Spring 2010 - Create Connect

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STAFF Frank Masi creative director editor-n-chief • treasurer Advertising student Maggie Chan art director • layout Graphic Design student Clint Greene layout Graphic Design student Brad Stulc Interior Design student Ronald Farber Visual Effects & Motion Graphics student Robb Main Media Arts & Animation student Mike Roeder Culinary student Advisors Anj Kozel content • editorial advisor Director of Communications Chris Title content • editorial advisor English instructor Deb Weiss editorial advisor Communications instructor Douglas Brull typography • layout advisor Web Design & Interactive Media/Graphic Design instructor Jennifer Thompson brand • trend advisor Advertising/Design Management instructor Jeremy Frandrup editorial advisor English instructor mission statement The student organization known as create • connect is an all inclusive magazine with the sole purpose of showcasing the many talents of the students here at the The Art Institutes International Minnesota. Our goal is to represent every curriculum the school has to offer in a creative and collaborative environment to produce a quarterly magazine that is both elegant and relevant.

EDITOR LETTER Now that the glaciers have receded and we have been given our daylight back, we can turn our attention to outdoor life at last. We can now explore all of nature’s surroundings for fresh, new inspiration. As always, it is our hope that our humble little magazine, create • connect will also provide inspiration for you. We also hope that you will realize that this is your school magazine, and that you will be inspired to join our student organization as we look to grow for the spring quarter and beyond. We have worked very hard to establish our new brand over these past four issues. Now, we would like to share the experience of creating an elegant and relevant art magazine with some new faces. We are seeking members to represent all the curriculums offered here at The Art Institutes International Minnesota. It will be your job to represent what is going on inside your classroom, and outside in your industry. So, if you’ve got what it takes to express your creativity, and collaborate with other creative students, we want to hear from you. For more information about the student organization known as create • connect, and how you can join and take part in the staff elections at the end of this quarter, email me, Frank Masi, at the following, ftm362@stu.aii.edu, or Jennifer Thompson at jhood@aii.edu

contributors Jeff Burkett, Cassandra Ball, Krystine Cattrysse, Steve Chezik, Chris Dinsmore, Ryan Dyer, Ronald Farber, Kevin Fitzke, Dylan Foy, Katie Graham, Gracia L.A. Lindberg, Kelly Lyall, Sarah Mahoney, Robb Main, Angela Miller, Jose B. Ortiz, Jon Pavlica, Daniel Rangel, Evelyn Rombal, Tiffany Smith, David Stanfield, Brad Stulc, Jared Wolterstorff, Brett Weik-Ulrich, Brandon Werth

thank you The staff of create • connect would like to thank Express Press for the superior quality and service they consistently provide in support of our publication. Special thanks to owner Shawn Smith as well as Express Press employees Dan Lukaszewski in the pre-press & design department and also Janet Edwards in customer service.

















10. 09.


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Ds -02 Is C Sn






Ds Is C Id Lo Ad Pa Sb Pc Cd Sn

Design Statment Inspiration and Style Contents ID Systems Layouts Ads Package Snowboards Product Concepts Compact Disc Albums Scan Next Section Start feat. Photogrpahy Closure


-02 -01 0 01 04 07 09 12 15 18 ** ** 21

Sn 18

Sn 04 Sn 07 Pa


Sb 13 Cd 19










Sn 09



Ds -01





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Searching the Alternate Universe: Healthy Eating Image by Dave Stanfield

