SP 2010 Student Handbook

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Student Employee H • A • N • D • B • O • O •



Student Publications - Student Staff Manual


Welcome to Student Publications, publisher of The Prospector, UTEP’s student newspaper, and Minero Magazine, a bilingual student news magazine. As you go about the business of producing these publications, here is some food for thought. Benjamin Harris was the editor of the first multi-page newspaper published in the United States. Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick was published in Boston on Sept. 25, 1690 and was aimed at dispelling the lies Harris felt were being perpetuated by the government and publishing local news of interest to his readers. Unfortunately, his first issue, which was unprotected by the First Amendment, was also his last. The state of Massachusetts supposedly censored the newspaper and closed it down. It wasn’t until 1704 that another newspaper was published in the colonies. More than 300 years later, we now use computers and digital cameras instead of woodcuts or hot lead to produce our publications, but little else has changed, including our nation’s guaranteed rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These rights also protect advertising, but in practice, some kinds of speech and publication, like obscenity or violations of copyright, are considered outside the amendment’s purview, and others, like commercial speech (advertising or product claims), receive a reduced level of protection. As you go about the satisfying, fun and albeit aggravating business of putting out the student newspaper and magazine, do not forget the lofty ideals set forth by those original journalists. Keep one question in the back of your mind as you work to put out the newspaper: Does this action serve my readers or does it serve me? This simple question will ensure that you take your journalistic rights and responsibilities seriously and that you keep in mind that you are the voice of the student population of UTEP. Student Publications strives to provide a professional workplace and your work at these publications is seen by outside employers, companies and institutions as actual on-the-job experience. This handbook is intended to help you get started and to guide you on the do’s and don’ts of the department and the publishing world. Please read it carefully and keep it in a safe place in your work area. It would be a good idea for you to revisit this handbook from time to time to refresh your memory. If you have any questions or need any assistance with your work, please do not hesitate to ask any of the professional staff.



Access The offices of Student Publications are open during regular business hours from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Only student staff members are allowed in the production/ newsroom area, with the exception of interview subjects, customers or guided tour groups. The director of Student Publications will determine which student staff members are to receive door/tunnel keys from the university. If lost, the university will charge the student a fee for the key and also possibly the cost of re-keying the office. After hours, all access doors to the Student Publications office (including the tunnel door) must be kept locked. Trading or sharing keys is not allowed and will result in a loss of key privileges. Keys should be signed in and out with the director of Student Publications each semester. When no longer employed at Student Publications, the key must be turned in to the director, or the student may be responsible for the fee and/or cost of re-keying the office. Security and safety For security purposes, student staff members are discouraged from working in the offices past midnight, even on production nights. Please consider your personal safety and security of the office when working after hours. No one should leave the office unescorted at night. If at anytime you feel your safety is jeopardy or you need an escort to your vehicle, please call the campus police at 747-5611. The last person to leave the office should turn off the lights and equipment (such as coffeemaker, computers, etc.) as directed. Check the doors to ensure they are locked. Privileges Staff members are entitled to certain privileges because of their position. A staff member must never abuse his/her status as a member of The Prospector/Minero Magazine. A staff member should use his/her press affiliation only to gain access to events that warrant a story. Parking permits allowing selected staff members to park on campus should never be abused. Trading or sharing of parking passes is not allowed. Official stationery of Student Publications should be used only for official business. Computers and other equipment should be used only for official business. Long distance calls All long distance calls are to be made with the approval of either the assistant director for advertising or the director. All calls are to be entered into a log sheet with the appropriate information. Department upkeep It is each individual student staff member’s responsibility to keep his/her work area clean. University members, students, advertising clients and community members frequently visit the department and the work areas must present a clean and professional image. Please do not eat or drink near the computers. Student editors and managers must enforce the ban against eating and drinking near the computers. Meals are to be eaten in the staff lounge. Each staff member is responsible for cleaning the newsroom/advertising section and lounge after use.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual Mail, messages and announcements Mail, messages and announcements will be placed in each staff member’s mailbox. Everyone should check his/her mailbox daily. Outgoing mail must be identified with the departmental return address. The department will pay postage only for official correspondence. Student staff members are required to have an e-mail address and should provide it to their respective, EIC, advertising manager and to the department secretary. Etiquette Be polite and professional to your sources and clients. Whether by phone, e-mail, fax or in person, you are presenting an impression of our publications. Identify yourself by name as a staff member of The Prospector/Minero Magazine. Leave your full name, phone number and reason for calling if the source/client is unavailable. Staff Meetings/Training Mandatory staff meetings and training sessions will be held for the editorial and advertising student staff of The Prospector and Minero Magazine at regularly scheduled times as decided by the editor-inchief, adviser, assistant director for advertising or director. If a staff member cannot attend a meeting because of a conflicting schedule, the editor/adviser/asst. director must be contacted immediately. Political Involvement Personal involvement in student government is considered a conflict of interest. A staff member who is involved in political issues or an outside organization that may create a conflict or bias should make his/her involvement known to their editor or manager and should not cover issues/organizations to which he or she has ties. Equipment The computer equipment, copiers, scanners and printers are to be used by The Prospector and Minero Magazine staff members for production use only. Personal use is prohibited in accordance with Regents’ Rules and Regulations Sec. 30. Deadlines for the newspaper and magazine determine the priority use of equipment. No computer programs other than those owned or approved by the department are to be used on office computers. In addition, no disk owned or issued by Student Publications is to leave the office without prior approval from director/asst. director, i.e. to provide files for printer. No Internet chat room correspondence, downloading of music or computer programs or screen savers are allowed. This manual does not serve as an instruction booklet on the use of computers, printers or programs. More timely instruction will be provided during set training sessions. Web sites and blogs Content of personal blogs or Web sites must not be based upon internal conversations, discussions and/or decisions made in the newsroom. An employee’s affiliation with any media product of Student Publications should not be the focus of his or her personal blog or Web site. Employees may not post material on personal blogs or Web sites intended for publication/broadcast or material that has been previously published/broadcast. Any employee violating this policy is subject to immediate termination of employment with the company. Service awards and commissions Editorial and design staff members and work-study students will be paid approximately every two weeks during the fall, spring and summer semesters (pay schedules will be posted by the accounting


clerk.) Staff members must sign the payroll (provided by the assistant director/editor-in-chief ) each pay period by the deadline (usually the 15th and the end of the month) in order to be paid. Ad reps will be paid approximately every two weeks during the fall and spring semesters. (Pay schedules will be posted). If an ad rep is terminated or resigns, payment will be made 30 days after resignation date on collected accounts. If payment is not collected within 30 days, commission will go to the first ad rep that collects on the account. If the accountant collects payment after the 30 days, the assistant director may award the commission to student ad reps as a reward (incentive). Minero Magazine staff members are paid once a semester after the magazine is published. Staff members must sign the payroll (provided by the assistant director/editor-in-chief ) each pay period by the deadline in order to be paid. Student staff members must sign the payroll voucher in the front office in order to receive their checks. Publication schedule The Prospector is distributed throughout the campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the fall, spring, and Wednesdays during the summer semesters, with the exception of certain holidays, semester breaks and finals weeks. Minero Magazine is published once a semester in the fall and spring. The editors and editorial adviser will establish the deadline schedules. Termination/suspension Failure to complete responsibilities, including meeting deadlines and attending meetings, may result in termination. Theft, destruction of property or any breach of office security will result in termination. Plagiarism, dishonesty or unethical behavior will result in termination. At the discretion of the director, assistant director and editor-in-chief, student pay may be withheld or reduced for nonperformance of duties.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual


