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The battle of the Adams Apostle Sergio EnrĂ­quez O.

Guatemala, March 30, Year of Abundance

The first Adam is bond to earth (1Cor 15:45), and the only thing he wants is earth, and the latter Adam came to earth, with the purpose to take us back to heaven, and speaks of the first man who was a living soul, and the last Adam who became a life- giving spirit; and interestingly because the life-giving spirit can give. And in the verse 46, the word spiritual begins verse 47. Speaks of the earth bond man, and then we have, natural earthy, and the second man who is the Lord, is or the heavens, and in verse 48, says that as the natural earthy man is, and therefore we have the image of the Adam, who sinned and we carry all the curses he had because of their disobedience to God and that is our problem, and it also says, that the same way as the Celestial is, so are those who become celestial. and verse 49 Then we have to get rid of the earthy things in us, meaning that we have to fight against the blood, because it was not the original plan for us from God, it was not the blood which gave life to the beings who God placed in the garden, but it was the light, and that is why when Jesus came, He said, and the light was the life of men, it was not the blood, but when they sinned, the light left them, and they had to receive the blood, and that blood must be shed, because by means of the blood we inherit he gender, bad and good things, the DNA and many other things, it is against which we must fight. And then, our hope is to be like the resurrected Jesus, we will have that image one day, because we have to believe what we read, not what we see, and in Rom 8:29. We are pre-destine to be made to the image of God, because we have the now, the image of the natural, but the future image for us will be the celestial, but at the moment we are in between as the natural-spiritual image, and in 1Cor. 15, speaks of the three spheres, which are, the natural, the spiritual and the celestial, and it is written in 1 Cor. 15:46, speaks of a spiritual man, in v.47, speaks of a natural man, and in v. 48 speaks of a celestial man; and in v.49, there is a promise that one day we will become to the image, of God, because David the king said, that he would not be satisfied, until he comes to be the image of God, and just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly and for that we have to break of the bonds of death, John 3: 31. He who is of the earth, speaks of the earth only, but He who comes from heaven is above all, and when we speak of the above, is because something good is happening to us, and there is a promise from the Lord that He would go and prepare a place, for us, where He is at, and that is why it will grow in us a desire to speak of the above, and not only of the earthy, but we can speak of the celestial, as it says in John 3-31, therefore when we speak of the earthy things, we will attract to us only the earthy people and things and it means that there is a spiritual problem, because according to the people we attract, so are we. There are earthy things which are necessary bonds we have and are not bad, like marriage, because marriage is not a sin, 1 Cor. 7:1 which speaks of the marriage bonds tours one to the other. but there are bad bonds which will ties us to earth, like in Col. 3-5, and in Col. 3:2 it calls us to concentrate in the celestial things and not only in the earthy ones. In Rom: Gen. 3:19 speaks of the first Adam, who was fed by the earthy bread, and in Col, 3; it says to place our eyes in the things of above where Christ is seated to the right side of the Father. And there are important earthy things, because God is our provider. John 3:12 explains that when we preach only about things which are necessary, but the understanding of the spiritual teachings like the understanding of the basic parables, to understand the rest, because the lack of understanding is a bond of death, the first step, is to receive Christ as our Lord, but we have to go on learning the depths of the Gospel, we have to make a holt in the path, because at times, a little religious, and sinning with our attitudes, but He is there, with open arms tours us, but when we are ready to follow Christ, not going back again, and the reconciliation with the Lord, asking for the right path, and let go of all bonds of death, so our being will rise up listening to the words, come up here, that is the Gospel, the Lord sent us to teach, and make all things right again, and have the fire of the Holy Spirit take us up to the heavens.

Transcribed by Gloria Ruiz

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