Dave Stanfield Web Design & Interactive Media Student

“A few years ago, I received the shock of the century. I got word from my doctor that I had to be tested for heart damage.” The tests did nothing less than to terrify me out of my shoes. The testing lasted for three months, culminating in an angiogram. This was March, 2007. It’s an anniversary for me with no fanfare or presents. How could I, a budding 34 year-old, straight-A student with a wife and two year-old daughter, come face to face with such devastation? I know this is a strange way to open an article about cooking, but please, humor me for a moment. My doctors told me I had to have surgery—quadruple cardiac bypass surgery. In the hospital, they call it a “4-banger.” In fact, I joined the ranks that year of some pretty famous men much older than me who also had to have this type of surgery: David Letterman, Regis Philbin and Ex-President Bill Clinton. I have a big, battle scar to prove it. According to my doctors and family, I did well throughout the surgery. A few days of recovery later, however, my kidney and liver decided to go on vacation. I passed away for around 90 seconds. My heart slowed to a jiggle in my chest. They tried a few times to start me up again. It wasn’t working. I was in a black dreamland, not sure if I wanted to wake up yet. Then it just started back up on its own, like my heart was saying, “Huh? Oh… sorry guys!”

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During a normal conversation with a friend on Facebook, who is also facing a need to live a healthier life, I decided to make up a group called “Healthy Alternate Recipes.” I am amazed that it is already catching on. The member list keeps growing every week.

I came back so different. It was clearly God’s gift of a second chance for me and everyone I love, including my “family” here at The Art Institutes International Minnesota (Ai Minnesota). It changed me into a fighter for life. I decided not to dwell on the past and instead turned up the heat on my passion to succeed here at school. I decided to put everything I had into whatever lay before me, including re-hab.

My hope is to use the group to create a network of people who seek home-cooked, heart-healthy recipes. It is like what I wrote in the description, “I am not a specialist or a nutritionist.” I know that there are a million cookbooks, dieticians, wondrous restaurants and other “foodies” out there, but I wanted to make a space for people like me who want to share what they’ve learned.

Rehab was so surreal. It was obvious; I was the youngest guy there. I came in using a wheelchair, and tried my best to walk on the treadmills and spin on the incumbent bicycles. The atmosphere created by the elderly patients in my group was drowned in regret and sorrow. One gentleman was so determined to stay far away from anything that made him healthy, and he whined every day about it. After each session, I’d see him outside smoking. This only pushed me forward. I was determined NOT to be like him. I knew he was going to be dead soon.

This web-based group allows members to share recipes and upload pictures of their work. Photography students can use the site to showcase pictures of beautiful meals. Facebook also made a tab for us to add videos. I thought of the Digital Film & Video Editing students. You all could make “Food Network” style shows and show off your skills behind and in front of the camera.

I recovered pretty fast. The doctors thought I recuperated with “miraculous speed.” After nine weeks, I was back at work, but then I really started to listen to the “experts.” I knew things had to be different because I didn’t want the doctors to have to revisit my ticker. The biggest thing I had to change was my diet.

In addition, this is also a shout-out to the creative Culinary Arts students who’d like to share things they know about food, such as ways people go wrong in the kitchen or tips to make meals healthier and delicious.

I am a devourer of information. I used this to my advantage and learned everything I could about how I could feel better every day. I learned about salt intake and fatty foods, where I could find them and most importantly, how I could stay far from them.

Of course, I can’t forget to mention the “brothers and sisters in arms,” my Web Design & Interactive Media family. I have a vision to see this Facebook group turn into its own place on the web. Who knows! Maybe it could be the next social network. I’m hoping to create a change in food culture and eliminate the term diet from our vocabulary.

I was an avid cook before, but now I am even more zealous in the kitchen. Everything is coming together for me, and now that the third anniversary of my second awakening is looming, I am ever more passionate to share what I have learned.

Many experts suggest the people most successful at living a healthy lifestyle are those who don’t do it alone. So, join me. Share ideas from your family, friends, vacations, or even your favorite restaurant. Here’s to all of us getting a second chance to live a long, passionate life. End

I still love food (as much as designing and other things) and I love to, as I say, “doctor” my food whenever I can. I love adding a little of this and a little that to all my dishes, but I make sure to incorporate everything I have learned from my trials.

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It’s All Relative Nuclear Fusion: A Solution to the Looming Energy Crisis?

