Krka National Park Sustainable Travel Guide

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Krka Krka NP Sustainable Sustainable Travel Guide Travel Guide

Minimalist Minimalist Journeys Journeys Minimalist Journeys INSPIRING TRAVELERS SINCE 2016 Sustainable travel, simple living

Why is Krka Why is Krka National Park National Park so so popular? popular?

Designated natural heritage since 1985 at just over 100 square kilometres in size Easy to get to. It’s a short 30 minutes’ drive from Šibenik and less than 1 1/2 hours from Split. The park is also a resting point for birds on their twice-annual migration between Europe and Africa and home to medieval monasteries and fortresses, and archaeological sites that date back to Roman times.

Which National Which National–Park is Park is better better – Krka or Plitvice Krka or Plitvice Lakes? Lakes? You can bathe at Krka National Park in a designated area at Skradinski Buk. Krka is more versatile than Plitvice Lakes. It has gorgeous waterfalls (of course), tranquil boat rides through deep river canyons, hiking and mountain bike trails, medieval monasteries and fortresses, even Roman archaeological sites if that’s your thing. More difficult to explore Krka without a car and you need more time. We recommend visiting Krka first and then Plitvice Lakes National Park.

Recommended Recommended Visiting Times Visiting Times Recommended Visiting Times WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT KRKA NATIONAL PARK? Visit during the shoulder months April/May or October

How to get to HowNational to get to Krka Krka National Park Park (without a (without a car)? car)?

Krka National Park is located about half-way between Zadar and Split. The park has entrances at five locations. The most important ones for independent travellers are Skradin, Lozovac, Roški Slap (near the settlement of Laškovica) . Buses to the various Krka National Park entrances depart from Šibenik (30 minutes) Zadar (60 minutes) Split (90 minutes) and Plitvice Lakes (3 hours).

How to get to How to getBuk? to Skradinski Skradinski Buk Walk from Lozovac (1.5km) Walk or cycle from Skradin (4.5km) From April to October, there is a shuttle bus and boat shuttle service – the return journey is included in your entry ticket.

Bathers at Skradinski Buk

How to get to How Slap? to get to Roški Roški Slap

To explore more of the park, you need to bring your own mode of transport (a mountain bike, for example) or join one of the boat excursions that connect Skradinski Buk with Visovac Monastery, Roški Slap and Oziđana Pećina Cave; and Roški Slap with Krka Monastery, and the medieval fortresses of Nečven and Trošenj. The boat excursions are not included in your entry ticket.

Krka River Valley near Roski Slap

Do I have to pay t enter the Krk National Park


Is there an Is there an entrance fee? entrance fee? How does ticketing work? How does ticketing work?

You have the choice between a single entry ticket that allows you to visit the park for the day, or a multi-day ticket. The multi-day ticket allows you to visit the park on 3 days over a 7 day period – perfect if you’re planning to spend a week in the area but don’t want to be in the park every day.

Where to stay at Where to stay at Krka Krka National National Park (without a Park (without a car)? car)? The two settlements closest to Skradinski Buk are Lozovac and Skradin. From Lozovac, you can reach Skradinski Buk by walking ~1.5km or taking the bus shuttle (which operates between April and October). To reach Skradinski Buk from Skradin requires a 30 minute boat ride (between April and October) or 4.5km bike ride/walk.

Where do I eat do I eat at Krka at Where Krka National National Park (without a Park (without a car)? car)?

Hotel Roťki Slap has lunch options in its tranquil beer garden. The hotel is only reachable by car (or mountain bike). At Skradinski Buk, there is a great variety of food stalls dotted around a large beer garden on the side of the falls where the boat from/to Skradin docks. There is also a restaurant with views over the falls on the Lozovac side of the falls, though we can’t comment on the food quality/prices.

Changes to Krka ChangesPark to Krka National in National Park in 2020 2020 A major project is currently underway that will (further) improve Krka National Park’s tourism infrastructure: improved footpaths electrification of the boats new presentation and interpretation facilities, and improving the park’s content and visitor management systems. The project is expected to be completed by May 2020. So, if you’re visiting next Spring you may already benefit from these new facilities.






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