I chose to shoot an abstract to represent a cooltoned photograph. I used a digital Sony Alpha 360 and shot at a very slow shutter speed and high aperture. I manipulated my zoom during exposure to create the implied vortex.
I took this picture while on a trip to China. It was shot with a long exposure at night. I used a Nikon D200.
MENTORS By Kelsey Voorhees 10th Quarter Graphic Design (BS)
iGA is the national professional association for design. According to information provided on their website, AiGA’s mission is to advance design as a professional craft, a strategic tool, and a vital cultural force. “We’re committed to design—and to more than 22,000 members in 66 chapters who create, inspire and appreciate good design. AiGA’s members are the lifeblood of the organization.” The Art Institutes International Minnesota’s (Ai Minnesota) AiGA student organization was formally known as AiGD, until the group’s recent official status was established with AiGA. The mission of Ai Minnesota’s AiGA student organization is to bring the professional and student design communities together and to provide networking opportunities for students within the extended community. When I first came to Ai Minnesota, I was fresh out of high school and had no idea what I was doing. I wasn’t really involved in high school, but I was determined not to slack in college. I decided to be involved and active in extra-curricular activities. I joined AiGD and a few other groups. I really had no idea what the AiGD was, let alone what AiGA was, I just did what people told me to do. Today, I am the president of the student group affiliated with AiGA. We have made great progress and plan on continuing it, but the most common questions I receive are, “What is it?” and “What am I suppose to do?” This is a problem.
AiGD is all about networking and building connections between the student design community and the professional design community. We provide opportunities for students by engaging them in different AiGA events, like lectures, design competitions, and networking social events, just to name a few. We also host different competitions at school, and have peer critiques as well. In general, we provide a co-curricular community for students to learn about design and prepare for their future career. To build enthusiasm and support education, we are starting up a mentor program, and we need involved students who have been here for at least 5 quarters. The goal is to help new students by going to events with them, by helping them with critiques, and by assisting with class assignments. Ideally, we want new students to participate in their community of learning, and we want them to experience value as a result. We also want to maintain the excitement of discovery that new students feel when they first begin, and which may fade as students near graduation. If you are interested in being a mentor, or would like to participate in any way, please contact the student chapter of AiGA through the office of Student Affairs, or look it up on the college’s website. Remember, there is no student community without the involvement of students.
SCARLET SUNSET KELSEY STEINMETZ 11TH QUARTER GRAPHIC DESIGN (BS) After a recently completing a painting of a peacock, I decided to do another, similar painting. This time the subject of choice was a macaw. With the combination of the tropics, a parrot, and a sunset, I knew this painting would look amazing.
The reference for this piece was a photograph of a model who owns a DeviantArt page. This was one of my first charcoal portraits. I rendered the image on newsprint using a variety of charcoal pencils ranging from 2H to 6B.
This is from my photographic study of Lacrosse, Wisconsin. I used my preferred camera type: the large-format Toyo View camera. With this camera, I was able to distort the buildings enough to create a surrealist environment.
Call for Entries
2011 Student Poetry Contest The 2011 Student Poetry Contest is now accepting submissions through Friday, October 21, 2011 at 5pm. Participants must follow contest rules and submission guidelines and contest rules to be eligible.
Contest Rules
Submission Guidelines
• Only current students of The Art Institutes International Minnesota are eligible
• Entrants may submit no more than three poems
• Entries must follow submission guidelines
• Individual poems must not exceed one page in length (12pt font, single spaced), text only, no images
• Entries must be previously unpublished, original works of poetry, as distinct from prose (essay, creative non-fiction, or fiction) • One poem will be chosen as the winner from all entries by a panel of instructors (Communications Instructor Sarah Orman, Communications Instructor Michael Courteau, and Graphic Design Instructor Douglas Westendorp) based on the quality and combination of any or all of the following aesthetic criteria: narrative, structure, music, and imagination • This is a “blind” contest, which means the judges will not know the names of the authors; they will base their decisions solely on the quality of the poems • The winning poem will be framed and displayed in the school library • The winning poem will be published, with author’s signed permission, in the student magazine C² (create·connect) • The winning poet will receive a $50* gift certificate to Target (*due to regulatory constraints this prize has recently been reduced) • Entrants will be notified of results via email by the end of fall quarter 2011
• Do not include name or other identifying information within the poem documents • Submissions must be sent as separate Word documents (.doc or .docx) attached to a single email addressed to (do not paste poems into the body of the email) • Entrants must include the phrase “2011 Student Poetry Contest Submission” in the subject line of the email • The body of the email must contain the following information: the titles of all submitted poems, student name (as it should appear in publication), student program of study, current address, and telephone number
RUGS KATE ENGELMANN 6TH QUARTER PHOTOGRAPHY (BFA) This image was taken over Summer break in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii on the Big Island with a Canon AE-1 Program and Kodak Ektar 100 film.