Photo by Ronald Farber

Photo by Brett Weik-Ulrich

Jeff Burkett Mathematics & Physics Instructor replicate this process, we have to mimic the core of a star in the laboratory, producing temperatures on the order of 150 million degrees Celsius!

With the price of energy skyrocketing due to the expanding demand for fossil fuels coupled with dwindling supplies, it is becoming increasingly obvious that humankind must find alternate sources of energy if we wish to maintain our current standards of civilization. Nuclear fusion may provide the answer.

Obviously, the technological challenges involved are enormous, but fusion reactions have been created under controlled circumstances. No material can withstand the super-heated plasma, so powerful magnetic fields are used for containment rather than a physical barrier. It takes so much energy to power these magnetic fields, that the true difficulty lies in creating a fusion reaction that produces more usable energy than that which is needed to sustain the reaction in the first place. Thus far, attempts to create even a “break even” reactor have not been successful.

One major obstacle which has blocked the development of fusion is low public opinion regarding nuclear power. In fact, no new plants have been ordered in the United States since 1978. This may be justified, as a meltdown in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 has rendered the region for miles around completely uninhabitable to this day. It is a mistake however, to confuse nuclear fission with nuclear fusion.

However, there is new hope on the horizon regarding fusion power. In France, construction has begun on ITER, which originally stood for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. This acronym has now been dropped because of negative public opinion towards the term thermonuclear.

Our current nuclear reactors use fission, a process that splits an unstable isotope of uranium into lighter elements and converts some of the matter into energy via E = mc2. Unfortunately, some of the byproducts are dangerously radioactive and must be stored for many thousands of years before they are safe. Release of these byproducts into the environment through meltdown or negligent storage procedures would absolutely devastate the surrounding ecosystem.

If the math is right, and seven partner countries including the U.S. are sufficiently confident to gamble billions of dollars, we could have the world’s first working fusion reactor by 2018. If everything goes as planned, ITER will produce approximately 500 Megawatts of fusion power, about half of the 1000 MW produced by a typical coal plant—not bad for a prototype. Unlike fission, meltdown at this reactor is impossible. The magnetic fields which contain the reaction are also responsible for creating the pressures which sustain it. If the containment field fails, the reaction would simply cease.

Fusion, by contrast, takes lighter atoms like hydrogen and smashes them together to form heavier nuclei, liberating energy in the process. It is safe, clean, and produces only two byproducts–helium and pure energy. Furthermore, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe (every water molecule has two hydrogen atoms for instance), making it almost infinitely plentiful as a fuel source. So why haven’t we tapped this wonderful form of power production?

If fusion power becomes a reality, it will revolutionize almost every aspect of our civilization. We will, in essence, be able to power our cities using nothing but water, achieving the human dream of unlimited, safe, clean energy. End

Fusion is the process that fuels the sun, where deep in its core the temperature and pressure are sufficient to sustain a natural fusion reaction. To

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Tech Market Brett Weik-Ulrich Design Management Student Building the portfolio is not a twelfth quarter project. It is not a spur of the moment endeavor. Building the portfolio is a job that begins the day before your first day of school. Every class we attend allows us an opportunity to build our brand—a personal brand that highlights us in the impressive section of the “looking for work line.”

As graduation looms, the time for students to show what they’ve learned races forward. The all-night projects and hard drive back-ups must be scoured for work. Printers are analyzed for the quality of ink, and the paper plant surely requires a visit. Because we are students of creative fields, we must display our learning in a visually effective way; the portfolio is our most important asset.

Because portfolio creation is daunting, it cannot be explained as though it were one-size-fits-all. To be a designer, a person must look to their industry’s greats and follow them assiduously. As an important instructor once said, “No great art ever came from a vacuum.” For this reason, I will share one of the latest resources we all can enjoy. A book titled, Flaunt.

