The mystery of synergism, part I Apostle Sergio Enríquez O.
Fifth Communion Service
Guatemala, April 03, Year of Abundance
When we speak of the Lords Communion things get complicated, because we have taught, that there are two ordinances for us, and those are the baptism in water, and the other is the Lord´s communion and these have to be done with understanding, because when we come to the table of the Lord without the spiritual understanding, we know that the order from God is to speak about the deepness of what is all about, before we come to partake of the Lord´s communion, and we need to know about the mystery of synergism, Synergy, comes from the Greek word Synergy same as: to consider unity as a goal, and when we understand the meaning we desire the potency of unity, and that is why our Lord Jesus Christ said, that a divided household will not remain and the family, marriage, and in a nation, because there are dark forces wanting to destroy our nation, therefore we desire unity, because two are better than one, and according to the Bible, it says that if both fall, one will lit up the other. Therefore espouses should put their salaries together, and they will abound, because there is a synergism in it, and it was seen from the beginning when He said, it´s not good for men to be alone, in synergism humanity could be powerful, at church there is synergism, that contains wisdom and the glory of the youth, that is synergism; because Jesus came to tear down the wall of enmity, and of those two the Jews and gentiles could become one, as the church, and therefore one of the worst enemies of Synergism are; to despise, racism, and discrimination, and when the Pastor speaks and people listen, that also is synergism. Deut. 32:30 there are two, powerful things, like the bread Lejen, and wine, (yayin) together are a synergism in your inner being, and even in a meal, there if synergism, like a study of the corn and beans, when eaten together, concur in a synergism, and as good as meat. But in the spiritual synergism, there are good and bad, and the Lord said: John 6-54 and those who participate of the Lord´s communion, and that synergism gives eternal life, therefore, it is important to partake of the Lord´s communion, with the element called faith, and place faith in the Words the Lord said, will become life in us. The Bible says that any homicide who hates his brethren will not remain in permanent eternal life; some people will have eternal life, but not permanent eternal life. Therefore, the same way, bad things exist in synergism. God gave laws to the Jews, that they did not understand at the time, like not eating flesh and milk products at the same time, and the good spiritual things of synergism, is to come to the table of the Lord partaking of the bread and the wine, and in the Bible we have the story of Elijah, who ran for the first time and he fell asleep, and God liberated him with a meal, when an angel, gave him bread and liquid, for the second time, he eat and drank, with supernatural ways he did not ate and drank for forty days and forty nights, and medically is not possible, and this was so supernatural, and broke up with all logic, because he ate food from heaven, and after this, he was taken away alive, because a meal from heaven gave him a synergism, and he was raptured. Therefore the divine synergism broke away with the synergism of the powers of iniquity and wickedness partaking of the Lord´s communion.
Transcribed by Gloria Ruiz
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