Honghai pump Industrie Oil pump
Industrie • Honghai Pump Ltd. is producing kinds of pumps, with constant development , our products have been successfully used in many industries. Pumps can be divided into gear pump, screw pump, centrifugal pump and ro tor pump. As for different pumps, there are different areas to be used, for e xample they can be used in those different areas like Asphalt industry, Bio-d iesel industry, Chemical industry, Lubrication industry, Chocolate industry, F uel oil industry, and Soaps and Detergents industry. To check the details of those areas, please check the different industry for m ore information.
Asphalt pump • As for Asphalt applications, in general, there are 4 different fields, to be specific, they are producing, which is also called refining; distributing to terminals, mixing and aspha lts stuffing. According to our knowledge and experience, as for asphalt application, steel pumps ca n be used in the universal seal series of refining and distributing areas. In our producti on lines, we have YCB series stainless steel pump. In Asphalt Plants, hot mix field use mainly cast iron pumps in the Jacketed Universal Se al Series, with either packing or mechanical seals. The series of Asphalt Pump is electrically heated, which simples the process of providi ng heat to the pump from remote areas or some required emulsions. Honghai pumps regularly handle rubberized asphalt (polymer modified asphalt or PM A) made from both virgin polymer and recycled tires. As for stuffing or filling asphalt, which requires special abrasion-resistant hardened sp are parts. This part will slow down the operation speed and reduce the wearing. Thus t he seal series is commonly optional. Miscellaneous Other Honghai Pump applications for asphalt include: Distributor Trucks to spread asphalt emulsions for seal coating and chip sealing applica tions Pipe Lining, where liquid asphalt is used to line sewer pipe in-plant and in-place Tar Kettles, or portable heat-and-spray units, for on-site roofing build-up, foundation s ealing and crack filling Asphaltic insulation in automotive and appliance manufacturing for sound deadening. Honghai is exploring more and more applications. Sharing soon.