It must have been 9 quarters ago. The undertow conversation of a classroom was the speed we travel through our educational experience. I was only able to dream about the proud day of graduation. That day’s conversation couldn’t have been closer to the truth. My classmates and I had come to agree that the first several quarters at The Art Institute International Minnesota (Ai Minnesota) are a Sunday drive, but every quarter after that travels like the left lane on the interstate. In the blink of an eye, you are ready to graduate.

Flaunt was produced by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit and published by Underconsideration. This beautifully presented eBook is worth all 1500 pennies. The lead quote is a perfect way for me to end my nascent writing career at C². I’ll see you at the portfolio show. “You should never consider your portfolio finished, and you should always be dissatisfied with it. The day you sit back and say, “My portfolio is great,” is the day you are dead in the water. Your portfolio requires endless work, and few things are more important than it. This never changes no matter how successful you have become. That’s really the only thing I’ve learned about portfolios.” —Adrian Shaughnessy End

I remember lots of projects, especially those that impressed the person sitting next to me, and those that never really got finished. There are students among us who have this predicament. These students may have a thumb drive of hijacked music, and an essay or two, but where is the work they have struggled to submit? Was it lost when the drives were cleaned, was it dropped on the bus, or was it recycled during the last apartment move?

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2009 Student Poetry Contest

Winner [water falls from strands of flaxen hair] — Krystine Cattrysse — water falls from strands of flaxen hair, beads on pale shoulders and flows down knobs of spine, over smooth skin to pool on the floor jewel drops form on eyelashes, dashed away with a blink delicate hands draw patterns in puddles as veins trace designs on white wrists somewhere, this moment lives forever

3rd place

2nd place Returning to School at 50+

Hide Hide

— Gracia L.A. Lindberg —

— Jared Wolterstorff —

I have climbed to my horizon I’ve seen the other side I have far fewer tomorrows Left in my life and time

Some things are not meant to be told, Like the horrors forgotten from the days of old. Like the confines of ones dreams, Not everything in this world is as it seems. Society is known to kill for these secrets, Which once they learn most of them regret. They pay dearly for being the ignorant fool, The knowledge they now know so cruel.

I am weary among vitality I am wrinkly among smooth I am forgetful and oft times fearful And have so much more to prove

Not all secrets are meant to protect a nation, In fact most are just for self preservation. Not always in a literal survival sense, But more for that person’s heart’s defense. A secret run wild could tear with claws, Make a person more primitive than Windows DOS. Many dreams, hopes, and desires that will never be shared, For the person holding them is simply scared. Scared that if the hope is known then it will be crushed, That maybe to achieve it, it’s knowledge shouldn’t be rushed.

Paper and pen have been lost to The sound of keyboards and bytes And I struggle to climb the mountain Of the technological heights But courage and determination gird me For this endeavor, for this road I am stubborn, wise and crafty And I can bear this load I choose to mix with youth And refresh my aging mind By searching and learning and questing My destiny to find

What would happen if that hope were free? What would happen if Vampires lived outside secrecy? Would the hope I have turn its back? Would the Demons leave dark and attack? Or would my hope become what I truly desire?

Today I am learning and growing After years in the labor pool That is why I have chosen To immerse myself in school

I had a dream, I had a nightmare. I had you, but when I woke up you weren’t there. So we choose to keep secrets tucked away, Only leaving this poem to show the way…

To those who say I am too old That I have nothing left to give To them I say “baloney” I’ve just begun to live!

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Leo A. Daly normally works on projects like large refrigeration units and warehouses, but occasionally projects are more “arty.” One such job involved designing a small egg-shaped chapel in the Thrivent Lutheran Building. Korrin was excited to work on detailing for the custom parts of the chapel. While working at Leo A. Daly, Lohmann got a call from the Academic Director of Interior Design at Ai Minnesota and was asked if she was interested in teaching a class. Pretty soon, she found herself teaching three classes a quarter and realized that she needed to decide between two developing careers. She chose teaching. Lohmann has taught many classes, such as Drafting, Mixed Media, CAD, Revit, Building Materials, Textiles, Professional Practice, Design Development: Commercial, Elements, Space Planning, Drawing and Perspective, Fundamentals of Design, and her favorite class, 3D Design. She loves to teach 3D Design so much that she is willing to trade classes with other instructors in order to teach it. She feels that 3D Design is so different from other classes like Drafting and CAD where the students learn about the tools and technical standards of Interior Design. 3D Design is all about thinking and exploring space and how different materials come together, like glass, metal, and cardboard, and even how light plays a role any given design. Lohmann enjoys the thinking and conversation that comes out of students. Lohmann’s goal as a teacher is for designers to learn more about themselves as creators.

