Sponsors Platinum
Technical and Social Program Institutional Partners
November 19 路 22, 2013 Marriott Hotel, Lima, Peru
Media Partners
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Monday and Tuesday, November 18-19 Courses
General Information Information Please approach the registration desk with any enquiries or comments. Lost & Found All lost items should be reported to the Gecamin staff at the registration desk. All found items must be taken to congress registration desk. Parking
Course 1: Numeric statistical and geostatistical methods applied to QA/QC and sampling Instructor: Dr. Alfredo Marín Suárez, Geostatistic International Consultant, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru
Course 2: Theory and practice of sampling particulate materials Instructors: Dr. Francis Pitard, Sampling Consultants, USA, and Dr. Dominique François-Bongarçon, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada
Hotel parking is free but depends on its availability. Simultaneous Interpretation (English and Spanish) If you plan to use the simultaneous interpretation services, please have your Identification Card with you when requesting your headset. Headsets must be returned at the end of each day. Recommendations For safety reasons, please keep your personal belongings with you at all times. Gecamin is not to be held responsible for any stolen property. Please wear your delegate badge at all times in order to facilitate your access to the technical and social activities.
Tuesday, November 19 Technical and Social Program
Registration, Foyer
Authors and Session Chair Coordination Meeting Bolognesi-Pizarro Ballroom * Note: All plenaries and technical sessions will be held in San Martín DEF Ballroom.
Gecamin Contacts executive director
seminar coordinator
Carlos Barahona
Alejandra Rivera
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Inauguration Ceremony Words of Welcome Carlos Barahona, WCSB6 2013 Executive Director, Gecamin, Chile
hotel logistics & operations
Alfredo Marín, WCSB6 Chair, Geostatistic International Consultant, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru
Nicolás Cortés technical coordinator
staff contact
Julio Beniscelli
51 972 769 380
Dominique François-Bongarçon, WCSB6 Co-Chair, President, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada
Key Speaker Development and revision of ISO sampling standards Ralph Holmes, CSIRO Minerals, Australia
20:00 4
Welcome Reception, San Martín ABC Ballroom 5
Wednesday, November 20 Plenary Session 1
Hotel Floor Plan
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Chair: Francis Pitard, Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants LLC, USA
Sesiones Técnicas Technical Sessions
Te cpr om in
6 3 Coffee Break
Day 2 program update
Variability of zinc in the Antamina skarn deposit: Determination of an adequate sample mass from diamond drillcore
7 8
Carlos Barahona, WCSB6 2013 Executive Director
Stephen Windle, Compañía Minera Antamina S.A., Peru
Coffee Break
State of affairs and current research trends in TOS fundamentals, including segregation and correctness Dominique François-Bongarçon, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada.
Poster Session and Coffee Break, San Martín ABC Ballroom, Courtesy of
Almuerzo Lunch
Silver Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
IMP Group
FPSC (HonuaTek)
Platinum Sponsor TECPROMIN
Wednesday, November 20 Session 1
Wednesday, November 20 Session 2
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Theory of sampling and blending Chair: Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
Theory of sampling and blending / Sampling design and its role in metrology and estimation of sampling characteristics
Chair: Pentti Minkkinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
A new philosophy of application of QA-QC data processing Dominique François-Bongarçon, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada
Re-evaluating some of Gy’s contributions to the theory of sampling in the light of Discrete Element Modelling Geoffrey Robinson, Paul Cleary and Matthew Sinnott, CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Australia
Variograms: properties and estimation Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling & Consulting, Australia; Florent Bourgeois, Materials Sampling & Consulting Europe / The University of Toulouse, France
Properties of process variograms
Practical use of variography to find root causes to high variances in industrial production processes I
Pentti Minkkinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Hilde Tellesbø, Weber Leca Rælingen, Norway; Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
Some questions about blending
The advantages and pitfalls of a circular bed-blending operation
Geoffrey Robinson, CSIRO Computational Informatics, Australia
Francis Pitard, Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants LLC, USA
Final evaluation of 1/3-scale model sampler for horizontal pneumatic particulate material streams Claas Wagner, Aalborg University, Denmark; Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
Planar Quartering Device: Raw material in-field separation for large-volume sampling Stael Maciel, Vale S.A., Brazil; and Paulo Brandão, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
Sampling protocol design for characterization of plastics from small WEEE Philippe Wavrer, Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), France; Pierre Botane and Stephane Brochot, CASPEO, France
Lunch, Terraza del Mar
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Poster Session and Coffee Break, San Martín ABC Ballroom, Courtesy of
Wednesday, November 20 Session 3
Sampling design and its role in metrology and estimation of sampling characteristics / Sampling and its effect on exploration, geostatistical studies and grade control Chair: Samuel Canchaya, Cía. De Minas Buenaventura SAA, Peru
Thursday, November 21 Plenary Session 2
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Comparing different procedures to calibrate the sampling parameters K and α for bauxite Daniel Bortoleto, Alcoa Brazil, Brazil; Ana Carolina Chieregati, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil; Antonio Henrique Pereira, Raiza Oliveira and Railson Maciel, Alcoa World Alumina, Brazil
Guidelines for acceptable allotted sampling uncertainty
The many facets of mine reconciliation
Illusory reconciliation: Compensation of errors by manual sampling
Chair: Dominique François-Bongarçon, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada.