All staff members are obligated to attend regular staff meetings and work within the policies established by the Student Publications Committee, director and assistant director and editorial adviser of Student Publications. The editor-in-chief of each publication, in conjunction with the director, will decide which positions will be filled each semester. All Student Publications student employees must have a current GPA of 2.0 or higher and must be enrolled during the fall and spring semester with a minimum of 9 undergraduate semester hours per semester or 6 hours (graduate) per semester. PROSPECTOR EDITORIAL POSITIONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF • Strives for the highest standards of collegiate journalism. • Responsible for the overall operations of the newspaper. • Supervises all editorial positions to ensure fulfillment of job duties and that the newspaper is published in an orderly manner and on deadline. Explain and enforce all deadlines and policies with the staff. • Holds regularly scheduled meetings with staff and act as chair at these meetings. • Ensures that the section editors prepare weekly and longterm budgets. • Prepares weekly news budget, assigns stories and presents story ideas to be discussed. • Supervises and edits news pages. • Writes editorials and columns. • Selects guest opinion columns and letters to the editor. • Coordinates special issues with assistant director for advertising. • Has final editorial authority on content of the newspaper, unless deemed libelous or defamatory by the editorial adviser and director. • Proofreads and copyedits news stories and assures that news copy conforms to Prospector and AP style. • Appoints section editors, reporters, correspondents and contributors. • Maintains payroll and coordinates payroll deadlines with accounting clerk. • Maintains a personnel list with contact numbers and e-mail addresses. • Performs preliminary layout of news pages according to dummy pages provided by advertising. • Oversees production of newspaper and remains in newsroom until all editing corrections are completed on production days. • Delivers files and printouts to printer. Qualifications • Must show competence in news writing and copyediting. • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must have strong leadership and organizational skills. • Must have knowledge of journalism ethics. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins.


Must be familiar with MS Word, Excel and e-mail applications.

MANAGING/ASST. NEWS EDITOR • Assists editor-in-chief with all aspects and functions of the newspaper. • Assists editor-in-chief with the supervision of section editors, staff writers, designers and photographers. • Assists in the supervision and editing of news pages. • Conducts staff meetings in the absence of the editor-inchief. • Assists in the setting and enforcement of deadlines, regularly interacts with reporters, correspondents, columnists, designers and photographers to ensure smooth work flow. • Proofreads and copyedits news stories and assures that news copy conforms to Prospector and AP style. • Assists editor-in-chief with preparing news budgets and payroll budget. • Assists in performing the preliminary layout of news pages according to dummy pages provided by advertising. • Meets regularly with the editor-in-chief to apprise him/her of production progress or of any potential problems. • Assists the editor-in-chief in the recruitment of new staff– goes through applications, interviews recruits. • Acts as a liaison between the different areas of the newspaper–editorial, graphics, online, photography and advertising. • Assists with the oversight of production of the newspaper and remains in newsroom until all editing corrections are completed on production days. • Delivers files and printouts to printer in the absence of the editor-in-chief. Qualifications • Must show competence in news writing and copyediting. • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must have strong organizational skills. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. • Must be familiar with MS Word, Excel and e-mail applications. COPY EDITOR

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Assists editors in proofreading, fact checking and copyediting to ensure that news copy conforms to Prospector, journalistic and AP style. Assists editors with preliminary layout of newspaper according to dummy pages provided by advertising. Writes headlines and cutlines. Assists editors with production of newspaper and remains in newsroom until all editing corrections are completed on production day.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual Qualifications • Must have a good grasp of spelling, grammar, punctuation and style. • Must show competence in news writing. Must show competence in copyediting. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. • Must be familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications (to turn in and receive assignments). LAYOUT EDITOR • Lays out newspaper and consults with advertising layout manager or assistant director on the number of pages for each issue. • Receives dummy pages from advertising with ads already outlined and laid out on the spreads. • Creates graphics and fillers as needed. • Stays until all editing corrections are completed on production day. • Attends weekly budget and staff meetings. • Provides assistance to editor-in-chief, section editors on the design and layout of their pages. • Assists in updating Prospector style guide and master pages. • Motivates and trains new section editors and graphic designers. • Supervises production of newspaper on production day and ensures pages are produced correctly. • Packages files correctly for printer, including PDFs and InDesign file with fonts and links. • Provides files for online editor. • Supervises interface between advertising and editorial content. • Acts as liaison between the newspaper and the printing company. Qualifications • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. ASSISTANT LAYOUT EDITOR • Stays until all editing corrections are completed on production day. • Attends weekly budget and staff meetings. • Provides assistance to editor-in-chief, section editors on the design and layout of their pages. • Assists in updating Prospector style guide and master pages. Qualifications • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics.


Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins.

ONLINE EDITOR • Responsible for maintaining and updating The Prospector’s Web site with each new print edition (twice a week) in a timely manner (day of publication). • Updates the Web site as needed with breaking news. • Works with editor-in-chief and section editors on additional content that would further enhance the coverage of campus events (photo slide shows, links to relevant sites, blogs, etc.). • Coordinates additions to twice-weekly coverage of newspaper. • Participates in training opportunities provided. • Attends editorial meetings. • Provides training to interested staff. Qualifications • Must become familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. • Must be familiar with Web-publishing software, Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER/EDITOR • Provides Web-only content for the Prospector Web site on a weekly basis, to include reporting, video/ photography and audio podcasts. • Provides multimedia to enhance designated news/ entertainment and sports stories. • Participates in training opportunities provided. • Attends editorial meetings. • Provides training to interested staff. Qualifications • Must show competence in news writing and copyediting. • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must have strong organizational skills. • Must be familiar with Adobe Creative Suite software, video/audio editing software, and Web publishing software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins.