Photo by Ronald Farber

Korrin Lohmann: Design Avatar

One of Lohmann’s projects is the making of a chair. The goal of this project is to teach students what goes into the making of an object. She wants students to know, for instance, that metal comes from the earth and the process that it goes through before we can even build with it. By the end of the project, she hopes students have a new appreciation for the work that goes into the manifestation of conceptual designs.

Brad Stulc Interior Design Student

“Sometimes you learn the most from the people that push you the hardest.”

I asked Lohmann where this passion for teaching comes from, and she responded by saying that she loves the feeling she gets when she does something really well and especially when it challenges her. She wants her students to find out what they are passionate about, whether it is the technical side of design or the planning that goes into any project. I know what she means. I under-stand it as the “a-ha” moment, when you really get it, and are so proud of what you have done.

Korrin Lohmann is one of the toughest instructors I have ever had the pleasure of learning from. As a result, some of my best work has come out of her classes. Korrin Lohmann is an Interior Design instructor from Zumbrota, MN. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from The Art Institutes International Minnesota (Ai Minnesota), and received a Master of Fine Arts in Ecological Design degree from Vesper College

There’s another side of Lohmann’s design life: fashion design, “Somebody has to design these things; why not me?”

Lohmann always wanted to teach. From a very young age, she was interested in architecture, drawing, and painting. In twelfth grade, Lohmann taught a kindergarten art class as an elective. After enjoying that experience, she thought that she might like to go to school in order to teach in elementary schools. She thought she would teach something like Elementary Art. When she graduated from high school, she thought about various college programs. “Interior Design seemed like a good fit,”

Six years ago she couldn’t find a certain style of dress that she wanted for a friend’s wedding. She decided to make her own dress. Soon after the wedding, a friend of hers kept suggesting that she sell her clothing designs at a local fashion shop that had just opened called Cliché. After quite a bit of coaxing, she started to design and make clothing while improving her sewing and designing ability. Six years later, Lohmann does three fashion shows a year.

That’s how Lohmann landed at Ai Minnesota as a student. After she graduated from Ai Minnesota, she went to work for Leo A. Daly. While working there she networked and saw what various architects were working on and asked if they needed help with projects. This got her some great exposure. Collaborating in a professional environment allowed Lohmann to hone and showcase her skill levels with various software programs like Photoshop, CAD, and InDesign.

Lohmann points out that the biggest help in finding a career path has been networking. Another thing Lohmann wants burgeoning designers to do is keep an open mind and be willing to do anything with a positive attitude. This includes approaching the most mundane parts of a job the same way you’d approach parts really enjoy. Be confident, says Lohmann, “Don’t think there is anything you cannot do.” End

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CLOCKWISE: living room kitchen bedroom

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Artwork Attribution Front & Back Cover.

Artist: Kevin Fitzke, Interior Design Work Title: #5313: 43in. x 48in. Work Title: #5278: 51in x 60in. Medium: Latex on Canvas Artist Statement: The inspiration for my work is derived from telephone poles and shadows cast from bridges. I use cotton shop rags to apply the paint and a brush to sign my name. I rarely title my work. I distinguish the art by the corresponding number a camera assigns after capturing it.


