second half portfolio.

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arch 101 MINH HOANG spring 2016


| Site analysys. | Program diagram. | First and second iterations. | Team iterations. | Final decision. | Process. | Result.

Mysterious Unexpected Beautiful

Site view

Site view

Eyes side view

Eyes side view

I choose the the lampost side with one tree standing on the top of the slope because for me it has an interesting landscape with potential of capturing the whole view of this area. With the beautiful slope that running along the stairwalk. It happen to be a spot that accomodate with my sectioning design intention. The second spot i choose has a very simmilar situation, but the slope is narrow and too steep. It does not fully support my design intention, however the site has a beautiful view at the since it locate at the top of a cliff. A visible place for student, teacher and the neighbor living around the college. The last site that capture my intetntion is a area around court yard. it has a very good circular wall that could be very helpful to exercise my idea to creat a resting place for student and teacher.



The idea is using the tree as a focal point and install a structure which will cover the area around it in order to create a place for interaction between people and nature. First we came up with a model contain three boxes sitting on the surface, then we flip it and try to engage the tree in the middle part . This way we create a strong connection between the tree and the structure. The structure act as a brigde which connect the ground (include people) with the tree (include the sky).

Objective Strenght

Have a strong connection between the site and the structure. Dynamic shape and dimension. Weakness Does not have a solid program and path way. Actract. Hard to install. Opportunities Chance to discover futher. Familiar material. Get use of the landscape. Thread Slope may collapses. The true size may not be successful as the model.

second team’s iteration

For the second iteration we decide to skip the accent pieces around the box because since out area barely have sun light. instake we add one more box to balance out the structure and to capture more space underneath.


Strenght Dynamic shape define the area without closing it. The metaphor is solided. Interesting floating form.

Weakness Miscalculation Design intention not clear Missing the daylight. Opputurnities Chance to discover futher. Familiar material. Get use of the landscape. Structural challenge Thread Slope may collapses. The true size may not be successful as the model. Joint problem. Gravity.

elevation view from the east

elevation view from the north

elevation view from class

small scale model and site



program process

program process

program process

program process

program process

program process

program process

program process

design process

REVIEW This project is a successful for us because we did come as a group and solve the problem. There are a lot of weaknesses in our design and the presentation but overall it gave us more opportunities to learn and challenge ourself. As for myself there are a lot of thing that i have gathered along with our class. Thank Jerry for being patien and passionate with all of the student. We are lucky to have this class with you.

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