SECTION EDITOR (SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT) • Responsible for coverage of the campus and other regional feature/sporting events deemed necessary. • Provides editor-in-chief with section budgets and attends semi-weekly budget and editorial meetings. • Assists editor-in-chief with the recruitment of new staff. • Assumes responsibility for covering and writing stories in his/her section, and may assign stories to correspondents.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual •

Works with reporters, correspondents and contributors in their writing and reporting for their section. • Copyedits stories for his/her section. • Responsible for gaining press passes/entrance to events for reporters and photographers. • Makes photo assignments or otherwise secures photos for section. • Provides preliminary layout of section to the layout editor prior to production. • Oversees production of section on day of production and remains in newsroom until section is completed. Qualifications • Must show competence in journalistic writing. Must show competence in copyediting. • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. • Must be familiar with MS Word, Excel and e-mail applications. PHOTO EDITOR • Responsible for making photo assignments and ensuring timely delivery of photos to cover each issue. • Responsible for gathering information for photo captions. • Requisitions supplies and controls inventory through the director of Student Publications. • Maintains photo files and archives. • Attends semi-weekly budget meetings and offers input as to what photos would best illustrate stories for each issue. • Provides co-editors with a written budget of photographs to be available. • Responsible for scanning and downloading digital photographs onto the file server and collecting for production. • Responsible for providing correct format (CYMK or gray scale TIF file), manipulation of photos (color correction and black and white levels) for optimum printing production. • Provides photo illustrations as needed. Qualifications • Must have knowledge of basic manual and digital photography. • Must have an awareness of journalism ethics and AP/ Prospector writing style. • Must have working knowledge of Photoshop and Photo Mechanic, or be willing to learn before production begins.


STAFF REPORTER • Covers assigned beat(s) and provides story ideas on a regular basis. • Responsible for writing at least four stories per week as assigned by editors. • Keeps the editors and the editorial adviser apprised of progress or problems. • Attends staff meetings and workshops as arranged by the editors, adviser and/or director. • Attends individual evaluation meetings with editorial adviser. Qualifications • Must become familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. • Must become familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications (to turn in assignments). CORRESPONDENT • Writes stories as assigned by co-editors or class instructor. • Provides story ideas on a regular basis. • Attends budget meetings and workshops as arranged by the editors, adviser and/or director. • Attends individual evaluation meetings with adviser. Qualifications • Must become familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. • Must become familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications (to turn in and receive assignments). CONTRIBUTOR/PHOTOGRAPHER/GRAPHIC DESIGNER • Supplies photos, cartoons and graphics for the newspaper and Web site. • Must become familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics.

MINERO MAGAZINE EDITORIAL JOB DESCRIPTIONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF • Strives for the highest standards of collegiate journalism. • Oversees all aspects and functions of the magazine. • Prepares story budgets and presents story ideas to be discussed. • Hires magazine staff. • Writes editorials and columns. • Selects guest opinion columns and letters to the editor. • Works closely with the editorial adviser and director of Student Publications • Conducts regular staff meetings. • Has final editorial authority on what goes into the magazine.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual • • •

Sets and enforces deadlines. Assists in copyediting and proofreading. Assures that editorial copy conforms to Minero Magazine’s editorial style and AP style in both English and Spanish. • Maintains payroll logs and coordinates payroll with accountant. • Maintains a personnel list with contact numbers for the administrative secretary. • Works closely with art director in determining layout of content and appropriate art work for each article. • Stays in newsroom until all editing corrections are completed on production days. Qualifications • Must show competence in news and magazine writing. Must show competence in copyediting. • Must be bilingual in reading and writing English and Spanish. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must demonstrate strong leadership and organizational skills. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. Must be familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications. ART DIRECTOR • Responsible for overall design, layout and final production of Minero Magazine and related departmental projects to promote the magazine. • In coordination with editor-in-chief, plans layout of sections and main articles, and advertising. • Coordinates work of graphic design team and ensures meeting of production deadlines. • Coordinates and conducts meetings with graphic design team to discuss creative and schedules for magazine. • Proofs ads to avoid errors and ensure proper placement. • Assists in selection and training of graphic designers. • Works with photo editor in ensuring that needed images are scheduled and routed to graphic design staff. • Remains in newsroom on production day/night until production of magazine is finalized. • Supervises interface between advertising and editorial content. • Acts as liaison between the magazine and the printing company. Qualifications • Must display good leadership and organizational skills. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Prospector style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics.


COPY EDITOR • Assists the editor with copyediting and proofreading stories to assure that they conform to Minero Magazine’s editorial style, AP style in both English and Spanish. • Writes headlines and cutlines as needed. • Attends staff meetings and workshops as arranged by editor and adviser. • Assists editor with production of newspaper and remains in newsroom until all editing corrections are completed during production. Qualifications • Must have competence with magazine and news writing and must show competence in copyediting. • Must have a good grasp of spelling, grammar, punctuation and style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must be bilingual in reading and writing Spanish. • Must be familiar with Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. • Must be familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications (to turn in and receive assignments). PHOTO EDITOR • Responsible for oversight and determining photo assignments and ensuring timely delivery of photos for production of magazine. • Responsible for gathering information for photo captions. • Maintains photo files and archives. • Attends budget meetings and offers input as to what photos would best illustrate articles for the magazine. • Provides editor and art director with a written budget of photographs to be available. • Responsible for downloading digital photographs onto file server and final photo selection. • Responsible for providing correct format (CYMK or grayscale), manipulation of photos (color correction and black and white levels) for optimum printing production.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual Qualifications • Must have knowledge of basic manual and digital photography. • Must have working knowledge of Photoshop and Photo Mechanic, or be willing to learn before production begins. • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP and Minero Magazine style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. ONLINE EDITOR • Responsible for maintaining and updating Minero Magazine’s Web site with each new print edition (once per semester) in a timely manner (week of publication). • Works with editor-in-chief on additional content that would further enhance the magazine’s articles. • Provides suggestions to editors on improving Web site. • Participates in training opportunities provided. • Attends editorial meetings. • Provides training to interested staff. Qualifications • Must be familiar with AP and Minero Magazine style. • Must be familiar with news writing, journalistic, AP/ Minero Magazine style. • Must show an awareness of journalism ethics. • Must be familiar with Web-publishing software, Adobe InDesign and other publication software, or be willing to learn before actual production begins. REPORTER • Responsible for writing all stories assigned by editor within set deadlines. • Keeps the editor-in-chief and the editorial adviser, apprised of progress. • Maintains beats as assigned by editor. • Attends staff meetings as called by the editor and/or adviser/director. • Attends individual evaluation meetings with editorial adviser. • Works with photo editor, art director, designer and photographer to develop visuals to accompany story. • Attends individual evaluation meetings with editorial adviser. Qualifications • Must become familiar with journalistic, AP and Minero Magazine’s editorial style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. • Must be able to write proficiently in either English or Spanish. • Must become familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications. GRAPHIC DESIGNER • Responsible for design and layout of articles for Minero Magazine and any ads requested by art


director and assistant director for advertising. Attends scheduled staff meetings. Works with assigned writer and photographer to meet magazine’s needs. • Must be self-motivated to create high-end design work for the magazine and meet scheduled deadlines. Qualifications • Must have working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite software (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator). • Must become familiar with journalistic, AP and Minero Magazine’s editorial style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. • •

CONTRIBUTOR/PHOTOGRAPHER • Supplies photos, short articles, cartoons or graphics for the magazine and Web site. • Must become familiar with journalistic, AP and Minero Magazine’s editorial style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. • Must become familiar with MS Word and e-mail applications.