Higher Learning Commission Initial Accreditation Update By Christopher Title Communication and Humanities Instructor
he Art Institutes International Minnesota (Ai Minnesota) has been nationally accredited by the American Council of Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) since it was founded in 1997. In fact, the College’s current national accreditation by ACICS was recently extended through 2015. So, why request regional, Initial Accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC)? National accreditation agencies, like ACICS, typically accredit institutions that specialize in instruction and training for specific professions and careers. Many nationally accredited institutions are proprietary, independent, and privately supported. ACICS was a good “fit” with the original status of our school. Regional accreditation agencies, like HLC, have typically accredited institutions such as community colleges and state universities, as well as private liberal arts colleges.
As Ai Minnesota has grown in student population, expanded the number of academic programs, and developed comprehensive General Education offerings, it has developed into the kind of organization that meets the criteria required for regional accreditation. As our institution continues to evolve and grow, HLC Initial Accreditation aligns more closely with our school’s mission. HLC Initial Accreditation is an important strategic goal for our institution, and our ongoing efforts demonstrate our College’s commitment to provide a high quality education to our students. In the process of seeking HLC accreditation, the following events have occurred: • Ai Minnesota’s Board of Trustees authorized submission of our Preliminary Information Form (PIF) to HLC in 2006 • Upon HLC approval, the institution conducted a comprehensive twoyear, self-study inclusive of students, faculty, staff, and administrators
The Art Institutes International Minnesota is seeking comments from the public about the College in preparation for its evaluation for Initial Accreditation by a regional accrediting agency. The College will undergo a comprehensive visit November 7 - 9, 2011, by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The Art Institutes International Minnesota is currently accredited by the Accreditation Council of Independent Colleges and Schools and is now pursuing accreditation by the Commission. The public is invited to submit comments regarding the college: Public Comment on The Art Institutes International Minnesota The Higher Learning Commission 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500 Chicago, IL 60604 Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution of its academic programs. Comments must be in writing and signed; comments will not be treated as confidential. All comments must be received by October 7, 2011.
• In the fall of 2009, Ai Minnesota submitted its request for Initial Candidacy along with its self-study report titled, Enhancing Quality: A Passion for Excellence (available in the library) • In October of 2009, HLC conducted an evaluative site visit on our campus • In spring of 2010, HLC approved the status of Initial Candidacy for Ai Minnesota, enabling us to move forward toward Initial Accreditation • In summer of 2010, Ai Minnesota began the self study process anew, again including students, faculty, staff, and administrators Now, during the summer of 2011, Ai Minnesota is preparing to share its latest self-study titled Creating Tomorrow, along with its formal request for Initial Accreditation. The development of the self-study has allowed our College the opportunity to reflect on who we are and how we operate as a College. As a result of the reflective nature of the self-study process, Ai Minnesota has learned that it is committed to develop new ways of supporting students and engaging them in quality learning experiences. The recent campus-wide effort to review
and revise our mission statement is a perfect example of improvement efforts growing out of the self-study process. As part of the self-study process, a “call for comment” is being issued by the school to the general public (see graphic). In the coming days, students, faculty, staff, and our industry partners will be increasingly involved in preparing the campus for a site visit by an HLC evaluative team scheduled for November 7-11, 2011. There is no guarantee that Ai Minnesota will be granted Initial Accreditation by HLC, but one thing is certain, we will be ready to demonstrate our commitment to quality learning and effective teaching when the visiting team arrives.
Created with Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop.
A commission piece I did for a friend. My interpretation of his original character.
AMELIA EVIE ROMBAL 12TH QUARTER MEDIA ARTS & ANIMATION (BS) This is a 3D model of my character Amelia in her environment—her family’s barn. The Character Design was completed in Character & Object Design class and she and the barn were modeled, textured & lit in Autodesk Maya.