Day 3 program update
Single and multi-stage Poisson processes: A case study for gold exploration
Carlos Barahona, WCSB6 2013 Executive Director
Francis Pitard, Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants LLC, USA; Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling & Consulting, Australia
Application of sampling theory to optimal design of size distribution measurement procedures Stephane Brochot, CASPEO, France
Francis Pitard, Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants LLC, USA
Ana Carolina Chieregati, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Poster Session and Coffee Break, San Martín ABC Ballroom, Courtesy of
Thammiris El Hajj and Ana Carolina Chieregati, Universidade de São Paulo Brazil (USP); Luiz Eduardo Pignatari, Yamana Gold Inc., Brazil
Thursday, November 21 Session 4
Thursday, November 21 Session 5
San Martín DEF Ballroom
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Sampling and its effect on exploration, geostatistical studies and grade control / Sampling for feasibility studies and process control
Sampling for feasibility studies and process control / New technologies and ideas for achieving fast and accurate results
Chair: Marco Antonio Alfaro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Chair: Richard Minnitt, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Sampling of variables with proportional effect Samuel Canchaya, Cía. de Minas Buenaventura SAA, Peru
Improving process control in base metal mining metallurgical plants by using in-plant automated analytical laboratories Pierre Hofmeyr, IMP Automation (Pty) Ltd., South Africa
Bulk density for resource estimation and geometallurgical purposes: Canahuire Au-Cu-Ag deposit, Southern Peru Samuel Canchaya, Cía. de Minas Buenaventura SAA, Peru; Regina Baumgartner, Gold Fields Exploration, Peru; Alina Gaibor, Far Southeast Gold Resources Inc., Philippines; Alex Trueman, Gold Fields Exploration, USA
Copper concentrate sampling, control over final product
Economic impact and uncertainty caused by incorrect sampling methods in copper industry
Practical use of variography to find root causes to high variances in industrial production processes II
Vicente Esparza, FLSmidth, Chile; Patricio Valenzuela, Codelco, Chile
Alberto Tello, Alberto Tello y Cia. Ltda., Chile
Hilde Tellesbø, Weber Leca Rælingen, Norway; Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
How design targets of a flotation concentrator are met by metallurgical and process sampling?
A striking example of CRM control charting
Poster Session and Coffee Break, San Martín ABC Ballroom, Courtesy of
Jarmo Lohilahti, Tapio Korpela and Georg von Alfthan, Outotec Oy, Finland; Anthony Mukutuma, FQM Kevitsa Mining Oy, Finland
Mining Conference Presentation
Lunch, Terraza del Mar
Sampling gold ores for metallurgical process design by cyanidation Pablo González, Servicios Administrativos Peñoles, Mexico
Dominique François-Bongarçon, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc., Canada and Arnaldo Borges,Vale S.A., Brazil
Thursday, November 21 Session 6
Friday, November 22 Plenary Session 3
San Martín DEF Ballroom
New technologies and ideas for achieving fast and accurate results Chair: Geoffrey Robinson, CSIRO Computational Informatics, Australia
Considerations about the rejection of analysis results
A sampling protocol solution defining plant feeding grades without sampling a continuous flow
Jorge Paredes, BO Consulting S.A. / Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru
Chair: Ralph Holmes, CSIRO Minerals, Australia
Day 4 program update
Calculation of block estimation variance with significant sampling and analysis error
Reproducibility of low grade ore batches prepared for metallurgical testing
Carlos Barahona, WCSB6 2013 Executive Director
Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling & Consulting, Australia
Diego Marques and João Felipe Costa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRS), Brazil
San Martín DEF Ballroom
Changes in deposit value associated with sampling error and sampling bias Richard Minnitt, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Poster Session and Coffee Break, San Martín ABC Ballroom
Claude Bazin and Daniel Hodouin, Laval University, Canada; and Raphaël Mermillod-Blondin, Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Canada
Portable XRF vs. the geo-analytical laboratory - first foray assessment of sampling errors Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark; Martin C. Holding, Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Copenhagen University, Denmark and Leif Johansson, University of Lund, Sweden
Cocktail and Conference Dinner, Terraza del Mar Talk by Kim H. Esbensen: History and achievements of the World Conference on Sampling and Blending in the decade 2003-2013
Friday, November 22 Session 7
San Martín DEF Ballroom
New technologies and ideas for achieving fast and accurate results / Sampling for environmental and contamination studies Chair: Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling & Consulting, Australia
Use of the continuous bias test to monitor comparisons of independent measurements Maxime Pitard, HonuaTek LLC, USA; Richard Minnitt, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Combining techniques to reduce uncertainty in agreement analysis Maxime Pitard, HonuaTek LLC, USA
Poster Session (1) Theory of Sampling (TOS) vs. Measurement Uncertainty (MU): A call for reconciliation Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark; Claas Wagner, Aalborg University, Denmark
(2) DS 3077 Horizontal - new standard for representative sampling: Design, history and acknowledgement Kim Esbensen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark; Lars Petersen, Aalborg University and MAERSK Oil, Denmark
(3) Application of sampling theory to estimation of explosive residue concentration at military training ranges Charles Ramsey, EnviroStat, Inc. , USA; Marianne Walsh and Michael Walsh, US Army Corps of Engineers, USA
(4) Complexity of sampling in an ‘urban mining’ company The state of the use of Theory of Sampling for United States environmental investigations
Bert Pauels, Umicore Precious Metals Refining, Belgium
Charles Ramsey, EnviroStat, Inc., USA; Roger Brewer, Hawaii Department of Health, USA
Application of sampling theory to the measurement of bacteria at ocean beaches Charles Ramsey, EnviroStat, Inc., USA; Watson Okubo and Terence Teruya, Hawaii Department of Health, USA; Marvin Heskett, Surfrider Foundation, USA
Mining Conference Presentation
Lunch, Terraza del Mar
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