The student press should be free of censorship and advance approval of copy, and its editors and managers should be free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage. Letters to the editor The Prospector shall strive to print all letters received. Letters should be, at maximum, 250-300 words long. It should be made clear to all whom submit letters that they will be subject to editing for both clarity and length. Letters must include full name, professional title, or year and major if a student. An address and telephone number are required as well. The newspaper will not withhold names under any circumstances. The Prospector and Minero Magazine staff should avoid becoming enmeshed in, or party to, squabbles between individuals or organizations. The test for publication of a letter to the editor will be importance and usefulness to the student population. The guest editorial column is a balanced report on campus opinions, and critical as well as differing letters will be published. Guest editorials Guest editorials are available to the university community for the expression of facts or opinions that are of interest to The Prospector readers. It shall be edited in a manner to encourage constructive contributions, especially from students and from those in position to speak authoritatively on a given subject. It should be made clear to all whom submit a guest editorial that the column is subject to editing for clarity and length. The current editor-in-chief of the respective newspaper/magazine has the option of setting a firm word limit on guest editorials. A photograph of the guest editorial writer should be sought to display at the top of the

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual column to denote that the opinions expressed are that of the individual rather than The Prospector. Public relations releases Press releases may provide the foundation for stories, but shall not be presented as a story. All facts within the releases must be checked against other sources. If an editor prints a press release verbatim, it must be credited as Special to The Prospector. Freedom Of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act may be used to obtain copies of open court records or other documents that may be instrumental in the writing of a story. Please seek advice from the editorial adviser for the appropriate use of this method. A good source for information on this can be found at www.spj. org on their Freedom of Information page. Payola Staff members are prohibited from accepting any money, gifts or favors as consideration for a story that has been written or for a photograph that has been taken, or as an incentive for writing a story, or taking a photograph. Accepting payola will be considered a breach of ethics, which affects the creditability and effectiveness of the newspaper, and may be considered as grounds for dismissal. Free tickets or passes may be accepted by staff members for personal use only if tickets are available on the same complimentary basis to other nonjournalists. Prior reading of copy/prior review A reporter should never agree to let an interview subject read a story before publication, regardless of the arguments that a subject presents. A reporter should forward all such requests to an editor or the adviser, who has ultimate authority to allow such a reading, but who should be discouraged from doing so. If there are any questions about the story or facts, the reporter should check back with the subject prior to publication to confirm material. Writers and editors are encouraged to seek out the adviser as a writing coach or to advise on legal, ethical or controversial matters. Handling of controversial or sensitive matters The editor-in-chief, in consultation with the adviser or director and involved staff members, will make the final decision on sensitive or controversial matters, taking care to ensure that matters dealing with libel, obscenity or substantial disruption of the educational process do not make their way into the newspaper. Writing style The Prospector uses the Associated Press Style, which is standard in the journalism field. Associated Press Stylebooks are available in the newsroom, although it is a very good idea for each writer/reporter/editor to invest in a copy of their own. Please check your stylebook for questions about appropriate style. The following are style elements that are commonly used in The Prospector. • It is noon and midnight, not 12 a.m. or 12 p.m. • Dates should be given as follows: Oct. 4. All months are abbreviated except March, April, May, June and


July when used with the day. Months are spelled out when standing alone or used with the year (October 2000). • When specifying an event that occurred or a future event, the sequence is always time, date and place (The lecture will be held at 3 p.m., May 4 at Cotton Memorial). • Texas is always spelled out. • Be sure to check spelling of names, titles and majors. When quoting a student source involved with campus organization, use the organization title rather than the major. • Correct sequence when citing a student: name, grade level, major. (Example: Jane Smith, senior nursing major, said…) Writing tips • Avoid editorializing and making value judgments. • Avoid sensationalism. • Avoid emotion-laden, loaded words. • Use active over passive voice. • Avoid redundancies: new recruit, end results, basic fundamental, sum total, most unique. • When having difficulty finding the story’s focus, ask yourself: If I had to put the essence of this story in one sentence, what would that be? Use this guideline as the basis for your lead. • Correct spelling is a must. Follow the AP Stylebook for preferred spelling or use Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, and use the spell check on your computer (although sometimes spell check is different than AP style). Have someone read your story. • When citing a source, use the person’s full name and relevant title on first reference. On second reference, use the person’s last name only. In case of two sources with the same last name, use both first and last names. • Use “toward” not “towards;” and “backward” not “backwards”. • Use “while” and “since” to indicate a time or relationship; “as” or “because” to indicate a casual relationship. “According to” is reserved for the use of statistical or material from books, pamphlets, etc. • Never use “illegal alien,” use “Mexican national” or “undocumented immigrant” where appropriate. • Use Ciudad Juárez on first reference and Cd. Juárez on second reference. • AND MOST IMPORTANTLY–Self-edit your story before turning it into your editor. Deadlines The editor-in-chief and section editors determine their respective deadlines. Each staff member is expected to meet his/her deadlines. Penalties for missing deadlines may range from withholding of service awards to dismissal, as to be determined by the co-editors on a case-by-case basis. Web Policy The Prospector and Minero Magazine do not remove content, including but not limited to articles, columns, editorials, •

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual photos and letters to the editor, from online archives once the content has been published in any format, though all final decisions rest with the editor-in-chief, adviser and director. Updates or corrections may be added if the material is factually inaccurate, but nothing will be removed. In the event of a correction, a note detailing the date and time of the change will be included. In circumstances where substantive evidence is provided that the story is biased, inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise flawed, it shall be at the discretion of the editor in chief to add an editor’s note at the beginning of the story explaining such to future readers. This same policy shall also apply to arrests where the suspect is later found not-guilty or charges are dropped. Should the story be especially damaging, the editor-in-chief shall have the discretion to add a note explaining circumstances or a link to the follow-up story where the most accurate information can be found. When corrections or clarifications are published in the print edition of The Prospector, that same list will appear on its own online article page. Additionally, section editors should log into the administrative interface of the Web site, and write the correction or clarification in italics at the bottom of the appropriate articles. At the top of the article should be written in italics, “Editor’s Note: A correction/clarification is appended.” Blogging/Web content: Students who blog, write stories or produce any content for the Prospector and Minero Magazine Web sites should follow the same editing procedures as in the printed publications, just on a quicker time frame. Students should also follow the standards of journalism and editorial guidelines of each publication. While blogging is somewhat of a looser form of writing than standard reporting, these guidelines sholud apply:


• Editing. We still do it, albeit on the fly. • Tone. It must be light, not condescending or hurtful. • Edginess. We apply it to all posts where appropriate, being “fair” to all. • Reality - Entries must be based on something “real” that we can verify. • Response. Everybody (readers) gets a chance to respond, although sometimes in a later posting. Reader Comments/Letters: The comment section and letters to the editor on the Web site are for readers only. These sections are to enable our readers to voice their opinions and editorial/advertising staff should only respond to letters or comments only as a means to clarify a statement of fact or answer readers’ questions.