It’s All Relative
Our Expanding Universe: Part 2
by Jeff Burkett, Mathematics & Natural Sciences Instructor
erhaps the single most important consequence of the European Renaissance was that great thinkers like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton shattered previous notions of a geocentric universe. Science, religion, and philosophy were thrown into upheaval by the new reality that Earth was not the central object of creation. This was a mere prelude, however, to the dawn of our understanding of the true vastness of the cosmos.
As early as approximately 400BC, Democritus had proposed that stars were actually distant suns, and in 1600 Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for suggesting this heretical idea. Nevertheless, Isaac Newton, and others, soon adopted the notion. Then, in 1838, Friedrich Bessel successfully measured the first interstellar distance using the technique of trigonometric parallax 1. He calculated the star 61 Cygni to be about 10.4 light years2 distant, an error of only about nine percent from the modern accepted value of 11.4 light years. Other measurements soon followed, and it was quickly established that Alpha Centauri was our closest stellar neighbor, 4.2 light years away. That’s roughly 24,000,000,000,000 (24 trillion) miles!
circumference of the actual Earth3. As incomprehensible as these distances may have seemed to early scientists, the story became even stranger. In the 1920’s, Edwin Hubble proved that not only were the billions of visible stars in our night sky, all part of the same Milky Way galaxy, but also that the Milky Way itself was only one of billions of galaxies in the universe. More astoundingly, all of these galaxies seemed to be rushing out at incredible speed from a singular point in space: the universe itself was expanding! Later, in 1949, Fred Hoyle coined the term “Big Bang” to describe this phenomenon. The term stuck, and after nearly a century of observation, experiment, and accumulated evidence, the Big Bang theory4 remains the most complete and comprehensive explanation of the early development of the known universe.
Such vast distances defy human comprehension and are best understood through analogy. If the Earth were represented by a standard-size marble, the moon would be the size of a BB placed 17 inches away; the sun would be represented by a sphere 5 feet in diameter, placed 180 yards (about two football fields) from our model Earth. On this same scale, Alpha Centauri would be about 27,000 miles distant, or slightly further than the
1. For an explanation of this technique, take my physics class or stop by my office.
3. This model is based on that of Dr. James Pierce, Professor of Astronomy at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
2. Note that the modern unit of light years is used here for convenience. Accurate measurements of the speed of light would not be realized until the following century.
4. It is worth noting that the Big Bang theory deals with the behavior of the universe after its moment of inception. It is not a ‘creation’ theory and does not attempt to explain the actual causation of the universe.
2011 Blockhead Festival By Robb Main, 11th Quarter Media Arts & Animation (BS)
n its 6th year, the Blockhead Festival has “come of age,” according to Media Arts & Animation Instructor Steve Paul.
It’s taken a while, but Blockhead has become one of the premiere student animation, live-action film, and visual effects festivals in the Midwest. Categories include: Animation, Modeling and Rendering, Visual Effects, Motion Graphics, and Short Film. There’s also an Alumni category. Taken together, this festival of student work is a visual extravaganza! Each category is open to all students, no matter their program of study. The festival is judged by prominent industry professionals. Though generally local, last year there were some national judges for the Short Film category. Winners receive cash prizes and a commemorative icon, but the real reward for participants is having their work showcased on the big screen in front of an enthusiastic audience. This is the first year that there has been a committee to organize and promote the event, as well as acquire judges. Media Arts & Animation Instructors Steve Paul, Shannon Gilley, and Lafe Smith; Visual Effects & Motion Graphics Instructors Mike Heagle and Kinsey Engelmann; Digital Film & Video Editing Instructor Ben Gottfried; and Academic Advisor Claire Hilgeman comprise the Blockhead Committee. Engelmann and Hilgeman have been the ‘PR dynamic duo,’ marketing the event
with banner on the school’s website and posters in display cases around campus. Engelmann was the architect of the Blockhead Festival web page; Interested parties visiting the website will find submission guidelines, the Best of Blockhead reel, archives, and other highlights. This year’s Blockhead Festival will take place at 5:00pm on October 27 at Block E Theater in downtown Minneapolis. To stay on top of developments, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Entries are now being accepted through Monday, October 10th, 2011 in room 316.
This was the first step in digitally painting the character. Doing a basic outline of the shapes and shading them according to the shapes help prepare to shade the final image.
