The Imperfect Servants Apostle Sergio Enríquez
Pastor’s Study
Guatemala, March 31, Year of Abundance
The prophetic word is manifested in many facets. Eph 4:11 (KJV) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; Each minister has a different function in the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit manifest in different acts. God gave to us gifts and talents. You need to use all that God gave you and attract others to the presence of God. You need to grow and evolve; you need to let God complete your minister, so you can do all that he destined to you. You need to live looking for God´s pleasure, not the world´s pleasure or the people acceptation. Nobody is perfect and we need to understand this, but we need to be honest with ourselves and accept our mistakes, so God can change us. 1Ti 1:12 (KJV) And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; In this verse we see that Timothy feels capable to serve God, but then he is called to serve, to take a charge bigger than the first. God opened his eyes to see himself imperfect, so he thanks God to make him capable, worth it and a good servant of God. We need to learn about this verse in the Bible. Sometimes, we feel good enough, we feel worthy of all the blessings that he have and reach, but we need to open our eyes to see ourselves, so we can see our mistakes. When we recognize that we need help, we reach a humble heart to ask for help, so God can work in us and change us to a different level, a higher one. God chooses you to be his or her servant, priest or minister, so he will complete his work in yourself even if you fail, made mistakes or sins. To reach a higher level in our minister we need to recognize that we are not good enough before God and take his Holy hand, so he can work in ourselves. 2Ti 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. To be a good minister of the gospel, we need to follow the example of Ezra: First, we need to study the Bible; second, we need to practice it; third, we need to live it and give it to the people of God, so they can be impacted too. We see this impact reflected in the service that the people give to God in the church. Firstly, you need to open your hearts and see inside of you. You need to be acceptable before God, before his presence. Test yourself: How much time do you spend in praying? How much time do you spend in time of worship? How many times do you spend in the social media, or watching TV? Do you hear with attention the preaching of the pastor? You need to test yourself, before seeing others. You need to analyze yourself, your life, your attitudes and think: Are you good enough? Maybe, in this short test you got a bad score, but remember that God change the weakness of the people into his strength, into his abilities and qualities. You need to be transformed by God and by his Love. We can be changed through the intimacy that we have with him. We can be changed in the time of praying. We need to be changed in the time of studying the Bible, praying and worship. There are many probes to us, so we can identify in the level that we are. Do you are humble? Do you are pure? What are the things that you like to do? Your husband, your wife can testify that you are a pure person. Num 20:11 (KJV) And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. After Moses smote the rock, we see that God scolds him. God does not allow Moses to enter into the Canaan Land. You need to be acceptable before God, you need to reach the level that God wants for you. Test yourself: About your life, your words, your acts, what thinks God about it? What thinks your family about it? You need to bless others with your attitudes, with your life and even your words. Do not strike or beat the rock. Do not strike or beat the blessings that God has given to you. You need to take care of them, you need to love them and protect them. God is going to make that the water come. He is going to make that the blessing come, even if you are failing because it doesn’t depend on you. All depends from him and his will, but note that you will receive a reward or a scold for your actions. Jdg 15:20 (KJV) And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines twenty years. God joins Samson, he walks with him, but not for the purity of Samson. God was with him, because he was the vase to bless his people. Samson lived in sexual sin for many years, but God chooses him to bless Israel. If you are blessed with the power of God in your church, it doesn’t depend on you, it depends on the people´s clamor and God´s will. You need to ask God for help and unction to live, not only for preaching, not only for healing the sickness, not only for singing. You need to live closer to his presence, to his will. You need to live with his unction. We need to be cautious. If God is using your life to bless others, you need to be cautious and test yourself. We need to test ourselves: How many times do you go to the doctor or the dentist? If you do not take care the things that are seen, how is your soul? How are the things unseen? How is the condition of your heart? Analyze your inside. Joh 12:6 (KJV) This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. Judas was a thief and Jesus not exclude him. The Bible says that the disciples made miracles, and Judas didn’t be the exception. Jon 4:1 (KJV) But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry. Actually, there is no person that has the success that Jonah has preached, because everyone gave his heart to God. We see that Jonah had mistakes, he was disobedient and angry. He felt anger when God saved everyone in Nineveh. We comprehend that is not by our own, by our strength or work. God placed you in his plan. Being a good minister is not
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The Imperfect Servants Apostle Sergio Enríquez
Pastor’s Study
Guatemala, March 31, Year of Abundance
attracting a lot of people, is living according God´s pleasure and preaching the truth. The Bible shows us in Matthew 23:3 that even, if the demons obey to our words, this not means that you have no mistakes. Deu 9:5 (KJV) Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God is going to bless your life, but not for your abilities or even, your intelligence. Ask God to open your internal eyes. Ask him to change yourself and your life, so you can be pleasurable before him. God is going to work on yourself. The hell´s doors are not going to stand and prevailed against you. God, through his Holy Spirit is destroying any plant, any seed that does not come from his hand, from his heart. God is going to help you. God is forgiving you, because he does not depreciate a humble and a needy heart. Receive the blessing of God; receive his love, his change, his revival. Receive it in the name of Jesus.
Transcribed by Fernanda Solórzano
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