STANDARDS OF JOURNALISM FOR THE PROSPECTOR AND MINERO MAGAZINE 1. The Prospector and Minero Magazine exist to serve the students of a state-supported university; therefore, the staff shall publish news and comments of interest and importance to the university community as far as the limitation of space and circumstance permits. 2. In the publication of news and opinion, the staff will be guided by the principles of sound and responsible journalism set fourth in the code of ethics established by the Society of Professional Journalists. 3. Student editors and reporters are responsible for providing fair and accurate coverage of the news in addition to constructive, logical and fact-supported expressions of editorial opinion.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual 4. When an erroneous statement is discovered in The Prospector or Minero Magazine, a correction shall be published in the first issue after the mistake is discovered. If the publication of any erroneous statement has damaged the name or interest of any person, The Prospector or Minero Magazine shall publish an apology as well as a retraction. Final interpretation as to whether an infraction has occurred remains within the purview of the Student Publications Committee as stipulated in the procedural guidelines of the “Handbook of Operating Procedures,� Section II, Chapter 5. 5. The Prospector and Minero Magazine staff shall endeavor to thoroughly cover individuals, departments, groups or other divisions within the campus community; coverage will be determined by news value. Every effort shall be made to ensure the accuracy of statements of fact in news and editorial materials with primary responsibilities resting upon those that write and edit. 6. Discussion of actions of student government members and public officials, university administrative officials, faculty and students shall center upon the actions themselves and the issues involved rather than unwarranted attacks on the personal qualities of the person concerned. 7. All editorial opinion and statements must be labeled as such and shall be governed by the dictates of good taste and fairness and within the framework of responsible journalism as identified in the SPJ’s Code of Ethics (www.spj.org).


8. In matters of controversy reported on in either The Prospector or Minero Magazine, a statement of the factual foundation of the situation shall be presented coincident with or before editorial comment; the factual base may be presented in news stories, interpretive articles or within the editorial itself. When a discussion of controversial nature is presented to The Prospector and Minero Magazine, provision shall be made to provide a diversity of opinion. 9. In determining space for off-campus, state, national and international news, the editorial staff will base its decision on the interest and importance of the material to the campus community as a whole. The main criterion will be whether the material has more reader value than the material about campus affairs that it will replace. 10. The Prospector and Minero Magazine do not accept advertising that, in the judgment of the staff, is offensive or contains text or illustrations that are not in good taste. The staff, therefore, reserves the right to reject any advertising that in its opinion is unacceptable or that violates accepted obscenity or indecency laws. The ultimate authority for determining whether an article, editorial, photo, artwork or advertising is acceptable to be printed resides with the Student Publications Committee. This authority is delegated to the Student Publications Director and/or the Editorial Adviser and/or the Assistant Director and through them to the editor and student advertising manager of the publication.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual


Code of Ethics

Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility. Members of the Society share a dedication to ethical behavior and adopt this code to declare the Society’s principles and standards of practice.

Seek Truth and Report It Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should: Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent

error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible. Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to

allegations of wrongdoing. Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as

possible on sources’ reliability. Always question sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Clarify conditions

attached to any promise made in exchange for information. Keep promises. Make certain that headlines, news teases and promotional material, photos, video,

audio, graphics, sound bites and quotations do not misrepresent. They should not oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context. Never distort the content of news photos or video. Image enhancement

for technical clarity is always permissible. Label montages and photo illustrations. Avoid misleading re-enactments or staged news events.

If re-enactment is necessary to tell a story, label it. Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information

except when traditional open methods will not yield information vital to the public. Use of such methods should be explained as part of the story. Never plagiarize. Tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience boldly,

even when it is unpopular to do so. Examine their own cultural values and avoid imposing

those values on others. Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography,

sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status. Support the open exchange of views, even views they find repugnant. Give voice to the voiceless; official and unofficial sources of information

can be equally valid. Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting.

Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context. Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur

the lines between the two. Recognize a special obligation to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the

open and that government records are open to inspection.

Minimize Harm

Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect. Journalists should: Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects. Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief. Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance. Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone’s privacy. Show good taste. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity. Be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects or victims of sex crimes. Be judicious about naming criminal suspects before the formal filing of charges. Balance a criminal suspect’s fair trial rights with the public’s right to be informed.

Act Independently

Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s right to know. Journalists should: Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility. Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic integrity. Disclose unavoidable conflicts. Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence news coverage. Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; avoid bidding for news.

Be Accountable

Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other. Journalists should: Clarify and explain news coverage and invite dialogue with the public over journalistic conduct. Encourage the public to voice grievances against the news media. Admit mistakes and correct them promptly. Expose unethical practices of journalists and the news media. Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others.

Sigma Delta Chi’s first Code of Ethics was borrowed from the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1926. In 1973, Sigma Delta Chi wrote its own code, which was revised in 1984 and 1987. The present version of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics was adopted in September 1996.



Student Publications - Student Staff Manual


By your signature, you agree to abide and follow this code. PLEDGE: Journalists should actively censure and try to prevent violations of these standards, and they should encourage their observance by all news people. Adherence to this code of ethics is intended to preserve the bond of mutual trust and respect between American journalists and the American people.