Using the greyscale experience I just had, I first shaded the character. Color was added afterwards, blending a few different shades of the one color. The background gives the character a simple backdrop, so it’s not floating in space.
RED RIDING HOOD KELSEY STEINMETZ 11TH QUARTER GRAPHIC DESIGN (BS) This was a project completed for my Advanced Illustration class. Our assignment was to illustrate our own version of, the classic fairytale, Little Red Riding Hood. Having an interest in Tim Burton’s work, and understanding his style, I knew I could make this project creepy and interesting. I am very happy with the results.
Senior Practicum Presents Silk Road Street Foods: A Charitable Adventure in Food Trucks By Mary Matthews, 11th Quarter Culinary Management (BS)
Silk Road Street Foods is a sampling of handheld street foods from across the Mediterranean and into Asia. The menu consisted of such items as Kefta, a lamb kebab; Samosas, an Indian pocket-pastry; Asian pot stickers; and ribs, to name a few. The menu also features Kulfi, an Indian pistachio ice cream. All the recipes were created and prepared by the class with the assistance of fantastic volunteers that helped with the preparation and execution of the event. The idea to use a food truck felt natural, as food truck service has recently blossomed in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The class wanted to be the first group to use one for such a unique and charitable event opportunity. The class was fortunate enough to have the Smack Shack, 1029 Bar’s food truck, donate the use of their vehicle for a day.
By Ally Wurts (8th Quarter Photography (BFA)
n the spring of 2011, the Senior Practicum class in the Bachelor of Science Culinary Management degree program was asked to create a charitable event to highlight the catering, food service, and event planning skills students have learned here at The Art Institutes International Minnesota. The result is Silk Road Street Foods: A Food Truck Experience. Chef Instructor Pat Weber and students Emily Magnuson, Martha Mayhew, Geji McKinney Banks, and Mary Matthews put on an event to support the Minneapolis area Cooking Matters Organization. Cooking Matters is an organization that empowers families with skills, knowledge, and confidence to prepare healthy and affordable meals. The group accomplished this by going out into the community and teaching families, children and adults, how to cook.
Through careful and relentless planning, prepping, and marketing, the event was a great success. Over the course of nine weeks, the class created a concept, planned a menu, ran an e-marketing campaign, and executed a fullservice food truck experience. The Senior Practicum class provided a great opportunity for students to learn how to open a business to benefit charity, and the class ran with it full steam. The chance to be part of such a class honed the knowledge and skills students have learned while attending our college. The money raised for Cooking Matters will be used to help buy groceries and supplies for upcoming classes across the Twin Cities. The lessons about creating a small business will pay off for the student participants as they go forth into the culinary industry. For further information, or if you’d like to volunteer, search for Cooking Matters Minnesota online.
Brad Stulc - Editor in Chief 9th Quarter Interior Design (BS) Eric Winkelmann - Managing Editor/ Layout Assistant 9th Quarter Graphic Design (BS)
The information and opininions exspressed and/or any artwork displayed herein this publication represent the indidvuial opinions and ideas of individidual contributors and do not represent the opinions or ideas of The Art Institutes International Minnesota.
Ronald Farber - Business Manager 10th Quarter Visual Effects & Motion Graphics (BS)
Chelsea Hammerbeck - Layout Editor 7th Quarter Graphic Design (BS)
C² would like to thank Express Press for the superior quality and service they provide in support of our publication.
M.R. Mackey - Staff Photographer 7th Quarter Photography (BFA)
Robb Main - Contributor 11th Quarter Media Arts & Animation (BS)
— Bachelor of Science — Bachelor of Fine Arts
Christopher Title - Content/Editorial Advisor Communication Arts Instuctor Jennifer Thompson - Business Advisor Advertising Instuctor Tim Armato - Design Advisor Graphic Design Instructor Deb Weiss - Editorial Advisor Communication Arts Instuctor Jeremy Frandup - Editorial Advisior Communication Arts Instuctor
COLOPHON C² is printed using a four color process on 80 lb Discovery Dull (text) and 100 lb. Discovery Dull (cover). Header text is Seconda Demi, Seconda Demi Italic, Bebas, Moderna, Engebold, Chunk, CharralPro, and CharralPro-Bold. Body text is Optima.
DISCLOSURE See for program duration, tuition, fees, and other costs, median debt, federal salary data, alumni success, and other important info.