that's million with a "M") in only 23 months! Here's Just A Sliver Of Techniques We Discussed That Most Online Marketers Will Never Know... * How XXXXX XXXXX added one paragraph to his sales letter that added $60 million to his bank account (this is one of the most ripped off paragraphs in direct mail!) * The secrets to adding XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX to your marketing mix. (This is the little-known secret that totally eludes most online marketers!) * The Bible of mailing lists and how to choose a targeted list that'll reap the most profits. * How to get $35 to $40 dollars of pure profit per $0.50 letter you mail to your list. (if you have a 50,000 member list, you'll attract wealth like a magnet attracts metal filings!) * His copy secrets that boost the open rate of his mailings...and trounces his competition (even the "big gun" mailing houses!) * The first thing you should do to your offline list if you want to at least DOUBLE your profits (I did this almost a year ago and I haven't looked back since!) * ...And a Whole Lot More!!! Lemme tell you, this is stuff you're not going to learn in ANY of those fancy "ivory tower" institutions in the country. You see, those "experts" who teach those marketing classes don't know squat about how to make the big money in direct response marketing! That's the DARN truth! And that's why I paid this guy big bucks to spill his closely guarded secrets...because he knew how to "walk the walk!" You'll get every second of "insider" marketing secrets that have shoveled a torrent of cash into my bank account when you invest in: The IM-Myth The EXCLUSIVE 60 Minute Interview With The "Secret" Renegade Marketer Who Made Over 100 Million in 23 Months! Now before I get into how much I'm charging for this groundbreaking information, I want to call a "time out" here and let you know that: I Am Only Releasing This Audio To The First 300 People Who Take Action TODAY! Once the 300th order notification comes across my screen, this offer will be taken down forever. No if's, and's or but's. But for the first 300 people who take action, I will give you instant access to every second of content from this exclusive coaching session. You see, this is REALLY big. I am one of the VERY few whom XXXXX allowed to interview him. He keeps the marketing secrets that allowed him to make $77 in a single year close to his vest. And when he does reveal his secrets, be prepared to pay a huge sum of money (like I did when I hired him for this interview!) You see, this audio is like a concentrated wealth creation laser-beam that focuses on one specific goal: to give you the offline strategies that you can implement in your online business immediately! Now I am sure you're Wondering: "So Russell, How Much Are You Gonna Charge For This "Insider" Marketing Information?" Let's put it this way: Not NEARLY as much as I should! Why? Because I paid this guy a

decent four figures for an hour of his time. I cannot reveal the EXACT amount due to a confidentiality clause. For the price I paid to draw the closest guarded secrets out of this guy, I was going to charge at least $197...which is the going rate for internet marketing products these days. But I'm looking out for the little guy. I remember how tough it was to get started when I was in my dorm room in college. Plus, I REALLY want to get these secrets into your hands as FAST as possible. I don't want a price to be a "sticking point" between you and true success. Because I'm confident that once you take action on my "insider" trade secrets, you'll be able to... Catapult Your Business Into The Stratosphere Safely and Easily!


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