________________________________________________________ Employee Signature

_________________________ Date

____________________________________________________ Adviser Signature

______________________ Date

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual

THE PROSPECTOR/MINERO MAGAZINE ADVERTISING JOB DESCRIPTIONS STUDENT ADVERTISING MANAGER (commission, plus 3% of total Ad Rep sales) • Carries out all duties of an advertising representative. • Maintains sales goals and updates accounts list on a weekly basis. • Monitors ad rep sales, and checks weekly planners. • Creates new ideas for sales contests. • Checks each issue’s run sheet to monitor accuracy on sizes, dates and payments for ads. • Prepares Excel run sheet for Layout Manager at noon every Friday before Tuesday’s publication and at noon every Tuesday before Thursday’s publication. • Ensures ads are placed correctly on layout and checks an initial proof against hard copies of ads including camera-ready ads. • Checks a second proof on every issue once the ads are placed into the layout to circumvent the omission of ads. • Checks the proof of the classified section for grammatical and placement errors. • Ensures that ad reps maintain their filing system. • Attends weekly staff meetings. • Shows respect and courtesy to co-workers and presents a professional appearance at all times when at work or meeting with clients. Qualifications • Must have knowledge of basic office computer software (Microsoft Word, Excel). • Must have experience as an advertising representative for The Prospector/Minero Magazine. • Must demonstrate leadership skills. STUDENT LAYOUT MANAGER • Prepares initial dummy sheet for each issue of The Prospector based on inches sold during the week under the supervision of the assistant director for advertising. • Creates new master pages for each issue that includes ad lines. • Makes sure all ad spaces are placed and checks against hard copies, including camera-ready ads. • Prints and distributes master layout to editors and places electronic version in editorial layout computer by 5 p.m. Friday for Tuesday’s edition and by 5 p.m. Tuesday for Thursday’s edition. • Proofs ads and designs ads when necessary. • Maintains an accurate system of ads being placed and ads running in upcoming issues. • Maintains advertising computers, printers and software. • Adds late advertisements to final layout and


communicates these changes to both the editor in chief and the layout editor. • Replaces ad lines with final ads and coordinates their insertion into the final editorial layout of newspaper. • Assists editor, assistant director, layout editor and student advertising manager. • Maintains flexible work hours. • Attends staff meetings upon request. • Shows respect and courtesy to co-workers and presents a professional appearance at all times when at work or meeting with clients. Qualifications • Must have working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite software (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator). • Must become familiar with journalistic, AP/ Prospector/Minero Magazine’s editorial style. • Must become aware of journalism ethics. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE (15%, 18% or 20% commission, depending upon experience and performance) • Sells advertising placement for either The Prospector or Minero Magazine to local clients and

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual collects payment after advertising has run. If the payment is more than 30 days late, the client is charged a 1.5% late fee per month (18%) APR and the ad rep may lose his/her commission. • Becomes familiar with ad sizes in columns and inches, ad rates and additional color fees, and inserts rates and special issues and promotions. • Meets sales quotas established by the assistant director and student-advertising manager. • Regularly calls upon assigned clients and cultivates new clients. • Updates client call log sheet with any new accounts. Maintains client folder in the filing system and client card file (Rolodex). • Completes insertion orders and gets client’s signature (approval). If the client is out of town, fax the insertion order for the client to sign and fax back. • Records placement of ads on each scheduled issue’s run sheet (including multiple insertions). • Records new client names, addresses and phone numbers on client mailing list. • Ensures deadlines are met for placement of orders for advertising (Friday by noon for Tuesday publication and Tuesday by noon for Thursday publication). • Works with client to determine design work needed, fills out work orders for designers and places them in the “Ads to be Created” basket. • Ad rep is responsible for getting artwork approved by client and communicating client changes to the ad designer. • When ad rep receives payment from client, ad rep must follow accounts receivable procedures: ensure client receives a copy of receipt of payment attached to insertion order; follow cash handling policy; ensure all information for credit card payment is correct; and turns in all payments, except credit card transactions (done by accountant), into administrative secretary, and turns in all paperwork into office accountant. • Meets with the accountant on a monthly basis for outstanding client account balances. • Services account with follow-up client calls, thank you letters, etc. • Shows respect and courtesy to co-workers and presents a professional appearance at all times when at work or meeting with clients. Qualifications • Must have knowledge of basic office computer software (Microsoft Word, Excel). • Must have a positive attitude and good communication skills. • Must have good organizational skills.


SENIOR DESIGNER • Responsible for design and layout of Prospector/ Minero Magazine ads and related departmental projects as requested by director or assistant director for advertising. • Provides assistance to advertising staff members. • Coordinates work of graphic design team and ensures meeting of production deadlines. • Proofs ads to avoid errors and ensure proper placement. • Assists in selection of graphic designers and training for new graphic designers. • Remains in office on production day/night until production of ad layout is finalized. • Attends scheduled staff meetings. • Helps maintain equipment and software. • Shows respect and courtesy to co-workers and presents a professional appearance at all times when at work or meeting with clients. Qualifications • Must have working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite software (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator). • Must have good leadership and organizational skills. GRAPHIC DESIGNER • Responsible for design and layout of Prospector ads and related departmental projects as requested by assistant director for advertising. • Responsible for design of one or more sections of Minero Magazine. • Provides assistance to advertising staff members. • Attends scheduled staff meetings. • Proofs ads to avoid errors and ensure proper placement. • Shows respect and courtesy to co-workers and presents a professional appearance at all times when at work or meeting with clients. Qualifications • Must have working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite software (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator).

ADVERTISING POLICIES/PROCEDURES Contracts All advertising representatives (ad reps) will be required to sign employment contracts. Deadlines The Prospector is published on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the fall and spring semesters and on Wednesdays during the summer (with the exception of certain holidays, semester breaks and finals week). The advertising placement deadline for Tuesday’s publication is Friday by noon. The advertising deadline for Thursday’s publication is Tuesday by noon. Ads must be in “Finished Ads” basket by 1 p.m. on respective advertising production (Mondays and Wednesdays) days. Minero Magazine is published once per academic semester (fall and spring). Publication and advertising deadlines will be

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual set each issue by the editor, director and assistant director for advertising. Staff meetings Mandatory staff meetings will be held regularly at a time scheduled by the assistant director for advertising and/or the student advertising manager. If you cannot attend a staff meeting, contact the assistant director or student advertising manager. The staff meeting is a time when good work is rewarded, grievances are aired and the past week is reviewed. Upcoming events and future issues will also be discussed. Political involvement Personal involvement in student government is considered a conflict of interest. A staff member who is involved in a political issue or an outside organization may create a conflict or bias. The staff member must make any organization involvement known to the assistant director. Conflicting interests An ad rep may not be employed at another company selling advertising to local clients. An ad rep may not represent multiple companies or sell other media while working at The Prospector. An ad rep must solely represent The Prospector/Minero Magazine while being employed at Student Publications. Not adhering to these guidelines is grounds for dismissal. Supplies Supplies, customer form letters, photo release forms, credit card instructions, calculators, daily planners, insertion orders and other applicable forms are available from the assistant director or student advertising manager. Ad reps have access to a resource library. A fee will be assessed if supplies are not returned. Long distance calls All long distance calls may be made with the approval of the assistant director and must be entered on the calling log. Monthly calendars All ad representatives will keep an updated monthly calendar. The assistant director will go over planners with each ad rep at meetings. Files Ad reps must keep organized files of all ads and clients. All files must be kept at the ad rep’s desk, in alphabetical order and all corresponding materials, such as ads, faxes, and pink copies of insertion orders, neatly organized. Revolving rep policy The assistant director will keep an alphabetical list of ad rep names. Accounts will be assigned to ad reps on a revolving basis as calls are received. (Please note: First priority will be given to ad reps that are in the office at the time the call comes through.) Receipts All collected revenues, except credit card transactions (done by accountant), must be turned over to the administrative secretary, who will the issue a receipt. For ad rep’s protection, a receipt must always be issued when payment is turned in. Gifts Ad reps must not accept any money, gifts, or favors as consideration or exchange for advertising. Accepting payola, kickbacks or trade-outs will be considered a breach of eth-