Artist: Angela Miller, Interior Design Work Title: Vino Tinto Medium: 3D Renders Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Daniel Rangel, Web Design & Interactive Media Work Title: Mariachi Work Title: Soyfield Work Title: Josh & Hunter Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Brandon Werth, Photography Work Title: Apple Work Title: Cabbage Work Title: Pineapple Work Title: Pomegranates Medium: Photography Artist Statement: These are from a series of portraits that combine elements of the food pyramid with hair fashion. They are inspired by old Hollywood portraits and “The Pastoral Symphony” from Disney’s Fantasia.


Artist: Ronald Farber, Visual Effects & Motion Graphics Work Title: Busy Bee Medium: Photography Artist Statement: I love macro photography, especially of living creatures that we normally do not have the opportunity to see with our naked eyes. This piece in particular was a “lucky shot,” so to speak, of a harmless bee that not only landed on a friend’s prom flowers, but stayed there long enough for me to adjust my camera settings to take his picture. I snapped the photo and the bee continued on his busy way.



Artist: Brad Stulc, Interior Design Work Title: It’s Spring Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Tiffany Smith, Graphic Design Work Title: PANIC5 Medium: Digital Artwork Artist Statement: This was the final piece of about six different designs in progress. This was partially an assignment and a partial portfolio piece. I love the old vintage style and it mixed really well with the bands style in real life. I used this as a portfolio piece to give to Panic at the disco at a meet n greet and an assignment for class. Artist: Tiffany Smith, Graphic Design Work Title: Weird Face Medium: Digital Artwork Artist Statement: This entire piece was developed out of complete random inspiration. I was bored sitting at my computer and started doodling on Photoshop and this was the result of it. There is no specific meaning behind this piece it’s just random thoughts. I used the word create because I use it in almost every piece I create.


Artist: Evelyn Rombal, Media Arts & Animation Work Title: Amelia Character Sheet Medium: Hand Drawings Artist Statement: This is my character Amelia, a spunky 11 year-old who loves to climb trees but learns the hard way that she needs others in her life. These separate images show the progression (in sketches) of her character design, her finished hero pose.


Artist: José B. Ortiz, Media Arts & Animation Work Title: Alien Collection Medium: Digital Artwork Artist Statement: n/a

Aritst: Dylan Foy, Graphic Design Work Title: Vincent Price Medium: Digital Artwork Artist Statement: This was an experiment in shape and value. My goal was to make something organic out of something simple and geometric. Artist: Dylan Foy, Graphic Design Work Title: Renegade Machine Medium: Digital Artwork Artist Statement: This is a little poster created on my own time using simple curves and lines to create my own type. It’s based on 1960’s design and ridiculous old sci-fi movies.


Artist: Kelly Lyall, Photography Work Title: Green Alley Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a Artist: Kelly Lyall, Photography Work Title: Reflecting Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Chris Dinsmore, Web Design & Interactive Media Work Title: Written Medium: Digital Artwork Artist Statement: This piece is my visual interpretation of creating music. I wanted to portray the fact that music and art are not always what they seem.


Artist: Steve Chezik, Graphic Design Work Title: Portfolio Medium: Digital Artwork/photography Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Robb Main, Media Arts & Animation Work Title: Keyboard Medium: 3D Model Artist Statement: I was inspired to create this midi keyboard because a friend of mine has one and I wanted to model a piece that I could utilize in an animation incorporating music. It is a piece that I feel has energy and dynamic potential.


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Arist: Cassandra Ball, Interior Design Work Title: Portfolio Medium: 3D Renders Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Sarah Mahoney, Interior Design Work Title: Portfolio Medium: 3D Renders Artist Statment: n/a


Artist: Ryan Dyer, Photography Work Title: n/a Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a Artist: Ryan Dyer, Photography Work Title: n/a Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Katie Graham, Web Design & Interactive Media Work Title: Zen of Industry Medium: Painting Artist Statement: n/a


Artist: Jon Pavlica, Photography Work Title: Man Bike Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a Artist: Jon Pavlica, Photography Work Title: Trikes Medium: Photography Artist Statement: n/a


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