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Big step underground

With Minetruck Automation, Epiroc makes big advances in underground mining. Software Developer Torkel Trampe provides insight into how the development team went about their work.


What is the Minetruck ual operation. Because the machine Automation solution? can be operated remotely, custom-

“Basically, it’s software ers can also cut down on a lot of work that allows the automa- hours, since the operator doesn’t have tion of mine trucks. Each to travel to and from the site where the machine is fitted with two lasers, one in front and Torkel Trampe Software Developer, machine is located. Minetruck MT42 is the first truck to be automated, and one in back, that measure the sur- Epiroc other models will follow.” roundings. There is also an odometer to measure the driving distance, as well as an What challenges did you come across in the develIMU, inertial measurement unit, that measures opment phase? accelerations and turning speeds – so we can “Many customers will want to operate the truck see how the machine moves. All communication both manually and automatically and so we wanttakes place via WiFi.” ed to make that possible. For the manual control module, we partnered with an external supplier What is the biggest customer benefit? and then put a lot of work into integrating the

“Minetruck Automation improves both safety two systems. There are lots of safety requirements and productivity. The machine can be used in en- that have to be met, and it is critical that the mine vironments that may not be fully secure for man- truck is as flexible and user-friendly as it is safe.”

To enable Minetruck Automation, each truck is equipped with two lasers, an odometer and a unit that measures accelerations and turning speeds.

Minetruck Automation in brief

Control of Minetruck operation via WiFi from any remote location Manual, teleremote and autonomous driving Common operator station as for Scooptram loaders Possible to operate several Minetruck and/or Scooptram vehicles from one operator station.

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