ics that affects the credibility of the newspaper or magazine and may be considered grounds for dismissal. If a gift is of no significant value, such as a desk item, small food item or pen, the staff member may keep the gift. Staff members may accept free tickets or passes for personal use only if tickets are available on the same complimentary basis to other non-journalists. Advertising vs. Editorial The advertising and editorial departments perform separate functions and therefore must function as such in order to protect the professionalism and integrity of each department. Insertion orders An insertion order is written authorization from the client for a publication to print an advertisement of a specified size in a particular issue at a stated rate. Insertion orders must contain the following completed information: • Name of account, name of contact, complete business/billing address, zip code; • Telephone number of client; • Date(s) that ad will run, size, total column inches, guidelines (brief description); • Total sales amount; • Standing or multiple ad designation; • Special instructions, if any; • Authorized signature (person responsible for payment) date of transaction and signature of ad rep; • Insertion orders must be turned into the accountant for billing. Insertion orders will be distributed as follows: Accountant-white copy; customer-yellow copy; ad rep-pink copy Run sheet A run sheet is a record of the advertising that is to run in a single issue. Ad reps must immediately place the names of the advertisers and accompanying information on the run sheet after making a sale. Instructions for completing the run sheet: • Account name: complete name of company that is advertising (not the product being advertised). No abbreviations. • Ad rep’s initials • Ad size: Columns x Inches • Total inches: Total number of inches per ad • Rate (see rate card–consult assist. director if in doubt) • Color • Placement request.


Know mechanics of both publications. • Be aware of column sizes and page sizes. • Talk to your clients in terms they will understand. Say: “Our columns are two inches wide.” • Acquaint your clients with terms used in advertising. • Offer suggestions. • Be aware of what type of art can be scanned and sized successfully. • Sketch the ad size the client wants.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual • Put advertising copy on the ad in the approximate size the client wants. • Always verify phone numbers, addresses and publication dates! 2. Dress neatly and be courteous. • Speak clearly and maintain eye contact. • Determine the best time to call on clients. For example, it is discourteous to call on anyone during the lunch hour, especially those in food service, as this is when they are at their busiest. Other businesses may be short-staffed because employees are taking lunch breaks. • Make appointments, either in person or by phone, at a convenient time for your clients. • If the prospective client tells you he/she is not i nterested, thank him/her for his/her time. Tell the person you would like to call back later. Keep a list of callbacks and call them back! 3. Keep a client card file. • Write the business name, address, phone number and contact person on the card. • Make notations concerning calls and callbacks. Keep a date book and note the callbacks. • Pass these records on to the person who replaces you. This assures continuity. 4. Be prepared to show clients samples of various sizes and styles of ads. 5. Present rate card, a copy of our publications and a business card to each client. • Be sure to have these items with you at all times. • Inform clients about readership stats (students, faculty, staff and family members of these groups). • Clients want to know what their advertising dollars will buy–Tell them! 6. Guide clients to an attractive ad layout. • If you believe the ad will be unattractive because of too much copy, etc., tactfully point this out to the client. • If the ad needs artwork, suggest it. Never argue with clients or change copy (particularly in camera-ready ads) without their permission. Instead, try to lead the client to ads that will work for them. • Remember – the client always right! 7. Know The Prospector/Minero Magazine payment plans. • A business must have been in operation for more than one year before it is eligible for billing privileges. A business with less than one year of establishment must prepay for at least 6 months. New advertisers must also prepay half of the invoice total to establish billing privileges. Student Publications reserves the right to require an advertiser to prepay at any time. Good explanation: “That is our policy.” • When the term “prepaid” is used, it can mean cash, check or credit card. • Cash should be required by anyone who does not have a permanent address: contract


promoters, people renting/using a motel suite, apartment or public building and anyone else you “feel uneasy” about. There are, however, established businesses that can establish credit for billing purposes. • When in doubt, ask the assistant director. 8. Learn the business – Become as knowledgeable as possible about The Prospector, Minero Magazine, advertising sales, collections, advertising layout and production. 9. A little PR goes a long way • Call on your clients from time to time without the immediate intent to sell. This lays a solid foundation and helps you establish rapport. • Start early–explain payment at the time of sale. Then follow up quickly. • Follow up often–persistence pays, or in this case, gets paid. • Be specific–ask for specific amounts of money to be paid by a specific time. • When in doubt, ask-–just hoping someone will pay doesn’t mean they will. 10. Stay on topic with your client–don’t let yourself be sidetracked by promises of more business or sad songs of woe.

CODE OF ADVERTISING ACCEPTABILITY FOR THE PROSPECTOR/MINERO MAGAZINE The courts have upheld the theory that a newspaper does not have to accept any advertising that is offered to it. To protect the interest of readers and advertisers of The Prospector, the University of Texas at El Paso’s student newspaper, and Minero Magazine, the Student Publications Committee has adopted a code of advertising acceptability that serves to protect the reader from the potentially harmful effects of misleading, inaccurate, fraudulent, doubtful, or ambiguous representation and dishonest or unfair competitive statements. The standards also serve to prevent the effect of bad advertising from destroying reader confidence in the medium and in the good advertising that it carries. The general standards, which govern the acceptability of advertising by the Student Publications Committee (SPC), are:

