portfolio 2024

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tiny store post undergrad side project 2024

location: anywhere anyplace anytime

this project fantasizes a playful pop up installation inspired by my personal art, TINY YELLOWS.

it follows my past year navigating a small art brand, both online and inperson. now you may be asking (or not)...why not document your journey solely through photographs? good question. i don’t know.

i’m just kidding. the choice to craft a miniature world revolving around all things tiny and all things yellow came from my own enjoyment of experimenting with new modes of storytelling.

in other words, this miniature visual compilation allows for me to curate and showcase my artistic endeavors how i want the viewer to experience it. the following drawings exaggerate concepts of brand identity along with my newfound relationship to my local art market and pop-up shop community.

tiny yellows...what a funny name

when you’re a kid, the smallest things fascinate you. for me, it was the neighborhood paletero, or ice cream man and his classic makeshift cooler on wheels, an image reminiscent across mexicanamerican childhood memories. the diy aspect of it all lives in the back of my head, becoming my first memory of a shop on wheels.

above: hand-drawn visual timeline collage right: isometric “trinket box” showing general floor layout

residential concept

ground concept

fig. a + b conceptualization diagram + isometric ground floor section

fig. c lobby view
fig. d blue atrium view
fig. e 1 bed loft floor plan + section
fig. f 1 bed loft section view
fig. g 2 bed loft section view
fig. h physical model

fig. a programming experimentation

fig. b section collage

fig. c building skeleton diagram v1

fig. d programming diagrams

a concept diagram

fig. b form diagram
fig. c isonometric view
fig. d first person p.o.v.
fig. e view at intersection

f programming diagram

# of tubes basic program

g section cut looking east

fig. h view at ground level
fig. i view in research centric tube

fig. a view from street

fig. b + c views from the structure

concept diagram

fig. d plant tube system diagram
fig. e structure deep dive
fig. f ground floor plan
fig. g ground floor

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