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Enhancing Data Integrity

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Due to prevailing conditions in the world economy, clients have become circumspect when planning the implementation of their respective mineral exploration projects. Due to this situation, Spectrem Air, the provider of airborne electromagnetic geophysical surveys to exploration projects, notes that reliable data has become more relevant than ever. The company’s vastly experienced team are relishing the challenge of meeting the urgent need.

By Jimmy Swira


The SpectremPLUS System is Spectrem Air’s most advanced airborne electromagnetic technology. Since its launch, the tool has continued its record-breaking streak, exceeding expectations in complex geophysical surveys for mineral exploration and hydrological surveys. Deservedly, it is highly regarded as a reliable tool that prevails in imaging the physical properties of materials beneath the surface to great depths in remote environments.

Incredible milestones

Louis Polome, General Manager at Spectrem Air, enthuses the incredible milestones that the company has accomplished. “We are very proud for positive feedback from clients that the data acquired from high-resolution, time-domain electromagnetic technology is highly valuable and meets their needs,” he tells Mining Business Africa, referring to the diverse clientele portfolio of junior exploration companies, mid-tier mining entities and major mining houses. “Data is as good as its value.”

Polome attributes Spectrem Air’s success to the unique approach in executing the tasks of airborne geophysical data collection, processing and interpretation. The company’s approach has proved effective in meeting client expectations regarding data quality.

Compelling business case

The company sees prevailing conditions in the contemporary exploration sector as underlining the compelling business case for accurate data. Exploration and mining companies are burdened by global conditions, which, naturally, have impacted budgets.

Consequently, clients are circumspect about where they are and how they should direct their financial resources. Thus, this necessitates that accurate data should inform decisions they undertake on projects.

Spectrem Air is looking forward to applying its tried and tested approach to meeting the need for accurate data in geophysical surveys, replicating recent successes.

A sum of many parts

Spectrem Air’s approach to enhancing integrity in survey data entails a sum of many parts, each integral in its own right. “We are consistently committed to ensuring the utmost in data integrity in every survey,” Polome explains, as he illustrates how each integral component constitutes optimal data acquisition, processing and interpretation.

• High Standards in Technical Design & Electronic Specification and Maintenance

Consistently, Spectrem Air adheres to the highest standards in the technical design and electronic specification of the electromagnetic system, as well as strict maintenance of the systems. In addition, Spectrem is continually researching and designing technical and electronic improvements to the system which will enable enhanced data collection and interpreatation.

• Self-calibrating System

In any airborne EM surveys, regular calibration is routine when work is done on the platform. This requires proper documentation of any modifications, with a comparison to previous results and expected norms.

Specifically, the operation of a test site is extremely valuable in the routine calibration of the platform to ensure the repeatability of the system over time.

For this reason, as part of routine checks on the system, Spectrem conducts thorough high-level references before any data acquisition is undertaken.

Remarkably, the SpectremPLUS system is “self-calibrating” in processing data. “Minimum filtering is applied to the data to ensure that clients receive as pure data as possible. All processing parameters are clearly defined and provided to the clients. It is also becoming standard routine to provide raw data to the client for further verification or in-house processing,” Polome demonstrates.

• Qualified Experts in Data Acquisition

Suitably qualified experts are involved in the design and maintenance of the Spectrem airborne electromagnetic system. Regularly, they undergo strict in-house training to keep abreast of best practice in data acquisition. Further, a team of experienced technical and geophysical staff conduct thorough quality control and quality assurance on the data.

• Collaboration with Recognised Expert Consultants

The company collaborates with recognised international expert consultants in airborne electromagnetic technology to assist in reviewing data and developing new processing routines. Also, to constantly improve the level of value added technical assistance rendered to clients, Spectrem collaborates with leaders in relevant technologies to enhance the techniques of data processing and interpretation.

Quality Standard

Spectrem Air’s in-house quality control systems combine their own developed, well-controlled processes and aspects of industry accepted standards. This ensures that data acquisition, quality control and processing follow world industry standards. Over and above, there is a complete documentation of the processing chain, and any deviations from it, which detail reasons, parameters and results. This is then validated through regular internal audits to ensure that processes are strictly observed.

Staying current

Spectrem Air always strives to stay current with technological advances, exploring their potential to add value to the quality of survey results. Currently, the company is keen to explore the latest software and hardware to achieve reliable data. There are massive opportunities in applying evolving software algorithms and new processing routines in airborne electromagnetic data for better 3-dimension interpretation and provision of additional products.

More to the point, Spectrem Air is confident that adopting hardware technology and better control of geometrical information of the platforms will result in significantly better data interpretation.

Relishing new challenges

In a recent report, The World Bank predicts that a slowdown in the global economy is likely to persist for a while. On the other hand, there are indications that demand for minerals, especially energy-related and precious metals, will be sustained for some time.

The team at Spectrem Air are cognisant that this will impact their operations. Polome acknowledges the scale of the task ahead: “Sterner tests on our capabilities are yet to come, and we are relishing the challenge, as we have done in the past and prevailed.”


Geological mapping

Minerals exploration

Hydrogeology and geo-engineering


Structural & lineament maps

3D conductivity maps

Regolith thickness map

High resolution DTM

Anomaly selections including dip and depth to conductors

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