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual 1. The SPC does not accept advertising that, in its judgment, contains attacks of a personal, sexist, racial, ethnic, political or national nature, or that reflects unfavorably on competitive organizations, institutions, or merchandise. No advertising will be accepted which subjugates either sex to an inferior role. 2. The SPC does not accept advertising that, in its judgment, might destroy the confidence of readers or advertisers. This includes advertising which is misleading, or deceptive, or which grossly exaggerates or makes unwarranted claims. 3. The SPC does not accept advertising that evades or attempts to encourage the evasion or violation of any law, regulation or ordinance-municipal, state or federal. 4. No advertising shall be carried on the front page or editorial page of The Prospector (with the exception of banner ads when the editor-in-chief agrees to do so). 5. No advertising shall be accepted that resembles news matter in The Prospector or Minero Magazine. If a type resembling standard body copy is used, a border will be placed around the ad and the word “Advertisement” will be clearly defined at the top of the ad. Headlines shall not be standard news headline type. 6. The assistant director, in consultation with the editor and/ or director, may set aside specified pages of The Prospector or Minero Magazine for special editorial use. Once so designated, advertising will be placed on these pages only with the agreement of these individuals when the best interests of The Prospector and Minero Magazine will be served by such placement. In the event an agreement cannot be reached on designating specified pages or in placing advertising on special pages, the director will settle the matter. 7. Regarding opinion advertising, the policy of the SPC on advertisement of political and social views is to keep its column no matter how widely divergent it may be from that of the editorial stand of its individual publications, as long as such advertising does not violate the standards listed in 1, 2, and 3 above. Full identification of the sponsors of an opinion advertisement is required. In general, names of two or more of the officers of the organization must appear in the advertisement, as will as the address of the advertiser. If the names of other persons are to appear in the advertisement, the advertiser must furnish evidence that all such persons have given permission for the use of their names.


8. Any advertisement submitted to The Prospector or Minero Magazine for publication in a foreign language must be accompanied by a written translation in English. The SPC reserves the right to withhold any such advertisement to allow for independent verification of content in view of its “Code of Advertising Acceptability.” 9. Research papers, term paper, bibliographies and related service-type ads are not acceptable for publication in The Prospector or Minero Magazine. 10. Under the general heading of health-care-related ads, The Prospector and Minero Magazine will run abortion and vasectomy advertisements. However, feeling that the general welfare of the members of the campus community will be best served by agencies that perform these services on a quality basis, rather than on a cost basis, prices for these services will not be included in the ads. 11. Advertisements of a pornographic nature: The Prospector and Minero Magazine reserve the right to alter, or refuse to publish, any ad which stretches its “good taste” policy in regard to ads of pornographic nature. This specific policy relates to businesses advertising nude reviews, topless bars and X-rated movies. Not acceptable are ads that, through photography or artwork, expose the genitalia or buttocks of men or women and full breasts of women. 12. The SPC reserves the right to review all advertising, regardless of whether the advertisements have been prepaid, to determine whether the advertisements meet the “Code of Advertising Acceptability.” 13. The SPC reserves the right to amend or add to its specific policies as the need arises. 14. The ultimate authority in determining whether an advertisement is acceptable resides with the Student Publications Committee. This is delegated to the director and through him/her to the assistant director for advertising. At the discretion of the assistant director, questionable advertising will be submitted to the director, whose ruling will be final unless an appeal is made to the Student Publications Committee. If the advertiser or interested group insists that the advertisement or type of advertisement in question be submitted to the Student Publications Committee, it must be made within 48 hours after the appeal. The action of the Student Publications Committee is final without outside review.

Student Publications - Student Staff Manual



Student Publications - Student Staff Manual

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE/DESIGNER AGREEMENT 1) I have completed an application and requested my transcripts be sent to Student Publications. 2) I have filled out the proper employment worksheet and have submitted it to Human Resources. 3) I have read, understand and agree to abide by the policies and procedures for the Student Publications Department.

___________________________________________________ Employee Signature

________________ Date

__________________________________________________ Assistant Director

_________________ Date


Student Publications - Student Staff Manual


WORK-STUDY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Working Hours • Scheduled Hours: Work-study students will work 15 hours a week, which is three hours per day, unless special arrangements are made with the supervisor. • Department’s policy on attendance and lateness: Attendance everyday is required unless there are specific circumstances that may be cleared with the supervisor, such as a major test or sickness. A student must arrive on time for his/her scheduled hours. If the student will be late, it must be cleared with the supervisor at least a day in advance. Hours missed will only be paid if they are rescheduled with the supervisor. • Lunch and break schedules: If you can only eat your lunch during work hours, lunch must be eaten in the lounge and last no more than half an hour. Brief restroom breaks will be allowed. • Emergencies: As stated above, if the student is late or has an emergency situation that will delay or cause him/her to miss work, he/she must contact the supervisor. If the supervisor is not found please leave a detailed message on the voice-mail or call the front office and leave message with secretary. A list of names and numbers will be given to the student. Paydays • Timesheet information: The student will be responsible for filling out their timesheet, which will be provided every two weeks by the supervisor. It must always be filled out correctly to assure timely payment. An example is attached. • How often the employee will be paid: Student is paid every two weeks with the first payment being the fifth working day of the month and two weeks after that date. Payment periods are as follows: the first check (5th working day) covers the 1st through the 15th of each month and the second payment covers the 16th thru the 31st. Chain of Command • Immediate Supervisor: The accounting clerk II is the work-study student’s immediate supervisor. The student reports to this person for work assignments and with any questions and concerns must. • Successive lines of authority: After the immediate supervisor, all authority passes to the director of the department. Security • Work Area: The student’s work area is located in the fax/copier office. The student must maintain accessibility to this office so that others in the department can use the office equipment. The student’s desk and the office

itself must always be kept clean and in an orderly fashion. Since the office is open to others, all work items such as tape, stapler and calculator must be kept in the wall cabinet when the student is not in the office. It is the student’s responsibility to secure personal items such as a purse, book bag or phone. Personal items can be kept in the supervisor’s office if the student prefers. Conduct • Business Decorum: The student must always remember that Student Publications is a business office and conduct him or herself appropriately. The student is not allowed to have personal visits from friends and the office phone must be used only for work-related business. Personal calls can be made if kept to only 5 minutes; however, if the student is needed he/she must attend to work situations first. Since the student is part of the front office staff and deals with the public, shorts, tight clothes, tank tops, and anything that shows too much skin is unacceptable attire. Job Duties • Phones: Student will assist in handling multiple lines and transfer calls to the proper recipient. • Customer Service: In the absence of the administrative secretary, the work-study student is to wait on students or any member of the public who enters the office with a question, complaint or to do business. Student should learn the basic procedures of advertising and classifieds to be able to help customers when staff employees are not available. • Run sheets: Advertising run sheets (list of advertising clients each publication) will be inputted into computer every Tuesday and Thursday in the fall and spring, and every Wednesday during the summer session. • Statement of Accounts: Transactions from certain accounts are to be inputted into the computer within two days after provided by the supervisor. • Miner Minutes: Updated on a daily basis with information provided from several sources. • Faxes: On a daily basis, sort and hand out as necessary. Keep fax cover sheets and advertising fax rate cards up to date and in stock. Make sure fax has paper and is working properly. Assist students with making copies and faxing. • File: Filing will need to be done at least once a week for supervisor. • Assistance: Help with any other assistance the director, assistant director, or supervisor might require. • Other job procedures and duties will be explained, as new projects arise.

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